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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/26/2020 in all areas

  1. The AT&T folks are shouldering a hell of a task right now. I've worked with BellSouth and AT&T telco engineers for years, including the linemen out in the field, and if there is anything that impressed me about them more than their technical prowess it was their professional dedication to keeping "Ma Bell" online for the customer. I imagine that you had engineers in the Nashville area who already had their work clothes and steel toed boots on before they even got the first phone call yesterday. Those folks take pride in keeping people connected. Just keep them in your thoughts because this wrecked Christmas for them and their families, and I bet a bunch of them spent Christmas day in a dangerous environment enduring absolutely miserable wet and cold conditions.
    8 points
  2. Right or wrong, whenever I hear “Person of Interest” I think of Richard Jewell. I know we love speculating our asses off here, but it’s a solid idea not to make any hard judgements until time and evidence have time to bring clarity.
    5 points
  3. Why is it that someone cant simply take a minimum level of precautions without being "scared?" I am not so concerned with my own health but I am concerned for my son who has asthma, for our elderly neighbors, for my coworkers, and even the rest of my fellow citizens. This isnt an either or issue. It doesnt mean you are terrified etc. It means you have empathy for your fellow human beings and hope to prevent spreading something you may carry with no or little symptoms at all.
    3 points
  4. And why would at&t be chosen to audit the dominion voting machines? They can’t even keep the billing for their customers correct.
    3 points
  5. Let's remember... Let's remember that we're all fundamentally good people here as far as history suggests. I don't understand why a topic like this would inspire arguments between members, but I suspect that tensions are just running high and everyone is on edge. Treat each other kindly. Disagree with tact. Step away from the keyboard for a little bit when you feel the urge to snap at someone. These are skills that we are probably going to need frequently in the year ahead. We might as well start practicing them.
    3 points
  6. There used to be an NFA section in the classifieds. Few but me seem to remember it.
    2 points
  7. First bolded comment... go get the context for that statement. He didnt mean what you think he meant. The second bolded comment... Sweden has now said they were wrong. https://www.google.com/search?q=sweden+covid-19&rlz=1C1ASUM_enUS817US817&oq=sweden+covid-19 https://www.politico.eu/article/stefan-lofven-sweden-coronavirus-escape/ Again, you missed the context of the statement you are referring to here. Please show us the charts or even the numbers.
    2 points
  8. This is what people who keep talking about the low likelihood of death from COVID-19 miss.
    2 points
  9. I just watched the Netflix show about this recently. Manhunt:Deadly Games is the name. It's heartbreaking what the FBI and media did to that man.
    2 points
  10. Yeah, it's all kinds of crazy to think people had to leave their families on Christmas morning to do damage control on a bomb site with work hazards galore and temps in the 20s. But most folks probably just want their phone or internet back.
    2 points
  11. The sad thing is that we might be looking back & saying these were the good old days. Hope & pray not. If someone sells their ammo for what it will cost to replace is it gouging?
    2 points
  12. Just get closer to your game. I called in this bobcat and took him at 35 yards with my 1966 Winchester 30-30. My eyes are 65-years-old wore out, so yes, iron sights are tough, but still work for me close up. I limit my deer shots to 50 yards with irons. Not hard if you hunt thick woods. If I'm hunting open fields, I still have some scoped bolt guns for that.
    2 points
  13. Thanks guys, I can't wait to try it out. I've heard they were great running guns to have a 3",Bbl. it's not easy to find some of the parts for. I do have a source for recoil springs but orginal Mags. are hard to find and cost as much as my Staccato P 4.14 double stacks or more. I'll post some pics when I get time to go shoot.
    2 points
  14. I’m not going to ban you. You are a valuable member with a long history that also does not recognize that you participate in the same things you call others out on. You encouraged us (the mods) to call out people that agitated others. I simply took you up on that offer. I don’t think you’ll find I’m alone in this opinion.
    2 points
  15. Unless it was used solely as “I don’t want to kill people but I’m trying to get my message heard nationwide”. Then it makes perfect sense.
    2 points
  16. Now I found it. Been searching for it in this thread, but now I found it. I question whether you know what that word means or if you're using a straw-man argument to drag the Biden election sham into the discussion of COVID. To be clear: I don't think Trump seriously mishandled COVID. I do think that he should have hyped less, but that's like asking rain to not be wet. I do think that the establishment is scared as hell of Trump and weren't going to let him have Term #2 at any cost. I do think we saw that play out in broad daylight. I do think so many people hate Trump that they don't care what crimes were committed to keep him from being re-elected. I do think dark times are ahead of us. I don't think this has any bearing on the medical treatment of COVID.
    2 points
  17. I admit that I'm not a very good Christian. But lately I find myself praying a lot for the unfortunate people stricken with this plague. May God help us all.
    2 points
  18. Add this to the category of don’t need, but must have. I just ordered this pistol. I’m certain I overpaid for it, but such are the times. I’ve owned four 15-22 carbines. I still have one in fde. I have a ton of .22 ammo so the carbine, my G44 and this pistol will get to the range more. I can’t wait to get my Dead Air Mask silencer. I’ll throw a Vortex Spitfire or Swamp Fox Blade on this pistol and have a little .22 fun.
    1 point
  19. Joined a few years ago but forgot all about it. Just recently started posting. Been reloading for over 50 years (yea, another old guy). Only lived in Tennessee for 5 years but we love it here. Hunted Alaska from one end to the other for decades and one quick trip to Africa. Went from the bigger magnums down to 6.5 CM, 260, .270, 7mm/08, 06, 30-30, 45-70, etc. My passion is hunting with a handgun but a recent injury has put that on hold. Hope to correct that with a lot of PT in time for next years deer season. Am proud of the fact never shot a big game animal with a factory round. Back in the 60's when I began to reload most shooters and hunters thought reloads were inferior to factory rounds. We have a 50 yard range in our backyard and our deer stands are a 200 yard walk. We eat mainly venison all year and process everything ourself. So, Hi
    1 point
  20. I'm pretty sure this link just gave me a virus. Is that supposed to be a real news outlet? Why does their web design look like it was done in the 90's?
    1 point
  21. French Railway mounted cannons during World war One 1916
    1 point
  22. It isnt a light switch. Once people start wearing masks doesnt make it turn off. We have to get there.
    1 point
  23. POI, which likely means wrong. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/nashville-bombing-person-of-interest-identified/#app
    1 point
  24. That just looks like a fun gun for range time games. Also a great trainer if you know any teens you want to get used to AR pistols as a trainer before the real deal.
    1 point
  25. Thats the thing about masks, before all of this i had a conversation with someone about why you may want to always obfuscate your identity in public with a gator or a covering of some kind in the presence of heavy surveillance for your own reasons. You can throw on a gator and a baseball cap and almost only have your eyes showing and its perfectly normal in this social climate.
    1 point
  26. This tracks pretty much word for word with an update I had passed along by the leader in my organization getting info. Add in the update by AT&T ln their website earlier today and this isn't a quick fix at all.
    1 point
  27. Oh my no! I don't go anywhere near Chicago hauling a bunch of firearms.
    1 point
  28. Funny thing is I've relied solely on TGO for updates since we have members right in the mix and local news sux. I didnt even click on daniels links I simply feel the swell of animosity brewing for gun owners post election, rhetoric starting to ramp back up, and a major gun owner related "mass" something waiting to be unleashed in the coming weeks. And this isn't it, just an appetizer.
    1 point
  29. I am not at liberty to share everything I know, but I've been privy to quite a bit of detail because of work. The switching center was damaged pretty extensively. The front third or so of the building sustained structural and mechanical damage. There was/is water standing on the floors of most levels. The basement was/is flooded. All of this ostensibly due to fire suppression systems that were either triggered by fire or ruptured because of the concussive force of the blast. Last night we were told that AT&T was bringing in national-level help from their own disaster recovery teams. Generators to bring power online was one a priority. I'm sure the flooding was even more of a priority. I am more convinced now than I was 24 hours ago that the switching center was likely the specific target. I may be proven wrong, but it just feels that way to me for a lot of reasons that I really can't go into beyond what I've already said in other posts. Ironically, I made those posts before I know what I know now... so I'm not going to delete them.
    1 point
  30. Please explain? Why are you guys calling a hotline? Which one? I mean, unless of course any of you have actual evidence or input?
    1 point
  31. Click through to twitter... you dont need to have twitter to look at it. I'm not sure what to make of all that.
    1 point
  32. Depending on motive...that person may have been inside.
    1 point
  33. My employer just sent out alerts that our main number is down. Of course we use ATT as our phone system. This could be bad for weeks to come. Maybe more. I seriously doubt the location was coincidental.
    1 point
  34. Maybe it’s just supposed to look like terrorism? You might laugh at me, but I wonder how many places of high monetary value are now with disrupted monitoring? Maybe I’ve got too much Nakatomi Plaza on the brain?
    1 point
  35. This has caused significant telcom (voice, data, 9-11) issues for not just the immediate area but the Southeast from what I am hearing. We've been on a call at work because of this for a few hours now, but my business unit relented and told my team to disengage since it doesn't affect us directly. Consider the facts as we know them: 1. The area where this bomb was detonated only has a few things of significance when outside of business/tourist hours. The biggest asset is the major AT&T routing and switching point of presence which was real near this. 2. The timing (very early Christmas morning) and the fact that the RV was broadcasting a recording over loudspeaker to warn people to evacuate both seem to support the notion that whoever did it was trying to minimize human casualties and instead do major damage to property or infrastructure. 3. Reportedly the "gunshots" heard before the explosion might have been flash-bangs or fireworks or some other noise making device meant to bring the police nearby to evac people. It was successful in doin gthat. This doesn't look like a terrorist act, to me. It sounds more like a really pissed-off employee or former employee of AT&T or some other neighboring business. The automated recording and the efforts to clear the area of innocent people support the idea that property damage was the intent. Terrorists don't normally do that.
    1 point
  36. This all feels quite probitive - response times, tactics, etc. Y’all keep your heads down.
    1 point
  37. There is one site called OakHillGuns.com that has the new Colt Pythons at a more reasonable price. They are out at this time but if you want one put your email for notification when they are back in stock. I have purchased a lot of guns from them and they have some of the best prices on the market. https://oakhillguns.com/revolver/colt.html
    1 point
  38. The Internet makes it entirely possible for a person to pontificate upon matters that they know nothing about, and be taken seriously. I am in the industry about which you speak. We've not sat around twiddling our thumbs for the past 10 months. My company has turned ambulatory surgery centers into COVID treatment facilities, set up COVID testing centers in airports and rented space in cities across the country for COVID testing centers. Only patients requiring life support are being kept in hospitals any longer than absolutely necessary. The best course of action is to send them home to recuperate and self-isolate. You don't build FEMA camps for that. But, if we did build FEMA camps for it... something tells me you'd decry them as well.
    1 point
  39. Auctions are the purest form of the free market.
    1 point
  40. I choose to wear a mask, and I wish others would, but I’m not going to get bent out of shape about those who choose not to wear a mask. We live in a red state, and there has been nothing nor will there be any statewide mandates that trample on everyone’s freedoms. Tennessee politicians are hot garbage, but they know their constituents. They will never go too far. It puzzles me how people in the south can always find a crisis or potential boogeyman. Nothing that people repeatedly worry about ever happens, especially in Tennessee. We should be some of the most carefree people in the world. We simply have to do whatever it takes to get back to normal. For some it seems that being slightly inconvenienced is a larger problem than COVID-19. If a worldwide pandemic can’t get everyone on the same page, nothing will.
    1 point
  41. It really isn't that simple. Healthy people are unintentionally and unknowingly spreading the virus to people that really can't afford to have it. It has nothing to do with being scared of the virus. I would think that losing a long time member that was only 65 would have had some sort of impact on folks but I thought wrong. That "just stay home if you're scared" argument doesn't work for everyone. Many still need groceries and have errands to run. If you think that's an option, have you offered to help any of your elderly neighbors?
    1 point
  42. Part is our strange environment here in the Tri-Cities. At one point, we had 3 BestBuys in a 30 to 40 minute radius. Same thing with lots of other big box stores. I can understand places like Lowes a bit better because no one want to drive 30 minutes home with a truck full of lumber. With the additional push to online from COVID, it is expected to see place s consolidate. As much as everyone one would like to think, I hate to say that I doubt their 2A stance did it. They sell more soccer cleats than gun supplies and always have. Kingsport is also losing a lot of places to The Pinnacle which is only 20 minutes away. There is a D1ck's there now too. Also, I have heard chatter that Kingsport is not the friendliest location for retailers. I do not know specifics though. Eastman has been laying off for years now. Sometimes not enough at once to be a blip on the local news though. I have multiple family members working there in different capacities. It is not longer the "guaranteed a job until you retire" place it was in the 80's. Of course, where is? The outsourcing to other countries is also partially our own fault. I have heard that over 1/2 the people that take the BASIC level test to start hiring into operations can't do 3rd grade math. Out of the ones that pass, a significant percentage don't make it through the drug testing. So maybe a quarter of the people that they actually feel good enough about to interview make to the HR review stage. In the 70's or 80's something like 85%+ passed the same math test. Don't quote me on the numbers, but they are close. It is not longer the other "first world" countries that are kicking our arses in education. Plenty of "third world" countries are pumping out very competent people with Masters degrees or PHDs while our local population runs meth labs out of their car trunk. I have kids in school and the local education system is a joke. My kids spend more time every day killing time in a class than actually being taught, Once the standardized tests are done, they do NOTHING the rest of the school year. Plus, the teachers are no longer like it was for me growing up. Teachers used to spend a good bit of time every week building lessons and preparing to teach. Now, the teachers will run you over if you are in the road when the last bell rings. They do as little as possible. One of my son's teachers can't even be bothered to make it to his own virtual meetings set up for twice a week. Always has some lame excuse. That teacher also can't even seem to get the required 2 grades per week. He ends up fudging attendance as a grade it seems. This is not just COVID either, he did the same crap last year. How hard is it to give 2 assignments a week? It is a downward spiral. Ask any kid in college for a reason they are going into teaching and the ones being honest will say because they get the summer off. Forget "teaching the future leaders of our country". I will get down off my soapbox now.
    1 point
  43. My PSA AK was languishing in some terrible OD polymer furniture from the factory. Found some proper Russian furniture to make it a proper AK.
    1 point
  44. It’s an indication of what the New World Order (globalization) is going to demand. Now that the Democrats and liberal media have demonized nationalism (doing what’s best for America) this is where the new administration will be taking us.
    1 point
  45. Never heard of it, but a few minutes scanning through their website reveals it's an escrow service specifically directed at online gun sales. I suppose it's useful if you're buying a gun from an unknown seller with little or no feedback. I've never had any problems making purchases online, albeit I typically buy from sellers with good feedback and the vast majority of my transactions have been for C&R firearms. These don't seem to be plagued with as many problems as modern gun sales anyway ...
    1 point
  46. UPDATE - Denial overturned. Happy, yes of course... but WTF right? FFL said when I swing by to pick up my unfired 1970 Colt Commander today he'll give me as much info as he can. THANK YOU EVERYBODY here for the words of encouragement and advice, and as suggested I'll apply for my 03 C&R and see if we can get to the bottom of this. I don't have a super common name, but it's not "rare" or anything and several people in CA share my name and even one with the same middle name so who knows? But my FFL said the TBI lady seemed pretty confident in saying it could be overturned from the get-go so I need to keep this from happening in the future. This really messed with my head and had me questioning my move to Tennessee for a bit. Again, thank you and stay tuned.... I'll add more when I get more.
    1 point
  47. By popular demand, I am happy to unveil to you all a DARK visual theme for TGO. You can select it by scrolling to the bottom of the page, finding the link for "THEMES" and selecting TGO Dark Earth from the list as shown in the screenshot below. The Benefactor members have been helping me test the new design for the past 24 hours or so and I've used their feedback to refine it into something that I think is reasonably ready for prime time use. With that being said, this is still very much a first public release. It's a one-dot-zero (1.0) in tech terms. This means that you and I are probably going to discover things together that I need to fix or modify. When that happens, please use the Feedback and Support forum to report whatever issue you have found. I can tell you now that you will find that other members have chosen to use colors in their posts that simply do not look good on a dark background. It will also become very obvious when you see that someone has copied text from another website and pasted it into the editor here when making a new post. Often that brings over a background color for whatever they are pasting, and it looks like . When you discover that, bear in mind that there isn't much I can do about it. Just reply and tell your friends to cut it out. Alright... no more jibber jabber from me. Get on with it. Bring on the darness!
    1 point
  48. Williams Foolproof receiver sight. A scope on a Model 94 is an abomination.
    1 point
  49. While at first blush I was tempted to place this into the Ammunition and Reloading forum, it seems to me that this is in actuality the better place for it. Often the subject of "stopping power" in a handgun comes up on other forums and in physical conversations. To be blunt, the notion of "stopping power" from a service / self-defense handgun cartridge as it is envisioned by the general public is non-existent and therefore should not be the primary factor when choosing a handgun for self-defense. It is my opinion and that of many others who know far more about the subjects than I do that you should chiefly choose a carry handgun based on how well you shoot it, how likely you are to carry it due to comfort / size / weight of the firearm, and how reliable the firearm will be. Without passing grades in these three areas, a handgun is in my opinion completely unsuitable for carry. You will see from the chart below that when comparing well-designed defensive ammunition, there are minimal differences in penetration depths and in temporary cavity effects. This photo was provided by Doug Carr. As you increase the diameter and mass of the bullet from 9mm / 357SIG, to .40SW, to .45ACP, more tissue will be crushed resulting in a larger permanent cavity. Also it should be noted that the larger bullets typical offer improved performance through "intermediate" barriers (clothing, vehicle and building construction, etc.). However it should also be noted that for some people, the benefits of the larger calibers is offset by the fact that a larger caliber typically begets a larger weapon frame which begets decreased ergonomics for the shooter depending on their physique. The photo provided above makes it obvious that NONE of the common service pistol calibers generate temporary wound cavities of sufficient size that it would cause significant permanent tissue damage. Refer to “Handgun Wounding Factors and Effectiveness” produced by the FBI FTU, as this remains the single best discussion of the wound ballistic requirements of handguns used for self-defense -- it is available at: http://www.amazon.co...94498334&sr=8-1 So too is the notion of "expansion" or recovered diameter used to support the preference for larger caliber handguns. As seen in the photo above, the bullets recovered from ballistic gelatin show that modern defensive cartridges in the different calibers exhibit similar expansion diameters. Keeping in mind that it is not the size of the hole going in that is as important as the depth of penetration and the amount of bleeding caused within that affects the effectiveness of the bullet, one can see that choosing a handgun solely on the basis of caliber ignores far more important factors. Primarily, you should choose the handgun for carry that: You are most likely to carry rather than leave at home You shoot the most accurately Offers the best reliability Summary: Caliber used as the basis for choosing a defensive handgun is, within reason, bull$#!%. All modern service calibers provided comparable performance and all of them offer generally poor incapacitation ability when compared to rifle calibers. Therefore, choose the gun that you shoot best, that you're most likely to have with you at all times, and that won't fail to operate when you need it the most. Source of much of the data contained within this thread: DocGKR on M4Carbine.net
    1 point
  50. First, TNGunOwners.com, its owners, administrators, and staff are not responsible for any improper or unsafe information posted or discussed on this forum, and cannot be held liable for accidents or occurrences that may arise from the use of anything posted here. Second, please reference established load manuals to confirm the safety of any load recipes or techniques discussed on this forum. Just ‘cuz Joe the plumber says 31 grains of H110 is great under a 158gr bullet in .357 magnum doesn’t mean you should go and try it out!! Here are some links to the major powder companies’ online load data: Hodgdon, Winchester, IMR, - http://data.hodgdon.com/main_menu.asp Alliant - http://www.alliantpowder.com/reloaders/Index.htm Accurate Arms - http://www.accuratepowder.com/reloading.htm Ramshot - http://www.ramshot.com/powders/ Norma - http://www.norma.cc/sortimentladd.asp?doc=Sort&Lang=2 (If the brand you are using is not listed, please do a quick search online.) For the person thinking about reloading, PLEASE first purchase a good reloading manual and READ IT THOROUGHLY before buying any equipment. Having a better understanding before you start buying stuff will save a lot of headache, money, and time. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have after reading your manual. There’s a lot of “art†to reloading, and you won’t learn much of that from a book! Here are a couple other forums or websites that are also great resources for information on reloading. http://handloads.com/ http://forums.accuratereloading.com/eve Thanks, and happy shooting!
    1 point
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