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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/25/2020 in all areas
This has caused significant telcom (voice, data, 9-11) issues for not just the immediate area but the Southeast from what I am hearing. We've been on a call at work because of this for a few hours now, but my business unit relented and told my team to disengage since it doesn't affect us directly. Consider the facts as we know them: 1. The area where this bomb was detonated only has a few things of significance when outside of business/tourist hours. The biggest asset is the major AT&T routing and switching point of presence which was real near this. 2. The timing (very early Christmas morning) and the fact that the RV was broadcasting a recording over loudspeaker to warn people to evacuate both seem to support the notion that whoever did it was trying to minimize human casualties and instead do major damage to property or infrastructure. 3. Reportedly the "gunshots" heard before the explosion might have been flash-bangs or fireworks or some other noise making device meant to bring the police nearby to evac people. It was successful in doin gthat. This doesn't look like a terrorist act, to me. It sounds more like a really pissed-off employee or former employee of AT&T or some other neighboring business. The automated recording and the efforts to clear the area of innocent people support the idea that property damage was the intent. Terrorists don't normally do that.14 points
Let's remember... Let's remember that we're all fundamentally good people here as far as history suggests. I don't understand why a topic like this would inspire arguments between members, but I suspect that tensions are just running high and everyone is on edge. Treat each other kindly. Disagree with tact. Step away from the keyboard for a little bit when you feel the urge to snap at someone. These are skills that we are probably going to need frequently in the year ahead. We might as well start practicing them.8 points
This all feels quite probitive - response times, tactics, etc. Y’all keep your heads down.6 points
On the subject of wearing cloth masks... They aren't the cure. They are a mitigating mechanism. They aren't perfect. Owners of private property are within their rights to require them. You are within your right to go somewhere else if you don't like it. You aren't within your right to violate their rights as property owners. Oh, one last bullet point that should appeal to gun owners... Wearing a mask makes you the Gray Man. You blend. Not wearing a mask makes you stand out. It draws attention to you. People assume you're a dick. They might confront you over it. It's not worth the headache. "When In Rome, Do As The Romans"6 points
What amazes me is that with all the crap going on, we still can't step back from our hardened rhetoric and attitudes to come together for even a brief moment as a unified nation to deal with the unimaginable shxtstorm that's falling down on our heads.5 points
Maybe it’s just supposed to look like terrorism? You might laugh at me, but I wonder how many places of high monetary value are now with disrupted monitoring? Maybe I’ve got too much Nakatomi Plaza on the brain?5 points
5 points
Unless it was used solely as “I don’t want to kill people but I’m trying to get my message heard nationwide”. Then it makes perfect sense.5 points
Luke 2:8-14 Now there were in the same country shepherds living out in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night. And behold, an angel of the Lord stood before them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were greatly afraid. Then the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people. For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. And this will be the sign to you: You will find a Babe wrapped in swaddling cloths, lying in a manger.” And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying: “Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace, goodwill toward men!” God bless my TGO friends, and may God bless America.5 points
5 points
Now I found it. Been searching for it in this thread, but now I found it. I question whether you know what that word means or if you're using a straw-man argument to drag the Biden election sham into the discussion of COVID. To be clear: I don't think Trump seriously mishandled COVID. I do think that he should have hyped less, but that's like asking rain to not be wet. I do think that the establishment is scared as hell of Trump and weren't going to let him have Term #2 at any cost. I do think we saw that play out in broad daylight. I do think so many people hate Trump that they don't care what crimes were committed to keep him from being re-elected. I do think dark times are ahead of us. I don't think this has any bearing on the medical treatment of COVID.5 points
I really don’t see what this thread has to do with @Daniel telling you are wrong. You took a serious question and needlessly brought him into it. Consider this a dose of scrutinization.3 points
We're screwed, man. Really we are. People are too selfish and self-centered these days. There is no sense of community anymore. We live in neighborhoods surrounded by people we don't know and in many cases have never really spoken with. We might wave at the neighbor who walks the dog, but we know nothing else about them other than "they have a dog". Without a sense of community, there is no sense of a greater good. Lacking that, it's every man for himself. Lord Of The Flies becomes a way to live, not a cautionary tale.3 points
3 points
Just picked this up last Friday at Goodlettsville Gun Shop, they handled the Transfer for me. I purchased this one off of another site I belong to. Came with orginal bag, owners manual, and one Mag. I found another orginal Mag. and bought it, man the original Mags. are expensive if you can find them. As soon as I feel well enough I'm going to take it out and run some rnds. through it. I've always wanted one of these for some reason.2 points
AT&T is a major carrier that provides infrastructure to many smaller providers. It is highly likely your phone co. leases their lines from them and is switched through Nashville at “gound zero”.2 points
Sad thing on HVAC, is there is really not that much to a heat pump but the parts always seem to be stupidly expensive. I replaced interior blower motor a few weeks back for less than $150 when a HVAC guy wanted $400. It was some bolts and 2 wires. Took some calling to find a local place that sold to the public though. Most only sell to the hvac companies. I have found that from cars to fridges and everything in between it is less about repair nowadays and more about part swapping.2 points
No matter what or who this, to me, is a terriost attack. Just glad no one reported dead, yet.2 points
Ha, ha, ha that’s ridiculous. Just kidding, that’s what I thought when I heard it was the AT&T building.2 points
Yes Sir, the wife and myself looked at each other asking what was that.2 points
2 points
News 4 is reporting that what was suspicious about the RV was that it was announcing that it had a bomb and then started a countdown before it exploded.2 points
They are saying the building the bomb was in front of was a communication building for att2 points
Very similar to the Oklahoma bombing of the FBI building.....JMHO2 points
About 4" in murvul. Power was out for about 2 hrs last night and then blinked off several more times until about 3am. Very thankful for the guys out working in the snow early Christmas morning to fix it.2 points
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That’s a great picture Greyfox. I had people at work ask “How do people up North drive in all that snow?” I usually replied “Well you know, there are speeds besides 5 and 70.” Light dusting here in Murfreesboro this morning. One thing great about when it snows here; I take the stand “God put it there, and God will take it away”. My snow shoveling days are behind me.2 points
2 points
Been out all day, and saw that email a hour or so ago. Wow! I think I sold that case of PMC too cheap! lol If this keeps up, I might break out some 124 Gr. Winchester! That ought to bring 1.2+ a round! lol! Not likely though. Not from me.2 points
My PSA AK was languishing in some terrible OD polymer furniture from the factory. Found some proper Russian furniture to make it a proper AK.2 points
As stated above, target pistols are designed around standard velocity ammunition. Since .22 pistols are all blowback operated, the only thing keeping parts from slamming together during operation is a little spring. Overpower that spring and bad things happen as metal parts hammer against each other. Rugers are built like tanks and a little .22 is not going to damage them. Most target pistols are not as strongly built. Another piece of advice; any .22 pistol designed prior to ww2 will also probably not do well with anything more than standard velocity. Keep your prized Colt Woodsman or Target fed on Standard Velocity only. Finally, the reason target pistols are currently designed around standard velocity ammunition has to do with the inherent accuracy of bullets that do not exceed the speed of sound. When a bullet travels past the 'sound barrier', it goes through a shock wave. If it loses velocity before reaching the target, it goes through that wave again. Depending on muzzle velocity, and other factors, that second passage can happen in as few as 25 yards. Passing through the shock wave can disturb the path of the bullet slightly. Bullet design has a huge factor on how much this occurs. Typical round-nose .22 bullets tend to be more affected than sharp spitzer bullets.2 points
Grandpa told him that. But of course he wouldn’t believe it until one of his friends told him, and showed him their set-up.1 point
Was just checking state Covid stats and all of TN.GOV is down. - OS1 point
I was just typing something similar. This bomber seems to have gone out of their way to avoid casualties, and I see those things you mentioned as proactive steps to prevent loss of life. Everything about this is pointing to something downtown being the focal point. AT&T is a believable target, but it could be unintended collateral damage of somewhere else being the real target. And I'm with you on having to respond to the telecom outages...I have docs leaving their families and headed to the hospitals (who are working through those issues you mentioned) in response to systems that let them work from home being down. One told me he's bringing a bag to just stay until everything is good. Small sample of the best being brought out in a crisis. I'm also curious as to what actually took down the network; the bomb itself and backups failed after a few hours of coverage, or are they doing something with the response that took it out. Suppose we'll figure that part out soon enough.1 point
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Have you consider the AMD Ryzen CPUS. AMD has stepped up their game in the last few years.1 point
We've got over an inch south of Lenior City, using the reliable index finger as a ruler. Don't plan on going anywhere in the car. Saw a snow plow last night on one of the county roads last night, and a vehicle on the same road just a few minutes ago moving along w/o trouble, so maybe the roads are in decent shape for those that get out today going to grandma's house. Merry Christmas to everyone, stay safe and be well.1 point
Light dusting here in Lascassas Dave. Lofton road is white with a thin lawyer of snow. A brisk 17 at my house this morning.1 point
The first "big" revolver I ever shot was a Python. Back in the mid 1960's a very nice man a few streets over taught me how to cast, size, and lube bullets. Then we would reload them. Once we had 300-400 off to the country we would go. All I remember is it was blued and the barrel was about 6 inches long and it was equipped with a scope, Bushnell maybe? In todays cruel world people would think the guy was up to something evil but he was simply nice and kept a lot of kids from getting into trouble. Anyhow.............a Python has always been on my short list to buy,1 point
I can't recall ever seeing snow in Knoxville on Christmas. I was not expecting the level we are seeing near downtown. It's madness outside on the roads. I've already helped a few neighbors push or get unstuck. I got cussed at as well and had to remind a woman it was Christmas. Side note, these traction boards sure are handy. Stay safe and Merry Christmas.1 point
Prior to Covid my hair was kept short. I haven’t had a haircut since this started and it is down to my shoulders. I feel that getting a haircut with someone standing over you and putting their hands all over you face is about as personal as it gets. But I don’t think the shops should be closed and if someone wants to get a haircut; they should be able to. I feel the same about restaurants and other business. If they want to stay open and people want to go to them; they should be able to do that. Even though I won’t do it. What happened to personal responsibility? It’s your responsibility to stay away from places and people that may/may not make you sick. I see too many people that have constantly spouted off about not needing/wanting the government to protect them; all of a sudden wanting the government to close businesses and destroy peoples livelihoods and jobs to protect them. What changed? I wear a mask. Most people are getting their hackles up not because of wearing a mask; but the threats of punitive action if they don’t. Private businesses open to the public have the right to post that they won’t allow you on the premises without a mask. I see no problem with that. Why does the government need to be involved? Luckily I’m retired and this isn’t hitting me as hard as some others. Other than the fact that my wife still works and it will probably only me a matter of time before she is exposed, which in turn will expose me. But there was a time in my life when I was living paycheck to paycheck trying to support a family. I can’t imagine what its like for people in that situation that have had their income cutoff or greatly reduced.1 point
Added number 8 this morning. A beautifully symmetric 8 point at 25 yards. Not a monster, but pretty dang nice. Nothing but slick heads going forward.1 point
My favorite semi-auto .22 is the Browning Buckmark. Absolutely wonderful pistol and target accurate. It comes in many versions to fit most anybody. You didn't mention your daughter's age. If she's young, the Buckmark, Rugers or other similar guns may be too big for her hands. If you can find one, the S&W Models 34/63 J-frame .22s are ideal for young shooters to start on. Plus they're top quality and very accurate. Start her out shooting SA and then shift to DA when she's ready.1 point
I bought my wife one for one of her first guns, and I felt really bad about it afterwards, it is really junk. Doesn't matter what spring is in it, we have done that dance many times. The only two rounds that will cycle in it(somewhat) are cci mini-mags and golden bullets. I felt so bad I went out and got her the M&P22 and that thing runs like a sewing machine, I have the victory and it runs everything I have thrown in it as well. Pop pop you are one lucky person, you are the only one I have heard say anything good about the mosquito, it's a shame too as I really wanted to like it.1 point
Sigs name should have never been on that abomination. Just like the Walther/Umarex relationship that hooked a huge Walther fan like myself it left a bad taste in my mouth. It was a crap shoot to find a good one that didn't have some sort of issue. The last 22 Sig had its name on that was worth a damn was the Trailside which was/is a Hammerli. I'm a Ruger MK fan but have also heard good reports about the M&P 22 compact. And as someone else stated the old revolver is always a great beginner.1 point
It's been a few years back for me, but I acquired a Mosquito at a gun show. Sub 200 and was practically new. I found it to be very much a long term problem. FTF at least 2/3 times a mag. I stripped and cleaned it as best I could. No joy. Changed mags by buying a couple new ones. Same problem. I liked the look and feel of the pistol, but gave me too many problems. Sold it to young man at the next gun show I went to. Told him it was a headache, but he took it anyway. Granted that's been 6/7 years ago. They may have gotten better by now. Like Moped said...try the TX22. Or the Keltec P17 if you can find one.1 point
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