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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/24/2020 in all areas
Why does this conversation continue between "I'm scared, everybody allow the gov't decide what's best for me and everyone must comply" and "eff the gov't". Should be simple. If you are scared of the virus, stay home and protect yourself. Order delivery or pickup instead of going into stores/restaurants. Its not that hard, but it does suck. Not everyone needs to do this. Survival rate still in the 99%, right? We don't need the authorities making mandates punishable by fines or jail for this stuff. If you think we do, you are OK with tyrants. Don't be a by demanding others live as you do. you are in charge of your own safety.8 points
On the subject of wearing cloth masks... They aren't the cure. They are a mitigating mechanism. They aren't perfect. Owners of private property are within their rights to require them. You are within your right to go somewhere else if you don't like it. You aren't within your right to violate their rights as property owners. Oh, one last bullet point that should appeal to gun owners... Wearing a mask makes you the Gray Man. You blend. Not wearing a mask makes you stand out. It draws attention to you. People assume you're a dick. They might confront you over it. It's not worth the headache. "When In Rome, Do As The Romans"6 points
I choose to wear a mask, and I wish others would, but I’m not going to get bent out of shape about those who choose not to wear a mask. We live in a red state, and there has been nothing nor will there be any statewide mandates that trample on everyone’s freedoms. Tennessee politicians are hot garbage, but they know their constituents. They will never go too far. It puzzles me how people in the south can always find a crisis or potential boogeyman. Nothing that people repeatedly worry about ever happens, especially in Tennessee. We should be some of the most carefree people in the world. We simply have to do whatever it takes to get back to normal. For some it seems that being slightly inconvenienced is a larger problem than COVID-19. If a worldwide pandemic can’t get everyone on the same page, nothing will.5 points
We're screwed, man. Really we are. People are too selfish and self-centered these days. There is no sense of community anymore. We live in neighborhoods surrounded by people we don't know and in many cases have never really spoken with. We might wave at the neighbor who walks the dog, but we know nothing else about them other than "they have a dog". Without a sense of community, there is no sense of a greater good. Lacking that, it's every man for himself. Lord Of The Flies becomes a way to live, not a cautionary tale.4 points
I can't recall ever seeing snow in Knoxville on Christmas. I was not expecting the level we are seeing near downtown. It's madness outside on the roads. I've already helped a few neighbors push or get unstuck. I got cussed at as well and had to remind a woman it was Christmas. Side note, these traction boards sure are handy. Stay safe and Merry Christmas.4 points
Prior to Covid my hair was kept short. I haven’t had a haircut since this started and it is down to my shoulders. I feel that getting a haircut with someone standing over you and putting their hands all over you face is about as personal as it gets. But I don’t think the shops should be closed and if someone wants to get a haircut; they should be able to. I feel the same about restaurants and other business. If they want to stay open and people want to go to them; they should be able to do that. Even though I won’t do it. What happened to personal responsibility? It’s your responsibility to stay away from places and people that may/may not make you sick. I see too many people that have constantly spouted off about not needing/wanting the government to protect them; all of a sudden wanting the government to close businesses and destroy peoples livelihoods and jobs to protect them. What changed? I wear a mask. Most people are getting their hackles up not because of wearing a mask; but the threats of punitive action if they don’t. Private businesses open to the public have the right to post that they won’t allow you on the premises without a mask. I see no problem with that. Why does the government need to be involved? Luckily I’m retired and this isn’t hitting me as hard as some others. Other than the fact that my wife still works and it will probably only me a matter of time before she is exposed, which in turn will expose me. But there was a time in my life when I was living paycheck to paycheck trying to support a family. I can’t imagine what its like for people in that situation that have had their income cutoff or greatly reduced.4 points
There is a huge difference between walking around the grocery store and your surgeon standing over your OPEN body for a long period of time.4 points
It’s been steadily snowing here in Knoxville for the past couple of hours. Temps are dropping and it looks like it’s sticking to the streets, well at least here on my residential boulevard.3 points
Got a e-mail ad from CDNN today. They are putting case lots of ammo on Gunbroker. Gotta admit, that's pretty smart. Make maximum profit and the customer sets the price. Nobody cab accuse them of price gouging. Starting bids are $.01. Yet the offered cases of 5.56 & 7.62X51 ball ammo are already up to just over a $1 per round. 9mm115 fMJ & .45acp 230 FMJ ammo are just passing $.80 per round with several hours yet to go. I'll try to remember to check back after the auctions end and see what they end up going for in these crazy times.3 points
3 points
Now I found it. Been searching for it in this thread, but now I found it. I question whether you know what that word means or if you're using a straw-man argument to drag the Biden election sham into the discussion of COVID. To be clear: I don't think Trump seriously mishandled COVID. I do think that he should have hyped less, but that's like asking rain to not be wet. I do think that the establishment is scared as hell of Trump and weren't going to let him have Term #2 at any cost. I do think we saw that play out in broad daylight. I do think so many people hate Trump that they don't care what crimes were committed to keep him from being re-elected. I do think dark times are ahead of us. I don't think this has any bearing on the medical treatment of COVID.3 points
3 points
No, it is not the same. The masks do not prevent you from spreading the virus; it only reduces the amount of virus spread by trapping large droplets from sneezes and coughs. A lot of viruses are emitted into the environment through the leaks around the mask. The surgical staff wear the masks to prevent large droplets from falling directly from their mouth/nose and into your open body. They scrub their hands with anti-biotic soap, wear sterile gloves, and don sterile gowns yet patients still get post-operative infections, (mostly bacterial infections). The masks do not prevent you from contracting the virus because your eyes are still exposed, The virus can blow onto your eye to be flushed into your lacrimal ducts which drain into your sinuses where it can penetrate a weakness in the mucosa to enter your cell wall. Also, most viruses enter your body through vectors - touching a contaminated surface and then rubbing your eyes or picking your nose. So the virus can escape from the mask, land on a surface, you touch the surface, and then introduce the virus into your body. This is why I rely on hand-sanitizer when I am in public and pay particular attention to what I touch and how I touch it. I don't use my fingertips to open doors, I use either my knuckle or my little fingertip to key-in my PIN for debit card use. Even though I'm mindful, I immediately sanitize my hands paying particular attention to my fingertips. I am also someone who is high risk and will take the vaccine just as soon as the VA makes it available to me.3 points
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3 points
Oh please don't misinterperet my distrust for the goobermint and mainstream media as a refusal to acknowledge the existence of the Kung Flu nor fact that its killing people worlwide. Tis a real thing, as real as all the dead bodies in Manhattan, Washington DC, and Pennsylvania that fateful day. However, that logic cuts both ways. The genie is out of the bottle, not going back in. Its real, and its here to stay. Grok that. Giving up your rights, liberty, and security in exchange for the facade of effective preventative measures is exactly what our forefathers warned us about. The statistical data, or 'science' as the propaganda department of fed.guv preaches these days proves the draconian lockdowns are worse than ineffective. Charts that compare the death rates of non lockdown nations like Sweden, Taiwan, South Korea don't seem to appear in the published charts the newz is talking about for some reason. You go ahead and keep believing everything the talking heads say. You do you. I'll do me.3 points
I think this was a check to see if the public was still asleep like they have been for the last 4 years Unpopular opinion time: The only reason Republican voters paid attention and Republican legislators got involved is that Biden is President elect. If Trump had been re-elected, this would have sailed right on by like the bump stock ban with a lot of excuses being made why its some 4D chess maneuver or just plain not a big deal.3 points
Williams Foolproof receiver sight. A scope on a Model 94 is an abomination.3 points
The Internet makes it entirely possible for a person to pontificate upon matters that they know nothing about, and be taken seriously. I am in the industry about which you speak. We've not sat around twiddling our thumbs for the past 10 months. My company has turned ambulatory surgery centers into COVID treatment facilities, set up COVID testing centers in airports and rented space in cities across the country for COVID testing centers. Only patients requiring life support are being kept in hospitals any longer than absolutely necessary. The best course of action is to send them home to recuperate and self-isolate. You don't build FEMA camps for that. But, if we did build FEMA camps for it... something tells me you'd decry them as well.2 points
2 points
Just speaking from what I’ve observed where I live, more people have been wearing masks the last couple months then at any point this year.... yet the numbers continue to climb. I can’t think of the last time I was at a store and saw more than one or two people in the whole store not wearing a mask. I’m certainly not suggesting masks are the problem, I’m saying they are not the solution that has been fed to so many to give them some semblance of hope, by feeling like they are “doing something”. I learned many years ago in the military that if the “leadership” at any level doesn’t know the answer to a problem, they pull some BS out of their ass to make it look like they are “doing something”. What we have been seeing at our state level, and many of the larger cities across the country is exactly that same mentality.2 points
<getting on my soapbox> Guess what's really interesting about COIVD in Sweden? Sweden has been disproportionately hit hard in its immigrant populations, whereas native Swedes are 3x less likely to get COVID. Yes, culture plays a part, but one factor that is continually overlooked is that native Swedes have high vitamin D levels, whereas their immigrant populations (Africans and darker-skinned Middle Easterners) tend as a group to have low vitamin D levels. The US groups that have been hit hardest -- African Americans, seniors, the obese, diabetes -- all tend to have low vitamin D levels. As I type this, 67 FDA-approved clinical trials on vitamin D are underway... impressive for a lowly vitamin! You'd think Dr. Fauci would be mentioning it... but no... If I could, I would line up Fauci, Birx, et al and Stooge Slap the entire group. People are dying and they could help by getting off their sanctimonious mantra of masks, social distancing and tell people to take vitamin D. Fauci, when directly asked, admitted that he takes vitamin D, but he refuses to even mention it to the public!!! <getting off soapbox... > https://tenor.com/WW5M.gif2 points
Hey! That unpopular opinion should be popular! I doubt the bump stock ban would have happened if Hillary was president. She may very well have pushed/supported much worse legislation, but then Republicans may have at least fought it tooth and nail rather than SAYING HEY YOU GUYS WILL YOU EXAMINE BUMP STOCKS AND FIGURE IF THEY SHOULD BE LEGAL?2 points
2 points
Please refrain from wearing progressive lenses into the voting booth.2 points
2 points
Nothing to see here, move along please.... https://www.aier.org/article/who-deletes-naturally-acquired-immunity-from-its-website/2 points
That old saw about giving up a little liberty in exchange for security seems apropos here? Several countries have not instituted draconian lockdown measures and have fared similar if not better than many nations, but the press doesn't like to talk about Sweden and their ilk because it hurts the fear narrative to present opposing data.2 points
I guess now we need to see why only 2 of the 7 TN republicans signed the letter. Write and ask your district congressman if they didn't.2 points
https://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/breaking-atf-withdraws-comment-request-on-pistol-brace-objective-factors-classification/2 points
https://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/89-congressmen-send-letter-opposing-atfs-regulation-of-pistol-stabilizing-braces/2 points
Well, one doesn’t have to agree with the way things are being handled to be able to accept that the pandemic is a very real and serious issue. 9/11 was obviously a huge tragedy but one doesn’t have to agree with the aftermath of 9/11 to feel sadness and respect for the tragedy itself.2 points
I agree, they'll be back with a vengeance. I don't trust any of our so called leaders regardless of the letter beside their name.2 points
ATF, FBI, NSA, CIA, EPA, DOT, USPS, DOE, DHS, NASA... Does it REALLY matter which alphabet agency it was? Pretty much all the same assholes regardless.2 points
The radiologists I support in Nashville have all either gotten the first round of the vaccine, or are eligible for it. Internally, we prioritized those who are hands on with patients doing procedures, followed by those with exposure in proximity, then those who read ED studies from home. You may think it's weird that someone who sits at home for their shift gets some priority for the vaccine, but when that person is reading trauma and stroke cases out of the ED, I promise you want them healthy and focused. The idea behind the emergency medical community going first is to ensure hospital staffing can be kept stable and absorb what still comes as the vaccine makes its way to the general public. A lot of facilities have had staffing issues from a COVID spread, and that can cause some pain points in a hurry. I'm all for the elderly getting it in high priority after that. Admittedly, I've not followed the order of vaccination outside of my work...I figured since I'm not clinical, I'll get it when my PCP says it's available. I'm content to wait my turn so others in more need can go ahead of me.2 points
It's way past time to worry about being on a list. I'm sure I'm on every list there is. I inundate all of our representatives from local, state and federal with letters and emails. I have sent hundreds over the last few years. I'm not happy with any them. Once you become afraid to speak out you've already lost.2 points
If 2020 Pythons are going for $500 over MSRP why not cough up another $500-$1500 for a an original one? I’ll never understand the Colt obsession. Yes, the new ones are nice but those old Royal blue Pythons are beautiful but even brand new they were overpriced....like everything else with the Colt name on it.2 points
2 points
Add this to the category of don’t need, but must have. I just ordered this pistol. I’m certain I overpaid for it, but such are the times. I’ve owned four 15-22 carbines. I still have one in fde. I have a ton of .22 ammo so the carbine, my G44 and this pistol will get to the range more. I can’t wait to get my Dead Air Mask silencer. I’ll throw a Vortex Spitfire or Swamp Fox Blade on this pistol and have a little .22 fun.1 point
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1 point
My PSA AK was languishing in some terrible OD polymer furniture from the factory. Found some proper Russian furniture to make it a proper AK.1 point
Sure, but I don’t think there were any additional checks. What I suspect happened on mine was that one person saw it and said “That’s decades old, and isn’t a disqualifier even with a conviction” and approved it. The next time someone saw it and said “Danger, Danger Will Robinson! That’s a weapons violation and even though its decades old, and a misdemeanor; it could be a felony in this state!!" And denied it. Then someone with more sense reviewed it on appeal and approved it. But that just a wild azz guess.1 point
1 point
In SD you probably won't be getting a sharp focus anyway. Most people from what I have read don't remember seeing the sights. If you go red dot and shoot/practice a lot, you will probably be seeing the target through the window at SD distances without much attention to the dot. Really comes in handy for distance, 7-10+ yds and IMO much quicker target acquisition.1 point
If I’m not on every list there is, someone isn’t doing their job. On the other hand we are talking about government employees, so. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯1 point
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