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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/18/2020 in all areas

  1. Bad precedent. CTD can sell whatever they want at whatever price they choose. They're not price gouging on necessities such as gas, food, bottled water, etc... Don't like the prices, don't buy from them. Making the .g0v the "gouging police" on these type purchases is bad.
    7 points
  2. It's controversial because our political class used it as a bludgeon. One would think that those in government would attack a subject like the virus in a non-partisan way with the good of all Americans in-mind. Sadly, it was immediately politicized, and contradictory information flowed freely.
    7 points
  3. I'm not gonna defend the post @The Big Guy made here..... I dont even wanna touch on that. I've known him personally for about.... 7 years I would say. Met him in high-school working at a local hardware store. Graduated college with him. He's always been a very reliable freind to me. He got me into firearms and I have to say...he's a master class IDPA shooter. He did IDPA semi-professionally in Florida for a lot of years before he came to Tennessee. Personally, I dont like feeling MAD at people....or in general. If you feel like your argument with someone online is making you MAD you need to walk away from it. GOD KNOWS I have asshole moments, I almost always wind up regretting my demeanor. I know I can't really convey this here in a meaningful way but @The Big Guy isn't such a bad guy, he just let's himself get..... passionate. Some of you have probably even met him around east tennessee and if you did you would instantly get along with him. He has that effect. But like I said he can get a bit too intense. BUT! It is what it is. You burn bridges youre gonna get wet getting back.
    7 points
  4. Wow, it's like a whole new atmosphere around here! I echo Links' and GlockSpock's thoughts above, and appreciate their posts along with most everyone's that I look at every day. Admittedly, I have less popular views than many on here when it comes to general politics, but I genuinely enjoy reading your thoughts and comments... usually. I don't care to jump into any of the heated exchanges on here because I don't think any of the back and forth is going to change anyone's else's mind, and I don't think I can say things any better that others have already said. So why post this now...? Yeah, good question... Anyway, I respect most folks and wouldn't want to try change the way you think anyway; I don't have any delusions that I can influence anybody other than my kids, and even then it's an uphill struggle. Now that I think about it they're probably less interested in what I have to say than anybody else. I guess more than anything I just want to express my appreciation for everyone's willingness to respectfully share their opinions. But lately it's been a rant vomitorium around here where there can't seem to be any reasonable, civil discussions leading to any positive outcome. Sadly it mirrors so much of how our whole country communicates these days. I stopped reading posts from a recently removed member when I realized that 24 out of a total 30 posts in a thread were by him ("The Alt Right is Not Liberal" I believe is the one), and it was obvious that he cared more about being angry and hearing himself talk than in acknowledging there might be a legitimate opposing view and engaging in a meaningful dialogue. I think it's admirable when there is a counterpoint posted with the intent that someone might find even a speck of it thought provoking, or at the very least help him understand why someone else thinks the way they do. Some of you guys are so good at doing that, too. It seems like it's already trending back that direction, now that David escorted Mr. Belligerent out the door. It is heartening to see the hugely positive response you generated, thanks for doing that! Merry Christmas everybody!
    5 points
  5. The Tesla Model 3 ($40k) is anywhere from 2-4 times the cost of a Corolla ($20k) or Sentra ($15k), assuming you can find one. Jet engine companies improve fuel efficiency because their customers (the airlines) demand it. Jet fuel is the airline's single biggest expense. There are currently no federal fuel efficiency requirements for commercial aircraft.
    5 points
  6. We absolutely cannot be satisfied with this garbage. Arbitrary "on the field" decisions predicated upon an individual agent's or office's understanding of a directive and opinions on a matter, are DANGEROUS and legally unsound. Bear in mind that a person who buys a bare lower receiver, or one with a buffer tube but no stock or brace, for an AR-15 should, generally speaking, be the owner of a "firearm" without classification for pistol or rifle. It should be legal for that person to build either a rifle or a pistol, so long as the remainder of the components used align with the current [and absurd] ATF regulations. If that person chooses to build a pistol and put a brace on it, that should be viewed as having been done in good faith. But, will it? This whole thing is utter trash. The current head of the BATFE is an anti-gun tyrant and should be unemployed. The BATFE should be dismantled and its duties assigned done away with or assigned to more appropriate agencies with better oversight and governance.
    5 points
  7. It seems what's getting the most traction is them cancelling orders and then relisting it at a higher price. Interestingly, what could have ramifications up the line in other cases is Texas classifying guns and ammo as essential items.
    5 points
  8. Agreed. I would prefer consumers punish CTD rather than government. I do my part by never, ever, shopping with them .
    5 points
  9. I'm all about arguments/discussions. I can be good friends with people that hold opposing views as long as they respect me. My views, like theirs, are shaped by my experiences. Arguments can be had all day long and respect between the two parties never has to be lost. I rather enjoy @Daniel being more active here. I don't agree with a lot of what he posts, but that doesn't mean he is wrong all the time either. And when any space becomes an echo chamber, that's when things can go south very quickly. I will always encourage and appreciate debate. You may never, ever agree with certain people, but at least conversing with them helps you challenge your own views.
    4 points
  10. Listen, I know there are a bunch of people around here who have somehow me classified as a liberal - but that's just not right. Today's GOP would call George W. Bush a liberal (and he wouldn't win a single primary today). The best you can say for me is that I'm just willing to make people work for their ideas. But, we need some actual liberals around here. I miss the likes of you and @Bronker who could actually bring an honest liberal voice. Be kind - but don't shy away from bringing an actual competing voice. We're all better when our ideas have competition.
    4 points
  11. When you get older you can start using what I prefer to use since I "claim" my hearing isn't what it used to be. When she's talking sometimes I "might not" pay as much attention as I should. When she finally gets my attention I just ask her to repeat it cause of...you know...my hearing.
    4 points
  12. I look at it like this. CTD always has ammunition, and if one was desperate enough to pay.... say 2.00$ a round for 9mm then they are guaranteed to get some from CTD. Ill never buy anything from them but they don't force me to do so, so its cool.
    4 points
  13. Censorship? Not even close. If you allow someone into your house that becomes obnoxious to the point of being intolerable at what point would you show them the door?
    3 points
  14. Ah, but you've been around since practically the beginning and you have an insight on matters, based on job experience, that lends a certain creedence to your divergence from the popular opinion of things.
    3 points
  15. I need to remember this. I’ll admit I did troll a few in the politics sub. I’ll do better in the future.
    3 points
  16. Here's a small secret: I don't like banning people. It is an absolute last resort for me unless the account is just a scammer, spammer or troll account. The moderators generally exhaust a lot of options before they finally make the decision to ban someone. I've watched them put up with far more nonsense out of belligerent individuals than I would. Note that I chose not to call them "members". I feel like the members of the community are the folks who contribute and largely who we've all come to to know (or will come to know with time) as friends and extended family. A person who comes here just to cause strife or participate in verbal mud-slinging isn't a member. My own level of tolerance, though, is admittedly lower than that of the moderators - and I still try really hard not to rush toward banning as a solution to a problem. However, I know very well the danger of allowing a toxic individual to poison the well. Their toxicity spreads quickly and becomes septic to the entire community if allowed to continue for very long. I have zero problems banning poisonous, toxic individuals just the same as I'd have no problem stomping on a disease infested rat or letting a doctor cut a cancer out of my own body. BTW - My wife ignores me a lot. That's when I sneak in a discussion about buying a new gun.
    3 points
  17. I'm not going to defend him either but I will add that I actually don't like seeing members get banned. I'm not going to 2nd guess their decision though as I know they don't take it lightly. There is no one here that I dislike to the point I want to see them get banned even though a few have made it clear I'm on their ignore list. My wife ignores me sometimes too so I don't really get offended by that.
    3 points
  18. I guess I'll have to tread lightly as well, as it seemed @The Big Guyand I debated the same members most times. I don't know him, but I feel this could have been handled differently. I've got other outlets, so didnt see the posted notice so I could have been one that got a bit miffed if it seemed I was kicked off a section of this board while other agitators were allowed to stay. I get that this is a gun site, but if there are other forums available I'm going to post on them, my interests are varied. Hell, if things keep going like it seems it's going, all we are going to have left is politics, and maybe not even that if the new administration gets in and treats the 1st Amendment like they do the 2nd.
    3 points
  19. If you could separate the "controversial" parts, sure. But otherwise, what is more pressing a matter these days? There's a lot of real "unadorned" info in here. Hell, I even do math to post the ongoing TN daily death rate updates. Oh, right, I forgot, the whole thing is word's biggest hoax, nobody dies from Covid at all. - OS
    3 points
  20. Inspired by David’s thread I’ve been a regular member and reader since the beginning of 08. I’ve benefited from the tribal knowledge, cheap guns and knives from Grand Turismo. It’s time I give back (after payday tomorrow) and become a lifetime benefactor!!!
    3 points
  21. I don't have any advice but I hate the fact you haven't been made a citizen yet. You are exactly the type of person we would all like to welcome. I really hope that it happens for you some day.
    3 points
  22. I can't even imagine the amount of BS that man and his people have had to tolerate this year. My hat is off to them.
    2 points
  23. Looks like in 3 years Coal lost 7%. Nuclear energy with Hydro, wind, and solar I think is where we should be going. Im not an expert though.
    2 points
  24. Don’t underestimate yourself. You can change my mind with one well reasoned post. A man who refuses to challenge his on beliefs will never learn anything.
    2 points
  25. Elon Musk has a long history of making rosy projections that don't pan out. I works wonderfully well to raise his stock prices, but real world experiences don't typically come anywhere close to his projections ...
    2 points
  26. I don’t like arguments or confrontations at all, but I won’t back down if I feel attacked. I like it here. I like the people I’ve met and the knowledge I’ve gained. I enjoy the comments, because I truly learn something each time I visit the site. We’re all adults and entitled to our opinions based upon our individual life and learned experiences. I visit the forum daily. Many days I simply read and leave, at other times I may like or laugh at a comment, then leave. I’m trying to post less because I don’t want to give energy to those who seek confrontation with me or my views for their own personal reasons. As a rule I don’t like confrontation, so it’s crazy to come here and argue with someone because I don’t support their political candidate or we have different priorities and expectations from said political candidates. The other day a member (I’m not certain if he was addressing me) said something to the effect that he didn’t understand why someone with differing views would be on a gun forum in a conservative state. My question would be what gives him more of a right to be here? I’m not without guilt. I have intentionally trolled certain members once they took an unhealthy attachment to me. Like others, going forward I’ll do better. There is no need for anyone to get banned when they can just shut up and come back at another time.
    2 points
  27. Ok so individually we dont have a huge impact. Like one guy writing a letter, BUT get a whole group writing letters and you start to see a change. If you and I buy a car that pollutes less the next time we get a new car what is that hurting? Tesla (as an example) with their newest model created a passenger car that is on par price wise with a typical mid or small sized car. Let's say a corolla or sentra. Now you may not buy one of those cars but there is undoubtedly a #### load of those models on the road. So if as time goes on people switch to a car that does not require the burning of fossil fuels to go from point A to B yet costs the same up front as one that does burn that fuel and releases carbon... why not? Planes do release carbon. They have been improving their fuel efficiency for decades though. Do you know why? Because the government said they have to do so. Al Gore's carbon footprint is probably large compared to your's because he most likely has a larger home and travels more maybe. Warren Buffet and Mark Zuckerberg are probably in similar situations as Al Gore. What does that matter though? If your neighbor dumps his trash in his yard does that mean you should? Clearly that last example is small scale. Scale the idea up though. Just because China or India are currently deficient doesnt mean we shouldnt get our house in order. I thought we were leaders? I thought we do the hard right over the easy wrong? It's much easier to peer pressure someone or somewhere into doing the right thing when we are doing the right thing ourselves.
    2 points
  28. We tried that like 12 years ago didn’t we?
    2 points
  29. See, there's the controversy, as I'd say "our political class", meaning the Trump admin, which means Trump alone, treated the whole thing as a nation wide case of the sniffles. As soon as DJT realized that the state of the economy was the only possible saving grace to win the election, dead Americans became an inconvenience rather than a priority. - OS
    2 points
  30. I got this from Guns America this morning. https://www.gunsamerica.com/digest/atf-guidance-letter-for-stabilizing-braces-says-each-firearm-considered-on-case-by-case-basis/ ATF Guidance Letter for Stabilizing Braces Says Each Firearm Considered on ‘Case by Case Basis’ The way I read this is that it'll be up to the individual agent/office to decide if the firearm is legal or not. That's not good at all. But they also say that guns bought "in good faith" should be ok. I'm guessing my 9mm Extar EP9 will be ok, but I'm not counting on anything. BATF has gone completely rogue. They want to crush the 2nd Amendment and with Biden coming in, looks like they'll get their chance.
    2 points
  31. Yeah, I would prefer seeing someone step back. Realize they're loosing their cool and just move on. The other part is that a lot of people, since they're local, know each other in real life. I know a good number of people on here that I've met along the way. Because of that I tend to look at the people on this site as REAL PEOPLE. Its something you don't get most places. Tell her when she ignores you then you get lonely....when you get lonely you buy new guns. Its a vicious cycle.
    2 points
  32. I wanted to take a minute to wish everyone here a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year!!!!
    2 points
  33. It’s in the complete story linked. - The Texas AG's office has identified ammunition as a necessity and, as a result, is arguing that those price hikes were against the Texas Business and Commerce Code. The code forbids businesses from "taking advantage of a disaster" by selling "fuel, food, medicine, lodging, building materials, construction tools or another necessity at an exorbitant or excessive price."
    2 points
  34. I’ll second that you should probably get rid of it due to your situation. The chances of it being an issue for you are slim. But I refuse to play games with BATF and I don’t have the citizenship issue; they don’t play fair and what’s good today may or may not be tomorrow. It appears to me Regina Lombardo is trying to send a clear message to Joe that she wants to keep her job and will do whatever it takes.
    2 points
  35. Wow.....being old I go to bed early and get up early and always seem to miss a lot of what's going on around here. But in the future if you need a donation to do this kind of thing just bill me. You do great things here David and be assured you are supported by me in every way.
    2 points
  36. Shades of the "Hive of scum and villainy"! While I may not post as much as I once did and still probably post too much ( lol ), I do read here each and every day. I gain a lot from the shared wisdom and experiences of members & mods here and have greatly appreciated the information exchange. I (hope) I've learned from my mentors to keep my input towards things I might be able to meaningfully contribute to. I've fallen short at times. But I've certainly learned to simply ignore certain topics or thread drifts. It's easy, just keep scrolling... but it was getting a bit more challenging to find meaningful civil discussion and information as of late. TGO is "family". Sometimes a bit dysfunctional, but "family" nonetheless. Heck, some of the best people I know I've met through TGO. This is my interweb home and I'm blessed for it. I really appreciate the hard work of the mods and even more David hitting the "Reset Button". Thank you! Now I think I'll mosey along and read some about guns and shootin' stuff.
    2 points
  37. We need something like a DVR function for those times when we miss the fun stuff ...
    2 points
  38. Well...this certainly has been a fun-filled and informative thread tonight. lol I've been occupied with some things the past few days and haven't done more than just check in for PM and see if anything interesting was posted by GT. All joking aside, I have been wondering just how far some of the highjinks of late would go on/be allowed before Armageddon arrived. Some commentary of late has been pretty intense, just short of fisticuffs I think. Now I'm not saying I'm innocent in some of these discussions, but I try to keep within the bounds of decency and civility, which usually are pretty loose around here. I enjoy a healthy discourse, even an unhealthy one for a time; but I have to admit that this thread was beginning to be an IED just waiting to be sprung. And I had to miss it. Kudos to all the Admin guys and especially to David, for keeping the sanity around here.
    2 points
  39. LOL! Ya'll are terrible. If you can't post yet it's only because the software is trudging along and taking its sweet time updating accounts. At this point it's a race between the software and the USPS to see who can deliver the slowest.
    2 points
  40. I was just about to say, a pandemic really shouldn't be controversial. Sad times we live in.
    2 points
  41. This place is actually rare. Most every other gun forum I visit doesn't allow any political discussion at all outside of 2A concerns. I do enjoy some of the politics and have learned much. Although I do admit that certain members here have tried my patience considerably. Some days I just can't bring myself to look at it. I hope I get to stay in, but that's up to you. BTW: David, I do believe that ban list could use a couple more additions.
    2 points
  42. Man, I miss a few hours and all hell has broken loose. I love it. I just want to thank the staff for the work you put in here. It is still the best run forum on the internet.
    2 points
  43. 2 points
  44. Also, the lesson that @The Big Guyand @Big Gai Anti-Gun Communistfailed to learn was that even if someone nominally agrees with you, being a bloviating asshole ruins any chance of them being on your side. I value the health of this community over any individual person or opinion.
    2 points
  45. You know I am good for some if you need to start a gtfo fund. Lol
    2 points
  46. We went last week. Metal detectors at the entrance. They didn't have any issues with my pocket knife.
    2 points
  47. That isn't what I meant. 23% beats several of my picks. I just posted the index fund as an example. None of us will get these returns reliably. This has been an exceptional year.
    1 point
  48. That’s how it went in Australia I think and that’s the model the democrats have voiced many times as the one they want here. That will get them all registered, then they’ll want them all like Feinstein said several years ago. Something along the line of this: “If I could, I’d take them all. Mr. and Mrs America turn them in. Turn them all in....”
    1 point
  49. Thanks. That’s why he was doubting it’s validity. He said it looked like a poorly copied made up word document. I googled the story for him. He was in doubt because he said old people aren’t known for having the most trustful sources of news. The story I found was two days old from News3.
    1 point
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