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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/14/2020 in all areas

  1. I felt really bad yesterday but feel fine now. God has me.
    5 points
  2. I grew up in the wrong place and time to learn to hunt, NJ in the 80's. This family though, they're doing it right. Three generations (so far) taking their first deer with the same rifle... https://flatheadbeacon.com/2020/12/11/three-generations-one-trusty-old-rifle/
    4 points
  3. I have tested positive for Covid 19. Prayers appreciated
    2 points
  4. Y'all can argue masks all you want. The big thing is to stay away from other people as much as possible. People were warned not to travel or gather for Thanksgiving. Did they listen? HELL NO! And now, just a few weeks later, Covid is setting new records almost daily. Shelby County is adding a couple of hundred new cases every day. The death toll is now at 726 here. Now Christmas and New Years are right around the corner. Do you think people will be smart enough to stay home, not travel, avoid large gatherings/parties? OH HELL NO! Why? Because basically most Americans are a bunch of self centered AZZHOLES! They don't give a damn about anybody but themselves. I expect another huge surge right about the middle of January and it'll be our own damned fault. You wanna talk about being stuck at home? I've mentioned before that I got bad sick in August 2019. Three hospital stays of at least a week each the last in December 2019. When I was at home I was weak as a kitten and didn't have the energy to do anything. I just sat at home. I finally got to feeling like my old self around February of this year and then BOOM! Covid 19! You wanna gripe about being in isolation/lockdown for 9 months? Hell, that's where I've been for a year and a half! Yeah! I'm bored out of my mind! Got serious cabin fever. But I'm also 66 years old and now have COPD. I'm smart enough and man enough to deal with it without doing anything stupid or whining and griping like a two year old. I have gone out some. Been to the outdoor range a couple of times, a couple of social visits. But for the most part I stay at home and only go to the store when needed. But now winter is setting in and I don't do well with cold weather. So yet another reason to stay home. You wanna gripe about choices, personal freedom or government over reach? Hey, Dumbazz! It ain't about freedom. Its about staying alive! So quit yer damned b itchin'! Man up! And deal with it! And YES, I do wear a mask when I go out!
    2 points
  5. There’s nothing wrong with that plate, I back the Hogs too. My daily carry consists of a Glock 23 and a Kershaw Ken Onion design (I forget which model). There’s also an ifak in my backpack and more med in the trunk of my car, next to the AR bag, plate carrier, and 72 hour bag. Just never know what’s gonna happen. I’ve heard several guys, who are WAY more experienced than me, say “you’re more likely to need to treat someone medically than you are to get in a gun fight.” I’d implore all of us to get more medical training. The greatest gift we can give someone else is their life back.
    2 points
  6. I hope I get to be as old as some of you guys... I’m going to be great at it.
    2 points
  7. Because law enforcement and regulatory agencies are in the business of providing guidance via punitive measures.
    2 points
  8. We did NOT roll over in 1986!!! There were many court cases raised about this over the years. Some were actually won in Federal District Court. But the other courts ignored the few wins and the Supreme Court declined to comment. The fix was in and the NRA has never been a friend to NFA owners. The same thing happened in 1994. The NRA rolled over after the 10 year sunset was added. Then they claimed victory in 2004. There are NO gun laws that are Constitutional. Period. Yes, I follow the laws. The cost of not following them is much higher than I am willing to pay. I suspect that is true of a very large number of folks. Sadly, time is not on our side as we are getting older and the newer generations appear mostly willing to accept whatever infringements government imposes.
    2 points
  9. For internal AR parts, I highly recommend White Label Armory. They are the direct to consumer arm of DLG Manufacturing who actually makes a lot of the parts used in other folks OEM guns.
    2 points
  10. Glock 19 w/ extra mag Mikov Predator Auto Lever lock Surefire E2T-MV Tactician This is what I carry on my person every day for personal defense. My daily driver has another EDC.... The Zippo stays in the pocket of my M65 field jacket along with a Ranger Silva compass; which is always in the back seat of my truck. the 870 Tac14 and battle belt are covered by the M65. When tensions are high and riots are imminent, the shotgun and belt are replaced with my AR and load bearing vest/plate carrier. Depends on what Defcon we're on. Sorry for the edit....... But this what I carry every day Best regards Rod
    2 points
  11. All of a sudden my Facebook feed is inundated with ads for body armor or plate carriers. I'm completely ignorant about this subject but somewhat interested. Where is a good place to start learning about this? Thanks.
    1 point
  12. I need to order some LPK parts from them.
    1 point
  13. I've never had a problem with having a CC on file at midway and a few other places. The security code is requested each time an order is placed for security reasons (you still have the card and can provide it) but this info is not accessed/viewed by Midway personnel or the CC personnel. It's done all electronically with no hoomans involved. After the CC being used is validated electronically, the order moves on to the "que" for processing. Kinda like when you use your CC at Krogers or anyplace that takes CC. The clerk does not have access to your CC in most places. You can also download the issuing CC "app" to your phone, and get text messages notifying you of charges at a $ limit you can set in the app. It works as I use on several CC's
    1 point
  14. Hello everyone! Moved up here for work in 2014. Still a member on my local FL forums, but the "buy/sell" motion is a bit challenging these days Looking forward to being part of the pro-2A community up here!
    1 point
  15. Welcome mondojackal, I'm a newbie from Commiefornia so I know all about challenging buy/sell routines!
    1 point
  16. I've got pro techs and what not, but I use a pocket knife as a tool primarily, and that one does the job for me. Habit I guess.... Lol
    1 point
  17. Sod Buster, wow...that was my EDC 40 plus years ago in 8th grade. Think I still have it somewhere.
    1 point
  18. I agree with @chances R , for a novice, I would urge obtaining education with live instruction and live fire. You should (hopefully) receive a minimum level of instruction for operating a handgun and the basic fundamentals of safety and shooting. A good instructor will coach a student to develop confidence and competence, the internet can't. I do like how @DaveTN is thinking, my wife can shoot but doesn't, could carry, but won't. Her purse could give me a pretty nice hideout...
    1 point
  19. Vitamin D can be stored. Too much vitamin D can cause problems. Studies show it takes about 8 months for it to build up and level off in your body. However, the majority of Americans, especially seniors, the obese, and African Americans, are deficient in vitamin D. If you're really concerned about your vitamin D levels, get a blood test. Your doctor can request it or you can just go to a lab and pay for it. After 5 months of 7,500 IU/day, my D level was 82. Doctors consider 30-100 the normal range. The breakpoints for severe covid reaction appear to be below 30 and again below 20. Now, this is only anecdotal, but I asked my doctor and he says that D levels in the typical senior citizen that he sees is 16-18. Yes, there is risk. I'll continue to have my D levels checked every six months or so. By April, some of the 63 FDA-approved clinical trials on vitamin D should be reporting results. You could wait until then. Or, you could start vitamin D3 now and stop it in April if the results aren't satisfactory.
    1 point
  20. Anyone taking vitamin D, or anything else should do their research. I did when I saw it being used to help with Covid. Too much vitamin D can cause serious problems like bone loss and kidney failure. I am not a Doctor and don’t pretend to be. But it does not take much research to find out if there are any problems with taking too much of any vitamin. I was always told that your body will only use the amount of vitamin it needs and will pass the excess. It appears that may not be true with all vitamins.
    1 point
  21. That’s a good question. You would think they have a standardized test and cover what’s on it; but who knows. I don’t see any reviews. It looks like the prices range from around $18 to $40. It might be good for some folks here that have been through them to review them here. I think these are a good deal for some folks. For example, my wife has no interest in shooting or carrying. I do most of my shooting anymore in Illinois, my family has land there to shoot on. I can’t carry in Illinois, but I can have a loaded gun in my vehicle on my Tennessee permit. So, I always have to make sure if the wife takes the vehicle without me; there’s no gun in it. Depending on where we are; that could be a problem. With this permit; it wouldn’t be an issue. Then if she decides she wants to carry; I can train her, and she can then take a class and get the enhanced.
    1 point
  22. Lots of fluids, eat what you can, rest as much as you can, praying for the best.
    1 point
  23. Black powder pistols are not legally considered firearms, require no 4473 and therefore can be shipped directly to your home.
    1 point
  24. If you don't mind the drive you could check with Mark Love at Brimstone Recreation in Scott County, TN. He has the rights to all the land and has hunting leases. He allowes one hunter for every 100 acres and its yearly leases. If you're interested send me a message and I can give you his personal number. The biggest lease he has is right at 1200 or so acres. But he has different plots to choose from. I will say that a few years back Scott and Campbell Counties got hit hard with the blue tongue but the population is getting built back up now. I hunt public land in Scott County and do well each year. Got plenty of Hogs and some of the best Turkey Hunting around.
    1 point
  25. Welcome and stay awhile.
    1 point
  26. Prayers for you. My brother had it. It was rough for about 8 days but he's doing good now. Never ran a fever.
    1 point
  27. Ehh, I really don't expect much from the Vols. They're not as important as they pretend they are in any capacity. They're living off of a past that isn't that awesome in comparison to other schools, and now with the CFP putting more and more attention on the top schools, it's going to he harder than before to get to a good spot.
    1 point
  28. I agreed with you up until the last statement, As a pro car nut, not supporting some emission standards would be calling for the end of the automobile. Restrictions on firearms are unconstitutional. I could write a book on this but I will be brief. The bump stock ban should never have been allowed. To me they are worthless, but, shall not be means shall not be. I am reminded of the prose from the Hitler era. "when they came for me there was no one left to stand"
    1 point
  29. To put a legal business out of business. If you can't get what you want legally, use what you got. A raid doesn't have to produce evidence of crime, It only has to intimidate and scare potential customers off. ATF headache solved.
    1 point
  30. If you can't invest 8 hrs in yourself for a possible life changing event, then one shouldn't carry at all IMO. Especially if one is a novice.
    1 point
  31. The narrator said that he wanted a .50 caliber Hawken but, settled for a .30 caliber. I would've hated to took shots at elk with a squirrel rifle.
    1 point
  32. 50 years ago I gave my sweetie a copy of "All I have to offer you is Me," sung by Charlie Pride. We celebrated our 50 back in Feb of this year.
    1 point
  33. A raid sends a different message to EVERYONE. Same as the message sent by going after those who purchased.
    1 point
  34. I think @MacGyver is only in his mid 40's. At least 20 years below TGO members median age
    1 point
  35. On the bottom of the laptop will be a service tag number. Go to Dell.com and click support, and enter that number. It will take you to a downloads page. You may find an option to download a recovery boot image. If it is there, you can download that, and install it to a thumb drive and boot from it to reinstall the OS. If there is no recovery image, you can probably go here https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/windows10 from a different PC and download the actual Windows 10 installer, and create a boot thumb drive. Since you have already activated your license, Microsoft will read the signature of your PC and cross reference it to their database, see that it has already been activated, and will just automatically reactivate it again. No need to purchase a new license. As someone mentioned, you may need to go set the boot order in the bios, but usually there is a prompt as the PC is booting that says something along the lines of "One time boot option". A lot of times it is the F12 button, but may be different on yours. You gott abe quick, adn pay attention, the prompt happens quickly and goes away. I usually have to reboot a few times before I can catch it. Press that key when prompted and select the Boot from USB option. That should boot the thumbdrive and allow you to reinstall Windows. You may have to go back to that Dell Download site and download the drivers for the laptop. Bear in mind these are all destructive and will wipe your drive before reinstalling. You will lose all your files. If it were me, I'd buy a new SSD drive and replace it. Reinstall to the new drive. Then if you want, look on Amazon for an external SSD drive enclosure (here is just the first one I found, shop around: Drive Enclosure). Your drive is probably a SATA, but make sure you buy the right kind (same goes for replacing the old hard drive). You can put the old drive in the enclosure, and plug it into another PC, or the freshly rebuilt laptop and see if you can see the files on it. If so, copy them over to the laptop. As a bonus, once you have the files copied off, format the old drive and use it to back up the files on the laptop periodically.
    1 point
  36. So your point is that one person should not be able to purchase any amount he or she can legally buy? If the statement is correct, this person is a "shooter" and saw that his needs and supplies might be cut off; so he prepared himself for that event. This is wrong? Do you have any "extra" ammo above and beyond your "reasonable shooting needs" stored away? And who decides what "reasonable needs are? No, I have to disagree with you on this. You probably, at least you should be, keeping a bit of extra foods and other supplies in your home. Who decides what amount of that is reasonable? YOU. So while I might envy a person's preparedness, I will not besmirch him for it.
    1 point
  37. No at it's core it serves as an ATM for Wayne and his cronies ...
    1 point
  38. I've begun to embrace the mask. Hat brim pulled down, mask high and tight and choice of dark sunglasses... The new well dressed man. I used it to announce, "stay away from me." I don't want unknown people particularly close me, healthy or otherwise. Social distancing should make it a little more obvious if a BG is trying to close distance.
    1 point
  39. In case no one has told you yet.... It ain't about your health. The inconsistency you are observing is real, and belies the truth. We are each able to choose whether we accept what we are told, or what we observe. That ringing in your ears when you try, is called cognitive dissonance. Your brain already knows the truth, your consciousness is trying to decide if its better to just stick your head in the sand. The consequences of accepting the alternative _is_ a wee bit uncomfortable for some.
    1 point
  40. And that's a good thing, a consequence of nominating and confirming conservative justices. One of the hallmarks of conservatism in jurisprudence is a reluctance to intervene in states' internal matters, as well as a strict interpretation of constitutional law. The SCOTUS upheld these ideals in rejecting the Texas case and their refusal to allow one state to dictate to others how to run their elections. The Trump administration (well, along with Mitch McConnell who has probably been more instrumental in shaping the federal judiciary to be honest) has put an indelible conservative stamp on both the SCOTUS and the remainder of the Federal court system, actions which will do more to benefit the country than any of Trump's other endeavors. However one of the consequences of seating more conservative judges is to lessen the influence that politics and politicians have on the judiciary. This is a good thing, even if it causes Trump to have a hissy fit over this one case rejection ...
    1 point
  41. I'm like dr. Seuss I make it up as I go along, but yes you are pro regulation. Thats against free ownership. Call it what you want. Its like going to a car forum and arguing for tighter emissions standards.
    1 point
  42. Why, lately, are there anti-gun people on a progun form arguing against gun rights? Did the short buss have a wreck up the street?
    1 point
  43. I know, I know…its hard to believe anything that comes out of Biden's mouth, but here is another fact based, no BS, message from Colion Noir….
    1 point
  44. Any water below a damn like Norris will fish well all year. The water comes off the bottom of the reservoir so is mostly consistent temp aside from the solar heating in the summer. You won’t get may fly hatches so nymphing is the ticket. I can’t speak to the French broad but any freestone stream that holds trout will be slower in cold water temps (below 50), but fish still gotta eat, they just don’t move far so you gotta out that fly right in their face. So finding spots where trout will hold is very important. Like pocket water, riffles to the side of rocks, anywhere were food is funneled and they can sit and eat without expending much energy
    1 point
  45. My theory is up talking is popular amongst the youth because they overly concerned about offending people. Up talking allows them to make statements without committing to the statement because everything is made to sound like a question.
    1 point
  46. WE Knives Gesila ProTech TR-3 Streamlight Macrostream
    1 point
  47. Tenacious with titanium scales
    1 point
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