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9 points
If this has been posted before, I missed it, so forgive me. I thought it was hilarious and wanted to share it. A Pastor bought a Donkey and decided to enter him in a race. The donkey won. The Pastor was so pleased with the donkey that he entered it in the race again and it won again. The local paper read: PASTOR'S ASS OUT FRONT. The Bishop was so upset with this kind of publicity that he ordered the Pastor not to enter the donkey in another race. The next day the local paper headline read: BISHOP SCRATCHES PASTOR'S ASS. This was too much for the Bishop so he ordered the Pastor to get rid of the donkey. The Pastor decided to give it to a Nun in a nearby convent. The local paper, hearing of the news, posted the following headline the next day: NUN HAS BEST ASS IN TOWN. The Bishop fainted. He informed the Nun that she would have to get rid of the donkey so she sold it to a farm for $10. The next day the paper read: NUN SELLS ASS FOR $10 This was too much for the Bishop so he ordered the Nun to buy back the donkey and lead it to the plains where it could run wild. The next day the headlines read: NUN ANNOUNCES HER ASS IS WILD AND FREE. The Bishop was buried the next day. The moral of the story is . . . being concerned about public opinion can bring you much grief and misery and even shorten your life. So be yourself and enjoy life. Stop worrying about everyone else's ass and just cover your own !!! You'll be a lot happier and live longer!4 points
Thank you I’m of two minds about it. On one hand, I want to hurry up and get back to work. On the other hand, I want to get this over with. If I come down with the ‘Rona now, then I can no longer think about it anymore. I am young enough, and healthy enough, to not have any of the high risk factors that I’m honestly not worried about getting it. The odds are very, very low that I would die. My job is a higher risk for killing me than the ‘Rona. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯4 points
I get out of my depth here pretty quickly - but one of the antibodies Immunoglobulin M develops very quickly after infection - but is not long lasting - maybe lasting weeks in the system. A second antibody immunoglobulin G develops later and is somewhat more durable and longer lasting - lasting months or years in some cases. It is still unknown as to what protection these antibodies will offer against reinfection. Because of the above questions as well as the chances for both false positives and even false negative in some cases, it’s generally recognized that a current Emergency Use Authorized serological test is more of a curiosity than an actual diagnostic test.3 points
That's a gen 2 rail. Is your charging handle ambidextrous? My gen 1 is not. It's kind of table stakes - but it's not unheard of to get a bad heat treat on a batch of pins.2 points
I appreciate the sites that have the “show only in-stock items” option. When you check that the whole page is empty and you don’t have to dig around to try to find anything.2 points
2 points
We've been here before. This too shall pass. Saturday was the first time in 2020 that I've shot. I'm conserving what I have.2 points
If you haven't already started taking vitamin D3, you should start immediately and take a 20,000 IU on day 1 and 5,000 IU daily after that. Some people are advocating 50,000 IU on day 1. Good luck.2 points
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Lol, that is why I will shoot a deer for friends but they have to get it processed (or do their own) because it is not only labor intensive, but it takes some time, time which I could be hunting.2 points
The work begins at the pull of the trigger. LOL Nice deer Greg, you can't eat them ole horns anyways, make nice hat racks though.2 points
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I'm quite sure he doesn't. Salvation is by faith, not by works. Relinquishing control is hard, i struggle with that every day. The choice is yours, all you have to do is ask.2 points
I’ve used a MEC 600 Jr quite a bit and it blows away the Lee Load All. I picked up a second one used for $60. They are not fast—I can load maybe 100 rounds an hour, but there is no case prep/cleaning and gaging like there is with brass case cartridges. Whatever the extra cost is over a Load All, it’s worth it. I’ve had mixed results with adjustable charge bars and would avoid them. What gauge do you plan to load? Not sure about current birdshot prices, but at $5-6/box, it’s tough to save much for 12. On the other hand, you can save a ton on .410 and to a lesser extent on 28 and 20. I’ve loaded more 20 ga. than anything.1 point
Thanks for reporting this. I've corrected the problem.1 point
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Yea, me too. I have only paid to have one processed, and that was to make sure the processor did a good job before recommending him to friends. But like I said, I won't do it for others, because it does take some work, and is time consuming to do properly, and I wouldn't feel right if I cut corners just because I wasn't keeping the venison.1 point
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The negative test lasts me get back on the road. After that, symptoms will determine a retest. I’ll have to test again tomorrow at the terminal as well.1 point
Right, but under the thoughts of some, the COVID patients are being used to pad the books with free money from Uncle Sugar.1 point
With the way the Tennessee plays, I don’t know that that’s gonna make any difference at all. Scratch that, it’ll probably result in a lot more penalties and then sexual assault prosecutions.1 point
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Looks great Doug! The stock sheen/ conditioner will knock down a lot of the gloss. You'll need to go slow & steady with very little pressure & probably 5 or 6 applications, but it'll take less than an hour. It smooths everything out beautifully too. Do small areas, then blend it all in in large sections. You think it feels nice now, just wait! Night & day difference. You'll be honestly astonished at how many of those teeny tiny flaws you're not 100% happy with, just disappear.1 point
I've had the flu before. Always my senses returned to normal. Not this time. It doesn't appear I'll ever have a return to normal. I always had an acute ability to smell and taste. Not anymore. I've lost 20 pounds from prior to the illness. Good thing is I can now drink cheap bourbon and not give a ####.1 point
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That is probably a better word choice ... For Tennessee, any wins are few and far between now ...1 point
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If you're already looking at the Q products, you could always get a Trash Panda for the 300blk and 223. You can find dealers that have them in stock and just get it transferred to your preferred dealer. I do strongly suggest looking at this website ( https://pewscience.com )for actual real world suppressor ratings and reviews before you purchase a suppressor. I am not affiliated with that website personally, but I do listen to the podcast and read the reviews. Like Alleycat said, Silencershop is a good resource but you're going to need more than 1 suppressor considering the different firearms and calibers you mentioned.1 point
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There is evidence suggesting the Kung Flu has been in circulation in the US in 2019. Several people with similar stories. The sense of taste/smell issues are unique to this illness.1 point
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You’d think it would be consistent, it ain’t. I spent enough time behind the counter at a gun shop to learn that. So I can’t help you with a why, just an idea of the what.1 point
You don't have to worry about the vaccine altering your DNA because it doesn't. As opposed to the traditional method of weakening a virus and then introducing it into your body so that you mount an immune response to a specific protein found on the virus, the DNA and RNA vaccines introduce genetic sequences of the virus into your body. Certain cells then use that genetic material to produce the targeted protein, which then stimulates the the immune response. The cells do not mutate (i.e., change their own DNA). There are actually a host of reasons why DNA and RNA vaccinations are a lot safer than traditional vaccinations. In my practice, I vaccinate cats daily with a recombinant DNA rabies vaccination. The traditional killed-virus rabies vaccination has a 1 in 10,000 chance of stimulating tumors (presumably due to the additives needed to stimulate the immune system to respond to an inactivated virus). The "new" vaccine (which has been around for at least 20 years) is much less likely to have any side effects because the they can pare it down to the most essential components necessary to stimulate an immune response. It is also just as effective as the traditional vaccination. The same principles will translate to the coronavirus vaccination, and I am hopeful that one day they can make other coronavirus vaccinations for human colds and potentially FIP (a nearly 100% fatal disease in cats caused by a coronavirus). If the coronavirus vaccination was available to my family today, the only two things I would consider is efficacy and safety. If I looked at the numbers and saw that adverse reactions were no greater than any other vaccination, we would all four get the vaccination. Realistically, there will be hundreds of thousands of people around the world who will get it before my family can get it, so there will be even more safety data available by that time. I am an essential worker in Tennessee, but I live in Georgia, so I don't know how that will effect when I get vaccinated.1 point
I'd love to see all elected officials nationwide having to take it before using it on innocent people.1 point
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God's plan is for nature to take it course at life's end. When one uses extraordinary means to keep someone alive then they are going against nature. This is not to say taking antibiotics is going against nature. My mother died of Alzheimer's. Those patients, if their body is strong enough, will live until they can't swallow. When that happens they either starve, stroke and no longer are able to eat, or die from lack of water. This happened to my mother. She had a living will. Hospice honored her will. My sister had legal power of attorney. She talked, at length with my mother about her wishes. My sister gave the DR's her living will and allowed her to pass on. It bothered me. I went to an old preacher and talked to him about it. He told me nature took its course with her. When one signs a living will they are, in fact, saying, allow nature to take its course and thereby not playing God. Works for me guys, and I am a Christian. I have plans to give a daughter legal P O Attorney and my living will, and so is my wife. Euthanasia is a different situation.1 point
It get that, but it just irks me that other people, or government, think that it's their place to even comment on such a personal decision let alone set conditions on it.1 point
Yes, the Catholics believe that, but they also don't believe in grace by faith. They believe in works over faith contrary to what the Bible says. You can't work your way into Heaven. Personally, I place no faith in man. Nowhere does God tell you in the Bible to hire some guy or gal to tell you what to believe. In fact, it's quite the opposite in 2 Timothy 2:15, "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." In modern language and context: Study the Bible to show yourself approved by God, a worker that should not be ashamed of his work, correctly dividing the Bible. The last means that the Bible was written to three people groups: the Jews, the gentiles [people who have not come to Christ] and the saints [people who have come to Christ]. You do not apply doctrine for the Jews to the saints, or the gentiles to the saints. That's where most people fail.1 point
I've had to make this decision twice and knowing the persons wishes helps quite a bit but I can't stress enough the importance of having a Medical Power of Attorney along with the Living Will. Things can come up that are not included in or at least not detailed enough in a Living Will to have the persons wishes carried out. Each document needs to be very specific in the wording because anything in a Living Will cannot be overridden by a Medical Power Of Attorney should the situation come up.1 point
Personally, I feel that the choice to end your life cannot be more personal, and it's nobody's damned business if you make the choice to do so - particularly the government's. Some will say it's the family's business, but if you're selfish enough not to consider them then their opinion doesn't matter to you anyway.1 point
I've read the Bible numerous times, and nowhere does it say that. Can't talk about Muslims, Mormons, etc. It does say that it is "appointed once unto man to die" so you can't die before your time, and no matter what, you can't surprise God.1 point
We have a friend who just was notified she had cancer, from going in to get checked to now being given just a few days to live, all in a span of just two to three weeks. Her daughter told us she is tired of fighting so I suspect she will go soon. For her, I'd support euthanasia, instead of going through all the pain and suffering, and the indignity of having everything done for you in the end. It should be a no brainer, when you have a terminal disease and only a short time left, it should be legal to choose to die on your own terms. We have discussed this at length in our family, we don't have DNRs, but have expressed our feelings that if we are being kept alive artificially and the quality of life is just not there, then we will make the decision to let that person go. DNRs are a bit too restrictive IMO, they won't even do CPR, which would suck if your heart stopped and all it needs is a jumpstart, with nothing else wrong.1 point
I haven't read much about it, but my biggest question about the coming vaccine is what is the plan for an end game? Will this vaccine be like measles or polio--one dose and good for life? Or will it be like a flu shot--different every year and always needing to be adjusted or redeveloped? If it's the latter, are we facing lockdowns and mask mandates for the rest of our days? Are people ok with this?1 point
Stop the Bleed Knowing how to patch holes is as important (if not more so) than making them.1 point
Effective April 8, 2020, all rules and guidelines for using the TGO Trading Post are now found in this article. Please always refer to this article for the most up-to-date guidelines.1 point
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