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A friend and I squared off with a couple rounds of Battleship, .22 LR style. My CZ 455 vs his Ruger Precision Rimfire. The Ruger won the day. We started at 50 yards, but decided that was too easy, so we moved out to 100. Then the wind picked up and the round got more expensive. We added some last-minute tribal rules. Black dots are worth two extra shots. 100 yards:7 points
3 points
I think most folks know I lost Darby to Kidney failure about 2 months ago and I went on the quest for another best friend. I have Kasey and Darby both in urns on my Tv Console. I was limited to finding a new best friend as I couldn't go to the Rescue Centers in person to see the dogs. Well my daughter has Basset hounds and she went to pick up he newest puppy and she called me up while there and ask me if I would like to have a Bassett. The lady had a 6 year old female she was not going to breed again and was wanting to rehome her. She sent me a couple pictures and I told her to get the dog and bring it to me. Her name is Rosie and she is a pure bred female and he book name is Yellow Rose. The move to here from the kennel home was quite an adjustment since the breeder had her from a puppy and she was use to living in a kennel with other dogs around her. She spent the first couple days going around the house smelling and sniffing everything in every room. I spent a lot of time with her and learned that she loves all the attention she can get so I may spend a few hours just rubbing her ears and petting her and she soaks it up like a sponge.....LOL I will try and post a picture of her.2 points
You may have, not everyone experiences the loss of smell or taste, which of course would make you less susceptible to any further infection from the China Virus. I have been around so many that have come up positive that I am sort of surprised that I have not been forced to get tested, or been quarantined at least. But not a bit surprised at the fact that I have not caught it though, as I too feel I have had it already.2 points
That is probably a better word choice ... For Tennessee, any wins are few and far between now ...2 points
1 point
I had the full brain probe test and the antibody test last week. I was so hopeful antibody test would come back positive.1 point
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I know some won't agree with us but I agree with you. Being sick (with anything) stinks but I'm tired of thinking about it. Part of me wants to get it over with. My wife and I just got back from Mexico 7 days ago and it appears(so far) we managed to not get Covid. We took as many reasonable precautions as we could. Apparently flying is safer than one would think. My wife is convinced we had it the first few days of February when returning from New Orleans because we had all the symptoms except for loss of taste.1 point
Thank you I’m of two minds about it. On one hand, I want to hurry up and get back to work. On the other hand, I want to get this over with. If I come down with the ‘Rona now, then I can no longer think about it anymore. I am young enough, and healthy enough, to not have any of the high risk factors that I’m honestly not worried about getting it. The odds are very, very low that I would die. My job is a higher risk for killing me than the ‘Rona. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯1 point
I ordered the Jagerworks B.R.O.S. a couple months ago before it was actually available. I finally received it a couple weeks ago and I like it. It truly allows you to ruggedize the SRO.1 point
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True enough, but even at a 50% win clip, Vandy is (outside of maybe Kentucky) still Tennessee's best chance for an SEC win each year ...1 point
Not for the last decade based on the game results. UT fans won't admit it but Vanderbilt is a bigger rival than Florida, Georgia, or Alabama the last ten years. 105 November 20, 2010 Nashville Tennessee 24–10 106 November 19, 2011 Knoxville Tennessee 27–21OT 107 November 17, 2012 Nashville Vanderbilt 41–18 108 November 23, 2013 Knoxville Vanderbilt 14–10 109 November 29, 2014 Nashville Tennessee 24–17 110 November 28, 2015 Knoxville Tennessee 53–28 111 November 26, 2016 Nashville Vanderbilt 45–34 112 November 25, 2017 Knoxville Vanderbilt 42–24 113 November 24, 2018 Nashville Vanderbilt 38–13 114 November 30, 2019 Knoxville Tennessee 28–101 point
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I agree, I've had Warnes and cheap Weavers that I paid ten bucks for and usually can't tell a difference in how it holds zero.1 point
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I guess there's something about rings that I just don't "get". I've used cheap rings and mid-priced rings (never have used very expensive rings) and have never noticed a lick of difference. I'm not saying that there IS no difference, just that I've never noted any. I've never had a scope move or be damaged, even with some fairly heavy calibers.1 point
https://www.midwayusa.com/product/1020789393 These, in medium height, will work perfectly for you. They're out of stock right now, but it's worth waiting for them. I have them if several rifles & they've been flawless. Also, before mounting, read this: https://www.rokslide.com/forums/threads/scope-mounting-to-maintain-zero.78482/1 point
Neither one of us would have given Carlos Hathcock a run for his money, but we had a lot of fun. I didn't even know these targets existed. We talked about moving them up to 25 yards and shooting offhand next time. May be even more expensive than 100 yards in the wind.1 point
There is evidence suggesting the Kung Flu has been in circulation in the US in 2019. Several people with similar stories. The sense of taste/smell issues are unique to this illness.1 point
1 point
Nice! Thats a great past time. Back in the days before a 10/22 was all the rage, I used to take cool aid, splash it on the back of a paper target and pick off flies with my Ithaca X15. It was only 25 yards but good clean fun.1 point
We are pretty close then. We are about 10 miles from Erwin. We have a bit over 7 acres backing up to national forest. I have a range behind the house setup so I can shoot off the deck. I have a bunch of steel setup from 8 - 35 yards. If I want more distance I can shoot the upper targets from another spot to get 55 yards. When I want to shoot further I use the range in the National Forest over in Unicoi.1 point
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Good to hear since yearly flu shots are always a roll of the dice from the experts who try to predict what strain we’ll have this season.1 point
Vaccine seems to be spot on this year (and more folks than usual may well have taken it), most strains not as easily infectious as Covid, so isolation/distancing/masks likely have had a significant effect. Here's one analysis: https://www.livescience.com/flu-season-mild-covid-19-precautions.html - OS1 point
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While I fully support being a member of other 2nd Amendment organizations and strongly encourage it, don't abandon the NRA. They still have clout and name recognition and those count in this fight. I still pay my dues, but don't give NRA one single cent extra. Hopefully, they will come through this a much better organization. But the key is LaPierre must step down for any real change to happen. I'm still hopeful. I strongly encourage every member of this board to join other pro 2nd groups as well. Especially the Tennessee Firearms Association which is on the front lines right here in our state and doing a great job.1 point
Best I can do with what I have. This side was super dented. My iPad makes it look grainy. If I can knock some sheen down I will call it1 point
^^^^ Yeah, stuff like that building is annoying I agree, and yes it's time for Wayne to go, it was time five years ago. NRA Benefactor Lifer here... the turmoil is annoying as is their incessant begging, but they are still the big dog on the block. I'm a GOA - CRPA - and VCDL supporter too from time to time, but I just can't but feel without the NRA we are screwed.1 point
CRP means C-reactive protein test. Anything above 10 is a sign of serious infection, trauma, or disease. Mine was 30. So that is really good because the infection is going way down!!!!1 point
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That bothers me; that’s obscene. No gun rights group should be spending money on a building like that. If they have money like that, they need to be investing it in local elections and local laws.1 point
I don’t want to go to a Doctors Office, let alone a hospital. That’s where the carriers are. I can’t imagine, or understand a nurse not wanting to get a flu shot or the Covid vaccine when it is available. I’m sure they have done their research and have their reasons. But if that were me, I’d think maybe I’m in the wrong line of work?1 point
1 point
I have to brag on my beautiful bride for getting me a Hold Up Displays 12 gun rack for my birthday. She is my best friend and puts up with all my craziness. Got it put up today and decided to show a few of my lever guns. When I open the door to the man cave this view smacks me in the face. I am truly Blessed!1 point
Well, I had a great dinner without ever leaving the house. Daughter and son in law showed up just long enough to bring me dinner which they brought enough for about 3 people so I have plenty of left overs for a couple days. And for desert I have my choice of Homemade Pecan pie, Homemade Pumpkin Pie or homemade Cheesecake and I couldn't believe it but she made me a Mincemeat Pie just for me which will be my first choice......LOL. For years I have said how much I miss not having any Mincemeat Pie at Thanksgiving and no one has ever made it in the family. All they said is that's a Yankee pie and not made down south. Once in a while I will see a can of it on a shelf in certain stores but only during the holiday season. Publix has it during the Holidays. This year my daughter looked up how to make it from scratch on the computer and she made me one. I have Turkey, Ham, Green Bean casserole, Mash taters, dressing, Cranberry sauce, Dumplings, Canned Yams and Rolls and probably missed something but fridge is full of food......LOL!1 point
Do a little lite reading on Bill and Melinda Gates. That'll set your mind racing!1 point
If only this held them all. Lol. I'm working on a knife display. Hopefully have a GT wall of fine cutlery to share.1 point
Capitalism. You really wouldn't want it any other way. Anyone not prepared at this point in time is either impoverished, ignorant, or lazy.1 point
The cool thing about being prepared is that you can sit back and enjoy the show. We've seen this before, and we'll see it again.1 point
From L-R: Homebrew tele, Homebrew strat, Tokia "Les Paul", Carvin DLC126, Homebrew '54 "Lesa Paul", Gibson SG, Gibson SG, 1965 Epiphone Olympic, Gibson Melody Maker. And just for you Mikey Magnatone lap steel. Next up, amps!1 point
0 points
Great looking Bassett Doug. She doesn't know she's hit the motherload yet but I'm sure she will figure it out soon.0 points
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