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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/27/2020 in all areas

  1. I think most folks know I lost Darby to Kidney failure about 2 months ago and I went on the quest for another best friend. I have Kasey and Darby both in urns on my Tv Console. I was limited to finding a new best friend as I couldn't go to the Rescue Centers in person to see the dogs. Well my daughter has Basset hounds and she went to pick up he newest puppy and she called me up while there and ask me if I would like to have a Bassett. The lady had a 6 year old female she was not going to breed again and was wanting to rehome her. She sent me a couple pictures and I told her to get the dog and bring it to me. Her name is Rosie and she is a pure bred female and he book name is Yellow Rose. The move to here from the kennel home was quite an adjustment since the breeder had her from a puppy and she was use to living in a kennel with other dogs around her. She spent the first couple days going around the house smelling and sniffing everything in every room. I spent a lot of time with her and learned that she loves all the attention she can get so I may spend a few hours just rubbing her ears and petting her and she soaks it up like a sponge.....LOL I will try and post a picture of her.
    10 points
  2. Dunno where that's from, but TN's official draft proposal looks more like this: From https://www.tn.gov/health/news/2020/10/21/tennessee-infrastructure-plan-for-covid-19-vaccine-distribution.html Specifically, from the PDF linked on that page at: https://www.tn.gov/content/dam/tn/health/documents/cedep/novel-coronavirus/COVID-19_Vaccination_Plan.pdf - OS
    5 points
  3. I can speak to the homeless here in Nashville. We’ve had several cases - and some deaths. Luckily we’ve got some truly great non-profits here that have helped that population manage it like the rest of us have had to. I’m on the schedule to spend the night next week as a part of one of those programs - so I guess you could say I’ve got reason to keep up with the data.
    4 points
  4. Truth. Politics aside.... truly, take a deep breath and remove any political bias or right-left leaning you may have: Why aren't the homeless people dropping dead in the streets? If this virus is as deadly as some outlets suggest, if transmissivity is as easy as those same parties suggest, then this should have ravaged those populations in all the affected major cities (which is all of them) to the point they are non-existent. Seniors in nursing homes with hourly medical checks ARE dying in large numbers (and buckets of co-morbidities, but I'd digress). But a population of drug addled mentally challenged drifters with no diet, shelter, nor medical care appear totally unaffected. This population exists to varying degrees all over the world, but certainly the US. This isn't a red-city/blue-city issue, its in big ones in the heartland and little ones on the coasts. These people are not quaranteening, social distancing, or wearing masks. They share cigarettes, food and drink, and drugs (i.e. mouth contact!) with nary an infectious disease concern! Aerosol droplets of the virus can travel 30 meters and live for 72 hours on steel surfaces we're told. ...but the homeless panhandlers are immune? C'mon man.... Use your brain. There IS a reason half the 'stuff' about this situation doesn't add up. You think Newsome would dine out maskless if there was a real threat to his wellbeing? Guv of NJ was spotted with his whole fam (wife + kids) dining with friends (i.e. not same household) at a restaurant with no mask. Sound like someone who Fears for his life? Asshat had just issued lockdown orders... for the rest of the state. Wake The F Up Its not about your health, it never was! None of it is. Thats WHY it doesn't add up! You're being fed lies, and your brain knows it, thats that 'funny feeling' you can't seem to shake. Its called "cognitive dissonance" (look it up!) If this viral pandemic was half of what TPTB claim it is YOU wouldn't be going shopping at Walmart, you'd be scared as $*&t hunkered down in your basement. Instead you're arguing and fighting with friends and neighbors about politically constructed straw-man arguments... almost as if it was a distraction that was planned that way or something? Not like there is massive evidence of Election theft going on the distract you from. But lets listen to 2 factory workers on faceplant debate the efficiacy of N95 vs woven weave masks citing no medical studies whatsoever. Look, heres a celebrity with big cans and sportsball star on tee vee for you to parrot. We are so screwed....
    4 points
  5. I'd love to see all elected officials nationwide having to take it before using it on innocent people.
    4 points
  6. Trying to talk to some of these non-reloading people is a chore. You hear," I can buy it cheaper than I can reloaded it..." I ,have not heard this one lately. When the reloading topic comes eyes will glaze over.
    3 points
  7. Why aren't BLM and ANTIFA dropping like flies?, oh yea, only uber right gatherings are super spreader events, rioters are immune.
    3 points
  8. I would quit if my employer told me I had to take a vaccine. Like the old song says "Take this job and shove it"!!! Anybody wants my dose can have it.
    3 points
  9. I know a couple of Amish folks in the Deer Park area. The father-in-law of one of them died of the virus, and another one believes that he himself had it, though he's slowly recovering. The man who's recovering has not been tested, so far as I know. The man who died was tested and had the virus. That's very anecdotal, of course, but it shows that the Amish aren't avoiding it entirely. It's also worth noting that the Amish are, in-general, people who spend a lot of time working hard out of doors. The few I know are lean and in good health, eat the way human beings are meant to eat, and don't sit around doing nothing.
    2 points
  10. Thanks Erik, great points! I'll admit it appears incongruous. It was Rahm Emmanuel, who is most widely quoted for suggesting "never let a crisis go to waste." I'm not trying to favor one political flavor over another, as much of the debate about this virus forms up along political divisions instead of getting to the real point. Many folks are blinded to the reality of their situation due to ideology. Set that aside. Ask why are some (highly vulnerable) populations completely unaffected? Why aren't the Amish lining up at the hospitals or dying off one commune at a time? One exposed person would absolutely devestate a tight knit community like that... if what we're being sold was the truth? Motive is pretty simple, as that was the reason for me pointing out the election fraud. You don't think thats been in the works for a few years? They just pulled it out last minute? I'd dare say the virus was released in concert with the fraudulent election (just like the threat of increasing lockdowns just happens to coincide with mounting resistance to the election fraud?) but then folks would think I'm some tinfoil hat wearing nutjob! Its not like Government organs would EVER do ANYTHING to harm the American population! BLM can burn down a federal courthouse and grafitti streets without facing any charges but peacefully march to protest a stolen election and you'll be jailed for violating a(n UnConstitutional) health dept. emergency order mandate! Still don't feel that boot on your neck?
    2 points
  11. Mask mandate doesn't mean many/any more people abide by it than those who simply do it by choice; especially in a red state where the issue has become largely one of politics rather than health. I see this as nature's beta test for reducing the population. The half a million or so ain't jack, but it shows that we're a very easy mark for a more lethal one. - OS
    2 points
  12. My parents moved from their house to an assisted living facility. They had all kinds of problems with their TV, phone, and internet. (They didn’t allow them to have Xfinity) I took care of their computer remotely until TeamViewer locked me out saying an assisted living facility was “commercial building” and told me I had to buy an expensive subscription plan to have access. They should be ashamed. But anyway, I tried to explain to people that TV, Internet and phone is all these locked up, elderly people have when quarantined in their apartments. Luckily after a few months they had an opening at a better place; those people understand, and are much better at solving problems. They got their Xfinity TV/Internet back and have a phone that works all the time. That was major in making a bad situation a little more livable.
    2 points
  13. IMHO...These are the 2 BEST comments in this entire thread. They sum up the events as I, and I suspect many more, do around this forum and the country see them.
    2 points
  14. ReeferMac made some great points, whether or not you agree with everything he wrote. The big takeaway for me is that I no longer believe what MSM and the politicians tell me. I always took it with a grain of salt, but now it's much worse. ReeferMac mentions a couple of governors who issued directives and then ignored them. We saw Pelosi ignoring the rules to get her hair done, and Feinstein has been photographed in the capital maskless. Those events and similar tell me that the politicians are probably a lot less concerned about this virus than they let on. The Supreme Court just ruled that governments have been treating some gatherings, like church and synagogue, differently than others, like acupuncture businesses. And on the other hand there's Herman Cain and President Trump himself was hospitalized with the virus. Having said that, I'm certainly not about to ignore the obvious dangers. I'm doing what I can to minimize my exposure without overly disrupting my life. As soon as a vaccine is available, I'll take it, just as I've taken the flu vaccine for the past 40 years or so.
    2 points
  15. I didn't want to copy your entire post, but I agree. Logical fallacies are so fascinating. One that is killing Americans every day is confirmation bias by our public health officials. They absolutely refuse to consider any "evidence" that isn't the subject of double-blind FDA-approved clinical trials. 62 clinical trials are underway on vitamin D right now, but public health officials refuse to even mention it as a possible preventive and therapeutic because of their preconceived bias against vitamin supplementation. Is vitamin D3 a miracle cure? No. But the data is so far is compelling enough for me to take it and recommend it to everyone I see.
    2 points
  16. We did just the immediate family at home since my in-laws understandably canceled theirs. Splurged and got a prepped meal from an upscale place. Took the stress off the wife and got some different stuff. The wife did make her homemade holiday rolls. Meal said it would feed 6, but we will probably still get 6 more meals out of it after we 4 ate. So we had turkey, mashed potatoes, macaroni & smoked gouda cheese (with bacon ), chestnut oregano stuffing, green bean casserole, sweet potatoe casserole, and white chocolate cheesecake. Kids were a bit bummed not seeing everyone, but that is the 2020 mood. I will take bummed and healthy over the alternative.
    2 points
  17. We continue voting into situations that we will eventually have to try and fight our way out of. History confirms this.
    2 points
  18. In fairness I left out one category that deserves some sympathy. Newbies. Lousy time to be starting the path to gun ownership.
    2 points
  19. Things might be coming to a head. From 2 days ago. NRA Acknowledges Improper Executive Benefits in New Tax Filing https://www.wsj.com/articles/nra-acknowledges-improper-executive-benefits-in-new-tax-filing-11606341481
    1 point
  20. Same here, through I still enjoy fur free surfaces.
    1 point
  21. I was/am one of those. As soon as this China Virus is no longer "useful" you will see much less reporting on it. Right now, the election is far from over, so they will still try and use it to do whatever it is they want passed. Problem is, people are getting wise to the BS, and noticing that their "beloved" leaders are not following their own mandates, because you know they are only for us peasants.
    1 point
  22. I'm not normally a Taurus fan, but given the choice, I'd take it. .38 option, SA/DA, little bigger stock to grip.
    1 point
  23. And where is the database for "antifa" or "BLM" or "the homeless"? I'm sure those populations are being affected according to the same contagion factors as anyone else. People don't "fall over in the streets" from Covid. We die laying down, at home, in hospitals, in tents on the street. We don't die en masse, we die one by one. At projected total deaths of half a million, that's maybe .25% of us. All pretty inconsequential, unless it you or yours that fall into that group. ------------ edit: of course I meant that last sentence in a statistical sense, not as valuation of individual human life. - OS
    1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. I must say that back when they were working on the Aids Vaccine and H1N1 Vaccine we didn't have the technology we have today to create a new vaccine for this virus. I'm sure that they are using cutting edge technology to create the Vaccine. Whether the Warp Speed creation of it has anything to do with it, I have no clue. Now as far as who gets it first and who gets it last, stop and think for a second. Of course they would put the elderly at the end of the list. They have been wanting to cut back the elderly population for years because every time an old person dies Social Security benefits from it, Medicare benefits from it and so does Medicaid. That is one less person on the dole for it. I know that is a negative way of looking at it but facts are facts. I doubt I will be stepping up in line to get the vaccine any time soon if at all. If it works and does prevent the virus from people getting it that improves my chance of not catching it but at my age I'm not planning on going out to test it and find out. I have heard a lot of people say they won't be getting it and others can't wait to get it.
    1 point
  26. Nice GGG. Have a friend who has an antique wagon wheel converted to hold some of his lever guns. He calls it his "Wheel of Winchesters" loaded with 73's, 86's, 92's & 94's. Amazing.
    1 point
  27. My son in law that lives in the front house has said that is the system goes down again he is going to go buy everything we need for both houses and set it up using good equipment and just use their Fiber Optics to power it all. My house runs off his house with a Wifi booster at present. I'm glad Tommy knows how to do all this stuff or I would be paying someone big bucks to do it. He started to do that before they fixed it this time but it seems they fixed it. If it happens again he will do it. I'm almost lost without a computer. Other than TV it is all I have to do these days. I have not been off the property more than about 10 miles since March. I do start the jeep and take it for a drive to keep it all loosened up and working about once or twice a month but only drive in the country. Next trip I will go and gas up but pay at the pump so won't have to mingle with folks.
    1 point
  28. Go to Basspro's website and look at Fly Outfits and read the reviews for each. They come with rod, reel, line, line backing and leader. They have a couple of $99 dollar rigs that would serve your needs of him getting his feet wet. Normally, the people working that department know a little about the subject so they would be able to help you with things like what weight rig to get depending on what kind of fishing he will be doing. They also put them on sale frequently so you might want to wait until their Xmas sale but as I said, "read the reviews" Believe it or not but that's about the best place to get a descent quality rig for a reasonable price. It's an addiction. First the fishing, then the fly tying. It's not a cheap hobby if you dive in too deep.
    1 point
  29. Thanks for the update, praying for the best.
    1 point
  30. Thanks. Ruger American .308.
    1 point
  31. Bringing it back for this year. I took this bad boy about 10 minutes ago! I get to sit here for another 3 hours now so as to not mess everyone else up going out.
    1 point
  32. You described normal activities that people do during their daily lives, but omitted the criminal activity that is anything but normal but is becoming a lot more common. Hiding in a basement and worrying about the virus 24/7 has to be a stressful hobby.
    1 point
  33. Interesting that you omitted them from your list, though.
    1 point
  34. Anyone who did not see this coming is blind and deaf!
    1 point
  35. Prayer for you all again tonight Steel.
    1 point
  36. That was 40-50 years ago at this point. Time flies.
    1 point
  37. Do a little lite reading on Bill and Melinda Gates. That'll set your mind racing!
    1 point
  38. Basically anybody who doesn't work at a bowling alley or barber shop. Or a church.
    1 point
  39. I forgot about Dead Zero. I am a transplant myself and have not been to dead zero in person. When I landed in 2018 it was not fully completed but the big detractor was the distance at almost an hour and half away. When I was at my CRC orientation I did talk to a couple members who said they had built it out and were impressed. Both Montlake and Dead Zero are a bit of a trek for me. If the distance isn't an issue, seems hard pressed to not have a Dead Zero membership with it higher end offerings. I was going to look at options again in spring myself for a distance range and one that had bays for holster work. I currently have to wait for trips to South GA to do that sort of practice. CRC is only about 15 minutes away so the practicality made it a no brainer. But they do not allow draw from holster (paying for the sins of others!). Max distance for regular use is 300 yds. They have scheduled evens where they shut down the 200 / 300 ranges and go to 500yds. Its a "mature" facility, so its a great test and tune range. Anything less than 25 yds on pistol for defensive practice (no holster) has to be done at the plinking range. Doesn't offer everything I want currently but I'll keep it as folks are nice and convenient. Building is the way to go in the current housing environment. That's great! Sounds like you're well sorted and you have some pretty intense couple months ahead. But all good. Best of luck, and again welcome to TN.
    1 point
  40. I could be wrong, but I don’t think any of that will help. There is too little time, too many jurisdictions, too many criminals counting and changing ballots, and too little hard core evidence that can be used in court. Couple that with a mindset that criminal acts are justified to get their way “at any cost”, fear of riots if the elections were legitimate, and the biggest percentage of the media siding with the liberals; and we have a problem that will be tough to overcome.
    1 point
  41. Essential workers probably include the governor and county managers that refused to issue mask mandates.
    1 point
  42. Agreed. That's how I remember it as well.
    1 point
  43. I bought my own router. I think it was about $59. It has served us admirably for several years now.
    1 point
  44. Been loading for over 50 years. Great past time. Good way to get away from the pressures from work and the way my wife greeted me at the door coming home, " Do you know what your boys did today!" Started out with a RCBS rock chucker press and added on from there. I now still load on it and Dillon 650. Got 14 different die sets for that and maybe half that many that I still load on my rock chucker. Started casting my own bullets a couple years into loading. I now have 15-20 sets of 4 cavity Lyman molds a real nice sizing machine. It's been a great hobby for a lot of years. Sure kept my out of the poor house shooting practical pistol.
    1 point
  45. It takes events like what have been happening lately to make some aware just how vulnerable they can be.
    1 point
  46. The one thing I wonder about constitutional carry is how it would affect the ability to carry out of state. If other states wouldn't recognize cc then going out of TN might mean leaving your gun at home or locked up in your vehicle without quick access wouldn't it?
    1 point
  47. When I worked for TSC the corporate office was not posted. I don't remember if the employee handbook said anything about carry or not. This was before the move to Brentwood.
    1 point
  48. I hate it that gun sites and forums were spamming with scams prior to this. I’m glad this forum doesn’t do that.
    1 point
  49. Wow that is crazy. Well, I really hope someone knows how to go about this. "Rules" do not mean anything when law is law. They told me at the dmv "we have rules that say" and I politely replied that I would like to see the law and not go by rules nobody can show me on paper.
    1 point
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