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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/25/2020 in all areas

  1. I have to brag on my beautiful bride for getting me a Hold Up Displays 12 gun rack for my birthday. She is my best friend and puts up with all my craziness. Got it put up today and decided to show a few of my lever guns. When I open the door to the man cave this view smacks me in the face. I am truly Blessed!
    13 points
  2. I've probably posted these before, but I had them out of the safe and snapped a picture. My father made each of my sons a deer rifle. They are Mexican Mauser actions with Timney triggers and David Miller 3 position safeties. They are both chambered for 257 Roberts. I hope they will appreciate them as much as I do.
    7 points
  3. Agreed. That's how I remember it as well.
    4 points
  4. Thanks again to our TGO family. My bride and I made it home about an hour ago. She had a vigorous day of PT and OT and we are both ready for a good night's sleep in our own home. We are truly Blessed. We wish you a speedy resolution to your situation @BHunted!
    3 points
  5. And if you’ve ever sat on the flight line watching them do touch and goes it’s freaking awesome. I was involved in saving one that lost an engine over Spokane Washington in the early 80’s. It was fully loaded and had just been fueled (little known knowledge they take off almost empty on fuel because they can’t get it off the ground fully loaded and fully fueled). It was intense for a bit that day.
    3 points
  6. My initial thoughts were that if we don’t have the professionals at the CDC to give us the information we need; that’s a big problem. As far as Trump goes; now it's mostly the hardcore Trump haters that refuse to listen to anything, so that wouldn't have mattered anyways. Anyone that disagrees with them here; they just call them out by name and say they “know” what’s in those people’s minds. If you remember correctly Trump tried to put Pence in charge of the COVID Task Force and have him do the briefings. But of course the MSM was having no part of that. They got Trump in there by saying he didn’t care and wasn’t doing anything. All they wanted to do was ask stupid questions and make ridiculous accusations. Like an idiot; he fell for it. Both parties and all elected officials should be ashamed. This should have never been a political issue; but it was and Americans died because of it. We should have a vaccine released in the next 2-3 weeks. If the elderly get it first, the death rates should start dropping around the time Biden takes office. Then two and fours years from now, we can hear about how Joe turned things around.
    3 points
  7. Greg, I know you well enough to know that you've already made up your mind. What evidence would you even believe? There have now been countless studies done that have shown they are effective. It's pretty simple to me. It's the same reason why doctors and surgeons wear masks when they are operating. https://www.ucsf.edu/news/2020/06/417906/still-confused-about-masks-heres-science-behind-how-face-masks-prevent https://hartfordhealthcare.org/about-us/news-press/news-detail?articleid=27691&publicId=395 Other studies have been done by Duke University, the University of Washington. These are the first I found with a quick google search.
    3 points
  8. Robert Redfield is the head of the CDC. Faucci is the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectionous Diseases. He is in that role because he is the best suited for it. His job is not a political position. Trump brought a lot of this on, because of his damned refusal to face facts. Fauci went a long with him, like a good soldier at first. Then realized that Trump was an idiot about this. Actually, he probably already knew that, but tried to play along anyway, until he got in over his head. He's a Scientist, not a politicain or a business man. God, what a piss pour choice we had for President in 2016!
    3 points
  9. I'm retired and a competitive runner so I've researched everything related to COVID and vitamin D. I even wrote an Op-Ed for the NYTimes and when it was rejected, I wrote a different one for the Wall Street Journal... also rejected. Over 60 clinical trials on vitamin D are underway right now, which is impressive considering that it's generic and no pharmaceutical company can make billions selling it. Dr. Fauci admitted taking vitamin D himself, but he still won't recommend it to the masses... infuriating!!! Meanwhile, studies are appearing almost daily on the possible benefits of vitamin D. Here's one newly released study of seriously ill 50+ year olds that found that taking vitamin D AFTER hospitalization reduced the need for oxygen therapy from 61% of patients to only 17% of the patients taking D + B12 + magnesium. And these were really small doses if you take these supplements. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33039952/
    3 points
  10. Oh my friend. We are Blessed way more than we deserve and give Thanks for that daily. The food will be there when the time is right. The Blessings are there right now.
    3 points
  11. MuzzleLoader Season 11/13 Gun Season 11/24
    3 points
  12. I ain’t lost, nor will I lose ####. #### em.
    3 points
  13. Got blessed with one of the biggest deer I've ever killed this morning on public land in Scott County. Even got to break the Remington 450 Bushmaster in. Tagged out on bucks for this season,its been a great season on public land. And the freezer is full of meat.
    2 points
  14. Government and lawyers man... I agree with you though.
    2 points
  15. Those are some sweet rifles. They will be great lifetime deer rifles for your sons.
    2 points
  16. Do you have any concrete evidence you could share that masks work?
    2 points
  17. Correct me if I'm wrong, but hasn't the Trump administration pretty much been at odds with Faucci since the beginning, including ignoring most of his advice? I don't know how we can blame Faucci for the lack of progress when he's repeatedly been kicked down and called an idiot from just about everyone that thinks Trump is right. The only thing I think they got wrong initially was mask use. Now it's mostly the hardcore Trump fans that refuse to wear them so that wouldn't have mattered anyways.
    2 points
  18. I've seen little evidence that Anthony Faucci knows any more than the rest of us.
    2 points
  19. As I understand it one of the vaccines (it appears two will be released about the same time) requires two shots 3 weeks apart. More are in the works, as vaccines are the way out. I have taken a bunch of vitamins everyday for years. The vitamin D claim is certainly controversial, but there is no reason not to take it daily. It obviously isn’t the way out or we would not be seeing what we are seeing now, but hopefully vitamins help.
    2 points
  20. There's been some very positive results in studies involving pronation... what they're having our friend do position wise. It sounds like you're in good hands my friend and we know all of our Prayers are being heard! Prayers continue for you and Lisa!
    2 points
  21. Personally, I'm gonna blow off work tomorrow, grab my better half and the dog and head to White Top Mountain. I need a little mental health break. My boss said it was OK. Of Course my boss is a real ass. Did I mention that I'm self employed???!!! All y'all hang in there and take care of yourselves. This too will pass.
    2 points
  22. I am humbled and we are both very appreciative of the prayers and well wishes. My bride just finished her first PT .OT is next on the agenda. TGO is a wonderful group/family to be a part of. We are blessed. Thank you my friends. @TripleGGG Thank you my brother!
    2 points
  23. Does modern medicine help you live longer or die slower? I do not wish to become a burden on anyone, my biggest fear is my mind going before my body.
    2 points
  24. Checking in with you Steel...how’d you do today? We are still praying!
    1 point
  25. Beautiful display and collection. Not sure if the rack and rifles, or the word in red above made me say, "oh my..."
    1 point
  26. You can have the free world 6 round or the California Model single shot
    1 point
  27. It get that, but it just irks me that other people, or government, think that it's their place to even comment on such a personal decision let alone set conditions on it.
    1 point
  28. But at least its a system that is actually in place.
    1 point
  29. The ISP provided hardware using the combined modem/router tend to be poor on the router side. Lower bands and poor signal strength compared to dedicated router with good antennae design. A modern quality router connected to that modem/router is pretty much the way to go if you want strong wifi throughout a home without dropouts and packet loss.
    1 point
  30. Truth, a plane like that will always be needed when there is no requirement for stealth. A B-2's loadout of 40,000 lbs. can't compete with the B-52's 70,000 lbs.
    1 point
  31. 1 point
  32. Here's another quick Google search for you: https://www.healio.com/news/primary-care/20201118/study-covid19-risk-slightly-lower-for-mask-wearers Notable remarks: "Those asked to wear a mask were given 50 high-quality surgical face masks with a 98% filtration rate." How many people do you see wearing those around town? "They determined that the difference between the groups was -0.03 percentage points (OR = 0.82; 95% CI, 0.54-1.23), with the findings in favor of those who wore masks." Wow! That sure is effective! NOT! So even high-grade surgical masks do not show much of a difference from those who wear no mask at all. Why? Because most diseases are transmitted via vectors; not breathing it in. "Bundgaard said that previous observational studies have shown that masking is effective, but the studies are challenging to interpret due to the limitations of observational data." Where masks are useful is to decrease the amount of virus spread about by INFECTED people. Notice that I said decrease and not elimination. It is not eliminated because the masks leak.
    1 point
  33. I reset my gateway every month or so, and replace it every two years or so; they go bad. My two main PC’s are ethernet and run about 350 Mbps, but my wifi speeds on my laptops had dropped to 30-40 Mbps, 5 feet from the gateway. I waited until I could get the new XB7 to replace the XB6. When I did that my older devices jumped up some, but my newest laptop went from 30-40 to 310. My cameras don’t lag anymore either. I didn’t want an in person visit. They just seem to chase their tail thinking its faulty cable; it never is.
    1 point
  34. No matter how many times I see this...It's Still Funny! Sadly, there's a lot of truth in it as well. lol
    1 point
  35. My prayer request file is updated to include both of these GOD loving friends. Prayers for strength, comfort and understanding are the order of the day. BTW I have A+ Blood Type if your bride has the need of it.
    1 point
  36. After the time I've spent here, and that's a few years...I don't think I can believe that of either of you. But then again...I've never worked for either of you.
    1 point
  37. Yes, movement asap. When my left knee was replaced in 2018, I was really, really scared of the coming pains. Surgery done at 7AM, recovery room and talking(not coherently though) by noon. Painkillers the rest of the day. I woke and needed to pee badly about 2AM. Two nurses came in and got me up, wanting me to use a urinal. Being cocky and drugged up, I said I could make it on my own. Before I did a faceplant, they helped me into the bathroom and held me up while I did my thing. lol At this point in my life, I've been seen by more nurses than I can count, so embarrasment wasn't an issue. lol Anyway, I convinced them I was going to just sit in the chair and not get back into bed. The chair was more comfortable anyway. By 7 when the doc came in, I'd stood and taken a few steps. Yes...I did feel a bit of pain. But doing it while under the pain meds was better than waiting and doing it the harder way. Short version is that TKR went pretty well. PT was hard for a few sessions, but using a recumbent bike to get flexibility back helped a lot. Now my second one in 2019 was a bit rougher. I guess more arthritic bone removed didn't make it as easy. The point is that movement and repeated movement is key to recovery. Don't stop exercising. Don't ask me how I know. Jamie, as with Steel, a lot of sinner's prayers for you both. BTW, I did learn that any surgery like this is really on both partners. Not just one.
    1 point
  38. I think I understand that...maybe. But if that's the drill...do it! Will to do this is key. Never give up. You are a strong man. Don't forget that. You have to be strong for Lisa as well. Temporary disorientation. It has to be. We won't think it anything else. My poor sinner's prayers continue for you both.
    1 point
  39. Good deal. I hope they solved your problem.
    1 point
  40. Hospice does it all the time. When my dad had terminal cancer they put him on liquid morphine and tacitly told him how to end his life when he wanted to. My sister questioned them about it, and they told her they do it all the time because it's a common request.
    1 point
  41. Have none of you heard of the Barney Fife +1 rule?
    1 point
  42. John Cooper says 5 of you have to leave.
    1 point
  43. LOL, right, the "Barney" load.
    1 point
  44. Update. Lisa is doing fairly well, she has a mild strain. I got the worst available. Add pneumonia, and the challenge increases. I'm improving, but my lungs are being slow because of the severity. I will be fine!! It's just a longer harder uphill battle. I could possibly be in here 14 days.
    1 point
  45. I hunted behind the house today in Hickman. My brother killed a 140" deer out of my stand behind my dads in West Tennessee this morning as well.. He's done tagged out and never sat in HIS stand the first time this year.
    1 point
  46. Prayers going up. May God's healing hand touch you!
    1 point
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