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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/23/2020 in all areas

  1. I heard from Jamie. She is doing very well. Said would be in the hospital several days to get her PT going.
    4 points
  2. Does modern medicine help you live longer or die slower? I do not wish to become a burden on anyone, my biggest fear is my mind going before my body.
    3 points
  3. Thanks Rob. If 10-12k is what it takes I am not against that. At the end of the day it will take what it takes. I will start checking out the preference points and see what it takes. I/we (my buddy and I) may have an in with a hunt in New Mexico with an outfitter my buddy has used to go to Africa twice. I didn't give that much thought when I posted before and didn't realize he also does hunts all over the US. My buddy has a call into him so we'll see what that brings. Basically, we have been talking about doing some kind of hunt here for 5 years. I am tired of the talk and we can both afford it so it's time to just do it. Like anything, I want a Mercedes at a Chevy price . I appreciate great feedback. I am all about reality. Jamie
    3 points
  4. Yeah, you know, I've had people dump trash on my property. I won't be doing that to anyone else.
    3 points
  5. I've got a very rare 29+1 mag for an AR15. I will post a pic around 5+1 o'clock.
    3 points
  6. Couple of quick pointers: If you can book a 2021 hunt now, chances are the outfitter ain't that great. The good ones (at least in Wyoming & Montana) are generally booked 2-3 years out. Do you have the preference points to be able to get a tag? If not, you're going to be investing your deposit with an outfitter for a few years anyway. 5-7 grand, whilst still an absolute arse-load of money, probably isn't going to get you a decent elk hunt. Realistically you're looking at near 10, after tips. If I might make a suggestion; start buying points for the state you want. Research how many it's going to take in a state/unit you want to hunt & book your hunt one you have enough points to guarantee a tag. Your only real alternative is landowner tags on a private ranch & 10 grand would maybe just get your toe in the door. They generally run 12K+ for a chance of a 350+" bull. The only 2 ways of having a half decent chance of a trophy bull are DIY sweat-equity hunts, year after year of becoming familiar with a unit, glassing, driving & hiking, OR...... throw a crap load of cash at it. Sorry, probably not what you want to hear, but after 10 years of chasing the big buggers around Colorado & Wyoming, that's my experience.
    3 points
  7. I am reading a book by Dave Spaulding, "Handgun Combatives". In most books trainers talk about thugs can pick an easy target by the subtle ques one sends froth from the manner they carry themselves and they way they appear to others in public. Well! I just realized that body language reading also works the other way. Give you an example. When I was perused in my own front yard, while going to the mail box a few years back by 3 thugs driving down our road, one of them read my body language. Edited to add: Furtive Movements As I squared up to the first thugs continued advance toward me, after being told not too, the second pursuer read my intent and stopped in his tracks. Loudly told the other, "it ain't worth getting shot over." Then the first guy stopped his advance. I perceived that they were coming at me in a very hurried pace. What he read was, when he reached that 28 to 30' line, (I am oLd and slow)I had set in my mind that I was going to react, I dropped the mail, I slumped, crouching forward, run my hand quickly in my pocket, set my feet, and dropped my head in a fighting stance, another follower, of the 3, read my intent that I was preparing to fight, then he/they quickly decided they wanted no part of me. He told the other guy to discontinue his aggression and he did. I just realized this happened after reading this book. That thug surely read my body language, and backed down, just as I had read theirs. Now I am not bragging, but was totally glad that the incident ended, with me just being cussed at, by them, and me not being beat to within a inch of my life on that day. They all slowly retreated to their truck, entered it, all the while cursing me. When I got the chance, I beat feted it to my front porch, and collapsed in the front porch swing with knees of jelly. Thanked God my morning was not painful or deadly. I had no doubt that was what they had intended to do to me. I read the aggressor's body language. Matter of fact, I am convinced they were the ones that almost beat one of my neighbors to a pulp later on that morning. He was doing the same thing as me, except he was 84 and legally blind, but had a little peripheral vision. His son told me he never really recovered after the beating and robbery. Poor guy died 3 weeks later. Since he didn't die shortly after the severe beating they said he died of old age. Makes the crime stats look better for the county. That body language reading goes both ways, guys. Trainers have been beating that into our heads, for sure, for years. I was a little naïve in thinking I could continue to go to my mail box, as I had previously done for 30 years, IN This Day-In-Time. Almost paid a big price for being naïve guys. I post this here so some of you young guys can learn from my experience. Many older guys here have traveled miles down this path. Dave said, "If you look like meat, they will most likely eat."
    2 points
  8. The problem with your theory is that Trump doesn't give a rip about guns, gun rights, gun owners, the NFA or anything else mentioned here. He may indeed go out "scorched earth", but it won't be a version that has anything even remotely to do with Second Amendment rights ...
    2 points
  9. @xsubsailor I have no idea how their rules are written in Florida, but in TN a DNR tattoo would not be recognized. The only acceptable DNR order here is an official document provided by your Dr. that you have both signed and dated. If a patient in a hospital or care facility has a legitimate DNR order it is clearly documented so that a mistake is not made. If they get transported by ambulance for something the DNR order (or verified copy) goes with the patient to the receiving facility. If the said patient passes at home the family needs to know where that DNR is and present it when EMS arrives or resuscitation attempts will have to be made if there is any chance. I say all this just to dispel any misconceptions about the process and in hopes that anyone who has that wish will know what the process is.
    2 points
  10. 2 points
  11. This a great question! In my opinion, the end game is to hope it mutates out of existence, kinda like previous SARS. The vaccine is being held out to placate the masses, but realistically, not enough people are going to take the vaccine to get herd immunity. Only 36% got the flu shot last year and it's been around 40% for the past few years. There are lot of people who aren't going to take a vaccine that's been rushed to the market. I know that I won't be taking it. The best guess it that it will require periodic re-immunization... billions for the pharmaceutical industry. To me, the biggest hope is vitamin D. It's an antiviral and it modulates the deadly cytokine storm. Over 60 clinical trials are underway, which is impressive considering that vitamin D is generic and no pharmaceutical company can make billions by selling it. Scotland is giving free vitamin D to high risk populations. The UK has proposed a similar step. If the US would do this, it could stop the COVID spread by reducing its effects on some people to no more than the flu. Or at least, that's my personal theory. I buy my vitamins on sale and try to always keep at least a 3-month supply. There's currently a sale for online vitamin orders at Costco. IIRC, those 600 capsule bottles of vitamin D3 cost me $11.99 each. I anticipate at some point, the media will "discover" vitamin D and it will disappear off the shelves faster than toilet paper.
    2 points
  12. Buy it..! Nothin greater... It is the father of all the 30 caliber mags and the 7 mm mag. Extra long action like a 375 H&H. The 300 H&H ruled the long range target ranges (... Think 1000 yds...) before the short mags like the wildcat 30 x 338 and the 300 win mag. Winchester built a " Bull Gun " specifically for the 1000 shooting matches. When i wuz target shootin back in the eighties, we looked for the old H&H, ya could never find one...The above is the reason why. Simply said, they are accurate and hard hitting out to astonishing ranges. They held most all the long range accuracy records until the short magnums came out. They are, indeed, a stupendous piece of long range rifle history... admirin leroy... Retired amateur rifleman and 300 H&H lover... The best i ever did wuz a 300 win nag 40X.
    2 points
  13. My friend was on his deathbed and at one point, was expected to be gone in 24 hours. Then he made it another 48, then two weeks, and gradually got better. Keep the faith. I hope you make it to the Canyon. Just walking a mile down reveals a completely different world.
    2 points
  14. Looks like there is some new technology in revolvers. 6+1
    1 point
  15. I am praying for you Steel. Hang in there. May not happen on your timeline but you’ll get better soon! Sometimes covid is Two steps forward and one step back!
    1 point
  16. https://www.fulldrawoutfitters.com/price-list
    1 point
  17. Everything you said about nursing homes is 100% correct. They are horrible places run by run by people I question how they made it through grade school. Euthanasia is an entirely different matter. It is practiced daily by the “medical profession” whether people want to believe it or not. In a way that is a good and necessary thing. They are NOT going to spend too much time on someone that does not have excellent insurance and personal resources to keep them alive. It’s a sad reality that many can’t accept but I have seen it first hand.
    1 point
  18. Addendum: If you're not prepared to 'rough it' elk hunting probably isn't for you, unless you're prepared to shoot one inside a Texas fence. I've been looking at a Wyoming Thoroughfare hunt for next year (it HAS to be outfitted due to the Wilderness laws there) 6 days total, 2 on horseback just getting to & from the area. Wall tent style camp. I've got the points to guarantee a draw. It's my best shot at a real, public land, free range, trophy bull. I've spoken to 2 outfits out there and both are fully booked until 2022 & I wouldn't get a penny back from 11 grand. Doing it from a cushy lodge? The only places I've found are New Mexico & unless you've got 12 years worth of preference points, a landowner or governors tag are your only options & neither can be done for less than 14. That's fourteen THOUSAND for a 3 day hunt........
    1 point
  19. If you are referring to velocity, .357 will always beat .38 and .45 ACP regardless of barrel length. .357 is the best and by far the most versatile choice.
    1 point
  20. .357 with 6 seems preferable to .45 with 5.
    1 point
  21. I have my grandfather’s 721 in 300H&H. Fantastic rifle and caliber! He killed many mule deer, elk and a multitude of whitetails with it. Ammo is expensive and hard to find. You’ll want to reload for it if you can. I did see several boxes of ammo on the shelf though at the Cabelas in akworth GA. Prices were $49 and $75 / box of 20. Not many people buying ammo for that caliber though, so that’s a plus. I’d get it for sure.
    1 point
  22. 1 point
  23. You’ll get through this @Steelharp.
    1 point
  24. Continued prayers.
    1 point
  25. Well said. The first 6 or 7 months weren't too bad. It's getting a little tedious, as is evidenced by the increased infection numbers.
    1 point
  26. You know what, Dave... I'm going to copy that photo and show it to my wife tomorrow as if it came off the camera. She'll never cross the porch again!
    1 point
  27. I have friends who live and hunt in CO, WY, MT, and UT. I’ve talked to them about coming out west and what you’ve said here is 100% spot on. Sometimes the best and most helpful advice is the last thing we want to hear, but I’d start my planning around this if I were you. It will save you a lot of heartache and money in the long run. Nothing is more expensive than wasting money by throwing it away chasing an easy or fast way to your destination.
    1 point
  28. I wish you the best. Praying for you.
    1 point
  29. Remember, Ballistic by the Inch is measuring a fixed breach and not accounting for the cylinder chamber in a revolver. The real velocity of a two inch revolver is closer to a 3.5-4” single shot or semiauto. The velocity loss through the cylinder gap is equivalent to the velocity loss operating the the blowback of a semi-auto; both are generally 25 fps is all. My 4” 45acp revolver still has more velocity, with the same loads, than a 5” GI 1911.
    1 point
  30. Prayerful for you, Michael. That’s great news for Lisa. If y’all need anything, feel free to shoot me a message
    1 point
  31. Yes there are! (I'll play captain obvious here.) But they are 7 shots... NOT 6 + 1 !!! (that's an auto loaders way of saying 6 in the mag and one in the chamber. Can you see how that's a problem with a wheel gun?) No defamation was intended in with this post.....
    1 point
  32. Stay strong. You will get through this. Let me know if you need anything and I can bring it to you.
    1 point
  33. Thanks a lot. Its scary for both of us.
    1 point
  34. Several years back I bought lots of reloading bullets, my Dillon square Deal B press, lyman case trimmer just to name a few. Seldom even look on the site anymore. I have a checklist in my head and when I check that company off, I don't go there or spend any money with them. It may not hurt them, but it makes me feel much better.
    1 point
  35. Best wishes for you as well. You and your wife!
    1 point
  36. I haven't read much about it, but my biggest question about the coming vaccine is what is the plan for an end game? Will this vaccine be like measles or polio--one dose and good for life? Or will it be like a flu shot--different every year and always needing to be adjusted or redeveloped? If it's the latter, are we facing lockdowns and mask mandates for the rest of our days? Are people ok with this?
    1 point
  37. Or they are counting the one bullet everyone keeps in their front shirt pocket.
    1 point
  38. I bought a couple boxes of bullets on eBay just a couple weeks ago, but it looks like they are now allow NO reloading components at all. I think I preferred them as they began, with a whole lot of used items for sale. It seems that now they amount to a giant retail conglomerate. Very convenient, it's easy to find almost anything there, but they're all but impossible to communicate with. My biggest new complaint is that everything is now subject to sales tax. I know that's the law so I shouldn't complain, but avoiding the sales tax was one of the most attractive features of buying from them.
    1 point
  39. Sounds like you two are in good spirits. Get well soon!
    1 point
  40. Not sure if this is the place to post this, but as of 6:35PM 10/26 Academy in Knoxville has .223 and 5.56 in stock in both Winchester 55gr @ $9.99/20, limit one box...with about 40 boxes on hand and green tip winchester 62gr at $95/200. Have about 80 boxes of the green tip, limited at 2 boxes per person. Also has some a winchester match 223 69gr at $26.99/20.
    1 point
  41. Update. Lisa is doing fairly well, she has a mild strain. I got the worst available. Add pneumonia, and the challenge increases. I'm improving, but my lungs are being slow because of the severity. I will be fine!! It's just a longer harder uphill battle. I could possibly be in here 14 days.
    1 point
  42. This has about as much chance of being acted on as Jonathan Swift's original "A Modest Proposal" had ...
    1 point
  43. I'm sympathetic to both but buying a gun for another person like that is a terrible idea. I hate that he's getting prosecuted for it though.
    1 point
  44. I am not sure there is no evidence, the whole dominion software thing seems to be enough evidence to invalidate enough state's elections to make a difference. And IMO, enough evidence to line up a few people up against the wall without the option of a blindfold.
    1 point
  45. Given the choice between calibers, I'd pick the .357 any day. However, I don't think you have to worry about any dangerous animal encounters in TN that warrant either caliber (or the weight). I actually spend far too much time backpacking and camping (heck, I've hiked over 1100 miles so far this year!) and truly suggest you find a lightweight, plastic 9 milli that you don't mind getting wet or losing.
    1 point
  46. .357. I like .45, but the fact that you could toss some .38spl in there to use with the .357 is a bit of an edge to me. Also means if for sone reason you were stuck somewhere needing ammo, you have twice the optiins. And as far as speed of reloading, look at speed strips or speed loaders
    1 point
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