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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/18/2020 in all areas

  1. Hoarding last week? Sure. Hoarding two years ago? Completely unrelated. There is also the possibility that more people are buying guns and ammo. A fair price is whatever a buyer is willing to pay and the owner is willing to accept. Anything else is flirting with socialism.
    5 points
  2. So how would you define how much someone "needs"? Sounds like the ones who "bought it cheap and stacked it deep" were the smart ones ...
    5 points
  3. From what I read, background checks for gun purchases have been setting all kinds of records lately. Do you reckon the folks buying all these guns might just buy something to shoot in them? Further, if a guy puts a brick of 22 shells on gunbroker for a penny start, no reserve auction, how did he set the selling price? There is another element to capitalism. It's called supply and demand. When demand increases and supply does not, prices rise. When demand lessens and supply remains the same, prices decrease.
    3 points
  4. What kind of guidance are you looking for? iPads are what they are. https://www.apple.com/ipad/compare/. If she's happy with only the apps offered in the Apple Store then more power to her. I would, however, point out to you that she wants what she wants. My response would be, "Yes, dear," and go get it because it's not my opinion that counts.
    3 points
  5. I didn't miss your point, I don't agree with it. By your definition, I'm a "hoarder". I'm not selling, but if I were it wouldn't bother me in the slightest to price my stuff at whatever the current market will bear. When I buy stuff from others, I don't ask or care what they paid for it, my only concern is what it's going to cost me. When I sell, the price I paid is similarly irrelevant to the buyer. As for your "resentment", or anybody else's, that's your problem, not the sellers. When the market catches up and prices return to "normal" (what that actually means is debatable) as they inevitably will, do yourself a favor and become better prepared for the next shortage, which is equally inevitable, as these things have been running in cycles for decades. As for Joe Blow "screwing up the supply signal", that doesn't hold water either. If Joe is making purchases during a time of plentiful supply, he is in fact helping to drive a market that is already depressed. If we "hoarders" weren't stocking up when things are available at relatively cheap prices, manufacturers might cut back on supply even more than they otherwise would have. It's always amazing to see how many here who profess to be fans of capitalism and free market economies really aren't, nor apparently do they truly understand how one works ...
    3 points
  6. On it's surface, National Reciprocity sounds good, but the more I think about it, the more I fear it would lead to some sort of national registry.
    3 points
  7. How did Joe help screw up supply and demand by buying too many primers? He bought them two years ago when they were a dime a dozen.
    3 points
  8. Me, in Nam, Mar. 1967, with my NIB M16 w/ M203 grenade launcher attached underneath.
    2 points
  9. I like to shoot but, not that much.
    2 points
  10. There is an entire industry developed around taking advantage of folks who refuse to be prepared. Buy here pay here car lots and check cashing places are among them. Ammo speculators are no different. If it weren’t lucrative, it wouldn’t happen.
    2 points
  11. The same factors that typically cause these episodes. Ammo and component manufacturing capacity is limited, even in so-called "normal" times the capacity is nearly maxed out. This is in fact good business practice by the manufacturers, as excess capacity generally represents capital that isn't generating revenue or profits. Every few years, people seem to panic over external events, presidential elections and mass shootings are two such events that often precipitate these panics. At that point a lot of people run out and attempt to buy up ammo and guns, many times in large quantities ("hoarding", you call it) thus setting off and exacerbating the shortage of these items. This shortage is a temporary condition, eventually the markets settle out and things return to more or less "normal". However, during the interim, people who read or hear about the rise in prices and the shortage of ammo, components and guns also decide that this represents some sort of "end-of-times" type of event and start paying up to whatever the market demands for these items. At that point, others begin to market items they have to cash in on the craze. Then, of course, we get the inevitable barrage of posts on sites like this one decrying the profiteers, the shortages, the prices, pretty much everything but their own lack of preparation and foresight. Meanwhile, those of us who "hoard" are simply waiting out the insanity, once that's over we will go back to "hoarding" again ...
    2 points
  12. There is no evidence. Trump was an unpopular president and he lost. He should be proud of the fact that he got 70 million votes. I mean that. It's an impressive feat. He's been complaining about voter fraud all year and his base ran with it. It just didn't happen. Even Republican election officials in GA have said there is no evidence of fraud. It's over.
    2 points
  13. If she’s mainly going to use it around the house connected to WiFi you can save yourself some money and get the non cellular model. I bought a non cellular 10.2” with 32gb memory for right around $200 last year when Amazon had their Black Friday week sale going on. I’ve been very happy with it. Mainly use it for TGO, Netflix, and YouTube. Just recently figured out I can download some movies and shows on Netflix to the iPad so I can watch them while I fly/travel. This is the one I got. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07XL7G4H6/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o07_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
    2 points
  14. Don't count on it being over just yet, if this election is not corrected now, we will surely end up in a shooting war, not right away mind you, but not too far off. The American people deserve to have what the military has been trying to give other countries, a free and fair election. If we can't guarantee one for our own government, how can we be expected to fight for this for other countries? There is just so much evidence that something just isn't right that there is no way they can just let it go, it needs to be investigated and heads need to roll, there is no other way.
    2 points
  15. The video below is the best I have seen, to date, on how the AR15/M4/M16 (AR Platform) works. It covers everything, including a fantastic detailed overview of the firing sequence, in a very well done computer-rendered animation. It is eye opening to see how the pieces come together in a very elegant symphony. If there was any doubt in your head that Eugene Stoner was a genius, this should dispel those thoughts. Not only is this video just fun to watch, it is helpful to gain a solid understanding of how the rifle works so that you can troubleshoot it when it doesn't. Enjoy.
    1 point
  16. In 2009 my dad sent me a few links. They were from all the big reloading sites. He said watch prices daily and cash in when a price is good. Midway had Wolf primers, they might be $28 per carton one day and whatever price the next day, or an hour later. December 14, 2009 I open my computer before heading to work. Midway had Wolf sp primers for $13.50 per carton, I ordered 5 sleeves. Wolf sr primers $14.75 per carton I ordered 5 sleeves. When I got home I checked again, they were $33 and $35. I got other good deals too. At that time we could spend a few hours at the range with very low cost in reloading.
    1 point
  17. I am heading out on a Elk hunt in two weeks with Black Mountain Outfitters. I will let you know how they are when I get back.
    1 point
  18. Thanks, Rugerla1 but, I've only got to hunt one evening since muzzleloader opened. I've got to hunt several mornings if I don't need sleep. Been working a lot of days in a row. We've got 2 guys that work in the shop out for "China Virus". Been a tough season so far.
    1 point
  19. Good evening everyone! This morning was 26 degrees when I walked to my blind. Decided it would be a great morning to try out my Mr Buddy heater. I’ve never owned one because I hate hunting in a blind. But man what a difference it made. I’m not converted to a blind hunter because of it though. As soon as action slowed down I was out in a tree Bucks a does filled up the hayfield as soon as daylight broke. Not a shooter in the group but man was it exciting nonetheless! Two 4 pointers, one 6, and a 5 and five doe running wild. The does kept squatting for the bucks and they bucks kept checking. Seems none of them were ready but didn’t stop them all from playing the game. Couldn’t get much footage because of the distance so I just sat back and enjoyed it through my scope until around 10:30. The rest of the day I spent in a hang on treestand with little to no action. Ton of turkey acting batsh!? crazy for about three straight hours. Probably because they know I don’t hunt them lol. Couple doe and couple small bucks came through the edges of the field I was in. Slow end to the day but I enjoyed every single minute. I’m taking a break tomorrow and hanging out with my daughter all day, then working Friday. When I got home I realized that tonight was the last muzzleloader hunt. The season really is flying by y’all.
    1 point
  20. If you haven't made a decision to take the last spot: PCCs and RCPs are welcome. If you haven't sighted in your rifle or carbine, no worries it's part of the class. Lastly, no chest rig, alice gear or shoulder bag? It doesn't matter, I don't have any of that stuff except a good gun belt and have always run out of my pockets... If you do have a neat rig, bring it! How often do you get a chance to train and use it? Side note, if topping off ammo is preventing you from attending, I have some 5.56 I'll bring and make available at a fair price.
    1 point
  21. If this is all you need, and access to wifi will be consistent... ...he's got the good recommendation here.
    1 point
  22. The whole pint of 3D printing crap like this is to not leave a paper trail. Idiots.
    1 point
  23. Microeconomics 101 S is supply D is demand P is price Q is quantity sold Adjust the curves and the price/quantity moves accordingly
    1 point
  24. She'll be on facebook, pinterest, make the occasional photo, and probably use it for the occasional zoom meeting. I expect that's about it. Probably don't need the latest and greatest. She isn't a techie either.
    1 point
  25. Like guns, knowing what she wants to use it for helps a lot. Might be able to lessen the money hit if you can not need the latest and greatest...but this is still going to sting.
    1 point
  26. Then she should have one. And she should have the iPad Pro 12.9” with 1TB of storage and WiFi + Cellular. If my wife wanted an iPad I would get her nothing less. Now head on over to the Apple Store. EDIT: And when they start talking about accessories; make sure you tell them “Money is no object”.
    1 point
  27. That sounds kinda like Directive 10-289
    1 point
  28. We should do away with the bill of rights and craft a "bill of needs".
    1 point
  29. Actually it is right at 100 days if you count all seasons including the private land hunt Jan 4-8. You can shoot 3 does a day but nobody is doing that. Unit L is extremely overpopulated with deer. The main problem is most of the areas where the deer are overpopulated you can not hunt or there is very little opportunity to hunt. They could increase the limit to 500 does and it would not make much difference. As middle TN grows in population there is less and less areas you can hunt.
    1 point
  30. Yea and I hear they have some really nice golf courses!! I mean if you are risking jail time, make it in a Fed prison, they probably have better food too!!
    1 point
  31. I think this count is correct 82 days of deer season at 3 does per day they can legally kill 246 does per year. I live in unit B I think I can kill 5 including all weapon types and have to buy an additional 094 license. You have to have lots of freezers or eat a lot of deer to kill 246 does!! Totally nonsense that they have a limit like that. And the CWD unit they are trying to kill all the deer. They don't understand CWD at all, I have heard in other states they would kill 700 deer and none had CWD. Good job game & fish boys!!
    1 point
  32. My biggest hit will be if he lets Trump tax cuts expire, that is a direct hit to my income. The businesses will pass on their taxes to us the consumer, but unless I really need something I can avoid spending my money, which in turn will make prices go up, do to consumers like me. Doesn't it sound wonderful?
    1 point
  33. Good, you don’t have to be. Joe is going to bring the economy back to where it was during the Trump years and more. Didn’t you hear him say that?? I think he said it right before he said he was going to remove all the tax cuts for businesses, as soon as he takes office. Slap them while they are down; that should help fix things.
    1 point
  34. I take your point, but apparently you missed mine. I hate it when some anti-whatever person tells me I don't "need" a 20-round mag, or a 200 hp motorcycle. It has nothing at all to do with "need". But the point I was trying to make is that the entire component and ammunition shortage that we're experiencing is caused by hording. Ammo and primer manufacturers say they're operating at full capacity. Every primer being manufactured is going straight to the ammo factories, and ammo won't stay on the shelves. So if Joe Blow bought 10,000 primers a couple years ago, but he only loads 500 rounds a year, then he bought, by my definition, more than he needed. Now old Joe sees that those primers he paid $30 a k for are selling for four times that, and he decides to put them on the market. I don't see that as capitalism, but as profiteering. Joe contributed to the current mess by helping to screw up the supply and demand signal, which is essential to capitalism, and then when he sees the opportunity he takes undue advantage of a situation he helped to create. I try to keep ahead of my needs of components, too. I sure get that. But I'm pretty resentful of those people who are now selling primers for over $100 a brick or 22 ammo at the prices mentioned by the OP.
    1 point
  35. I am signed up for the vaccine trials. My thought is that I’m healthy with no health conditions of note - so I figured It was a pretty minimal risk. I’ve not been called - though severaL of my colleagues have. I’m able to isolate a bit more than some - so by all rights I should be the last one selected. I’ll certainly take a vaccine when it’s available and my doctor recommends it. Vaccines don’t save lives. Vaccinations do.
    1 point
  36. Its not hard to turn an AR-15 into a machine gun. It’s also not hard to rob a bank. Both will end pretty much the same. “Some people” will put you in Federal prison.
    1 point
  37. I've been watching stuff like this ('fuel filters' ), and thinking, it ain't about the money. I'm not condoning nor endorsing, but... There was an implied connection to boogaloo boys community (online chat forums, Ha!), again, not endorsing nor condoning... But if you had plans for and could produce 3D printed auto sears (or 80% lowers, et. al.) and affordably distributed them to like-minded individuals.... in this day and age (and political climate), some people might view that as a patriot acting to help arm his compatriots? Browns Ferry ring any bells? Just thinking out loud....
    1 point
  38. This guy is facing 35 years in prison for $9000.
    1 point
  39. I probably take it, depending on what my Doctor and the medical professionals say about it. If there are problems with it, they may not arise for months, or even years. I’m not waiting that long. My only concern would be that if I take the first vaccine, and a “better” vaccine becomes available, would I be able to take it. I retired so I could travel and do things. I’m just sitting at home. So I’ll be a test dummy for you guys.
    1 point
  40. Only fish I go for is crappie. For now they are in deep water. One spot I can fish from the bank in 27 foot of water. I put a 2 oz sinker on the line, don't tye it. 3 foot from the hook baited with a big minnow is a bead lined in place. Cast out to that spot, give it an extra 5 to 10 foot of line. Reel to click it closed, set the rod so the tip is close to the water. My rod holders might be 10 to 15 degrees. Watch the line not the rod tip. Any line movement reel it in. Most fish will strike, crappie won't.
    1 point
  41. I saw more chasing this morning and close to twenty deer up until around 10am. I left and moved down to some thicker woods due to the wind and imagination that they may be moving more in it with the wind speeds gaining. Turns out the spot I picked was not the happening spot if they were in fact staying in thick areas. Didn’t see anything till sunset and had a doe crashing down the ridge towards me and looking back behind her. That got me fired up, so I stood up with my muzzleloader.....to greet a year and half old four pointer! He was big and tough in his own mind though! Well at least it wasn’t a total skunk afternoon lol Supposed to be 29 in the morning. I’m tired from all these all day sits because I ain’t 20 anymore. But I’m gonna do it again because of the rut
    1 point
  42. The difference between large publicly traded corporations and private companies is important. Make no mistake, those corporations are only employing Tennesseans here locally because of favorable conditions. They'll lay everyone off and pop smoke for any site a cost/benefit analysis can prove is more profitable overall. When your real owners are financial institutions and hedge funds, the risk to locals who depend on that job source is much bigger than a small business, or even a large business with roots in a community that feels some sense of civic responsibility to their location. I'm with you that not all corporations are inherently bad, and I fully agree the jobs they bring matter to someone providing for their family. I just think it's honest to say there's a lot of that money that isn't staying in the community compared to a different structure. When any relief bill is providing funds to a company that can leverage ridiculously low debt costs and public share offerings to raise capital, that seems a waste to me compared to a local business getting that or more. I see small and medium size locally owned businesses as still holding a lot of value, and understand keeping one open is as hard a thing to do as there in in any economy, let alone one as at risk as we have now. So when we're talking economic relief for COVID, I want to keep as much of that money sent here (or returned if you prefer) from Washington in the community rather than to financial institution shareholders. Wall Street will survive, I'm sure.
    1 point
  43. The amount of crap I’d register would be astronomical. (New manufacture!)
    1 point
  44. Why the hate for Corporations? They employ the average worker trying to maintain a family just the same as the small businesses do. The top 10 large corporation in Tennessee employ over a million workers. Everyday hourly workers. Coming from a manufacturing background I just don’t get this “destroy the rich” mentality. Do people not understand that those people and businesses create jobs? As far as poor people go, when you shut off the income of almost anyone; they will be "poor". Nancy Pelosi and her Democrats refused to help them.
    1 point
  45. Makes my casting equipment look even better, I try to buy molds for every caliber I shoot. My issue is lead, the cheap sources are getting slim. I may have to start buying old broken sailing boats for their keels.
    1 point
  46. Good stuff Junkie, thanks! Not a fan of plastic baits, but my youngest swears by them, too.
    1 point
  47. This is a very important, and often overlooked detail. What spare parts do folks have for their guns? What breakages can you fix if you don’t have access to ordering new parts? I’m a big fan of the kits offered by White Label Armory
    1 point
  48. I'm not an attorney but I've been an NFA collector since 1994. An SBR by definition has barrel shorter than 16". If your receiver no longer has a shorter than 16" barrel on it then by definition it is not an SBR and is treated as a rifle not as a "short barrel rifle" as long as the longer barrel is on it. So if you wanted to take your "SBR registered" AR lower with a sub 16" barrel out of state you have to file an ATF Form 5320.20 . But if you take off the sub 16" barrel upper and install a 16" barrel upper it no longer is by definition an SBR and no Form 5320.20 is necessary. It is still listed in the registry as an SBR but the actual configuration is NOT an SBR so SBR rules do not apply as long as it does not have a barrel shorter than 16" on it. It is not the same as a machinegun where if it was "once a machine gun always a machine gun". So while you cannot do anything to a machine gun to change its status (other than destroy it) you can install a barrel longer than 16" on your SBR lower and it no longer meets the definition so travel without filing a form is OK. At least that is how I understand it.
    1 point
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