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Well I am working on it. The iron and wet cloth worked. Who knew? I have 4 coats on it now. It looks good except for 1 spot? But it is getting smaller each coat. We shall see. Blessings2 points
I shot one years ago. If a serial killer used one he had to have a lot of patience waiting for a round to fire. Probably the worst gun I've ever tried to shoot. More misfires than fires.2 points
They did not sell well as they were an odd duck of a firearm. I had one of the normal pistols back in the early '80's. I got lots of practice with malfunction drills! If you ever get one, they work best with standard velocity .22s. If it had a shoulder stock, it would have been a Short-Barrelled Rifle, with the necessary NFA forms and $200 transfer tax. That would have guaranteed that they sold a lot fewer than 6000!2 points
Apparently the bars here on south Broadway close early so I’m closing this early. Weak sauce Nashville. Y’all need to fix y’all’s Mayor.2 points
You know I'm done convincing folks reloading is a good thing. Don't do it. It's bad for your health and dangerous. You might blow something up. Now to order supplies.....2 points
Had a young punk behind the counter at a gun shop tell me the NRA has been disbanded. I told him that was funny, because I'm a life member and they still send me the magazine and the letters in the mail wanting more money. I signed up for a life membership years ago, but I don't send them any extra money. There is no doubt that they have some serious upper management problems, but I still think it's worth it to be a member. Those huge membership numbers do have an effect on swaying politicians, if nothing else.2 points
Thank you to all of you that served. Have a great day. The bad news is…we won’t be getting any gun or ammo deals this year.1 point
I know you guys like to get outdoors too. We timed one trip around hikes along the Blue Ridge Pkwy for the trip back. Lynchburg is a particularly nice area.1 point
My wife and I have been talking about taking a trip to DC. She's never been and I haven't gone since I was a young child. I really want to see the 9/11 museum in NYC too.1 point
The war memorials alone are worth fighting the traffic to get there. I just treat i66 like I do 40 81 etc around here. We usually stay close to the capital and walk to most attractions1 point
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Can't let everything thats going on stop you from living. Its one of the best places for the history of this country.. We've been several times and that includes running smack dab into a metoo pu$$yhat protest.1 point
My last visit there was to a gentleman’s club in a really nice part of DC...as I recall. Buddy of mine got married in Fairfax or whatever all that mess in VA is and an old school taxi was hailed.1 point
Not sure what you just said, but go! It’s a PITA driving up there but the museums and history are well worth it...and free.1 point
I guess the bars close late enough. I do not remember making this post or my Lyft ride back to my truck.1 point
DC is a fine place to visit...really a must for everyone, but the last time I went there about 15 years ago it was a nightmare.1 point
Dang man, don’t start sounding like those Democrats over the last few days in the political threads.1 point
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It's definitely an odd gun. Their assumption is that he either stole this one or it was given to him from a family member since it's so rare. Apparently they were prone to jam and malfunction so they think he used the corundum to polish the cartridges to make them easier to feed. It seems like the type of gun you would find at a gun show. There are always a few booths that have rare guns. I wouldn't be surprised if some collector sold it to him.1 point
JHP45... Thanks Brother... I'm impressed with the Lancer mags nyself... leroy...1 point
It's not. Just quieter. I've done the Bristol to Richmond and Bristol to DC run many many times in my youth. You must admit though it's A pretty drive.1 point
I’m happy knowing I can load 38 Specials with crushed walnut hills for our next carpenter bee safari out in the barn.1 point
Yes, I have. I shoot about 10,000 rounds of .40 a year in USPSA competition and load it for 12 cents/round. Making 400 rounds in an hour is worth the trouble to me. Saving money, tuning my load, and having what I need when I need it are why I reload.1 point
Just write in Pat Buchanan and move on. At least we’re a red state but not smart enough to get fresh blood in the fight. Only hope is 3rd party, but enough won’t step out of line to help so career politicians win Back to topic. MarksmanTV ?? Anyone watch. He commented pricing was up about 5% and all the markup is happening on the retail floor. If you don’t have it, panic. Harris = panic. Everyone else remain calm.1 point
I've been an NRA Life Member for 40 years or so, but in the past few years I've really come to question the organization. As other here have stated, it's long past time for WLP to go. The thing that bothers me most, I think, is that the NRA magazine hasn't addressed the controversy except in a purely defensive way. The new president wrote a puff piece about how great LaPierre is, and how evil the NYC AG is, but not a word to address the real issue of spending huge money on trips, clothes, and "interns". I like the NRA, and want it to be hugely successful, but the salary and perqs that go to WLP are entirely out of hand.1 point
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And it's one, two, three, What are we masking for? Don't ask me, I don't give a damn, Next stop is Covidland; And it's five, six, seven, Open up the pearly gates, Well there ain't no time to wonder why, Whoopee! we're all gonna die.1 point
Last Easter I fashioned a Cross out of a couple of 1 x 4's and hung a wreath on it, in our front yard. We have a large circular flower bed with a bird bath in the center of it. Last winter the B-bath bowl split in half. I put the cross where the bird bath was, in the center of the flower bed, for the Easter Holiday. After the holiday week I just left the cross in it's place. I am a Christian and not ashamed to let people know. Long story short, our 16 Y O grandson is struggling with the on line learning, because of Covid, from his high school. Our daughter has been looking for a Tudor, and found one last evening. The Tudor and my grandson came to our house last evening, and come to find out the Tudor is a new close by neighbor. They built over 100 homes on our road in the last 2 years. She told my wife she was wondering where we lived, after they talked, and her 10 year old girl told her it was the house with the Cross in the front yard. Little things can send a big message, if a 10 year old noticed a Christian cross in a yard. Nice to know God lets us know, in subtle ways, we might have done something right. That 10 year old knows we are a Christian family. I do love God, and Christ and thank Christ often for what He has done for all mankind.1 point
You don't reload to save money. You reload so you can shoot more. Sadly, reloading components pricing and availability usually follows pricing and availability of loaded ammunition.1 point
Don't forget ammo cans. You can always find them at a reasonable price.1 point
Just start accumulating the items needed like a press, dies, powder, etc., as opportunities present themselves. I pick up components when I see them, whether I need them or not, as a "just in case" there is another shortage. I can load up rounds for every caliber I've got but not like I did a year ago. I think a bit more about the end goal/results a bit more now since components are harder to find, but I still go to the range 2x/week for the most part. Reloading is also something to do on rainy days during the summer, or those crappy winter days when you don't want/need to get out, you have something do if you so desire.1 point
By the way… I’ll pass this on. A couple of days ago I was looking for some cleaning supplies and went to Hoppes site to make a list of what I needed. They have started a Veterans VIP Program for anyone that served. I signed up, but figured their veteran prices on their website would just be what they sell for on Amazon, I was wrong. You have to upload proof of service and it takes a day or two for approval. I put some stuff in my cart and went back in there today, after approval. I don’t know if it because its Veterans day, but their prices were excellent deals. https://www.hoppes.com/military-vip-form/1 point
Nothing I want is going to get advanced if I vote for your party either. Why is that difficult for you to understand? Democrats and Republicans regularly vote and legislate against MY interests. Why would I give them my consent to continue to do so?1 point
The fact that a large percentage of third party voters view R and D as equal fails to register on some folks. If I don't vote for whatever third party candidate I like, I don't vote for either. Because my views don't align with ANYTHING that the R or D actually do, not what they say, but what they actually DO.1 point
I operate under the assumption I am the least smart person when it comes that sort of scheming and that the government has an endless supply of twisted tyrants on hand who sit around and dream up an endless supply of new ways to trample my freedoms and liberties.1 point
Good morning. Good idea on the YouTube thing. I am going to give it a try. I ordered a tru-oil kit. I have a stock that someone did a really nice repair to a crack. I think I will try it first. I would also like to shorten it by 1/2“ to 3/4”? Oh boy. Here we go.1 point
True. I have had screws and bolts come out when pre-drilling a hole with a counter-clockwise bit preparing for extractor use.1 point
Ive tracked down some magazines (7 and 10 rounders) that have the big bore followers on them. I will see how they work before i buy some more or put new followers in some. Found a guy that will sell ammo for $1 per round so im going to take the 300 he has if i can get to him before he sells them. Decided on a 16" forged barrel with a 15" MLOK. Will be a tan furniture build on black assemblies i think. My mind changes day to day. What about optics? Is the recoil heavy enough to demo basic scope options? Im thinking maybe up to a 6 power but worried about the recoil destroying it about the time i get the scope set.1 point
Got one myself Brother. I like em because they are essentially a 454 Casull that ya can handle as a rifle. Im sure that, killin power wise, they are deadly as a drugstore. There is a pretty good selection of both ammo n reloading components available for em. I've got some prepped brass ready ta load myself. Gonna load em with some 300 grainers n Lil Gun.. Now for the bad news (...Which is minor...)... Ya need the ejection port milled out a bit on your upper if ya use a regular AR upper, or ya can just buy a pre milled one from AERO, if ya can find one. Ya also need a 450 Bushmaster bolt as well. The bushmaster cartridge head is different from a 556. I bought mine with the barrel i used... A Ballistic Advantage 16" as i remember. The second problem is (... Or wuz...) magazines. It may be a bit different now, but ya had to modify mags for em. I used the Lancer 30 rounders with a Sinclair single shot follower... That turns a $ 20 AR mag into a $45 one. Mag capacity goes down considerably. A 30 rounder will reliably feed 8 or 9 rounds as i remember. Finally, there is a 450 Bushmaster forum out there somewhere that helped me tremendously... Good luck... The Bushmaster is a great idea, especially now... leroy...1 point
I think the time is right for GOA to try and put the NRA out of business by saying in a campaign, "give us your membership dollars, and as we reach the NRA's membership levels, we'll wield that power more responsibly both politically and fiscally". Clearly the NRA didn't prioritize the money they raised to be effective as a gun rights organization, they needed it to fund cronyism and lifestyle perks. I very much believe under the right leadership with built in oversight and transparency from the beginning, GOA can reach the same level of political clout the NRA uses as their only legit defense. From there, they money will come in from the industry, and they can fund the safety and range standard programs the non-legislative wing of the NRA does pretty well (I admit to not know if/how GOA may already try to do this). Yes, it will be a public and brutal fight as the NRA will not go gentle into that good night. But for the next few generations of gun rights, I'm willing to trade some short term disharmony to have the group politicians actually do business with hold values a better aligned to the core of gun ownership is supposed to be about (hint: it ain't hunting and sports).1 point
GOA and the Second Amendment Foundation and Firearms Policy Coalition are all doing useful work. Unfortunately, they each have about 200 members, none of them is doing any lobbying at the state level, and none of them has the networking strength to put on rallies or to mobilize voters in large groups. Only the NRA can do that. But until the NRA cleans house and becomes an organization of which gun owners can be proud, it doesn't deserve our support any more. Let's build up the other organizations and hope that they'll someday have the strength to do what the NRA should be doing. And try to rebuild the NRA, minus the corruption and compromising.1 point
This year I became a life member of both the NRA and the GOA. I ponied up full price for the GOA because I fully support and believe in the work they are accomplishing. I found a discounted rate for the NRA because while I am loathe to give them any money at all until WLP is gone, I do believe we need them around. They need fixing and having the ability to vote to change the board out is the only way to get that done.1 point
I belong to both. Am a life member in the NRA, but until they get their act together I'll not give them a dime. It seems like their main purpose for the last several years has been to raise money for their gain.1 point
Im a life member of the NRA, but the last three or four years I have been a member of GOA. And if they keep their No Surrender attitude, I will continue being a member.1 point
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Well I guess I'll answer my own question in case anybody else is considering Cummings Custom Refinishing. I went by his shop and he had a pistol with his CP II electroless nickel finish on the frame and his Dusk finish on the slide. Both looked great. The Dusk reminded me of the color/sheen of bluing but had sort of a deeper, smokier look. It was very smooth and uniform, as was the nickel finish. I ended up deciding on CCR's OD green Cera Hide finish on the frame of the 2011 I'm building and it looks amazing. I had it back in a week and a half. He parkerized it prior to applying the Cera Hide. It looks flawless and I'm very happy with how it turned out.1 point
Do you ever stop in Knoxville? Anytime I pass a Prime Inc truck I always mean mug the driver hoping it's you.0 points
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