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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/08/2020 in all areas
I’ll take “What’s one more reason to hate 2020.”7 points
There were many days when I was in school where Alex Trebek was responsible for me learning more in 30 minutes than I did in the 8 hours previous.4 points
4 points
He put up a great fight and kept such a positive attitude that he really became an inspiration for many people. He just seemed like such a wonderful person. Pancreatic cancer is horrible, one of the worst from what I've read. I'll be making a toast to him this evening.3 points
My favorite lever gun is my Marlin 1895 in .45-70 with a 16" barrel. A close second is my Marlin 336 in .44 mag3 points
Me too. Not sure I can watch it without him to be honest.2 points
Indeed! I was worried she’d be mad I was getting another shoulder mount done since they’re not cheap. But instead I was told to do it. Much safer for me when I sleep this way lmao!2 points
The really cool thing about a lever rifle is that they are flat. There are no protrusions to bump against things. They slide out of a scabbard nicely. They carry well in the hand.2 points
I am not believing that all those gun owners are not my enemies. There are quite a few lefties that are increasingly becoming violent, and feel anyone that does not agree with them are their enemies.2 points
1 point
There’s a lot of screwy crap going on with that sale. Apparently the Roundhill Group that nobody ever heard of is a front for the current CEO. Also, before things were to be finalized and Roundhill takes over, the current management fired almost everyone at the Ilion plant and denied severance and cut off insurance and other items that were contractually obligated. Now they’re being investigated by the NLRB. It’s a bloody mess1 point
That show is gonna be weird. I’ve been a Jeopardy fan for ever. I really liked Trebek’s dry sense of humor.1 point
My granddad died from it also. He made it less than 4 weeks from being diagnosed. Alex gave it a fight. Will miss him. I've watched that show from the beginning. Part of my routine as we recorded it every day. And yes, 2020 sucks again.1 point
I didn't want to be debbie downer when he announced it but having 2 people close to me pass from it I knew his chances were slim on beating it. RIP1 point
I’ll post up later what he weighed, Flowers Processing was so packed they said he’d text me today with the weight. I was going to do a European mount and my wife said no, she wants me to get full shoulder mount done because he’s so different. It’ll be a nice mount when it’s done.1 point
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Mine too! Can Santa bring us one for Christmas? Really helps for reading in a dark room.1 point
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My friend and I both figured he was 3 1/2 definitely no older. Didn’t figure he got all that in 2 1/2 years but knew that he wasn’t 4 1/2 for sure. The TWRA biologists aged him at Flowers and said he was indeed 3 1/2.1 point
It’s really hard to get a grasp of what you’re seeing when you look at this bucks rack. This was the third buck I saw this morning and I put my muzzleloader down and started to let him pass. Then I looked again trying to figure out what I was seeing on his head. I was half standing, twisted to my left, and leaned back against the tree when I shot....the first time. He jumped, looked towards my direction and immediately resumed making scrapes and rubs all the while easing CLOSER to my stand. I couldn’t believe he didn’t run off! I reloaded just knowing that any second he’d be gone like the wind. Was able to stand all the way up and line up the shot like I should have the first time. He ran about 20 yards and dropped 15 yards from my stand. When I realized he was expired I climbed down to look and thought dang, he’s crazier looking than I thought! I’m so happy with this buck, he will probably be the only buck I ever see like this. He has 19 points, 15 of those are scoreable points. It was a fun morning to be out and glad to have a freezer full of meat and a beautiful non-typical rack to talk about for years! I didn’t get to bow hunt as much as I would have liked to but Monday I was in a tree all day and watched bucks chasing doe like it was full rut. I didn’t see one doe today, just this buck and the two early cruisers. But they were daylight cruising and that’s what gets us tore up. I think it’s going to cut loose full force the next cold drop we get. Heck it feels like a beautiful Spring day out there today haha. Hope everyone is enjoying the hunting so far, it’s getting ready to get more fun. P.S. Please wear your harnesses and be safe!1 point
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I don't know what was bought up first, but on Ammo Seek the top ammo sought after was 9mm. .223/5.56 was 2nd and 3rd.1 point
I will bet a dollar 223/556 is what was bought up first.1 point
I picked up this little beauty earlier today from a local seller. Browning Model 1955 .380. This was a re-introduction of the FN Model 1910 intended for the U.S. market and sold by Browning. The gun is absolutely perfect. Not a mark on it anywhere. I seriously believe it may be unfired. No box or papers, but it did come with the original Browning black leather gun rug. Serial number dates it to 1968. It snuck in just before GCA 68 banned them. The guns continued to be sold in Europe until the mid-1970s. Very sweet little gun. For $550, I think I did quite well.:D Unfortunately the weather forecast is calling for rain most of next week. Don't know when I'll get a chance to shoot it. But I will shoot it.1 point
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My 336 Dad gave me when i was 10. My son is turning 10 next year and will get it. Ole 30-30 has killed about all my adopted brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews first deer, not to mention mine as welll1 point
1 point
M' little cutdown 336 in .44 magnum. This will be the lastest rifle I'll ever part with. I had an octagon barrelled Rossi 92 in .45 colt that I kinda wish I had back.1 point
The only one I ever owned was a 336 Marlin. I've always liked Marlins and Winchesters. The Henrys are nice but have never liked the magazine feed.1 point
I'm a 99 Savage guy, but I do like lever rifles in general. I have an older Rossi Puma in 357 Mag. It is a neat little rifle. One in 45 Colt would be awesome.1 point
The cool thing about being prepared is that you can sit back and enjoy the show. We've seen this before, and we'll see it again.1 point
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It won’t be just ARs and AKs it will be everything. You won’t get to keep your deer rifle or shotgun. Just my opinion.0 points
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I'm just hoping they bought something in a caliber I can use0 points
If your looking for more nutsacks shoot me a PM I'd be will to sell 3 "new in the wrapper" woodland camo with starter tabs and around 2-3k worth of LC links used once.. Linking is not so bad, I run a sweat shop, you want food, I want linked ammo..0 points
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Driving while stupid and being a public nuisance?0 points
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