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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/03/2020 in all areas

  1. Well now that the media is hyping all the boarding on windows, cops and National Guard on standby, and other safety precautions from cities and businesses expecting rioting; there is good chance it will happen no matter who is elected. Folks need big screen TV’s and sneakers.
    3 points
  2. I am more concerned about what will happen to the 2A and private ownership of firearms if this goes to Biden than I am about civil unrest. Unless you live somewhere that riots and protests are likely to occur, common sense and avoidance will likely keep you away from that sort of action. But other than exercising civil disobedience and becoming a criminal (on paper), you aren't going to easily "avoid" the sort of anti-2A tyranny that Sniffy Joe and Al Qaeda Harris have officially stated that they will attempt to enact..
    2 points
  3. As I said, RIGHT NOW, it only applies to imports. But that isn't to say that they aren't going to extend these. Also, AS OF RIGHT NOW, they aren't making any determinations generally, only on specific firearms SENT TO THEM for review.
    2 points
  4. Now that my "just in case" bullet order has been delivered I'm much calmer. Now for a bucket of mash....
    2 points
  5. A+++ for the Rossi 92 in 45LC ..... much fun!!
    2 points
  6. You don’t even gun if don’t have guns you don’t use.
    2 points
  7. The longer the night goes on, the more concerned about it I become.
    1 point
  8. Trjicon MRO. Great optic especially for the price.
    1 point
  9. My only lever action is a Rossi 357. I really like it and would like to have a 22 but prices are crazy now.
    1 point
  10. I have a .357 Rossi too that I like along with a few Winchesters. Plus a Marlin Model 39 Carbine made between '63 and '67 because those were the only years they made it.
    1 point
  11. 16" Rossi 92 in .357 is indeed a magnificent gun. First centerfire rifle my children ever shot. They will probably fight over it when I'm dead. Cheers, Whisper
    1 point
  12. Got a brand new AK that I haven’t shot. Also got an MP5 clone, but I guess that technically a pistol. But really, my Bergara 6.5 and my Montana .308 almost never get shot because I just don’t have a place to really wring them out. I can still have fun with my military pattern rifles in sub-100yd ranges, but the bolt guns need to be able to stretch their legs to be fun.
    1 point
  13. I tend not to have duplicates of any of my rifles. BUT, I do have one for every occasion plus occasions I haven't thought of yet.. They are safe queens for the most part because I just can't get out to the ranges as much. Tend to use handguns more but now just hording ammo. - I can reach out and touch someone. - I can reach out and touch someone even further - A master key for just those occasions - Close quarter battle - Lever action when I feel like playing cowboys and Indians - Clearing rooms - Self defense ....etc.
    1 point
  14. Y'all left out the Methhead part. You both wrong. No one in East Tennessee knows what a Telephone pole is anymore. We all got cellphones. Now had you said LIGHT Pole, you'd have it. Oh and we allow Electric Poles too. We got to get our power for our TVs, microswaves and satellite dishs from somwhere!
    1 point
  15. I have several that do not get shot very much, a Belgian Browning Safari Grade in 375 tops that list. Too expensive and rather painful to shoot much through it.
    1 point
  16. I'm not too concerned about physical safety as I live way outside of the city and we all work from home. I have a generator and lots of fuel in the event of power disruption and short-term disruption of fuel supply, but I'm more worried about storms causing power outages. I also feel that with Tennessee being a red state there's not much of a threat here anyway. I do fear for the businesses in the areas likely to have unrest unless they support the Democrats. They get what they voted for if they supported Democrats.
    1 point
  17. I have a Rossi M92 in .3578 mag with a 16" barrel and I love that little rifle!!! I've also owned a couple of Marlin 30/30s and a Winchester 94 30/30. Loved the Marlins and regreatt trading both of them. The Winchester 94, I didn't like so much. I thought the action was kind of clunky on the one I had. I ended up trading it away on a revolver and I don't regret it at all. The Marlin 336s were both older guns and had very smooth lever throws. The Rossi, I think will become very smooth, given time, but I've not shot it enough yet. But I do love the size and the even more, the price!!!
    1 point
  18. I will put in another vote for Sig Romeo 5. I absolutely love that optic. I also have had great luck with my Vortex Sparc 2 and one that seems to have been forgotten, the Vortex Strikefire. The Strikefire is definitely not as compact as the Sparc and Romeo so that may be why it’s passed on these days. Just some options for you. if you ever do decide to drop the cash for a better optic, I love the Eotech and Trijicon optics. But yes they are expensive compared to the others you’re considering for now.
    1 point
  19. I've got a few I seldom shoot. I wish I had more time sometimes. Work gets in the way a lot.
    1 point
  20. They get gone if they don't get shot unless they are family guns .
    1 point
  21. Favorite is my dads BLR 81 in .358 Winchester second is a 1911 '94 Winchester in .32 Winchester Special .
    1 point
  22. I'm a Marlin lever fan. I have 4, hard to pick a favorite other than how much I shoot it and that is partially because of ammo cost. 39A Golden Mountie .22 1894 .357 336 30-30 .410 Got the .410 as my first shotgun when I was 13 for Christmas it was made during depression, one of 6500 made. Love the 39A found in the corner of my Dad's closet when I was cleaning out his guns. Never knew he had it made the year I graduated from high school so he must have got it after I was out of the house. Has a vintage scope. The other two I bought on TGO.
    1 point
  23. My favorite lever gun is my Marlin 1895 in .45-70 with a 16" barrel. A close second is my Marlin 336 in .44 mag
    1 point
  24. The only one I ever owned was a 336 Marlin. I've always liked Marlins and Winchesters. The Henrys are nice but have never liked the magazine feed.
    1 point
  25. Marlin 39A. Had several. All have been great rifles. Want to get a Henry lever rifle in .357.
    1 point
  26. I'm a 99 Savage guy, but I do like lever rifles in general. I have an older Rossi Puma in 357 Mag. It is a neat little rifle. One in 45 Colt would be awesome.
    1 point
  27. I've heard ??..... that if you pick up the phone at the gun counter and have a manager paged to the area, the problem seems to go away for a while.
    1 point
  28. I've had two Rossi M92's in.357 mag and tehy have been awesome. Here's a couple resources that make them incredible lever guns. Steve DIY action job makes a huge difference https://store.stevesgunz.com/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=5, another action job write up - http://marauder.homestead.com/files/Rossitune.htm, awesome stocks - http://www.precisiongunstocks.com/
    1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. I consumed alcohol and threw axes. Seemed like a safe combination.
    1 point
  31. People are scrambling to pick up AR pistols and pistol braces because they think the ATF is going to do to them what they did to bump stocks. Buying that stuff in a panic makes no sense, because *IF* the ATF screws us all over on this, you're either going to register it as an NFA item and might as well put a real stock on it, or you're going to hide it away and risk being charged with a felony if ever caught using it. The ATF needs to be done away with.
    1 point
  32. I tinkered with it more last night and think I finally found a rhythm with the stick powder. Once I developed a little muscle memory for when the “catch” comes on the up stroke I was able to apply a little more pressure to shear off the powder. Im still eventually going to get a beam scale and powder trickled but for now I can make do with a slight variation. It seems to be about +- .03grains. Im impressed with it though. With flake or ball it’s dead nuts consistent. I’m about to experiment with some 125 grain bullets in the .308. I normally shoot 180’s but just for fun I want to see how the lighter bullets behave.
    1 point
  33. An old time problem with stick powder and these powder measures. We always threw em a bit light, then trickled em on the scales to the exact weight... All the vari volume powder measures have this problem... Sigh... leroy
    1 point
  34. A reproduction is not an original regardless of the fancy packaging and never will be. And it’s a Glock.
    1 point
  35. I have guns that I don't shot often but most every gun I buy is shot the same day it comes home or soon after. I made a rule years ago, don't collect safe queens and if I don't plan to shoot it I don't buy it. I have a couple of non functional wall hangers I just like looking at with bad barrels and the first shot gun my dad ever bought that is a single shot 16g on the wall. All that said there is a couple I should get out this week
    1 point
  36. I have read all of the posts in this thread and my views are few. One can never fully plan for the unknown and the unknown is exactly what all Americans are facing. I have done all I can do to prepare for what I think might be the future. That is all I can do. I do believe it is mostly in GODS hands and I say my prayers every night asking GOD to protect America and everyone that is not trying to destroy it. I pray that GOD protects all my family and friends here from harm. I'm expecting the next few months to be a very bumpy ride and when the ride is over that once again we can begin making plans to rebuild what we have left of America to work with. I am expecting the Democrats to do everything legal and illegal to steal this election because they know they don't have a winning plan with an honest vote. They thought they would win in 2016 with a rigged election and they lost. It put them in a total meltdown and they set out to destroy Trump at all costs and they have failed in every case. If Trump does win I sincerely hope that a new House is seated with a Red House and Senate and no Pelosi and no Schumer. I think for the most part the American people have got a good look at what the Democrats have planned for America and it is not good. Lets get out and vote and get rid of them!!
    1 point
  37. Well said Trip. You know what is odd, people from all over this planet are trying desperately to come into this great country and the little snowflakes and some movie stars are complaining and threatening to leave? Go figure. One thing I know fellows, God is in control and always will be. I never figured it would come to what we may see in a mere 49 days. Keep our country in your prayers, your head on a swivel and your loved ones within arms reach. Lock n' load you have it right, divide and conquer. That btw is the devil's tactic also. Single mom's raising kids, divide the family and it will fail. It was Khrushchev who said we will take over America without firing a shot. He may have been correct.
    1 point
  38. That does not address NFA registered firearms. The BATF has never been definitive on the subject, but other of their FAQs would suggest that they consider an SBR an original new rifle, so the "first a rifle always a rifle" would apply. They have also stated that the only way to remove a SBR from NFA purview is to configure it as conventional rifle with barrel of 16" or more, or to possess it as receiver only, with no barrel attached at all, or of course to destroy it. This would suggest that any SBR with short barrel attached would retain its status as NFA firearm, whether it was made from scratch or from a pistol, as using a registered SBR with a pistol brace would simply be using your SBR without a stock. To my knowledge, no court case has arisen regarding the matter since the Thompson Decision in SCOTUS (which the ruling you cite above is belatedly based on), so YMMV if ever brought to bear on the matter. Of course, for the most part, firearm carry is a state matter, so TN for example is unlikely to even know the history of the firearm unless they had a reason to check into it, and even then might not care one way or the other unless they had reason to sit down on you hard and pursue the issue. One interesting (or not) similar quirk is that federally, it is legal to put a vertical forward grip on a pistol, IF the overall length of the thing is 26" or more, as it then becomes a "firearm". However, since it is no longer a handgun, it would then technically not be legit to carry with a TN permit. And also, if concealed in that configuration , federally the "firearm" becomes an "AOW", the possession of which becomes a federal felony without a stamp for it. One final quirk is that TCA defines "handgun" as having a barrel of "less than 12", so that could technically figure into certain configurations regarding carry. - OS
    1 point
  39. Then at this point I say do what you will, but I would HIGHLY recommend that you do not mix the vagaries of the ATF’s NFA rules with TN’s rules on carry permits. Carry a handgun that is undoubtedly a handgun where no argument can be made that it’s not a handgun. Not that it’s a handgun because you removed one part or it’s a day that starts with T. Attempting to walk a fine line of “just legal enough” doesn’t mix well with self defense laws. The game you’re attempting to play here doesn’t ever work out well for the folks without unlimited money for attorneys (the government). This is coming from a dude who generally is of the opinion of “do whatever you want, just understand that when you break stupid laws, the punishment doesn’t change because the law is stupid.” So decide what you want to do and put your big boy pants on because you decided to cross the line, or stay well clear of it because it only takes one politically motivated prosecutor to ruin your life. Good luck with whatever choice you make.
    1 point
  40. Relax, just think...we will finally know how many bodies it will take to high center an 18 wheeler
    0 points
  41. http://jebs-stuff.com/TGOHumor/california-compliant-revolver.jpg
    0 points
  42. Best way to counter that front heavy imbalance is to put a forward grip on it...am i right? am i right?
    0 points
  43. I guess we do have to bring our own cousins to marry, don’t we?
    0 points
  44. I don’t know about chest but I do know someone that was stabbed outside of a bar in midtown and he was a gun guy but I don’t know if he was a member here. I guess y’all have proven me wrong. People don’t get stabbed anywhere but Memphis. I guess I forgot that.
    0 points
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