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6 points
Pure gold. 110% true. This virus will be used to bludgeon your rights and freedoms until we-the-people stop letting them enforce illegal diktats. 'Never let a crisis go to waste' Rahm told you their playbook years ago. Pay attention, this IS the final exam.4 points
4 points
Lot’s of trick or treaters in my neighborhood raising hell tonight. Good to see some normalcy in covidland!3 points
Which politicians are you referring to? I hope you mean both parties because I've not seen any evidence the GOP cares what the ATF is doing.. We need to throw them all out and start over and those of us that advocate for a 3rd, 4th, or 5th party get mocked by the hardcore partisans that really only care about defeating the other side, and don't really care what happens after that. The GOP has us as captive voting blocs and they don't give a damn about our AR pistols. To them it's another bump stock. Of course the left is worse on guns, but voting for the lesser of two evils isn't doing us any favors.3 points
I operate under the assumption I am the least smart person when it comes that sort of scheming and that the government has an endless supply of twisted tyrants on hand who sit around and dream up an endless supply of new ways to trample my freedoms and liberties.3 points
I wouldn’t be in the line of work I am if I felt the way that your comment implies. One can have a realistic view about a situation and still be saddened by it. An elderly person died in our town last night (unknown if COVID related), as they do several times per week. I can be saddened by their loss and the effects it has on their family and still objectively know that it’s going to keep happening.3 points
My next door neighbor threw her annual Halloween Party and I did go as I do every year. Now bear in mind that the vast majority of the attendees are family and close friends who have been steadily interacting long before the Covid hit. So they're pretty much safe with each other. Now me, I'm more or less the outsider here. Yeah, I know 'em all and we're pretty much friends. However, I don't interact with them daily. Actually, since I've been hiding out in the house, I don't see them very often at all any more. BTW: the party is held outside in the driveway. You only go into the house for food. I went, but seated myself slightly away from the main group. I also wore my face mask most of the time and only took it off to eat. Everybody was just fine with that. In fact, I think some of them appreciated it. Not as many trick or treaters as usual. But not a bad crowd. Anyway, a nice fire, chili dogs, candy and kids. A good time was had by all.3 points
Thanks to @TGO David and his raving about red dot sights, a great deal on a RMR, and a good deal on a 4th gen Glock 19 MOS, I finally decided to try a RDS on a pistol for the first time in 20+ years. I can't wait to try this out and see how my crappy eyes work with the RMR. Astigmatism has its challenges. Yes, decent deals on pistols still exist. I picked up a new MOS for less than I've seen standard Glocks listed for here.2 points
2 points
We ended up with ZERO like usual. Pretty much normal here. First few years in the house we decorated a bunch, much to the horror rest of the street that thinks Halloween is evil. Over the years we just stopped. Since the rest of the street is a bust, it is a dead end next to a much larger, wealthier subdivision, and no one can see our house from the main road, we get no one. In about 20 years we might have had 10 kids. Part were family and I think 5 came one year. The apartments we lived in right after getting married had at least 50 every year. My kids are too old to Trick or Treat now. So my wife bought some of the pottery you paint and drop off to be run through the kiln. 3 of the 4 of us painted several Halloween themed items. Was fun. We did similar at Easter.2 points
Take a fool’s advice. If you want one, get one.....or a few. The supply will dry up and prices will skyrocket. I’ve seen this story play out too many times. I’ve yet to see prices decrease on milsurp guns of any persuasion.2 points
I think if Trump is re-elected the left will double down on their craziness. They have been emboldened by what they’ve gotten away with the last 4 years. Now, they’re going to be even angrier. So, I expect the market to remain unchanged for some time. Plan accordingly.2 points
Well, if President Trump is reelected I believe the gun/ammo business will get back to some reasonable level, if biden wins, all bets are off.2 points
In fairness I left out one category that deserves some sympathy. Newbies. Lousy time to be starting the path to gun ownership.2 points
The fact that a vote for any party not an R or a D in the general election is a lost vote (actually goes against the side closer to your side of issues) fails to register on some folks. I would love to get some libertarian folks into office, but the best time to vote for them is in the primaries, once you get to the general election, they just bleed off votes from the Dem or Repub and may cause them to lose the election. I feel that is what happened when Perot ran, he caused the loss of Bush to Clinton.1 point
1 point
I hope he has a good exit strategy already in mind, because they'll probably run him out when they learn that he's got a brain.1 point
Sadly, no. I’ve had some decent play money, but not $50k of play money. It does have a binary trigger installed. The poor man’s facsimile.1 point
Looks good. I've been thinking about doing the same thing to one of mine.1 point
Amazon has them for delivery the 8th. https://www.amazon.com/Walkers-Game-Ear-Protection-Enhancement/dp/B07BK7L26X/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=GWP-SLCR-BT&qid=1604249526&sr=8-11 point
1 point
Until they start testing blood they will not have an accurate measurement of the virus. The nasal swab Testing kits we get are from China. Let me repeat that, the nasal swab testing kits we get are from China. Two different people will take that information two different ways, but I believe you come to the same Conclusion1 point
1 point
1 point
No tricks, no treats, no kids, same as the last 30 years that I've lived here. Having a reputation as a grouchy old curmudgeon who owns guns has its perks ...1 point
Yea, little by little I am sliding into the non vaccinated camp. I will let the vaccine work it's thing for a few seasons before I get it, I am no longer active duty, so being a guinea pig is behind me.1 point
They are on sale at Midway again... https://www.midwayusa.com/product/1019881191?pid=8751431 point
1 point
We got 3. All neighbors within 500 yards max. Need some Twix bars? lol Neighborhood group sent out emails and flyers with instructions. Social Distance. No contact. Bag all candy and hand out with tongs. Oh yeah...wear gloves while using ziplock bags for candy. Are these people nuts? Yeah no answer needed. Ok, I buy sealed bags. Put on gloves to remove candy from Bag 1 and place in Bag 2. Seal Bag and place them in a sanitized bowl/dish/container...i kid you not...and place it out by the roadside for kids to pick up one (1) each. ROLL MY ASS OFF by this time. Kids open baggie. Open individually wrapped candies and eat. All good...right? Sure.1 point
1 point
The effectiveness of the lockdowns was only going to work as long as they remained in effect. Once they began to be lifted, what happened was always going to happen. We have a long history of being very bad at developing treatments for this type of virus. So anyone attempting to convince you of a vaccine being imminent is selling you a load of BS. The same BS that was sold to us about the lockdowns. Of course our fear let them shift the goalposts really fast. if you remember, they were initially sold to us under the idea of “flattening the curve” to allow medical services to not be overwhelmed and prepare for the mass amounts of sick and dying. When that didn’t happen, all of a sudden it was “we can stop it!” No, we can’t. We never could and to believe so is a fantasy. For the all of human existence disease has been a limiter of the population and only in the last century have we begun to be able to fight back against it. We’ve gotten too full of ourselves and too confident in our abilities. Every so often nature will remind us that we don’t know as much as we think we do. I’m all for taking measures to slow the spread to give medical services the time it needs to handle the load, but I’m not down with destroying the lives and livelihoods of millions upon millions in pursuit of an impossible goal. The only way out, is through.1 point
TGO, I have made some changes to the forum this morning to address a few technical issues, fix some things that had caused complaints, and hopefully make the site a little easier to use. Rather than drag it out with a lengthy preamble, let's just get right down to it: LOOK AND FEEL Until I am able to get some problems resolved with the third-party "theme" (skin, format, look, whatever you want to call it) that we have been using, I have switched us to a very lightly customized version of the default forum software theme. I made this one, so if it sucks blame me for it, but this is as close to the default way that the software authors meant things to look as I can get it while still making it characteristically TGO. In my experience, the closer it is to "stock" with our software, the better and more correctly everything functions. Sadly this means that sexy, cool, handy little menu bar that always floated at the bottom of the screen on a mobile device is gone. If I can figure out how to emulate it, I will. If I can get the other theme fixed, I will. But some of you were having problems with the third-party theme looking like a jumbled mess while visiting TGO from certain types of mobile devices or computers with smaller screens and I think that this change will fix that. REARRANGED AND RENAMED I took the opportunity to move the furniture around on y'all a bit too. Yeah, I know that's probably cruel for some of you who are absolute creatures of habit, but the fact is some of the sub-forums on TGO could have been named, described or organized better back in the day. I like to think I'm just a little smarter now than I was back then. Anyway, hopefully the minor shuffling and renaming makes sense and helps promote better use of some really good areas of the community. HOWDY, ARMSLISTERS Finally, I wanted to give a special welcome to our new folks who have either discovered or rediscovered TGO because of recent changes to Armslist. I generally believe in The More, The Merrier and hope that you will enjoy your time here, find the community and knowledge represented in TGO very beneficial to you, and that you will help contribute to that community and knowledge by becoming active members. I do want to mention that we have some pretty simple and fair practices when it comes to buying, selling and trading on TGO. Following them isn't optional and ignorance of them is honestly pretty hard to accomplish given how many places we inform you about them when you join TGO. I mean, you literally have to willfully try to ignore them. We email them to you, we send them to you in a private message, and we post notices and links to them all over the place. Here's a link to them right now, even! Click me! The point is, we want you here and are glad that you've found us, but we do need your cooperation. Our policies for buying, selling and trading have served TGO well since 1997 and they are a fundamental reason why so many people here have come to prefer dealing with their fellow TGO members above all other options. That's all for now. Happy Halloween, folks!1 point
Welcome aboard! I don't have a C9, but I do have a 995 budget build sitting at $800 or so. Great forum, resources and membership, this is the only forum where I post...1 point
I have my Grandfathers Railroad watch. I wound it too tight and it quit working. I keep saying I’m going to take it in and have it fixed, but just never seem to get around to it.1 point
Welcome T2020! Maybe you should have gone with MD2020 for your id. lol Sorry poor joke. But like your assortment of firearms. Especially the Springfield RO. I have it in 9mm and just love it. Also see your Taurus 586 and raise you with a 608. Sort of fond of those Taurus pistols too.1 point
1 point
Click that link that says “Online Elgin Database” it lets you put in the serial number and gives you more info. The serial number is on the movement, not the case. I would think a Pocket Watch from the late 1800’s would be valuable.1 point
People are scrambling to pick up AR pistols and pistol braces because they think the ATF is going to do to them what they did to bump stocks. Buying that stuff in a panic makes no sense, because *IF* the ATF screws us all over on this, you're either going to register it as an NFA item and might as well put a real stock on it, or you're going to hide it away and risk being charged with a felony if ever caught using it. The ATF needs to be done away with.1 point
In general terms, I do not expect the current retail climate to change much at all for the remainder of the year. The whole thing is rather complicated and multi-faceted. Ammunition: This is equal parts a supply issue, a demand issue and retailers taking advantage of the situation. Primers are in short supply, so there is already a constraint on availability at the component level. This naturally causes prices to increase at a wholesale level. Completed ammunition is increasingly in shorter supply, but I know for an absolute fact that you can still buy 9mm FMJ from the wholesale channel for around 22-cents per round because I recently brokered the sale of approximately 52,000 rounds of 9mm and 5.56 NATO ammunition for a small group of individuals. I could go on an absolute tear about this but I am going to refrain for now. Retailers who are charging exorbitant sums for 9mm FMJ should be taken note of and remembered when this settles. One caliber that I can attest to being much more expensive today than it was in February, at wholesale and retail pricing, is 300 Blackout. The price on that shiz is nuts. If you have it, I'd be sitting on it and not shooting it unless I had to right now. Black Rifle Parts: Whole, mass-produced AR-15 pattern rifles are still easy to come by thanks to the absolute glut of them that were produced over the last 10 years. Pricing on them hasn't changed a whole lot. Boutique rifles and component parts are a different story, and those go hand in hand anyway. I don't see this changing until after the election and maybe even beyond that. Supply needs to catch up to the demand. Manufacturers like Aero Precision, Bravo Company Machine, Rosco Manufacturing, Ballistic Advantage, Midwest Gun Works, etc. are all still releasing product albeit in small batches that get cleaned out almost immediately. You can thank social media for that. As soon as barrels, uppers, lowers, handguards, etc. hit these manufacturer's web stores or the web stores of the retail channel, it gets posted by the likes of MrGunsNGear on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. or it makes the headlines on Reddit and major national forums. People are cleaning-out supply as soon as it hits. And while I guess that's nice if it means that there are more armed citizens exercising their Second Amendment rights than ever ( aka "a rising tide raises all ships") there is a pessimistic side of me that thinks there are a lot of parts that will never be used sitting in personal caches. I hope I am wrong. Handguns: You can still buy pretty much any handgun you want right now, but in some cases you may have to wait a few weeks to find the exact variation you are searching for. Also, this is legitimately the only time that I can remember wherein Glocks were seriously selling for MSRP. Nine or ten months ago, at the very most, you could buy a new Gen 5 Glock 19 for $525. These days you're probably going to pay closer to $600 and you might have to wait while your local retailer orders it for you from Lipseys, RSR, Sports South, etc. I blame this entirely on the number of people who are buying handguns to protect themselves for the first time ever because of the current political and social climate and social turmoil. I hope that those people (a.) get training, (b.) own them responsibly, and (c.) keep them beyond 2021 and become advocates for the 2A now that they understand why it matters. I am obviously glazing over other areas of the gun industry right now, but these are the things most people are noticing the effects of and maybe wondering what the hell is driving it all. The ammunition and shortage of AR parts are the things that annoy me the most, presently, for the reasons I mentioned.1 point
My LGS is starting to see his pistol inventory get back to close to normal, and prices are pretty close to normal. Long guns are still slightly elevated but people keep buying them..... Ammo is a whole different ball game1 point
I do wish the dang small pistol primers would come back in stock. I had a bunch but, have loaded about 1,500 awhile back.1 point
It takes events like what have been happening lately to make some aware just how vulnerable they can be.1 point
You certainly underestimate yourself Based on seeing what comes out of staffed personnel on interpretation, I really wonder sometimes where their bar sits. Truer words....I challenge anyone to find them.0 points
0 points
I saw Roger Moore on a talk show years ago. He said he was with his son in a restaurant when Connery walked in. His son said "Look, it's the real James Bond".0 points
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0 points
So I am hearing you got your buddy drunk and robbed him blind. So whatchya doing with the old press???????0 points
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