I've owned a 4" blue Ruger Security Six for many years. Great gun! I've had a 2.75" model on my wish list for more years than I care to count. The darn things are hard to come by and often sell at ridiculous prices. About a week ago, one popped up on the local Armslist. I sent the guy an e-mail, but unfortunately had to leave for a doctor's appointment. By the time I got back, it was gone. Likewise, I found a nice blue one on GB just a few days ago. It ended up selling for way more than I was willing to give.
But this morning I finally scored! Another one popped up on Armslist. Surprised me because two in as many weeks is unheard of. In fact, these are the first Security Sixs listed in over a year. I texted the guy, we made arrangements and I came home with this.
It came with Pachmyer Grippers on it. I hate those. I dug around in the wood pile and came up with a set of factory targets. The pic doesn't really show it, but they're rough as a cob. Oh well, they'll do until I can find something better. I really would have preferred a blue gun, but beggars can't be choosers. I'm happy with it!
Anyway, I hope to get it to the range soon. Range report pending.