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3 points
I took a trip down to Leakey, TX at the end of last week to do some hunting. I had bought a hunting trip for Sika deer and hog at a SCI auction. The owner of BCR, Peter Allegra, has owned the property for about 30 years and brought in over 40 different species of European, Asian and African animals. He has over 10,000 acres which is roughly 16 square miles. It is a big place and I had it all to myself. Sika deer bugle like elk. Normally they are in full rut by mid September but the hot dry summer delayed the start of the rut. They were just starting to rut on my last day. We heard several bugles but the Sika never showed themselves. I was supposed to leave Friday evening but Peter told to stay another night so we could hunt on Saturday. Heard some more bugles Saturday morning but no luck. I had told Peter that I wanted a good eating size boar. He mentioned that he felt that the red deer does were a lot better eating than the boar. He has an abundance of them and said I could cull one of those if I wanted. So that's what I decided to do. I took a nice red deer doe at 142 yards on top of a ridge. I am glad I made a good shot and she went straight down. If she had run 15-20 yards right or left if would have been a hard recovery. The ranch house is at about 600 ft. The top of this ridge where I got the deer was at over 2300 Ft. Peter works hard to put you on the game you want. He and his wife only bring in one group of hunters at a time. They try to keep it at 4 and under. Peter and i hunted from before dark till after dark two straight days and then next morning. His wife would make home cooked meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner. It was fun trip although I was a little tired on the 15 hour drive home. The last pic is a shed from a red stag. They are magnificent creatures.2 points
I saw this on the local news tonight. Memphis Police are asking people to respond to this survey regarding Police use of force. Director Michael Rallings appeared on camera to ask for people to respond. However, this does appear to be a national survey. They set forth three video scenarios and then ask how/what you think is an appropriate response. Its fairly short and doesn't take much time. I'm betting the liberal crowd will try to swamp this with their anti-police BS. I recommend you take the few minutes and fill it out. You can find the Story Here[/url} and there is a link in the text to the survey. You can also find the story and link at WREG.com2 points
Brownell's currently has a deal on ten (10) Magpul 30-Round PMAG GEN M2 MOE mags for $94.99 if you use code "PTT" when you check out. https://www.brownells.com/magazines/rifle-magazines/magazines/ar-15-pmag-gen-m2-moe-mag-223-5-56-30rd-polymer-blk-10pk-sku100006987-24192-79235.aspx If you prefer the non-MOE version, you can get ten of those for $111.99 currently with the same code "PTT" at checkout. https://www.brownells.com/magazines/rifle-magazines/magazines/ar-15-pmag-gen-m3-magazine-223-5-56-30rd-polymer-black-10pk-sku100012634-75487-120832.aspx2 points
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If 2020 Pythons are going for $500 over MSRP why not cough up another $500-$1500 for a an original one? I’ll never understand the Colt obsession. Yes, the new ones are nice but those old Royal blue Pythons are beautiful but even brand new they were overpriced....like everything else with the Colt name on it.2 points
I have used some here and there pistol and rifle, just had a chance to buy some and not sure. I have a bunch of brass. Thanks guys.2 points
I think he's afraid of rampant voter fraud stealing the election form him when he makes those kinds of statements. I like him, but I do wish he'd just shut up sometimes. I think he's turned out much better than I expected to be honest. He wasn't my first choice, but he has stood up to the liberals for the most part.2 points
For the second year in a row I’ve been fortunate enough to participate in the Shooting Hunger sporting clays charity shoot at Nashville Gun Club representing the Tennessee Dept of Agriculture. This year our team came in 2nd. Pretty cool for a bunch of hacks. It’s so much fun and a great time every year and the best part is the money goes to feed hungry people in Tennessee. If anyone is looking for a fun shoot check out their website for next years events. they have Middle and West Tn events with an East Tn hopefully coming next year in the fall. https://shootinghunger.com/2 points
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TGO David's prediction is about a month old now and we see the results. I'm going to drop an Edgar Cayce on you, you ain't seen nothing yet. Forget the hanging chad, forget the Florida count controversy, the mail ins and dead people and cats voting; this November's election is going to be the nastiest and most prolonged election in history, if Trump wins the electoral college. The democraps are going to do some nasty things never before done, and I can see Nancy Pelosi as interim and temporary president if Trump wins. They're not hiding their agenda's, intentions and plans. If the democraps take the presidency and control of Congress, it's all but over, period. From here on out, each day is going to get harder and harder to get anything gun and ammo related because of demand and other federal circuit court decisions. The SCOTUS John Roberts certainly did a 180, it almost appears someone has something on him? This election is going to be one wild ride. If you need it and don't have it, well, you'll be paying big bucks for it until it's outlawed under Uncle Joe and the liberals. Can I interest anyone for $10.00 a round of 9mm???2 points
World and US events over the past few months have manipulated the firearms industry like nothing I have seen before. If you were with us inside the gun community during the Obama years, you undoubtedly remember 2012-2013 and the crazy run on ammo, mags, and any rifle that wasn't a bolt-action brown wood hunter. 2020 has, no pun intended, blown all of that away. If you doubt the accuracy of that statement, ask yourself when the last time was that you saw a new Glock 19 going for $700+ and buyers barely hesitating to pay those prices. You are doing lucky if you find one in the $600 range at the gun shop, and they rarely last long at that price if you're lucky to see one. And remember just eight months ago big online retailers like Brownells were running daily deals offering percentage-based discount codes in order to entice buyers to open their wallets? Those days are long gone. The egregious environmental protection restrictions placed on ammunition manufacturers under Obama shoved a lot of ammo production overseas, only to then have the door slammed on importation by politically motivated tariffs. Domestic production slowed even further as inventory ramped up for the GWOT and to catch up on demand from the Obama era and then began to stagnate in warehouses due to public dissinterest. If there was ever an industry that could use some seriously talented demand planners, it's the ammunition industry for sure. Where you used to be able to buy all of the 5.56 ammo you wanted, by the case-load, you now see cases of ammo being parted out and sold in baggies at premium prices by retailers acting like street hustlers slinging meth. So, what's next? My prediction is that standard capacity magazines will soon become very scarce -- once again -- thanks to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals finally making the commonsense ruling that California's ban on magazines with capacities over 10-rounds is unconstitutional. Any Californian who didn't act during the previous window of opportunity surely will be doing so now. Supply will dry up quickly and it will take several months for it to catch up. The November election certainly won't help ease pressure on the sale of mags, ammo or guns either. If you're reading this and thinking "Geez, I need to hurry up and buy some mags", I wouldn't dilly dally around. Act while they are in stock with your preferred retailer. The price couldn't possibly go down, and I suspect that availability will become scarce at least until January 2021.1 point
Good Stuff. Those guys are out of Kentucky. Have you heard Whitechapel? They are from Knoxville. This is probably the most rotated song of their on XM radio. Warning. The video is not tame... The story in it fits the song name, but not the lyrics in my opinion.1 point
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Did not get the Sika buck I was looking for but took a nice fat red deer doe. I started a thread called Buffalo Creek Ranch about the hunt.1 point
I just got back from a hunt in Texas so I am not sure if I am going out this weekend. Good luck to everybody that does get out.1 point
I don't think it's a rattler. Oddly enough I found another one of the exact same snake dead in my yard today but this one had his tail and there were no rattles on the end thank god. I don't know if my dogs killed this one or what.1 point
What scares me more is the idea of Biden winning and Trump already not agreeing to a peaceful transfer of power. Every day he just makes me wonder why the hell I have to vote for him on the Republican ticket. We really got either end of a sh*t sandwich this year. I guess I will take solace in the fact that Tennessee is going to go red regardless so I don't have to feel too guilty about voting for that narcissist again. Back to TGO David's thoughts...anyone still needing PMAG's there's a member or two in the classifieds slinging some. I agree I think we will see another high capacity mag rush though without ammunition I don't see what people are really clamoring for mags for lol.1 point
Used it It's fine. Reloading it I think it's more brittle than brass. As for price I'm not seeing any great demand for brass at this time. That could change of inventory stay low and price increases.1 point
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Looks like most/all changes were made by handing the old form to an English teacher or internet grammar nazi.1 point
I think the talking heads are more worried about setting the country on fire and keeping Trump out of office than the virus. Its like anything else, move from one ratings-boosting catastrophe to another. Modern America has a very short attention span.1 point
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1.09 with a 115 is probably ok. What brand are they? Different bullet designs of the same weight can have different shapes/lengths. What powder are you using? Are you using load data for jacketed? Lead/coated typically uses a lighter charge. Also, what gun are you shooting? Have you taken the barrel out of the gun and done the plunk/spin test? Put a dummy round in your chamber and if it drops in ok and spins freely, you are short enough (and may can go longer). Some guns are notorious for having short chambers and require shorter OALs. The diameter (.355 vs .356) and bullet profile can influence the required OAL.1 point
A strong body makes the mind strong. As to the species of exercise, I advise the gun. While this gives a moderate exercise to the body, it gives boldness, enterprise, and independence to the mind. Games played with the ball and others of that nature, are too violent for the body and stamp no character on the mind. Let your gun therefore be the constant companion of your walks. - Thomas Jefferson 1785 Aug. 19 Letter to Peter Carr1 point
Interesting thread, had to remove a visitor from the chicken coop earlier this week, and I almost posted b/c I couldn't ID it. Chicken snake was what my neighbor called it. We let it go down the end of the street (1/2 mile away, wooded preserve).1 point
DeKay’s Brownsnake maybe? https://www.tn.gov/twra/wildlife/reptiles/snakes/dekays-brownsnake.html1 point
We are locked in on numbers. Numbers only give you a true representation if they are legitimate. Like firearms involved in violence, the numbers can be manipulated to show whatever you like. I don’t believe that the people crunching the numbers are trustworthy. I don’t put much stock in testing numbers, other than to realize that as the number of tests go up, so will the number of cases. Also, plenty of people test positive that never even have and symptoms. The number of deaths would be a real indicator. But it appears that deaths that are not from Covid are being added. Like a loaded gun, I understand this is dangerous. But also, like a loaded gun, I suspect those using reasonable safety precautions are at far lower risk.1 point
I'm hoping one of the changes to the "norm" is the permanent shift of companies to remote work were possible. Before the virus, some companies wouldn't entertain the idea on most of their jobs, but were forced to and saw that it actually worked better than expected. The reduced traffic load has been truly nice. It's reduced my 50 minute one way commute down to 40, and mental frustration is less. Unfortunately my job doesn't afford remote work, I'll take the side benefit and still enjoy it.1 point
Well, you've probably still got time but you definitely aren't going to be getting any sweet deals on anything other than Magpul PMAGs these days. I expect that even those will start to go back up in price within 30 days.1 point
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Currently, I have a few 22LR rifles. I’ve sort of become the 10/22 guy at the local NRL22 match. Non 10/22 List: SavageB22 FVSR with an Athlon Midas TAC 6-24×50 APRS3 FFP MIL scope mounted with Burris XTR Signature Rings on a EGW custom milled 30 MOA rail that allows it to shoot out to 500 yards. Because of the MSRP of the scope, it (currently) puts the rifle out of NRL22 base class. Savage Mark II FVSR with an Acme Machine 6-24x50mm First Focal Plane Tactical Rifle Scope TR-MIL Reticle and rings. Savage A22 FV FDX XP which I replaced the red dot with an Athlon Talos BTR 4-14×44 APLR2 FFP IR MIL scope. Marlin Model 60 stainless with a Nikon P-Rimfire 3-7 scope on see thru mounts. Marlin XT-22 (kid length) as a loaner. M&P 15/22 with a Red dot. Thompson Center Encore (single shot) that started life as a stainless pistol. Now setup with a Boyds Pro Hunter (Royal Jacaranda) stock, Match Grade Machine 16.5 stainless barrel, Bellm trigger kit (9 oz pull) and hammer extension, Mueller 8-32X44 Side Focus scope mounted with Talley lightweight alloy rings. 10/22 List: Ruger Competition with an Athlon Midas TAC 6-24×50 APRS3 FFP MIL scope mounted with Burris XTR Signature Rings Custom light weight build based on a Thompson Center T/CR22 (which this receiver has been the basis for several builds) currently sporting a Whistle Pig 16.5 inch barrel, Kidd 2-stage (3oz/3oz) trigger, Fab Defense UAS R10/22 stock, and VX-Freedom 1.5-4x20 AR scope mounted with an Aero Precision Ultralight 1" Standard Scope Mount. Kidd Chassis build: All Kidd (including Kidd Chassis, receiver, bolt, 2-stage trigger (8oz/8oz), 20 MOA rail, charging handle) other than MPA EVG Grip (modified to fit), MagPul ACS-L Buttstock, Feddersen 16.5 inch stainless barrel, and an Athlon Midas TAC 6-24×50 APRS3 FFP MIL scope mounted with Burris XTR Signature Rings Victor Titan build: Kidd receiver, bolt, 2-stage trigger (8oz/8oz), 20 MOA rail, charging handle on a Victor Co Titan stock, Titan Universal cheek rest, Kidd compatible anchor, 10" Henderson Precision D-Rail, Ckye-Pod Bipod, Proof Research 16.5 inch carbon fiber barrel, with an Midas TAC 5-25×56 APRS3 FFP MIL HD scope mounted with Burris XTR Signature 34mm Rings for the bigger tube and a Send iT digital level. Bergara BXR002 (new in box). I haven’t decided on the optic for it yet. It may end up with the Bushnell Match Pro 6-24x50 mounted with Burris XTR Signature Rings. I’ll likely swap out the trigger for a Kidd 2-stage trigger (8oz/8oz) as I have spares. As you may have noted, I’m a big fan of the Burris XTR Signature Rings as they let me “bottom out” the scope so I can shoot further (out to 500 yards). I also prefer the Kidd 2-stage triggers as I’ve never touched a better 10/22 trigger. While this one is not technically a rifle, I also have a custom build 10/22 Charger using a Brownells receiver, Ruger bolt, PMACA Lightweight Chassis, Whistle Pig 6 inch barrel, MDT Vertical Grip, SBA3 Pistol Brace, Streamlight TLR2HL 1000 Lumen light w/ red laser, Holosun 507C Green Dot, and rather than a Kidd 2-stage, it has a Ruger trigger with a Franklin Armory BFSIII 22-C1 Binary Trigger kit installed. With GSG 110-Round drum magazines it’s a blast to shoot. The only problem is that the heat has had an adverse effect on the aluminum Whistle Pig barrel. I’ll be temporarily replacing it (likely tomorrow) with a 10-inch factory charger barrel (which arrived yesterday) until I get a couple of new custom stainless bull barrels (already ordered) in hand. I have several 22LR pistols too. If I had to pick a 22LR pistol to suggest, it’d be the Taurus TX22. On my shopping list is another Bergara. I might get the BXR001 and pair it with the Bushnell Match Pro scope as a NRL22 base class rifle. But I really have hankering to buy the B-14 R. From what I’ve seen so far, they are a very accurate 22LR. Being a Remington 700 footprint, the B-14 R has a lot of accessories available too which is one of the reasons I like 10/22s over other 22 rifles.0 points
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