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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/24/2020 in all areas

  1. I think the talking heads are more worried about setting the country on fire and keeping Trump out of office than the virus. Its like anything else, move from one ratings-boosting catastrophe to another. Modern America has a very short attention span.
    2 points
  2. Correct, no coding. Yep, no excuse now.
    2 points
  3. It doesn't apply to us because the ATF requires that it be updated every five years. Our HCPs have a number of things that don't allow us that exemption. 1. Underage HCP (18-20 year olds) 2. Lifetime HCP 3. 8 Year renewal And then of course, whether the state background check for HCP satisfies the requirements of federal background check is in the air. I don't believe that it currently does but I do not know.
    2 points
  4. Got one myself Brother. I like em because they are essentially a 454 Casull that ya can handle as a rifle. Im sure that, killin power wise, they are deadly as a drugstore. There is a pretty good selection of both ammo n reloading components available for em. I've got some prepped brass ready ta load myself. Gonna load em with some 300 grainers n Lil Gun.. Now for the bad news (...Which is minor...)... Ya need the ejection port milled out a bit on your upper if ya use a regular AR upper, or ya can just buy a pre milled one from AERO, if ya can find one. Ya also need a 450 Bushmaster bolt as well. The bushmaster cartridge head is different from a 556. I bought mine with the barrel i used... A Ballistic Advantage 16" as i remember. The second problem is (... Or wuz...) magazines. It may be a bit different now, but ya had to modify mags for em. I used the Lancer 30 rounders with a Sinclair single shot follower... That turns a $ 20 AR mag into a $45 one. Mag capacity goes down considerably. A 30 rounder will reliably feed 8 or 9 rounds as i remember. Finally, there is a 450 Bushmaster forum out there somewhere that helped me tremendously... Good luck... The Bushmaster is a great idea, especially now... leroy...
    2 points
  5. The reason they don't ask Greg, they already know.
    2 points
  6. This argument doesn’t sound any less ridiculous in this context than when the Bloomberg shills try to use it to claim that the 2A only covers muskets. If you have to jump through hoops and ask for government permission to exercise a right, it isn’t a right.
    2 points
  7. Get it while you can (my wife would kill me or I would lol) Listed at $1999 for cash so about $500 over msrp of 1499 but fair compared to gunbroker. http://www.kygunco.com/Product/View?ItemNo=145675&utm_source=KyGunCo Marketing&utm_medium=Website&utm_campaign=Notify Me
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. Mighty generous of them to provide that.
    1 point
  10. Anyone else notice COVID getting less and less media coverage?
    1 point
  11. Hi guys & gals, found this and thought I would share this, fill in the prices you paid for your components and it gives you per round out to 1K rounds. Mods move this or delete if not per rules. https://ultimatereloader.com/tools/reloading-costs-calculator/
    1 point
  12. And I think both Taurus and mossberg have introduced competitive priced pistols which may adversely affect their $$$.
    1 point
  13. Sounds about right. There were tons of shows in the '90's at World's Fair Park on the field there. I was at a lot of them. Great place for concerts. Like most other outstanding places for outdoor concerts, the City screwed that up as well.
    1 point
  14. They seem to have found a niche for their product. A lot of people I know have them. I personally don’t. They survived the bad press early on and continue to roll. I just think Maryville, wasn’t a good fit for them. They should take note of what Taurus did and open a plant up somewhere with a low cost of living and an area needing decent paying jobs. Taurus opened up a new plant in Bainbridge, GA, and are doing well down there.
    1 point
  15. A while back I had a couple of folks request a Tan Adamas Auto knives, I can now get them for a limited time, Price is $250 shipped and will include my best edge that is 4 times as sharp as the factory does and corrected even bevels on both sides rumor has it that these may soon be discontinued which would truly be a shame as they are my favorite automatics send me a PM if you want one
    1 point
  16. Willis68 is a good guy to deal with and the Adamas is an awesome knife!
    1 point
  17. If you prepared properly, the test is very easy. I've watched several people pass the Technician and General tests the same day.
    1 point
  18. Eye Candy....fits the hand really well...I don’t plan on shooting it but if I did it wouldn’t be the worst thing ever. The barrel is even marked P80 at the top.
    1 point
  19. Something new that uses Glock parts at a good price point. If it works as advertised they may have winner.
    1 point
  20. World's Fair Park in Knoxville? 1996 would have been about right. I can't remember the festival that it was but they were the headliner. IIRC, they played a 45 minute rendition of Tied to the Whipping Post as the encore. Going in I was only a mild fan.... leaving I realized how much those guys kick a$$. Just talented musicians that love what they do.
    1 point
  21. The 20 gauge pump action shotgun at Walmart for $147 is actually the Stevens 320. This is a fantastic gun. I've copied the last review I read on it and will paste it.... "The Savage Stevens 320 pump action shotgun is based upon a proven rotary bolt design with dual action bars for a smooth action. These economical shotguns are rugged, simple to operate, and dependable. This field grade shotgun has a 26" carbon steel vent rib barrel and synthetic stock. The barrel is threaded for Win choke and comes with interchangeable choke tubes.". I've used these shotguns. They're great. The Walmart near me also sells Mossberg 500. They're still sloppy and a rattle trap, But that's what you're buying. The pardner is a fantastic 12 gauge for $148. The 20 gauge pump is lightweight and fits larger framed people and younger shooters. The number one rule when buying any firearm is take it home and clean it completely and reassemble oiled ready to use. I will update this post this weekend after I fired both the partner 12 gauge and the $147 stevens 320 20 gauge. I'm picking one up tom and buying the 20 gauge while I'm there.
    1 point
  22. Stevie Ray Vaughan https://youtu.be/4vuiXSII9fA
    1 point
  23. From reading some comments on one of his videos I think his name is Sam. I think that Tele he plays is a custom one he mad made. He also plays other ones including a Gretch that is gorgeous.
    1 point
  24. He's lucky that's all the detaining he got. Looks to me like he got off light. This pervert has been arrested 8 times for peeping. Why ain't he in jail?
    1 point
  25. What this country needs right now is a good dose of "detaining".
    1 point
  26. The word "Gay" in 1895 had a very different meaning than it did by 1995. And the people in 1895 viewed the word and the connotations differently than someone in 1995 because over time the meaning changed in popular culture. The people in 1895 had a completely different understanding of the word, its meaning and the nuance of it. Just like the culture of America has changed since 1787. Things change and we lose the original meaning and nuance of words because no one is still around from then and all we have is the written word left behind by folks in letters and documents. The subordinate clause of the amendment IS them mentioning trained and well armed citizens (not a standing army) being the best way to maintain the security and freedom of the state . They didn’t have a brain fart....they wrote it into the amendment but we don’t use the word “regulated” they way now as they did then and it does not have the same connotation it did back then. Militias who fought Indians in the woods of western Pennsylvania were not at all well suited to fighting using European battlefield tactics. It wasn't that they were not necessarily functional as fighting units it is that you don't fight the British on Bunker Hill like you fight the Cherokee in western North Carolina. Your western NC militia attached to Washington’s regulars needed to know how to work WITH the regular troops and know how to maintain formations and maneuver. My 5th greatgrandfather was one of the Watauga settlers and fought under John Sevier at Kings Mountain . And they didn’t fight anything like Washington’s regulars did . So the militia units that Washington complained about had to be retrained to fight the way Washington needed them to fight in European style engagements. Jackson was shot by soldiers who had just been shooting enemy soldiers that day and were on the lookout for more enemy soldiers to shoot. They were expecting enemy soldiers to come from that direction. Even with the riots we are not yet to the point we are manning checkpoints waiting to shoot folks. So that's a bit of a stretch to compare the intentional but mistaken identity shooting of Jackson to any kind of CCW or even at home gun ownership negative outcome. Look I'm not arguing that you should be compelled by anyone to do anything. Do what you want. In a perfect world I would just prefer that people know how to safely handle guns before they be carrying them on their person in public when I and my family might be down range from them. And do people who have had training occasionally make bad decisions? Some times. But I see far more unsafe gun handling and negligent discharges happen at public ranges among untrained folks than I do among folks who have been exposed to some education in safe gun handling. So I think it is a bit fallacious to argue that because in SOME instances trained people have made mistakes that it somehow negates the benefits of training altogether. I'm merely giving historical context to an argument that we make now, that would have been foreign to the people who lived back then. I’m not saying they didn’t see it as an individual right either. The militia is made up of individual citizens using their personally owned MILITARY GRADE firearms in order to come together and fight enemies of the state both foreign and domestic. It absolutely is an Individual right. I'm not in any way arguing against the 2A. I personally believe that you should be able to own ANY firearm (machine guns, SBR , SBS, etc. ) you can afford and shoot it on your own property. Just like you can buy any car you can afford and drive it on your own property without having to even have a tag or registration. But if you are going to carry it on the street (or drive it on the street) then you need to know how to safely operate the car or the gun. And don't even throw up the tired old "driving is a privilege not a right " argument. I'm saying that we all agree it is a good idea to teach people how to drive before they get on the interstate and cause potentially fatal wrecks because it is the smart thing to do . But then we say they should be able to buy a gun and carry it while remaining willfully ignorant of best gun safety practices and marksmanship training ? Does that even make sense? And before anyone tries to question my bona fides as far as 2A support I am a long time NRA member, have carried a gun on my person essentially every day for over 25 years. I have voted for pro 2A candidates in every election since I turned 18. I bought my first machinegun before I bought my first car. I have worked in the shooting industry for over 20 years and have been a professional firearms instructor for 20 years. I have attended and been a presenter at national level training conferences and have been a world championship level competitor in IDPA. I have used a gun to defend myself. I'm pretty well educated in history and politics of the 2A but I also see the difference in theory and reality. So I'm not someone who is late to the party. Again I'm not arguing against the 2A or arguing to limit freedom.....I'm merely clarifying that what a lot of people think they know about the 2A is not always exactly correct when put in its correct historical context.
    1 point
  27. The truth of the matter is that you do, in fact, have the right to keep and bear arms... That said, it is on you to learn how to handle firearms safely and use em effectively if need be. One of the baser things about our capitalist system and the gun community and certain of those populating it is the tendency of " experts " to try to feather their business nests by proclaiming that " you aint responsible nor trained enough to handle a gun "... The inferred point us that they, in fact, are and they can help you for a FEE... This is called " salesmanship " and is OK... I say, in the old latin proverb: " Let the Buyer beware "... What aint OK is when those same " experts " lobby trashy polititians, local and otherwise, to enact laws restricting a constitutional right under the guise of " making us all safer "... I heartily join Brother Dave in his opinion that there are folks out there who need protection from thugs n predators now; many of whom aint overrun with extra dollars for " mandated training "... " Mandated training " is a crock in today's atmosphere and the Tennessee political class well knows it. Personal safety is the supreme thought on every citizen and citizen gun owner's mind now. Welcome to Dodge City, where everybody is armed and edgy. That is all... leroy
    1 point
  28. Ditto. What I did was get the regular permit, then when it was about to expire, I upgraded it to lifetime. I wanted the lifetime, but I believe as a new transplant from Yankeedom, they wouldn't let me. Since the OP has had one previously, might be otherwise? Regardless, you go down to a UPS store nearby and get fingerprinted in like 10 minutes, its digital, painless, no ink.
    1 point
  29. The Rifleman" starring Chuck Connors as Lucas McCain with his custom large loop lever Winchester Model 1892 chambered for the black powder .44-40 cartridge
    1 point
  30. I want folks to be responsible with firearms as well. I don’t want the government to be able to arbitrarily decide what that looks like. Just the same as with speech. Folks are responsible for their actions with a firearm or their speech. Prior restraint by the government is an abomination and anathema to liberty and the individual’s rights.
    1 point
  31. I took my exam last weekend so it will be about another 1-2 weeks before I get my call sign. I got a Baofeng BF-F8HP a couple of weeks and have gotten a few accessories/upgrades so far. Thankfully I live pretty close to a good repeater. Looking to join the Nashville ARC club since they're the ones I been listening to the most.
    1 point
  32. Why not just do the lifetime permit? https://www.tn.gov/safety/tnhp/handgun/permittypes.html
    1 point
  33. The more research I read, the more I'm convinced that the solution for most people is vitamin supplementation. Multiple studies have found a strong correlation between vitamin D deficiency and severity/prevalence of COVID 19. Over 3/4 of adults and 9/10 African Americans have less than 30nmol/ml of vitamin D. I started taking a 5,000 IU capsule of D3 daily back in March. My D level recently was 82. The recommended range is 30-100. Oak Ridge scientists recently reported that Summitt, the world's 2nd largest computer, had spent an entire week looking at genes and COVID 19 cases. It found that COVID 19 severity was caused by a Bradykinin storm. It recommended several steroids and.... VITAMIN D!!! I take vitamins A, B-complex, C, D, E, and K, as well as selenium, zinc, and magnesium every day. I recommend that everyone, at a minimum, take a good multivitamin plus C and D. It could save your life.
    1 point
  34. Smoky Mountain Knife Works, next to Bud's, has a firearms department as well.
    1 point
  35. Do you want a stock? Not a brace, but a real stock? I ask this first question because it will give direction. For me, an AR Pistol without a stock was pretty much useless, so that puts it into an NFA SBR.
    1 point
  36. Isn’t Mayor Jacobs’ Freedom First video narration getting called out by the Knox County Board of Health and the Knox County Commission trying to quell the powers of said board not enough for the week?
    0 points
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