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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/03/2020 in all areas
5 points
I loaded 1k 9mm for me this week and helped a buddy load 1k 9mm last night. Time to convert over to 5.56. LOL3 points
if you don't have ammo and/or reloading supplies by now,,,,shame on you.3 points
From what I'm seeing from online sellers. . we have no friends.3 points
Glad you found it. I’m having to run the “one armed bandit” to make my own right now.3 points
Yes it really is and is what I started with. My pastor is one of my shooting buddies and after burning a couple of boxes of 9mm in his carry gun, he usually ends up shooting .38's in my .357 or .40 S&W in my S&W 610. Cheap shooting is what I am all about.2 points
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And .38 Special is just about the easiest caliber to reload. Great cartridge to get started on. But that’s kinda moot right now.2 points
And then pick another caliber, and another, and before you know it you won't have any store bought ammo!! Just an FYI on Tuesday in about 5 hours not rushing and that was including eating supper I loaded 1,075 .38 special.2 points
Never let a good catastrophe pass you by and not make a profit on it. We really need to remember who our friends aren't.2 points
We truly don't deserve dogs but I believe they were put here to show us a little about unconditional love. I am so sorry for your loss, Doug.2 points
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Absolutely. If nothing else pick one caliber and learn to reload it just in case... In case of pandemics, insurrection, and bloody dam n democrats.1 point
Yeager knows everyone takes some of his dirt. There ain’t no way to avoid it. It’s in the gun, the magazines, clothes, pockets, and even your damn underwear.1 point
I grieve with thee, Doug. You gave her a good, safe home, and love. Be as proud of that as grateful for the love she gave you in return, for it was earned.1 point
I'm so sorry brother. I've been there and it's tough. Told myself I'd never have another and now I have three. I'm 71 and afraid I'll still have to go through it again..... best wishes to you.1 point
When appropriate, yup. One of my pistols still has that red Camden clay ground into the texture of the grip.1 point
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Don't meant anglophile exactly, but having lived in England for most of my 20's, with little money, in a time before cable or satellite or even rentals, i learned to love both English TV and their sense of humour. Im talking shows like Month Python's Flying Circus, Dave Allen, Fawlty Towers, Benny Hill, Dads Army, Are You Being Served, Yes, Minister, Last Of The Summer Wine, The Goodies, Some Mothers Do 'Ave 'em, The Two Ronnies, The Fall & Rise of Reginald Perrin, It aint half hot, mum, To The Manor Born, Ripping Yarns, etc...I know the list goes on, but that's what I remember in this moment. Anyone else like this and can add more?1 point
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Shows you how much I DON'T know about British TV.. lol I will just keep discussing swallows over here in my corner.1 point
Oh man, I’m sorry to hear this. You often hear that nobody will love you quite as fully as a dog. But, I’d say both of your dogs have gotten pretty lucky, too.1 point
I love Monty Python. Never got into much else. The wife loves Downton Abbey and the daughter is a huge Office fan by conduit of the American series. Still got 2 pairs of Docs I picked up in London the only time I got to go. I used to be sort of a fanatic about them. What I get for working in a boot store. One is pretty much one of a kind before they became cookie cutter. Kinda looks like a union Jack and rebel flag mixed. Really loved my time there. I spent most of it in Derbyshire doing volunteer work. Ah, college days...so much more free time...1 point
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My wife loves that stuff. Her grandmother was born in Liverpool and married a US serviceman. I find some of it hilarious and some of it just plain odd.1 point
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Yes for sure!! She was a great teacher and trained me well.....lol. I was hoping she would out live me but it didn't happen and it broke my heart to lose her but I have always said I will do my best to not allow them to suffer regardless of how bad I know it's going to hurt me!!! My Daughter and Tommy have already promised me they will care for it I get another room mate. I'm just not even looking yet and won't till Darby is back home next to Kasey on the TV console. I thought at one time we had a husband and wife that operated a Dog Rescue Center but I have not seen them on here for sometime.1 point
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I am really sorry to hear this. I followed your posts about Darby and really enjoyed all the milestones as she trained you in her new home. I really hope you can arrange some agreement with family/friends and get another companion. There is one out there that needs a good home and I know you will provide it.1 point
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Condolences. Looking a close family member is the worst. Especially when that family member is your dog....1 point
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Sorry to hear this, but you should be proud you didn't let her suffer. I think its admirable that you are leery of adopting another because of your age (Im right behind you, BTW), but having said that, I recommend you talk to family really soon and see if they will take care of your next, should you pass first, then if they will, go get you another friend! I've always wanted to adopt an older dog, myself, but have not been able to do that yet. I kinda inherited a pit bull 7 month old puppy a while back, pit bull of all things ( I hate pit bulls, lol) ! But she's become a real family member now and I cant imagine not having her here now. So sweet AND SO LOVING. These kinds of friends bring an enrichment like no other to our lives if we let them.1 point
My condolences. I know you loved her and gave her a great life. I am honored that I got to meet y’all before her passing.1 point
I had some weird illness at the end of January. It was like pneumonia in that I lost my breath easily, and my pulse-ox was low. It lasted for two weeks. I asked my doctor about having an anti-body test, and he said that the test was only 25 to 50 percent accurate and wasn't worth taking it. It would be nice to know if I had it and didn't know it.1 point
I’ve been talking about different aspects of reloading, presses, benches in other threads so I figured I’d start a new thread to show the product of those discussions. This one is 2’ deep by 3.5’ wide. I’d have preferred 4’ but space is limited and I feel like this gives me plenty of working space without being too large. Top is 3/4” MDF doubled to 1.5” thickness. Coated with about 7 coats of poly. I haven’t decided on what I’m going to do with the bottom “flooring” yet. More than likely just painted plywood. I just have to make it to the store. I built this mostly out of a recycled larger bench in the shop that stayed cluttered with junk. I had to buy a 4x4 for the legs and 2x10 for the shelves. It seems to be plenty heavy and I can’t move it with the rock chucker. I may eventually add smaller shelves within the top for die storage but for now I’m pretty pleased with how it turned out. Once I get my Forster Co-Ax I’ll probably get an in-line mount so I can swap back and forth between them if needed.1 point
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I need to do this. Mines getting to be a rather large family I’m afraid. Lol1 point
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