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I’ve been talking about different aspects of reloading, presses, benches in other threads so I figured I’d start a new thread to show the product of those discussions. This one is 2’ deep by 3.5’ wide. I’d have preferred 4’ but space is limited and I feel like this gives me plenty of working space without being too large. Top is 3/4” MDF doubled to 1.5” thickness. Coated with about 7 coats of poly. I haven’t decided on what I’m going to do with the bottom “flooring” yet. More than likely just painted plywood. I just have to make it to the store. I built this mostly out of a recycled larger bench in the shop that stayed cluttered with junk. I had to buy a 4x4 for the legs and 2x10 for the shelves. It seems to be plenty heavy and I can’t move it with the rock chucker. I may eventually add smaller shelves within the top for die storage but for now I’m pretty pleased with how it turned out. Once I get my Forster Co-Ax I’ll probably get an in-line mount so I can swap back and forth between them if needed.7 points
I am a recent transplant from the chaotic hustle of Southern California to a little town called Bell Buckle in middle Tennessee. Wife and I have been here for 6 months and expect to be moving into our home and resuming a “normal” retiree life style within the month. We are currently living in our motorhome on 28.6 acres while it is being developed into a wedding/party venue, the dream of step-son and his wife. It has been an interesting experience building roads and pads for buildings. We are enjoying the rural life!3 points
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Then you should say that. While it doesn’t doesn’t have the same punch as saying he called it a hoax, it’s also more accurate and less easily dismissible. On the flip side, if one were to look at my posts since this all began you would find my views on it have changed significantly as well. I started off believing it was every bit as serious and deadly as the most chicken little of the press would have folks believe. I’m decidedly less convinced of that being the case than I was 6 months ago.3 points
To quote @DaveS - who I hope is enjoying his retirement in Florida, “hogs aren’t particularly hard to kill.” You should use a caliber large enough to reasonably ensure a good ethical kill commensurate with your skill and experience. For some folks, .300 win Mag wouldn’t be enough. For others, .22LR is plenty.3 points
I would actually disagree with that. It comes off quite a bit like the guy leaned over the toilet throwing up his guts going on about how he “shouldn’t have had that last drink,” never mind the 11 before it. As someone who is 60+ lbs overweight and borderline hypertensive with signs of insulin resistance likely hurtling me towards Type 2 diabetes, if I catch COVID-19 and kick the bucket it wasn’t the ‘Rona that killed me. My diet and lifestyle did. If I have a heart attack tomorrow, they may put that on my death certificate, but it was my diet and lifestyle that did me in. It’s no different than if I did heroin and picked up a blood infection. Was it the blood infection that killed me, or my lifestyle and heroin addiction? The advanced ability of modern medicine to paper over our illnesses allows most of us to ignore the fact that we are killing ourselves with our diet and lifestyles. So what I see on that list is a lot of folks that wouldn’t have died if they hadn’t already spent decades pushing themselves to the edge of the cliff.3 points
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Do not buy an upper until you have decided to go SBR (and have an approved stamp), or a pistol brace. I don't do stamps, I use mine as a pistol with a brace, if that becomes an issue I will address it then.2 points
I’ve wagged my finger at folks for using derisive names for Trump, and I’ll hold to the same line here. Political discussion and debate is debased when we use unseemly names like “Black Jesus” or “Cheeto Jesus” (one I used and regret during the 16 campaign) to refer to public figures. Call folks whatever you want elsewhere, but here, please use their actual names. It’s a fine line, but one I’ve drawn here. Call Obama a liar, Trump a fascist, AOC and Bernie commies if you want, I don’t really care. But call them all by their names when you do.2 points
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Folks in this country eschew a lot of blame for their actions. Individually and collectively as a nation nobody seems to want to accept responsibility for their own messes. Folks also make up a lot of stuff claiming Trump said it. Like calling COVID-19 a hoax. He never actually did that.2 points
Airline pilots report seeing ‘guy in jetpack’ flying near LAX during approach https://www.foxnews.com/us/los-angeles-american-airlines-pilot-jetpack-near-lax An American Airlines pilot in California reported seeing a “guy in a jetpack” flying roughly 3,000 feet above-ground as he was nearing Los Angeles International Airport, according to a recent report. The American flight 1997 pilot was roughly 10 miles away from LAX on Sunday evening -- while it was still light out -- when he spotted the unusual sight and notified authorities, local affiliate FOX 11 Los Angeles reported. “Tower, American 1997, we just passed a guy in a jetpack,” the pilot can be heard saying in radio transmissions obtained by the news station. When the air traffic controller asks whether the pilot said the person was on the right or left side of the plane, he responds: “Off the left side, maybe 300 yards or so, about our altitude.” The Federal Aviation Authority told Fox News the sighting happened shortly after 6:30 p.m. local time. A second pilot then piped in, according to the report, telling air-traffic control: “We just saw the guy passing by us in the jetpack.” It's not clear what happened to the jetpack-traveler, who had not been located as of Monday night. An FAA spokesperson told Fox News said the agency "alerted local law enforcement to the reports, and is looking into these reports." The LAPD did not immediately respond to Fox News’ requests for comment.1 point
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Well, perhaps just to spite the people I've ever made angry, I am still alive and kicking. Honestly I decided to "attack" it and just get back to rowing and lifting, hoping it would force my body to snap out of the rut I was in. It seriously seems to have helped. I did go get the nasal swab test done, for the good of my family, and should get the results back this week. We also did one of the blood antibody tests that my company has been paneling. My regular doc suspects that the swab test will be negative since I haven't been running a temperature lately. But he did concede it's possible that I did have it previously and the antibody test will tell them if I've had exposure to any of the few COVID viruses that would throw a positive. That's really the rub with the antibody tests, as I understand it. Several coronaviruses result in the same or incredibly similar antibodies, so it's kind of a highly scientific guess. Only an active viral payload found via the nasal swab is definitive. The nasal test was everything I hoped it would be. I'd say it was right on par with the time I volunteered to be the crash test-dummy for an nasopharyngeal airway demo in a PHTLS First Responder course. It wasn't painful but it would sure make for an effective alarm clock.1 point
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Yes, it violates both separation regulations and common sense. I doubt he has the capability of moving out of the way as fast as the jet flies on approach, and he obviously wasn't sporting a transponder or other means of identification, so contact with other airplanes was a natural outcome of being where he was. I don't have a LAX Terminal Area Chart available, but I also doubt he was in one of the VFR corridors that don't require a bravo clearance, so once he gets tracked down he's liable to have a number of violations charged against him. He should have gone well outside the bravo airspace around LAX to make his Darwin Award attempt ...1 point
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I am pleased to announce Timney Triggers has signed on as an Obstacle Sponsor and pledged $1,000 in product for the prize table. Please check them out at https://timneytriggers.com/ for all your trigger needs. Better yet, buy one from Alan's Arsenal LLC (http://alansarsenal.3dcartstores.com/), who is a Timney dealer!1 point
Fair points, and even in my hypocrisy I agree personal responsibility has fallen by the wayside. But the examples you gave have direct relationships to each other. COVID-19 is an independent variable transmitting. Obesity and hypertension can absolutely lead to heart attacks in a natural progression if left unchecked or after so long- but they can't lead to COVID-19. While I'm sure there are some who died while having COVID-19 with it not exacerbating the underlining condition enough to make a difference, I'm thinking there are a lot more people who would be alive today- even if not for long and/or in bad shape- had COVID-19 never gotten out of the lab or wet market.1 point
I had to make a comment before someone else did. I don't know your scale setup, but I finally put my 10-10 scale at eye level as I was getting a crick in my neck leaning down a bit to look at scale pointer. That helped me a lot for doing my hunting ammo.1 point
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I appreciate it. I do believe that often little things go a long way towards maintaining civility.1 point
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One doesn't need to look any further than through the 85 pages of this thread to see how the wave has changed. Somewhere near the beginning the CDC said it was bad,wear mask, tuck your panties,etc. Trump said they were wrong, public opinion says Trumps a idiot for not listening. Now CDC says hey,we were off, its not that bad, maybe you even don't need testing if you aren't showing symptoms. Common sense chit but sheep need a leader so whatever. But because it aligns with what Trump said to start with NOW the CDC has fallen under Trumps spell and you abandon the CDC , lmao. People crack me up1 point
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Additonally, you don't have to install OneDrive on your computer to be able to upload to it. For example, on my personal machine at home I do not have OneDrive installed. But I can open a browser and go to office.com and sign into Office365 and open the OneDrive web app from there. I can then upload files directly via the web the same as Google Drive, DropBox, etc.1 point
Quite delusional, Trump didn't send positive cases back to the nursing homes, didn't balk at putting travel restrictions on China, make it illegal for an old known drug to be used. As a nation we will rally around a cause when those in power work together and as one give us a plan, but no, POTUS has to go it alone, with practically every Demo fighting him tooth and nail. You can believe what you want, but I'll stick to what I can verify, and what I see, and that is that 99% or more are safe from this, and there was no need to shut down this economy for as long as it has. Once the science started, and it has for a long time, showing who were most at risk, they should have adjusted. But even now, there are states with draconian laws in place, arresting people for not wearing masks, all the while refusing to stop these riots. Yea, all Trump's fault, SMFH.1 point
The CDC also keeps up with overall death counts, and the Covid era shows an uncharacteristic uptick that is actually greater than the generally reported total that has no apparent explanation other than Covid. Indeed, the Covid attributions may be well under counted, due to all the folks who died while not under medical care and received no autopsy, which is pretty common in rural communities and small towns. Ya know, there's every indication that Covid deaths will at least equal the total US military deaths during WWII. And just think, we here at home have had few of the hardships the general population suffered during that. No rationing, hard work stints in munitions factories, etc. All we really needed to do is adhere to a few reasonable science based defenses. But unlike during WWII, there's no national will to do that and that starts at the top. Even the most severe part of our national sacrifice, loss of income, could have been ameliorated by a concerted federal response. There has only been irrational raving, blame chasing, mis/dis information, and token legislation/orders. DJT has been Covid's best friend, and all only because of his perception of what's best for him. We don't need herd immunity, we need herd intelligence, even though there's none at the top to nurture it. - OS1 point
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Once you are logged into OneDrive, it will show up in Windows File Explorer. You can copy files to it at as you please. It basically is a storage area. Whatever you put in your OneDrive folder is synched with your OneDrive folder in the cloud so it is available to other devices.1 point
Yep I have horrible sinus problems get the stink eye if I sneeze. Ive been tested for the rona multiple times due to exposures at work been negative every time. It isn’t as bad as some people make it out to be.1 point
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Every time I go to the Navy Base I hope I'll get stopped for one of their spot vehicle searches. I'd really like to know what's in there and I'm too lazy to do it myself1 point
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I bet that lasted a whole 15 minutes before it got flagged. I mean you can advertise as a prostitute on there, but not sell guns.1 point
If you don't have all the mags you need by now, you're probably already too late.1 point
I happened to notice you are reloading in the baby's room?? Going to start junior early huh?? Yea I am like Greg, this is way too clean. If I go to reload, first thing is to clean off all the clutter, then get out the dies I want to use.0 points
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