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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/16/2020 in all areas

  1. My take of a 1918 trench knife. It took me weeks off and on. No CNC or waterjet machines here....just my normal tools and lots of patience. All 1084 steel with antiqued hickory handles. The pins are SS but I did that purposely for contrast. It went to a businessman in Texas. He's bought several of my knives over the years.
    6 points
  2. I have been fighting with AT&T about my internet service for the last 2 weeks about turning on computer and not having internet service nd having to call them an get put on hold for as long as 30 minutes before someone comes on line and in 1 minute or less I have internet service. Well those days are over and I have told AT&T to take a hike. I now have Fiber-optic unlimited internet and it costs less then AT&T. I found out that I had a Hot Spot unit that plugged into my tower to give me internet service and I learned that when the state began giving out all those free lap tops to the low income families for their children's schooling AT&T began providing all of them an AT&T Hot Spot internet access device which is what was causing my issue. They were all getting free internet and I was paying for mine and I was the one whose service was having the issues but not any more!!!!!
    3 points
  3. Wicked Edge sent me some free upgrades for my commercial sharpening station so I had to try it out this thing is scary sharp now
    3 points
  4. I survived the virus! Tested positive 2 weeks going after hanging out with family members from out of town. 70% of us all got the virus as a result and nobody was symptomatic at the time of transmission. Two of the 3 that didn't get the virus had the virus earlier this year before it was popular....so, my thoughts...yes, this is super highly transferable. More so than the flu. Secondly, for the two that didn't get it, its more anecdotal evidence that once you have this, you do build up some immunities to it (antibodies and/or T-Cells). Thirdly, kids get it but they don't even skip a beat. Mild fever, maybe a cough but they had no idea they were sick, certainly didn't act like it in the least!! Overall, it was like a mild flu and throw in lack of taste/smell as well. Definitely not something we should shut the economy down again for. I've not had any symptoms for 5 days now and I'm glad this is all behind us for now. No more panicking about 'what if we get this?!' Its a very freeing feeling. My dad also got this, and he's a cancer patient having recently gotten off chemo....so we had some risk factors and managed just fine. I realize some arent so lucky but in our case, it was no big deal at all. In fact, most of the colds I've had in my life have been far worse. Take Vitamin C, Zinc, get some sun (D), and Magnesium. Would masks have helped reduce transmission and/or contraction of the virus? Maybe. I'll never know though. Lastly, all our doctors said take Tylenol if you need to and if you get bad go to the hospital....gee thanks doctors. So, if you do get this, find a doctor who doesn't subscribe to the mainstream treatment of do nothing but go to the hospital if you get bad. There are certainly medications out there that can help this out but are being silenced. Good luck guys! Edit: seeing Ronalds post below makes me feel I should clarify that I'm not advising anyone to take this lightly. One of my really good friends if a Pulmonary Critical Care doctor literally treating the worst of these patients right now and we speak frequently. So I'm aware of how serious it can be...just as the flu kills many people every year but we are used to the flu, and there are medications/vaccines that help so we all just don't care like we do with this new stuff going around. You'd be hard pressed to find someone more paranoid that I was with this since I was following this back in October/November when it broke out in China. I'm simply sharing my experience with it.
    3 points
  5. With all the gun buying and hoarding going on I'd never expect to find a deal like I did. I set out looking to buy one of 2 Ruger P89's that I found at a shop. The prices on them were not good compared to the shape they were in. I know the P89 can endure lots of damage and still run fine. But these guns were priced more than what they did new and these even had rust. By the time I paid tax and background check it would cost me $428 and that's with no box and one beat up off brand magazine. So I went back home and decided to stop at my local shop. There was a new in box Beretta 92 Compact in the case. It was made in Italy and has the "IT17" Mark's on it showing it made there in Italy in year 2017. After tax and background check I got out the door for $424. I'm a sucker for the Beretta 92 series and Rugers P-Series. I couldn't believe it was there with all the gun hoarding and buying going on. Bare shelves and hardly any ammo. People houng nuts grabbing and buying anything they can yet there was this nice new Beretta for half the normal price. I swear I love how these things line the cartridge up and feed it straight into the barrel. No tilting or runing up ramps to worry with.
    2 points
  6. Well, you've probably still got time but you definitely aren't going to be getting any sweet deals on anything other than Magpul PMAGs these days. I expect that even those will start to go back up in price within 30 days.
    2 points
  7. Good reminder to pick up more Hellcat mags. I was still shy of my minimum compliment for my most recent pistol purchase. Gunmagwarehouse.com still has a good supply of various mags currently if you’re still in need.
    2 points
  8. @TGO David I'm glad you're doing better.
    2 points
  9. I will wait until a reliable antibody test is available, but I have reason to believe that I had my encounter with COVID-19 this past week. On Tuesday I had an outpatient surgical procedure done at a doctor's office. They were taking good precautions to screen people with thermometers, enforce masking, etc. but on Friday I began to suffer some pretty unusual symptoms and isolated myself from the rest of my family. I suspect that if I was exposed, it happened at that office since I have been working from home 100% of the time since March of this year and we go very few other places. My symptoms: Dry cough for the first day Overnight fever that sent me into chills that I couldn't make subside Chills and muscle aches for the next 24 hours A sensation of heaviness on my chest, albeit no real difficulty breathing Joints aching, eyes watering and burning Incredibly thirsty Loss of appetite All of this finally abated last night and today I just felt rather puny until lunchtime. Now I feel infinitely better, but not quite 100%. I will say that all throughout this pandemic I have been taking Vitamin D2, my normal multi-vitamin. I had extra Vitamin C and Zinc on standby, and starting taking those two yesterday. If this was indeed my brush with the virus, it was akin to having the flu but the symptoms were a little... unusual. Also if it was COVID, I would attribute generally good health and a prior, long-running regimen of daily vitamins and supplements for minimizing both the duration and the symptoms. My suspicion is that if I had been exposed previously, I shrugged it off without any difficulty but that my immune system was preoccupied with recovery from surgery this week and that may have left the door open for that sucker to sneak in.
    2 points
  10. I thought there was a law that's said once you bought a lever gun you could NEVER sell it. At least that's how I've always operated.
    2 points
  11. If you didn't feel you were in enough danger to shoot them in the chest then you were not in enough danger to shoot them PERIOD. Lethal force is LETHAL force and shooting someone a LITTLE is just like shooting them a lot. Once the gun comes out and goes BANG everything changes. Its not just for funsies anymore.....And what happens when you try to play Lone Ranger and shoot dude in the gun hand and the bullet ricochets off his gun and into his carotid artery? Or you shoot dude in the leg because you "don't want to hurt him" and you hit him square in the femoral artery and he bleeds out in 60 seconds? Now what? Oooops? "Sorry, my bad"...? There is a reason that virtually all police departments including the FBI dropped "shooting to wound" as a strategy a half century ago. And the only people that argue for it is people who have ZERO experience with, or education in violence. So they should probably hop on their unicorn and ride it over the rainbow and stop making ignorant suggestions about things they have no idea about.
    2 points
  12. World and US events over the past few months have manipulated the firearms industry like nothing I have seen before. If you were with us inside the gun community during the Obama years, you undoubtedly remember 2012-2013 and the crazy run on ammo, mags, and any rifle that wasn't a bolt-action brown wood hunter. 2020 has, no pun intended, blown all of that away. If you doubt the accuracy of that statement, ask yourself when the last time was that you saw a new Glock 19 going for $700+ and buyers barely hesitating to pay those prices. You are doing lucky if you find one in the $600 range at the gun shop, and they rarely last long at that price if you're lucky to see one. And remember just eight months ago big online retailers like Brownells were running daily deals offering percentage-based discount codes in order to entice buyers to open their wallets? Those days are long gone. The egregious environmental protection restrictions placed on ammunition manufacturers under Obama shoved a lot of ammo production overseas, only to then have the door slammed on importation by politically motivated tariffs. Domestic production slowed even further as inventory ramped up for the GWOT and to catch up on demand from the Obama era and then began to stagnate in warehouses due to public dissinterest. If there was ever an industry that could use some seriously talented demand planners, it's the ammunition industry for sure. Where you used to be able to buy all of the 5.56 ammo you wanted, by the case-load, you now see cases of ammo being parted out and sold in baggies at premium prices by retailers acting like street hustlers slinging meth. So, what's next? My prediction is that standard capacity magazines will soon become very scarce -- once again -- thanks to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals finally making the commonsense ruling that California's ban on magazines with capacities over 10-rounds is unconstitutional. Any Californian who didn't act during the previous window of opportunity surely will be doing so now. Supply will dry up quickly and it will take several months for it to catch up. The November election certainly won't help ease pressure on the sale of mags, ammo or guns either. If you're reading this and thinking "Geez, I need to hurry up and buy some mags", I wouldn't dilly dally around. Act while they are in stock with your preferred retailer. The price couldn't possibly go down, and I suspect that availability will become scarce at least until January 2021.
    1 point
  13. Am waffling back n forth on red dot vs irons on a 300BO ... I tend to like the irons... 100% reliable, rugged, n my overall familiarity. Any observations/ recommendations as to type n brands would be appreciated... These sights are for possible " real " use, much like the old time lever guns were with the man hunters. Large two legged predator control. Thanks in advance. leroy
    1 point
  14. I wanted to share my experience serving as @Cruel Hand Luke 's adequate assistant at this Suarez International one day class. Hosted by Bill at the Ridge out in Dayton. Classroom, bathrooms, range layout works really well for this type of training. This class definitely highlights the critical application of trigger discipline and making a conscious decision to shoot. While sitting in an automobile, if you need to draw your pistol, something will get swept with the muzzle; you, your car floor / dash, windshield, non threats outside your windshield, front seat passenger plus second, maybe third row passengers. Talk to your significant other about the what if plan - discharging a firearm in front or behind your passenger's head, with hot brass flying is disconcerting. After 20+ times, you get innoculated... Morning was lecture, then dry fire on the range from a seated position to mimic sitting in car. Students paired up, dry fire, each person went through the exercises shooting from the driver and passenger position. Appropriate tunes on the radio. Live fire mimicked the dry fire excercises. Then it was time to mount up. Each student had an opportunity to shoot from his or her vehicle, from different points of the clock. Randy kept the traffic flowing pretty well, way better than the drive through at Bojangles in Oolewah. Day finished up with each student engaging a target three times through the passenger window, across an unpaid volunteer and danger seeker. With the current environment and simply transitting larger metro areas for business or personal travel, even from your vehicle you can pay attention and evade / escape. We did discuss what if you have to bail out, if you've got a long gun, do you grab it? Consensus was, it depends. A long gun is conspicuous. AR / AK pistol in a covert backpack has some appeal.
    1 point
  15. This is a tragic, awful story and that little boy absolutely did not deserve to die. I am not sure that we have all of the details yet and something about the story we've heard doesn't set entirely well with me. Call it a hunch or intuition, I guess. I really wonder what details about the situation will emerge in the weeks ahead.
    1 point
  16. Glad you are doing better David, and thanks for the update on your symptoms, first hand knowledge is priceless!
    1 point
  17. "I've never sold a rifle I didn't later regret parting with" Unless your kids are starving, hang on to them both. Personally speaking, at iron sight distances i'd much rather have a .44 than a .30-30. Less recoil = faster follow ups & more of them, and in reality, the power difference at 100yds is literally a wash.
    1 point
  18. Had the same experience with the CZ 75 Compact. Great handgun. Shoot it just as well as the full size, at speed too. Love it so much it's given me an itch to explore Beretta's compact line. It sure is an appealing looking handgun.
    1 point
  19. If you don't have all the mags you need by now, you're probably already too late.
    1 point
  20. Let's be honest, you want to be prepared with as much lawyer as you can afford if you have to shoot someone in self defense. Whether it takes one shot or ten, the public will riot because they've learned that it is an effective way of manipulating the court.
    1 point
  21. I don't know...it's based on a trench knife and not technically brass knuckles so.....
    1 point
  22. I think with an N95 mask and thoroughly washing your hands afterward, you wouldn't have much to worry about. I was wearing a thin "gaiter" style face/neck covering and have gotten a little carefree when it comes to washing my hands with sanitizer or soap and water after being in public. If I contracted it, it was entirely my fault for being lackadasical about common-sense protocols.
    1 point
  23. WOW!! That gorgeous!! If you were to do another...what would be the price I couldn't afford, if you don't mind my asking?
    1 point
  24. Glad you guys are feeling better and I'm so sorry for those that have lost friends and loved ones. I was supposed to go to the doc on Tuesday but after hearing for the umteenth time about someone probably getting it in a Doc's office I'm not going. I've spent all these months avoiding it so there is no sense pushing my luck.
    1 point
  25. just got this one in yesterday and I think Benchmade must have heard me complain about their edges because this one was properly sharp out of the box I will still work my magic on it but ill use it for a bit, definitely the sharpest Benchmade I have ever had I absolutely love these knives and only wish I had got into them when they first came out
    1 point
  26. For the adamas 18 degrees per side then stropped at 17 degrees per side,
    1 point
  27. Astigmatisms are hell on red dot usage, but I've found that if you focus heavily on the target, the dot will stop "blooming" quite so much even with the red dot sights that seem particularly worse about it.
    1 point
  28. Well my friend, when you get ready to sell that little thing...please remember this old fat man who has bought from you before!!
    1 point
  29. Sounds pretty much similar to the same type service I have now!!!
    1 point
  30. Doug, I told AT&T to take a hike decades ago. They are NOT consumer friendly, couldn't care less about the customer. Went with Verizon for a while. Now the local electric service ( Tri-County Electric ), has, thru a grant, installed fiber optic in some rural areas. Unlimited data, faster speeds, half the price of Verizon. So far, no issues at all.
    1 point
  31. If AT&T ever gets a nickel out of me, it’ll only be because I wasn’t aware of it.
    1 point
  32. I have always had a disproportionate fondness for the Beretta compacts. They are handier than the full size, yet they don't really shoot like a compact. $424 out the door was an uncommonly good price even during normal times. In my experience, it's rare to see one offered for less than $500, even in rather used shape.
    1 point
  33. I'll say it, y'all on a budget? As many as necessary, in important places, to stop the fight. Don't be surprised if the BG doesn't do what he's supposed to with only 3 handgun bullets delivered in a very exciting environment. Handgun bullets do strange things when the hit human bodies, excluding the card carrying Billy and Barbara Bada$$ types.
    1 point
  34. I’m a big fan of DD fixed iron sights.
    1 point
  35. They are hard to beat for the price,I picked one up used for dirt cheap and it has a 20 something round mag ,they are just basically a turkish glock
    1 point
  36. Decided to add GOA to the other 3 I belong to yesterday. Spread the money around.
    1 point
  37. I had to decide this recently on the same caliber. I ended up with a dot with nice backup irons. A dot is so much faster (for me) than irons. A Sig Romeo5 is only $150 and easily solved the issue for me. I have magpul mbus pro irons. It’s a great setup.
    1 point
  38. Agreed it is different but ingenious I love the way they designed it with two springs, this is a hefty blade that only one spring would never be able to push with such force. I carry one of mine everyday as I love hefty knives
    1 point
  39. I do know for a fact that CBS channel 5 out of Nashville had not touched the story until my neighbor challenged them on it on Facebook. At least they do listen to their customers. As this is local news, I do not expect them to give the story much air time. I do, however, expect the national newscasts to give it a nod.
    1 point
  40. Lots of comments regarding how the media would be up in arms if this had been a black kid. But, I've seen a lot of "XX number of people shot and killed in Chicago last weekend" stories, and that's as far as they go. I'm sure some of those people have been little kids, but you don't see their name or their picture or anything else about the shooting. Just the total deaths for the weekend. I'm sure we can all agree that the media are always doing a less-than-perfect job, just like all the rest of us. And, while more air time might help in some way to decrease the violence in a city like Chicago, I suspect that more exposure for this particular story isn't likely to prevent a lunatic from killing anyone in the future.
    1 point
  41. I saw the story earlier in the week. They gave very few details except the child was riding his bike with family and this jack wad shot him in the head. There is no justification he can give for shooting that baby. @crake you are correct, if this were a black child, the media from all of the major networks would be in front of the house of the slain child whipping everyone into a frenzy. This is why we have to take media reports with a grain of salt. Sometimes I watch Fox and MSNBC at the same time on my television and iPad. It’s like the left and right Twix factories, they are putting out the same product, but they package it for the targeted group that they need to keep pissed off and tuned in for ratings dollars.
    1 point
  42. Friends don’t let friends get rid of lever rifles. Isn’t there something else you could get rid of?
    1 point
  43. keep both of them. with what is going on these day it is good to have all the rifle you can on hand.
    1 point
  44. 30-30 beats the 44 mag at knock down power https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/.44_Magnum https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/.30-30_Winchester and the 30-30 will shoot out to distance better.
    1 point
  45. where did you get the 507K?
    1 point
  46. These are headed to a couple of fine LEO's.... and second....
    1 point
  47. Next time, stop what you're doing, put the guns down, unload them, and wave the cops over for a chat. Ask them what they think of your shooting space, do they suggest any improvements, would they like to shoot any of your guns ? A simple, friendly conversation can go a long way.
    1 point
  48. Good for you! Still in limbo around here, sadly.
    0 points
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