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I posted this information a few weeks ago on this thread, but maybe it's time to repeat it. Numerous reports continue to show a strong correlation between low vitamin D levels and the severity of COVID 19. If you aren't taking vitamin D3, you should start and you should make sure all of your family is taking it. Norway, Finland, and native Swedes have very low COVID severity rates. What they have in common is a genetic ability to maintain high vitamin D levels. The Swedish rates have been skewed a bit higher because their immigrant population (Somalis, Iraqis, Iranians, Ethiopians) have been hit much harder than native Swedes. Our medical professionals refuse to recommend vitamin D, but when I asked, several have told me that they take it themselves. Magnesium, zinc, and vitamin B12 have been mentioned as well as treatments, but the link is not as clear as vitamin D. (I'm seeing a nutritionist and an alternative medicine doctor this month. I plan to ask both if I should be taking B12 shots.) The next thing everyone can do is lose weight. Obesity increases the severity of COVID 19. Again, our medical professionals refuse to tell people this. As a result, people are GAINING WEIGHT instead of losing it. I don't think COVID 19 is going away. It didn't die out in summer like the flu. Vaccines are not the answer. I'm personally not taking a vaccine for a disease with so many unusual long-term side effects and I anticipate millions will be like me. The best approach is to try to avoid getting it as long as possible while the medical system tries to figure out how to treat it AND to assume that eventually you will get it so prepare your body as best you can to fight it.6 points
keep both of them. with what is going on these day it is good to have all the rifle you can on hand.3 points
2 points
I loved blowing stuff up as a kid and would mainly tear open firecrackers to get the powder. I was an NRA member way back then and received a mailer from their book club, or some such. One of the books was The Chemistry of Powder and Explosives. I ordered it and never had to tear open another firecracker! The secret ingredient was aluminum dust. I found an old arts supply store and they sold it it one pound cans. It was kind of expensive but it was the trick. After that we graduated up to schedule 80 pvc and made some real noise.2 points
2 points
I’m considering just cancelling my OP order and letting Brownells have the purchase regardless of the wait. They seem to be the superior company based on the feedback from you folks.2 points
You only need vitamin D supplements if you are inside a lot. When you are outside with skin exposed your cholesterol in your skin is converted into vitamin D by the UV light from the sun's rays. I am inside a lot working a desk job; therefore, I supplement my D every day. People over 50 should be supplementing their vitamin B12 anyway, but you don't need to pay for shots to do that. Over the counter B12 works just the same. I also supplement with Zinc every day because it is known for fighting the effects of viruses.2 points
Exactly. Just like the original red flag laws, there's no due process here. TWRA is judge, jury, and executioner. That's not how government is supposed to work, we have separation of powers for a reason. And if TWRA makes use of this loophole in the law, how many other alphabet agencies do it too? Patriot Act sound familiar?2 points
Avionics installation is such a long way down the road that I don't have any definitive plans yet. My first inclination would be to do everything "in-house", but I have a few years to make that decision. As for getting it done "soon", right now I'm getting close to completing the empennage kit (basically the "tail feathers", i.e. the control surfaces at the rear of the plane as well as the "tailcone", which is the last 8 or 9 feet of the fuselage) after about 9 months of work. There's a few years left to go ...2 points
It is, or rather hoepfully it someday will be, a Vans Aircraft RV-10. A four-place, fixed gear plane with a Lycoming IO-540 engine. Vans Aircraft is the manufacturer of the most popular line of kit aircraft in the world, with currently over 10k flying examples. Here's a pic or two of some finished RV-10's ...2 points
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Depending on the outcome of the election, these might be the next thing that might be hard to find.1 point
Wanted to give a shout out of thanks to @hipower for the free water filters today. It was good seeing you again and I really appreciate the filters!1 point
2nd that. The Rossi will sell and you can pick up another one any old day. Real Winchesters will only get harder to find no matter the condition.1 point
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I’ll be honest, I can’t help with the question of cerakote on wood. Though I would probably choose the krylon route of the two options presented. I do wonder if he has considered changing the stock out for a polymer one? Depending on the action it could very well be cheaper (and definitely lighter) than the cost of materials and time to refinish the wood stock.1 point
1 point
I ordered something from OP yesterday that the web site said was in stock. They still have decucted my money or shipped my item and the email from them said unknown availabilioty. Pissees me off to lie and say they have it in stock when theu dont.1 point
I thought there was a law that's said once you bought a lever gun you could NEVER sell it. At least that's how I've always operated.1 point
Friends don’t let friends get rid of lever rifles. Isn’t there something else you could get rid of?1 point
I have always avoided Henrys because of the loading. In some research I was doing a few months back, I saw that Marlins always have problems jamming in the context of cowboy action shooting. They are fine for hunting but if you get the action not directly up and down, think kinda angled when running the lever really fast, they are almost guaranteed to jam and it’s due to the design of them. That’s the reason all the CAS shooters use Winchester clones of some sort. Again this is solely from research, NOT personal experience. I have only owned a Marlin 336 in 30/30 and a Marlin 1895 in 45/70, both ran perfectly for me. Always wanted a Marlin 1894 in 357 Mag but after learning of the design limitations, I think I’ll just hold out for a Winchester 921 point
1 point
Over the years, I've had a couple of Winchesters and a couple of the older Marlins. While it's true, you see more Marlins than Winshesters available, I've never considered them to be rare. Also, the 30/30 never really caught my fancy, even though it's taken more deer than any caliber. And honestly, I always wanted on in a pistol caliber lever action. On a side note, when I purchased the Rossi (16" or 20" barrel), I had the opportunity to also purchase a Henry (with a 20" barrel) or a Marlin (also 20" barrel) I chose the Rossi, over the Henry, due to the weight (about 2 lbs heavier) and the Henry loading from the tube and also because of the price (roughly $200 more). I wanted a loading gate. And I chose the Rossi over the Marlin, because I had heard nothing good about the new Marlins. It was also about $150 more. Went to the range about a month later with a friend and his son, who had bought a Marlin .357, 6 months prior. The little Rossi preformed very well, with both .38s and .357. The Marlin not so much. It had a lot of binding and feed issues, for all three of us. They planned to send it back to Marlin for corrective action. I have no idea, if they have or have not at this point.1 point
This night just be the best performance of this song ever made. Doc Severinsen’s band was truly a powerhouse behind They Might Be Giants that night.1 point
Here is the thing, IMO, if they suspected they were breaking the law, which apparently they were, then they should have requested a court order to place the cameras, just like a wire tap. I'm of the opinion that game wardens should have the same restrictions as regular LEO, if they want the powers, then the restrictions come with it.1 point
I didn't even know you could buy them by the 100.1 point
Marlin 30-30s were dime a dozen, but I don’t remember a time when Winchesters were plentiful. And Winchester 92s/clones and Marlin 1894s have always been less available than the 30-30s or 45/70s1 point
I've had several items over the years on back order thru B's, and have not known them to post the estimated dates (like Midway or OP). However, if you call, their CS will tell you what they expected in their system. Their chat reps don't tend to provide that, the phone folks usually. Most of that time that date has been good or its been a bit quicker. Times based on the supplier and of course, how far down the list you can be. Optics planet, as noted, can be sketchy, though they come thru most of the time. I have had them cancel or try to cancel a few times. But B's has never done that with any of my orders.1 point
Back during the Great Panic of 2012-2013, Brownells had Pmags on sale. The day of the shooting, I ordered a dozen each of 2 different types, right before the sale prices went away in the rush. I had the option to cancel, or wait. Since no charges had been made against my card, I decided to just wait them out until such time that orders were either filled or canceled. Periodically Brownells sent out emails over the next few months asking if anybody wanted to cancel and giving updates on their attempts to fulfill outstanding orders. About 10 months later I got an email that my order had shipped and a few days after that 2 dozen Pmags arrived. My experience is then that Brownells does what they say they will, even during extraordinary circumstances ...1 point
I knew TWRA officers had powers and authorities beyond regular LEOs, but DAYYUM! I had no idea! Legal or not, this just ain't right. One should have the right to complete privacy on their own land. At the very least a court order should be required to set up surveillance on private property. OTOH, Ronald makes a good point. In both cases the law had been broken before. In my experience, people who break game laws tend to make a habit of it. But still, a minimum of a court order should be required.1 point
I think some game cameras watching entry points would be a good idea if anyone worries about this. Then if TWRA stole or damaged those, they would be committing a crime despite open fields. I wonder if in either of those cases TWRA cut or circumvented locks on gates to get into the land. Would be a shame if someone camped out below where the camera was placed after a limb fell over to cover their view. Maybe placed a camera of their own as backup documentation. The article is right about technology our running the laws. If the only cameras they had access to required them to go collect the SD card each time they wanted the pictures, it would be much harder to get away with. Cell enabled cameras means even if you damage the camera any pictures up until the last seconds will be transmitted. Of course in both cases there was an issue with breaking the law on the owner's (or family) part. First the son and friends had baited does in the past and been charged. Second was charged with dove baiting based on the camera footage it seems. That takes a lot away from their case in my eyes. TWRA should not be on their property, but if, at least in the second case, he had not baited dove, there would have been little TWRA could have stuck him with. I feel the theft of property charge would have been dismissed easily if it took them months to come storm your house to get it. One lesson leaned though. When removing trail cameras you did not put up, do it from out of line of sight of the lens. Preferably when you have not be filmed close to it recently.1 point
They very much punch above their weight. A good part of that is they tend to be very strategic with regards to the cases they take on.1 point
This one is coming up on SATURDAY and we still have a few spots available in this class .1 point
The GOA has always talked a good game, but their accomplishments don’t equal their rhetoric. The NRA has been more pragmatic, and though some people don’t like it, have sometimes compromised to make steady incremental gains for the RKBA over the years. Unfortunately, the NRA hasn’t much to show for its efforts the past few years, maybe this is due to the lack of leadership. Perhaps a silver lining to the abomination of a lawsuit (brought by the woman who four years ago called NRA members terrorists, but who is now supposedly concerned about our welfare) would be getting rid of LaPierre and company. The SAF, though small, seems to be quite effective on the litigation front. You can contact NRA membership services and opt out of phone calls and junk mail, I haven’t received either for years.1 point
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I shot a USPSA match this weekend and squadded with an 11 or 12 year old kid who shot an 9EZ. The thing ran like a sewing machine. If it was easy to limp wrist, you would think this kid would have had trouble. He didn't shoot for score and only had two magazines, so he shot the first 16 shots of a stage after everybody was done with the stage. Man, if my dad had turned me loose with a 9mm handgun when I was that age, I would be a pro now...1 point
1 point
I belong to both. Am a life member in the NRA, but until they get their act together I'll not give them a dime. It seems like their main purpose for the last several years has been to raise money for their gain.1 point
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I have been thinking about those compact Berettas a lot lately. That's an excellent deal too and such a nice looking handgun. Congrats! Been keeping a close eye on this too. Glad they got rid of the slide mounted safety/decocker and put the safety in a better place. If Beretta had a compact version of this I'd be all over it lol.1 point
Back on track Bought some Win service grade 7.62x51 at SMKW, 14.99/20 They had some quality .308 as well, up to $22.99/20 223/556 spotted at Shoot Point Blank, I think it was $1.00+ per round per 20. Yikes Assorted 9mm, highest price was Fiocchi @$15.99, which seems normal for them. Regarding .380, overhead the guy talking to another customer, it is gone within minutes of putting it on the shelf. Unless I am mistaken, the folks buying all that .380 ain't practicing with it.1 point
Looking from the first post up to where we are at this point, I think we have a clear nominee for Thread Drift of the Year.1 point
Well, it’s better than airsoft, I suppose. On a good day, shooting down wind.1 point
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@Handsome Rob, you know those cheesey teenage coming-of-age movies where a popular character takes the ugly ducking character under their wing, gives them a makeover, and all of a sudden they're an attractive person? (Though anyone with a brain and eyes could see all along what was underneath the glasses, bad haircut, and lack of style...) I fully expect to see a makeover video montage of the makeover when this rifle is finished.1 point
Weellll........ $20 later. Decisions were made, money was spent, gunsmiths were contacted & I'm turning the proverbial sow's ear into a silk purse. So far, I've replaced the firing pin, polished & repaired the safety & sent the barrelled action off to ER Shaw for a rebarreling to 6.5x55. Once I have it back, it's getting sent right back out to GTs Customizing in Cody, WY to be reblued & have a few twiddly bits color case hardened. In the interim I've got a stunning lump of walnut, that some tit decided to varnish, to strip, polish & apply 30-odd coats of oil to, then ship off for checkering. I can't wait to get this one going!1 point
Start with a good solvent trap, many come with indents to center the hole. The only thing you would need is a hand drill, or drill press. I got some equipment when the Hearing Protection Act was getting traction so I could make my own, but have stored it due to it's dismal failure. I refuse to pay for the tax stamp, so all components will stay as-is until the HPA passes or SHTF.1 point
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