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4 points
Well wishes for her quick recovery as well as that of the other residents and staff.3 points
Hoping for the best for your grandmother and all the other residents/staff there.3 points
Anybody build plastic model planes as a kid or still do? I dug a model Spitfire out of the closet and my daughter and I built it. Plastic model planes, especially 1/48 scale WWII fighters, are an old friend. I never had the skill or patience of the folks who built the planes on the box, but I still enjoyed it. When I was maybe 10 or 11, I quit throwing them together just to play with and tried to make them look presentable. This one looks pretty good from five feet away, lol. I did find out that I can’t wear contacts or glasses to do the little detailed stuff. Also, the pieces didn’t fit for crap. I read that a lot of the molds for Revell/Monogram are 60+ years old though. This one said made in China. I could be wrong, but I don’t think that used to be the case.2 points
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Well I just thought that $154 per 1,000 was high, I just saw on GB with 1hr 45min to go on auction for 2,000 CCI 500 SP primers the current bid is drum roll please $605 plus $30 shipping, or in laymens terms $317.50 per 1,000 or $0.3175 per primer. This person evidently needs some primers very badly and doesn't have ANY friends or even aquaintances that would loan or even sell at a measly $0.15 per primer. Hey Bill you are setting on a gold mine. If I see it going for more, I see a new boat in my future!! LOL2 points
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What's sad is everybody is talking past tense about blowing s-it up with firecrackers. Guys, you ain't too old to have fun.2 points
It is, or rather hoepfully it someday will be, a Vans Aircraft RV-10. A four-place, fixed gear plane with a Lycoming IO-540 engine. Vans Aircraft is the manufacturer of the most popular line of kit aircraft in the world, with currently over 10k flying examples. Here's a pic or two of some finished RV-10's ...2 points
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I still wonder thru the model airplane aisle at Hobby Lobby when I take the wife there for a yarn run. P51 Mustang is my favorite, built several of them as a kid. Like the P38 Lightning as well, an odd looking plane but still cool IMO. I've thought of getting one to do but don't really have a place now to leave it out as I work on it.2 points
I think boys and firecracker demolitions was a rite of passage for most of older guys. lol I've done my share of blowing up models with them as well. Used to like weighting the nose down with modeling clay, so it would look like flying when I tied a string to it and twirled it around. Then of course had to put the firecrackers or the occasional M80 on them. Remember the old wooden gliders we used to get for a nickel and then a dime? Center the M80 them and launch them off into oblivion. lol Then there's the story I've told before...mudball hand grenades and firecrackers stuck into them. Ah...those were the days of our youth. Wish we could all go back there for a while.2 points
I shot a USPSA match this weekend and squadded with an 11 or 12 year old kid who shot an 9EZ. The thing ran like a sewing machine. If it was easy to limp wrist, you would think this kid would have had trouble. He didn't shoot for score and only had two magazines, so he shot the first 16 shots of a stage after everybody was done with the stage. Man, if my dad had turned me loose with a 9mm handgun when I was that age, I would be a pro now...2 points
Used to slap them together as a kid then blow them up with firecrackers for some reason. It was a neighborhood activity blowing things up with firecrackers. I'm 56 and feel so sad for kids glued to a screen all day and not doing anything exciting. Or even get excited over something as frivolous as blowing up plastic models.2 points
I was completely unaware that this was an ongoing case here. I am generally supportive of the job that TWRA does and my few interactions with them have been pleasant and professional. I knew that they could cross onto private property, but was wholly unaware that they were leaving surveillance equipment behind them. I have serious issues with that. https://www.agweb.com/article/government-cameras-hidden-private-property-welcome-open-fields Seated at his kitchen table, finishing off the remains of a Saturday breakfast, Hunter Hollingsworth’s world was rocked by footsteps on his front porch and pounding at the door, punctuated by an aggressive order: “Open up or we’ll kick the door down.” Surrounded on all sides of his house, and the driveway blocked, Hollingsworth was the target of approximately 10 federal and state wildlife officials packing pistols, shotguns and rifles. And what was Hollingsworth’s crime? Drugs, armed robbery, assault, money laundering? Not quite. Months prior, in 2018, the Tennessee landowner removed a game camera secretly strapped to a tree on his private land by wildlife officials in order to monitor his activity without apparent sanction or probable cause. Repeat: Hollingsworth’s residence was searched by U.S. government and state officials, dressed to the nines in assault gear, seeking to regain possession of a trail camera—the precise camera they had surreptitiously placed on his private acreage after sneaking onto his property at night, loading the camera with active SD and SIM cards, and zip-tying the device roughly 10’ high up a tree—all without a warrant.1 point
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I lucked into some at Academy about two weeks ago. Small pistol primers were around $4/100 and on sale so I got them for $2.99/ 100. I couldn't believe it.1 point
Back during the Great Panic of 2012-2013, Brownells had Pmags on sale. The day of the shooting, I ordered a dozen each of 2 different types, right before the sale prices went away in the rush. I had the option to cancel, or wait. Since no charges had been made against my card, I decided to just wait them out until such time that orders were either filled or canceled. Periodically Brownells sent out emails over the next few months asking if anybody wanted to cancel and giving updates on their attempts to fulfill outstanding orders. About 10 months later I got an email that my order had shipped and a few days after that 2 dozen Pmags arrived. My experience is then that Brownells does what they say they will, even during extraordinary circumstances ...1 point
Avionics installation is such a long way down the road that I don't have any definitive plans yet. My first inclination would be to do everything "in-house", but I have a few years to make that decision. As for getting it done "soon", right now I'm getting close to completing the empennage kit (basically the "tail feathers", i.e. the control surfaces at the rear of the plane as well as the "tailcone", which is the last 8 or 9 feet of the fuselage) after about 9 months of work. There's a few years left to go ...1 point
I hope they never do a study of how many brain cells the average kid sacrificed to Tester's model glue. I think I could rank pretty darn high. And I dont mean just on fumes. I think I put over 100 models together back then. My favorite Spitfire was the Cox glow plug plane. Remember those. Wish I still had it.1 point
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What does tik tok access on a users phone that Instagram, FB, and Snapchat don’t? Is the problem simply that the data on your phone is considered more accessible to a foreign government than the data on the other apps? If people are worried about Trojan backdoor entry from an app simply because it’s from China, they should probably look into where their phones are made (or the majority of their electronics and security systems for that matter). Do you truly believe there are not backdoors into any of it? I am not a blind Trump fanboy, I voted for him once and will again given the lack of options. That being said, if people can’t see the conflict of interest in Trump saying tiktok bad and threatening to ban it, which prompted the company to begin negotiations to sell to a US company (as American desperate housewives and their whorish daughters are the bulk users of the app) and then Trump swoops back in and says oh yeah, the treasury should get some of the money from this deal....really? I would think that before something gets “banned” by the government they would need to show some legitimate examples of how it is actually a threat to national security, particularly in comparison to other apps that the sheep use daily to give their personal information and intimate pictures to whomever wants to look.1 point
If TWRA wants to mount a camera they better let me know or they may lose them, and I will also submit a bill for cleaning up the litter. I like to plink on my land, I shoot at things that stand out and do not belong to me.1 point
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I built a bunch of models as a kid. Got pretty good at it too. I was mostly into hot rods, but the occasional plane, tank or ship got in there as well. Firecrackers were cool. But did ya ever sink a ship with a BB gun?1 point
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Take some white spray paint to that steel and you can see where you are hitting it a lot easier.1 point
My old boss came home from work one evening and his wife said "do you know what your son did today"? And then told him Zach thru his demilled hand grenade thru the window, and my boss said it must have been a heck of a battle when you have to toss a grenade into you own barracks. I don't think she found that amusing.1 point
My boyhood friend and I were, shall we say somewhat troublesome. We looked up the recipe for black powder. Talked his mom into a trip to Rexall drug where we bought saltpeter and sulfur. Used some charcoal and brewed up a batch of credible black powder. Then we took a can of Mountain Dew (before the era of poptops) punched a hole in the center of the top and drained out the soda. Let it dry and filled it with our homebrew powder. Used a sparkler for the fuse, lit it and watched. It sputtered for a bit and then the powder really caught fire. The can went about 20 feet high and exploded. We were grounded for a couple of months...lol1 point
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Well folks, I never thought I would say this but Benchmade makes my new favorite knife. Of all the automatics I have owned in my life the Adamas is the best engineered and built knife I have ever used, this is the only knife that I will own multiples of to be sure that I will have a new one the rest of my life. The only shortcoming this knife has is the same that all Benchmade do the factory edge sucks compared to Protech if any of you want one of these I’ll sell you a brand new one and put my $35 Wicked Edge on it for $250.75 The MAP price, this removes very little steel and makes the bevels perfectly even on both sides and wicked sharp truly better than new, I currently have access to Black ones only for the time being this is a knife that Benchmade may discontinue which would be a crying shame I can also get any Black Class Benchmade that you want all knives I sell for MAP pricing will include shipping and the perfect edge1 point
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Not an a hole remark. I love my Marine friends (I capitalized the M so that you don't chastise me). But even they will admit from time to time that the mentality gets away from them. I know that they spend weeks in boot camp or basic training or whatever its called these days getting that mentality drilled into them. It's hard to turn that off sometimes. Coast Guard Army Navy Marines Air Force All of the above are great soldiers that make up America's military. Soldier - noun - one engaged in military service.1 point
I have told the caller that I won't donate until Big Daddy Wayne and his high priced suit collection is gone. That doesn't even get a response.1 point
Marines take themselves way too seriously and get butt hurt because the general public doesn't know their secret handshake bull crap that they were taught. Generally the public doesn't mean any disrespect but the Marines can't handle it and so have to correct you.1 point
If you shop at Amazon, you can use the Amazon Smile program to donate a percentage of the profit Amazon makes off your purchases to benefit the 'Gun Owners Foundation'. Description from Wikipedia: Link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun_Owners_of_America1 point
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Henry County Gun Club (HCGC) hosts monthly Level I club Steel Challenge and USPSA matches in Puryear, TN. [N.W. Tennessee]. Steel Challenge matches are held every 4th Saturday, USPSA matches are held every 2nd Saturday. Sign in starts at 8:00 A.M. with safety briefing prior to the 9:00 A.M. start time. Preregistration is not required but encouraged through Practiscore https://practiscore.com/results?page=1 as we try to limit the event to 40 shooters. Match fees are $20.00 for non members and $15.00 for members. For more information and driving directions, please visit our website at http://www.henrycountygunclub.com/1 point
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