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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/10/2020 in all areas

  1. Anybody build plastic model planes as a kid or still do? I dug a model Spitfire out of the closet and my daughter and I built it. Plastic model planes, especially 1/48 scale WWII fighters, are an old friend. I never had the skill or patience of the folks who built the planes on the box, but I still enjoyed it. When I was maybe 10 or 11, I quit throwing them together just to play with and tried to make them look presentable. This one looks pretty good from five feet away, lol. I did find out that I can’t wear contacts or glasses to do the little detailed stuff. Also, the pieces didn’t fit for crap. I read that a lot of the molds for Revell/Monogram are 60+ years old though. This one said made in China. I could be wrong, but I don’t think that used to be the case.
    6 points
  2. Yes! Email that idea to Joe and maybe he will go with it on the next transmission from the basement.
    3 points
  3. Funny how events like this bring out the little-dictator in some people. My mother, sister and brother in law contracted covid-19 while living in Florida. This was despite wearing masks in public and applying hand sanitizer/washing hands before eating, touching face, etc. Unless people are wearing an N95 or better type face mask, it isn't going to help you. If anything it's a glorified sneeze guard. Also, I have seen so many people, mostly in a restaurant setting grabbing, pulling and adjusting their saliva soaked mask with their gloved, or un-gloved hand. The same hand they grab your cup, plate, door knobs and any other surface. Think about that. Cross contamination in all directions being concentrated on the face mask. When I see people wearing these masks I cannot help but imagine their daily use face mask to be no different than a public door knob sitting on their mouth.
    3 points
  4. My boyhood friend and I were, shall we say somewhat troublesome. We looked up the recipe for black powder. Talked his mom into a trip to Rexall drug where we bought saltpeter and sulfur. Used some charcoal and brewed up a batch of credible black powder. Then we took a can of Mountain Dew (before the era of poptops) punched a hole in the center of the top and drained out the soda. Let it dry and filled it with our homebrew powder. Used a sparkler for the fuse, lit it and watched. It sputtered for a bit and then the powder really caught fire. The can went about 20 feet high and exploded. We were grounded for a couple of months...lol
    2 points
  5. Used to slap them together as a kid then blow them up with firecrackers for some reason. It was a neighborhood activity blowing things up with firecrackers. I'm 56 and feel so sad for kids glued to a screen all day and not doing anything exciting. Or even get excited over something as frivolous as blowing up plastic models.
    2 points
  6. Well folks, I never thought I would say this but Benchmade makes my new favorite knife. Of all the automatics I have owned in my life the Adamas is the best engineered and built knife I have ever used, this is the only knife that I will own multiples of to be sure that I will have a new one the rest of my life. The only shortcoming this knife has is the same that all Benchmade do the factory edge sucks compared to Protech if any of you want one of these I’ll sell you a brand new one and put my $35 Wicked Edge on it for $250.75 The MAP price, this removes very little steel and makes the bevels perfectly even on both sides and wicked sharp truly better than new, I currently have access to Black ones only for the time being this is a knife that Benchmade may discontinue which would be a crying shame I can also get any Black Class Benchmade that you want all knives I sell for MAP pricing will include shipping and the perfect edge
    2 points
  7. Not an a hole remark. I love my Marine friends (I capitalized the M so that you don't chastise me). But even they will admit from time to time that the mentality gets away from them. I know that they spend weeks in boot camp or basic training or whatever its called these days getting that mentality drilled into them. It's hard to turn that off sometimes. Coast Guard Army Navy Marines Air Force All of the above are great soldiers that make up America's military. Soldier - noun - one engaged in military service.
    2 points
  8. Marines take themselves way too seriously and get butt hurt because the general public doesn't know their secret handshake bull crap that they were taught. Generally the public doesn't mean any disrespect but the Marines can't handle it and so have to correct you.
    2 points
  9. They're more prevalent than most believe. Especially in that rolling karst, highland rim topography. Could be something completely different for sure but its not out of the realm of possibility
    2 points
  10. OpticsPlanet is usually terrible with estimates. If they show they have it I have never had an issue. If they say 4 weeks, that means who knows, it could be 16. I would just leave them both and cancel the other after a shipping notice. And keep looking. One may pop up somewhere else.
    2 points
  11. Agree with most above. I am an Endowment Member with the NRA, but it's been clear for a while that the leadership is out for themselves. I need to start giving more to the GOA it sounds like.
    2 points
  12. I did have a nice Mauser sporter in 9x57. When we took the rifle down we found two sets of proofs. One was for 8mm and the other was for 9mm. When the rifle was rebored and re-rifled it was reproofed. The gun had a grove diameter that was larger than our 358. We made cartridges and found the rifle to be as good a hunting rifle as the day it was made. We necked up 8mm brass and used Hornady or Remington bullets.
    2 points
  13. Bought 4 boxes of 100ct WWB at Rural King yesterday. $22 per , limit 4 (9mm 115 fmj)
    2 points
  14. On the weekend of Oct 9-11 we will be offering two classic AK classes. On Friday October 9 will be Dynamics of the Kalashnikov. This is a 1 day class that is packed full of as much of the 2 day Kalashnikov Gunfighting class material as we can fit into one training day . Then on Oct 10-11 we will be offering the Advanced Kalashnikov Gunfighting class. This class has not been offered anywhere in several years so don't miss out on this rare opportunity! Dynamics of the Kalashnikov October 09, 2020 Dayton, TN Price : $200 Instructor: Randy Harris The AK-47/74 is the rifle of choice for over 80 million people and top choice of our founder Gabe Suarez. But the AK needs to be operated like what it is, a Kalashnikov, and not like other assault rifles. In this class you will learn the world's most efficient method for running your AK pattern rifle including zeroing and dynamic shooting at close and intermediate distances. CLASS AND RANGE DETAILS DURATION: 1 days TIME: 8:30AM to 4:30PM AMMUNITION: RIFLE: Approx. 250 rounds (Minimum)PISTOL: Approx. 50 rounds (Minimum) RANGE & GEAR REQUIREMENTS: The usual range safety gear you always take to go shooting. A quality 7.62x39 based rifle. ComBloc is fine, SIG 556R is fine too. Sling on the rifle. At least three magazines, and accompanying pouches (chest rig is fine, war belt is fine, sneaky bag is fine). Bring a pistol with a way to carry it incorporated with your rifle system. Also Helpful Bring spare clothing appropriate for the weather, including a hat, sunscreen, and bug repellent. Plan to bring lunch, snacks, and water (min 1 gallon per person) for the entire day unless driving to lunch is a viable option from the range location. Bring allergy medication (if needed), a chair (if you prefer), note taking supplies, and a boo boo kit (band aids, gauze pads, antiseptic wipes, antibiotic ointment and tape). You may wish to bring pads such as knee pads, elbow pads, and gloves if the class lends itself to that. RANGE: The Ridge 11534 Rhea County Hwy, Hwy 27 Dayton, TN 37321 423-605-4242 http://www.theridgeshooting.com/ DIRECTIONS: Range is located on HWY 27 just north of Dayton TN Take HWY 27 North from Dayton TN. Go 3.2 miles. Look for mailbox with a Glock on it on the right hand side of the road. Take the paved driveway up the hill. For more info and to register .......https://suarezinternational.com/dynamics-of-the-kalashnikov-october-9-2020-dayton-tn/?ctk=136d8c13-e52e-4b8f-a3b0-75c81047e5e7 [BOLD]THEN ON OCTOBER 10-11 [/BOLD] Advanced Kalashnikov Gunfighting October 10 - 11, 2020 Dayton, TN Price:$400 Instructor: Randy Harris Advanced Kalashnikov Rifle Gunfighting is the most advanced level rifle training available outside of Special Operations schools. This class will consist of all new material and take your rifle fighting skills, both as a firearm and as an alternative force tool, far beyond what you would think possible. While we will be using and teaching with AK-pattern rifles, you are not required to bring an AK. Bring ANY semi auto rifle you have. Not for Beginners. Students must own the basic combat rifle skill-set and be in reasonable physical condition for this class. If in doubt, attend the Dynamics of the Kalashnikov class scheduled immediately before on October 9th. This class will leave you gasping for air with a red-hot smoking rifle barrel. CLASS AND RANGE DETAILS DURATION: 2 days TIME: 8:30AM to 4:30PM AMMUNITION: Approx. 500 rounds (Minimum) and 100 Rounds of Pistol RANGE & GEAR REQUIREMENTS: The usual range safety gear you always take to go shooting. A quality 7.62x39 based rifle. ComBloc is fine, SIG 556R is fine too. Sling on the rifle. At least three magazines, and accompanying pouches (chest rig is fine, war belt is fine, sneaky bag is fine). Bring a pistol with a way to carry it incorporated with your rifle system. Also Helpful Bring spare clothing appropriate for the weather, including a hat, sunscreen, and bug repellent. Plan to bring lunch, snacks, and water (min 1 gallon per person) for the entire day unless driving to lunch is a viable option from the range location. Bring allergy medication (if needed), a chair (if you prefer), note taking supplies, and a boo boo kit (band aids, gauze pads, antiseptic wipes, antibiotic ointment and tape). You may wish to bring pads such as knee pads, elbow pads, and gloves if the class lends itself to that. RANGE: The Ridge 11534 Rhea County Hwy, Hwy 27 Dayton, TN 37321 423-605-4242 http://www.theridgeshooting.com/ DIRECTIONS: Range is located on HWY 27 just north of Dayton TN Take HWY 27 North from Dayton TN. Go 3.2 miles. Look for mailbox with a Glock on it on the right hand side of the road. Take the paved driveway up the hill. For more info and to register.........https://suarezinternational.com/advanced-kalashnikov-gunfighting-october-10-11-2020-dayton-tn/?ctk=fb518d45-7392-4564-a9f0-f6121333de90
    1 point
  15. Yea a friend and I were into making black powder and our own bombs. We were reasonably careful. We got some dynamite fuse somewhere. Great fun till some stupid older kids got hold of real dynamite and were throwing partial sticks in peoples front yards. We stopped our hobby immediately we didn't want to be blamed for what they were doing if someone caught us with our homemade bombs. I had about a quart of powder made when we retired so I powered it in a pan in the alley and had a big flash in the pan as our retirement party.
    1 point
  16. Sometimes we would build the models with firecrackers inside.
    1 point
  17. Yes indeed. Built a bunch of WWII plane models when I was a kid. It was my “hobby” even though I generally sucked at it...no patience and inadequate tools and paints. I did put together a few really nice ones though. That Spitfire looks great. I’ve got a Memphis Belle kit languishing in the garage right now I need to get back into.
    1 point
  18. It came today. They didn't do a whole lot of sharpening to it. It's heavy for its size. I like the heft.
    1 point
  19. Hands are so small she needs two fingers on the trigger. I do not see how she can shoot that well when some of the firearms are almost as big as she is but she does.
    1 point
  20. I believe the only way you can get a SHIELD in .380 is the “EZ”. They been having a bunch for problems with them. I assumed it was the .380 round, but they seem to be having the same issues with the “EZ 9”. Of course you can get a regular 9 in the SHIELD… or a .40.
    1 point
  21. Answer the phone and tell them you're not giving until Wayne is gone and the bylaws are amended. They'll stop calling after hearing that a couple of times.
    1 point
  22. I've been a life member of the NRA for quite a while and after reading this thread, I joined GOA. My phone has been ringing off the hook for weeks now with the caller ID showing it is the NRA. You can almost see the hand wanting money sticking out of the phone.
    1 point
  23. Here is a higher resolution picture if anyone is interested. https://imgur.com/a/96ZsE46
    1 point
  24. No. They do provide a lot of emails explaining their Legal and legislative actions. There is a prominent link in each email to donate to the legal fund. So instead of the NRA tactic of “look! It’s bad people, give us money so we can do stuff!“ They are going the route of “here is what we are doing. If you would like to further support us, go here.“ It’s a small, but very significant difference to me.
    1 point
  25. Just thought I'd offer. Guess they go to yard sale.
    1 point
  26. I would think with the manufacturers having to deal with the virus, it would be hard for suppliers to know shipping dates. It seems that way on everything else. Cancelling my Nutrisystem today, can’t get what I want.
    1 point
  27. Not sure on Brownells backorder, but I placed a small parts order last week that shipped in a few days. So they must be caught up on things they have in stock. I say this because Numrich showed they were just getting to 7/18/20 orders on the same day (8-7-20). And my order with them is on hold until they catch up even though they show everything in stock. Not sure on Optics Planet. Kind of off topic, but I thought it might be good info for you.
    1 point
  28. There are several forum members here who’d be all for this.
    1 point
  29. No feeling of disrespect taken. I was just correcting the record.
    1 point
  30. I belong to both. Despite its current problems, the NRA does have clout. They also have some serious internal problems that have gone on for years. King Wayne long ago got much to into playing politics and became our own worst enemy. Honestly, I hope he ends up in jail. Hopefully, the NRA will come through these troubles better for the experience and regain its glory. Omega is right about GOA. These guys are bare knuckle fighters and don't back down or compromise. If GOA was as big as the NRA, we wouldn't have to fight for our rights. Maybe the NRA's current problems will help GOA grow. I strongly recommend them.
    1 point
  31. I've only had one semi-auto failure (my 1943 Colt Woodsman broke a firing pin once) which couldn't be cured with a mag change and racking the slide. I always carry a spare mag.
    1 point
  32. I think a lot of people are fed up. That's why the US has had three "change" candidates the past 4 election cycles (including the one coming in November). I'm guessing a lot of people sense that there is something rotten in DC but they just can't place what it is, how deep it goes, but know that it's there. It may be a distanced inconvenience, and I am grateful every day to be living in TN instead of a hell-hole like Portland, Oregon but it troubles me to see the national narrative set by clearly biased "news" sources that Antifa ins't much a problem, continuing to call these things protests even after they've become violent, not sharing videos that clearly show the violence coming from Antifa/BLM (I've watched it with my own two eyes) and politicians pretending that Antifa doesn't exist, or isn't organized, and instead talk of right-wing groups that are obviously keeping their heads down, and don't exist in numbers that would support the attention they get from them. Everything is upside down from that perspective given everything I have researched on my own. There are certainly tons of people that have real grievances and we should do what we can to help out, when we can, where we can. I think however, seeing how many of these protests are made up what appears to be urban white kids, several of whom I've seen on video brag about how educated they are (check twitter, youtube), that these protests are largely engineered by they indoctrination they received while getting their "job-ticket" at college. That to me is sick because there are people who need to be heard, causes that need to be marched for but it has been hijacked and slandered because of the actions of Antifa flying the BLM flag. As I have tried to say before, people are being taken advantage of over differences between groups, races, sex, etc.
    1 point
  33. I put 200 rounds through the Tisas 1911 this morning. I used 230 grain Winchester FMJ in the white box and didn't have any malfunctions. I had four 8 round magazines, the one Tisas supplied, and three Promag 1911 ACP mags. I thought the Promags didn't fit at first because they were really tight. I cycled them about 20 times apiece and they developed wear marks on the to corners of the mag and loosened up quickly. I really like the gun -- as I said, its my first 1911 and the trigger is better than any of my striker fired 9's. The trigger breaks consistently just over 5 lbs and has a very crisp break. It was so good, the first few magazines I fired with my Springfield XDS 9 was all over the place. Here are the first three targets I shot from 7 yards. There are 16 shot at each bullseye. I'm a competent shooter, but I wouldn't consider myself an expert by any means. Here's the first two magazines with the XDS9, also 8 round mags. Here's the sixth magazine for comparison. It was a 7 round magazine and I'm sure the flyer is my fault. It too me that long to get used to the Springfield trigger after the Tisas. I'll shoot the other way around next time.
    1 point
  34. If yall ever want something a little fancier, made somewhat locally and by a former Marine, you can't beat Les George's V14. https://georgeknives.bigcartel.com/product/commando-dagger
    1 point
  35. I feel like this is a point where I should throw out the primary reason for carrying a single spare mag isn’t for a lengthy gun fight, but to fix malfunctions.
    1 point
  36. I've not been in my bank in at least 3 months. My check at work is direct deposit and I just hit ATM. I don't know if they are excepting walk in customers at this time or not. I hate my bank, not the people that work there. Bersa glad you got your problem resolved.
    1 point
  37. You might want to call the bank first before you go. My bank requires you to have an appointment to enter the building.
    1 point
  38. The Fairbairn-Sykes has always been a favorite of mine but originals were crazy expensive even when I was a kid, so I got this Gerber Mark II in 1981.
    1 point
  39. I remeber John being a member here, back in the day. He was a great man and a great resource. Sad that we lost him. I think the Tactical Professor really has some interesting points in this video. A lot of people think their gearing up for the OK Corral, type of gunfight, where you are standing and fighting it out to the death. In some cases that might be true, but I agree with him that from a self defense stand point, out on the street, most of the time, all we really want to do is break contact with the attacker. Smaller handguns have a definite place in every person's aresenal. And I also especially like the .32ACP, even though I currently sport a LCP in .380. I'm actually faster and more accurate with the Keltec P32. One of these days I will get another one.
    1 point
  40. Nice looking out. Great item for the deals section. Good on RK !! They are making money at 220 per 1k. The big thing this tells us, contrary to what many retailers use to justify their current sky high prices, is that distributor prices are not thru the roof to where they have to pass it on to the consumer.
    1 point
  41. That was about the going price during the zer0 years. Congrats!!
    1 point
  42. This is some of the craziest prices I have seen in literally decades. I was shooting at Point Blank this week and about the only handgun ammo on the shelves was .357 Sig, 10mm, 45 LC, and 44 spl/mag. They said when a pallet of 9mm hits the door it's gone within hours. I am so thankful I heeded the warnings and learned from experience to not get caught behind the eight ball. I handload and took advantage of last years Black Friday sales and have plenty of components to last me for a good while. But I'm still ordering more projectiles (affordably) from time to time. I should have another 1K of 9mm bullets from Everglades arriving Saturday. I can load these for about $0.12 - $0.14 per round depending on projectile cost and charge weight. If you cast it's about 1/2 that. I read folks are having a challenging times locating affordable powder and primers, but I personally covered that a few years back. That said, it's never too late to invest in the equipment and components and handloading is a rewarding process in and of itself imho. It may be the best option going down the road. Just my $0.02 worth
    1 point
  43. If I'm off base here, someone correct me, but something that seems to be overlooked in the caliber discussion is how quickly you can hit the target more than once. Two 380 holes a few inches apart would seem to have a great chance of stopping a target than one 9mm hole. If someone cannot control recoil well enough to place an instant 2nd shot somewhere on target, then they either need to work on recoil control or they need a gun with less recoil.
    1 point
  44. My suggestion would be to find a range with a good rental case and put as many different guns in her hands as possible.
    1 point
  45. I often say, glock is as popular as it is for a reason. I carry a Glock 19 daily appendix. Glock is so easy to get used to the recoil that is there and are so many models of glock that you can get one that fits her well.
    1 point
  46. 1 spare mag for my primary and 2 spares for my backup, plus 10 more mags in my bag for the primary. Old habits are hard to break.
    1 point
  47. It depends... For most days going about my business as a private citizen I carry 1 spare G17 mag just forward of my non dominant side hip. For church security duty I carry 2. When talking about shootings in the criminal assault paradigm the odds are exponentially overwhelming that whatever happens will most likely be over one way or the other well before the ammo in my first mag is expended. Obviously the lower the capacity the more your mileage may vary. Since I am not tasked on an everyday basis with laying hands on and taking people into custody that don't want to be taken into custody there is very little on a daily basis that compels me to stay and fight. In the typical civilian encounters where someone approaches and produces a weapon to coerce you to give up your wallet or to go somewhere with them, you presenting a gun and shooting at them (whether you hit them or not) generally tends to create an unscheduled track meet with them running as fast as they can away from you .....and you often running the opposite direction...assuming they are not killed outright. The odds of you even having the time to reload before it is over is unlikely. If the "typical civilian street gunfight" last 3-4 seconds from guns coming out to end of shooting there just isn't much time for a reload in there. John Correia (Active Self Protection) has watched over 15,000 civilian gunfights on video from security cameras worldwide and I have been an attendee at the presentation he does at various training conferences. He says that in all the video he has watched there is almost never a reload accomplished before the bad guys either stop or have run away....especially when people are reloading from their pockets. We watched one of those videos in his presentation where the defender reloaded from a pocket. It took a timed 15 seconds to access the mag and complete the reload. The bad guy was probably 2 blocks away before the guy got the gun up and running again. John goes as far as to saying since he carries a hi cap gun he has stopped carrying a spare mag and carries pepper spray in its place. I have long preferred to carry both because while pepper spray can be very useful it cannot help me clear a malfunction that requires a new mag to make the gun work. So I generally carry a spare mag and pepper spray. The church security paradigm is a little different. We may well be facing a dedicated and prepared opponent for whom self preservation is not their overriding concern. In fact they probably EXPECT to die during the event. In that case it may well take more hits and they may possibly have to be delivered from much longer distances to stop him than would be likely in the typical street criminal mugging/assault . We may be engaging someone who is using cover and we might have to use gunfire to "pin him in place " while a maneuvering element closes with him to render him neutralized. That type of thing has virtually no commonality with the typical civilian use of force. So for church security duty I err on the side of caution and carry a second spare mag.
    1 point
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