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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/09/2020 in all areas

  1. With all the gun buying and hoarding going on I'd never expect to find a deal like I did. I set out looking to buy one of 2 Ruger P89's that I found at a shop. The prices on them were not good compared to the shape they were in. I know the P89 can endure lots of damage and still run fine. But these guns were priced more than what they did new and these even had rust. By the time I paid tax and background check it would cost me $428 and that's with no box and one beat up off brand magazine. So I went back home and decided to stop at my local shop. There was a new in box Beretta 92 Compact in the case. It was made in Italy and has the "IT17" Mark's on it showing it made there in Italy in year 2017. After tax and background check I got out the door for $424. I'm a sucker for the Beretta 92 series and Rugers P-Series. I couldn't believe it was there with all the gun hoarding and buying going on. Bare shelves and hardly any ammo. People houng nuts grabbing and buying anything they can yet there was this nice new Beretta for half the normal price. I swear I love how these things line the cartridge up and feed it straight into the barrel. No tilting or runing up ramps to worry with.
    4 points
  2. I have not been able to get out and shoot in quite a while. Finally had some free time and decided to take out a couple of new to me guns that I have not shot yet. Loaded up the truck and grabbed my Marlin 336 in .44 mag, Marlin 375 in .375 winchester and my Ruger Redhawk. I was mainly just trying too get the iron sights to hit point of aim at 50 yards. I was pleasantly surprised to find out that the 336 in .44 mag is quite accurate. Had a lot fun ringing the steel at varying yardage, mainly from 40-60 yards. I didn't have my shooting glasses so iron sights can be a bit of problem if I am much farther than 50 yards. The Marlin 375 I think is going to be a great deer gun. I was shooting Buffalo Bore .38-55 from a rest and keeping 3" groups with iron sights was a breeze. I will be a good walking in the woods gun where you need quick shots and medium distances. I might put a low power scope on it and see what it can do at longer distances but have not decided yet. Shooting the Redhawk in single action was great for ringing the steel. Lets just say I need a lot of practice shooting it double action. lol
    3 points
  3. I've been a Life member since the 1970s and a regular ILA donor for decades. I don't favor giving them another dollar until Wayne is gone and the bylaws are amended to prevent the corruption that's going on now.
    3 points
  4. You're probably right, but given the sheer volume of what amounts to embezzlement of funds I suspect that New York will pull their charitable org credentials. If that happens then their tax-exempt status is gone. It may take something drastic like that to get them to finally clean up their act a bit. I'm with the crowd that says many officials of the NRA should go to prison ...
    3 points
  5. I finally broke down and bought me a Glock G19 to add to the 'family". I did some research about the Gen 5 and most reviews were favorable. It all started last weekend while I was at GT Distributors. I was looking at a used G19 Gen4 but really wanted the newest version. I was told that if I signed up with the GSSF, I could get a Gen 5 at a reduced cost. I signed up for a 2-year membership on Monday and got the packet on Wednesday. It contains a coupon good for the purchase of a new Glock pistol. I'll also get another coupon next year. I went back to GT and they had 2 G19s left so I went ahead and picked one up. The cost for the pistol was $425 plus background check with my coupon. I think the one I got may be the first version of the Gen 5 as it has the slide serrations on the front of the slide as well as the rear. It also doesn't have the "scallop" cut-out on the front strap that some people don't like. I took it to the range and put 100 rounds through it with no issues. I like the fact that they incorporated the smaller grip with add-on back straps like the Gen 4 models. I think it fits my hand a little bit better than my G23 Gen 3. I also like the fact that the holsters I have for my G23 will work with this one since they are roughly the same size.
    2 points
  6. Happy Sunday, I pray the peace of Jesus Christ is with you! If the Lord's joy is my strength, how I can please Him? Live today without anxiety about tomorrow and leave yesterday where it belongs, in the past. Praise, worship and thank Him Seek Him out for help Ask Him for forgiveness Oh so simple, if I could just overcome my selfishness which opens the door to the glamour and temptation of sin. When the voices of the world or those in my mind start saying, "you can't, you're not good enough, it's nigh impossible..." I have to remember what I can, what is possible and where my strength comes from to get back in the fight.
    2 points
  7. If this atty gen wants to actually do some good, she should investigate the clinton foundation.
    2 points
  8. I was told no Christian is exempt from sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I don't know where this thread will go, but I hope to learn, encourage and enlighten with positive posts, responses, questions, and critiques. I want to be a better Christian today than yesterday and better tomorrow than today. I hope there will be enough information shared for folks make a decision about Christianity, free from hypocrisy and enough discernment to identify hypocrisy. That's what makes evangelism so hard and so I'll avoid it with the truth. Being 50 year old man, but only an 11 year old Christian, I was sure I wasn't prepared. Not a Bible scholar nor a theologian. Nice thing is I see this Christianity thing as a child does...it's not hard, it's not confusing. It has not been tainted by religion, the bias of my upbringing in the Catholic Church nor blinded by hypocrisy. I was actually saved in a Catholic Church, so the cause and event are probably the best place to start. You should all know I am a sinner; past, prssent, and future. I have broken more of God's commandments more times than I can remember. In 1988 I turned my back on God. Mom passed after 9 months of chemo and cancer. It was obviously God's fault, so I was ready to be like Frank Sinatra and do it my way. Had a pretty successful run, ups and downs but mostly up. Then a strange thing happened while bitching about having to wash some dishes in 1997. I had been married about a year and Mrs GtGs was the subject of my ire. All of a sudden, it occurred to me, if Mom hadn't passed, the likelihood of moving to Tennessee was zero. Not saying I'd still be living at home, but I loved my Mom and still miss her. It also revealed Mrs GtG was His gift to me, to love, cherish, lead and protect. Coincidence I had this errant thought, perhaps. Too much opium trying to connect randon events, maybe. God's plan for my life, with revelation of why I had / have trial and tribulation: this is my obvious choice considering my perspective. It was also a healing moment, my anger and hate towards God evaporated because I had an understanding of why. Here is where I missed the boat, when the anger faded, I was cool with God. I was aware of Him. That was about it, I didn't acknowledge, worship, glorify, or give Him any real credit. My lifestyle didn't change much. Went to church a few times, like any good C&E Catholic, I dropped some spare coin in the collection plate on the high holidays. Fast forward to 2007. Life (on the surface) was great. No cares or worries. Health, wealth, marriage...it was picture perfect. So I bought a bigger boat. The first Saturday I owned it, I was sitting on the bridge after washing and waxing. She was shipshape and in Bristol fashion. While surveying mine domain, another one of those errant thoughs, "I'd never thought I'd have a boat anything like this, I'd better get me to church." Strange to say the least, but at that moment the vague awareness of God manifested into, "GtG, you ain't all that and a bag of chips and somehow you think or know or feel God has been helping you out." So I went and talk about a religious experience. The folks in the pew next me probably thought my family just died or I getting ready to die myself. In the Gospel of Luke, there is a parable of the barren vine, the landowner and the gardner. So he said to the man who took care of the vineyard, 'For three years now I've been coming to look for fruit on this fig tree and haven't found any. Cut it down! Why should it use up the soil?' I was rocked to my core. This is what I heard and understood. I was the barren vine which had accepted 40 years sun, fertilizer, care, labor, space, investment, mercy and Grace for no yield. God was done with me and I was going to hell. Even my savior Jesus Christ, as the laborer, was willing to shield me, but I had to do something, because scripture doesn't say how long the season is. That's when my heart and mind opened to the truth recorded in the Bible, as I understand it with my childlike perception. The very next week, another religious experience. The Prodigal Son. Yep, through scripture, God revealed there was a party in Heaven over my return to the flock. So when I have zero doubt of heaven and hell and I was certain I was on the hell express, God showed how much he loved the wretched, selfish sinner I was by sending that message to save me from myself. What if I had hit snooze...yikes. So I found the Lord and got right with God and even went and got saved when times were good. I heard and read about trusting, patience, faithfulness. All those things you actually need when times are bad. Didn't quite understand as that stuff doesn't apply to me since time were good. Pretty important, because things got bad. 2009-2011 are tough financial times, I'm working 2 part time jobs to supplement my full time income, our home environment was not marital bliss. I'm reading my Bible a lot during this time, but truthfully, I didn't or couldn't feel God's presence or understand much of what I read. Except for Psalms and Job. There are some wonderful nuggets in Psalms which capture how I want to speak to or cry out to God. In Job, he praises and glorifies God regardless of his situation. He knows the Lord blessed him in the goods times, this is a test of his faith and he will trust God with tomorrow. I clung to this like a drowning man at the end of the rope. 2012 there was light at the end of the tunnel, it wasn't a train, and life got a bit easier with a new job. In August, out AC broke and so did my blindness. Mrs GtG was not happily married and didn't particularly care about the future outcome of our marriage. You see, like Paul, I was still blind to my sin. Yes, I got right with God, accepted who Christ is and what he does for me every day, began to forgive myself for treating God so poorly, but forgot I thing. Why do you persecute me, through her? In my selfishness, I had become a monster. When I looked at my behavior I was ashamed - I wouldn't want to be married to me either. I confessed and asked for forgiveness. Still married and it's better today than day 1. Well, that's my story and it's still being written. Welcome to the religious thread where all are welcome!
    1 point
  9. This little girl has several videos out and this is a very short one. I'm surprised her Dad hasn't been charged with something Check out the look on her face at the end
    1 point
  10. Things are not getting easier for the NRA. Air your dirty laundry in public - turns out somebody might notice. https://www.npr.org/2020/08/06/899712823/new-york-attorney-general-moves-to-dissolve-the-nra-after-fraud-investigation Regardless of what you feel about the suit on its face - the NRA kind of walked into this with their lavish spending.
    1 point
  11. Today is National Purple Heart Day August 7. This is my Grandfathers Purple Heart from World War I. PURPLE HEART DAY Purple Heart Day, on August 7th, commemorates the creation of the oldest American military decoration for military merit. The Purple Heart honors the men and women who are of the Military Order of the Purple Heart. During the American Revolutionary War, the Badge for Military Merit decorated six known soldiers. General George Washington created the Badge of Merit in 1782. Washington intended the honor to be presented to soldiers for “any singularly meritorious action.” Its design included a purple, heart-shaped piece of silk bound with a thin edge of silver. Across the face, the word Merit was embroidered in silver. While the badge symbolized the courage and devotion of an American Patriot, no one knows who designed the award. Until Washington’s 200th birthday, the Purple Heart persisted as a Revolutionary War footnote. Through the efforts of General Douglas MacArthur, the U.S. War Department created the Order of the Purple Heart. Today the medal bears a bust of George Washington and his coat of arms. While an accurate and complete list of names no longer exists, National Geographic recently estimated that nearly 1.9 million service members have earned Purple Hearts since its creation. It is the oldest U.S. military honor still bestowed upon service members today. Until 1944, the Purple Heart recognized service members’ commendable actions as well. Then in 1944, the requirements limited the award to only those wounded or killed in combat. Purple Heart Firsts William Brown and Elijah Churchill received the Badge of Military Merit during the Revolutionary War when the award first replaced the Fidelity Medallion. Army General Douglas MacArthur received the first modern-day Purple Heart. Army Lt. Annie G. Fox received the Purple Heart during World War II for her actions during the attack on Pearl Harbor.
    1 point
  12. Yep, the .375 Winchester is a rare caliber in Marlins. Another is .356 Win. that was in the 336 ER. Nice rifles and Ruger.
    1 point
  13. I belong to both. Despite its current problems, the NRA does have clout. They also have some serious internal problems that have gone on for years. King Wayne long ago got much to into playing politics and became our own worst enemy. Honestly, I hope he ends up in jail. Hopefully, the NRA will come through these troubles better for the experience and regain its glory. Omega is right about GOA. These guys are bare knuckle fighters and don't back down or compromise. If GOA was as big as the NRA, we wouldn't have to fight for our rights. Maybe the NRA's current problems will help GOA grow. I strongly recommend them.
    1 point
  14. I feel we need honest and transparent dealings with a pro 2nd Amendment organization as the detractors are looking for anything they can find to paint gun owners as "evil" people
    1 point
  15. Glad to see this post. I'm in the same boat. I'm curious to see the responses myself.
    1 point
  16. Congrats. That is actually the latest version. Front serrations are now standard and they did away with the scallop.
    1 point
  17. That's a great little pickup and a nice price. I have the 92 affliction too, so glad to see folks buy these. When I got mine early last year before the hoarding and insanity, mid to low 400's was about as good as they got. To get one thru a local shop and be at a great price after the TN 10% resident penalty....damn. It may have been a mistake, but hey, right time right place.... Take a look at the locking block and barrel rails to make sure they were finish machined. Being Italian it probably is fine. But a couple of the compacts I had looked at where rough and gouged up the frame channels that the rails ride in. Generally you'll see some small AL chips or flakes in the slide or top of the frame to tip you. I stoned mine to clean them up to mitigate the damage. Great little shooter.
    1 point
  18. Muzzle protector used between shoots.
    1 point
  19. If a shot doesn't ring, you just yell out "bullseye!" and no one is the wiser.
    1 point
  20. Thank you for that wonder tribute to all of the men & women that have died protecting our great nation and to one young man that was able to make a grumpy old man need a box of tissues to finish watching it. I know his father is very proud of his son!!!!
    1 point
  21. It's often been said that you don't have to outrun a bear, just the other people with you
    1 point
  22. @Defender the Federal Premium loads are worth considering as well. Very high quality.
    1 point
  23. Hopefully, if she starts shooting a red dot gun, she doesn't discard it like she did that 19 when it went to slide lock!
    1 point
  24. Four trigger fingers?
    1 point
  25. https://www.sgammo.com/catalog/shotgun-ammunition/20-gauge-ammo Good company, I have picked up a good bit of ammo from them.
    1 point
  26. https://twitter.com/igorvolsky/status/1291537690635239425?s=19 The guy writing the tweets in the thread I linked above is not an ally of gun owners, but he's basically parsing the juicy details of the lawsuit. The avarice of WLP and friends is just amazing.
    1 point
  27. If anything, that timing is likely to help the GOP more than it will the DNC. I think this gives weight to “they’ll take your guns” and some folks might vote Republican who might otherwise be kind of blasé this cycle.
    1 point
  28. It seems a bit unusual to me to "dissolve" the NRA when there are allegations of corruption. The normal course is to prosecute/punish the people involved with/in the corruption first and then the organization is fined to some extent. Thinking of the Pilot Oil issue a few years back. Pilot Oil still exists, but some of those involved in the illegal acts are behind bars or trying to avoid jail sentences. Trying to dissolve the NRA is purely a political move IMO. Punish the one's who did wrong and bring in new leaders to correct this issues.
    1 point
  29. Yes. The stories of corruption and malfeasance have been leaking out for decades. I want them fixed, not dead.
    1 point
  30. Good old Wayne "Lopeared" and his advertising buddies should have been run out and tarred and feathered a long time ago. I am a Benefactor member but will never give another penny until old Wayne and his cronies are gone.
    1 point
  31. I think I remember her starting this a couple of years ago. I doubt they will get a court to dissolve the NRA; but they might. I doubt that would withstand scrutiny by the higher courts; but who knows. If they have spent this much time on the investigation, they need to indict the players in both the NRA and the agencies working for them that have violated the law.
    1 point
  32. Very different, just not in buying the gun. Sounds like Mr. Curry enjoyed seeing someone your age take responsibility and follow through. Very possibly why he tossed in the bird-shot. Today most people are too worried about letting their kids "be kids" or just too busy to pay attention to them that most kids think loading the dishwasher is hard work. They also do not understand the value of the house they live in, food they eat, or electricity that lights and heats/cools the house, Money is just something they "have" without knowing how to get it beyond a hand out. It is hard to break through all the fake Instagram and Facebook images to teach my kids this. I try though because my parents never let us go hungry or know how tight things were, but we were expected to work when asked and rewarded for good work. I remember helping my Dad on some side job. Maybe it was hanging a ceiling fan in some guy's garage. I was more the age for "hand me a tool" than "climb up on the ladder and do that", but I remember the candy bar, RC Cola, and comic book we picked up at the gas station on the way home. It was a big deal to me. That meant when Dad got me a temp job for a few day with a neighbor that built houses just after I graduated high school, I worked my butt off unload trucks, cleaning up scrap, and whatever I was asked to do. No way was I reflecting bad on Dad.
    1 point
  33. I had a similar situation. In about 1965 or '66 I went into Mr. Curry's Western Auto. I was always in there ogling his guns & knives displays. He let me put a 16 g. H&R Single barrel on layaway (he may have called my Father about it, but I don't know for certain). As I had a full-time job, I paid it off in just 6 weeks. iirc it was around $30.00. He gave me a box of birdshot at no extra charge when I picked it up. I was either 11 or 12. I still have that shotgun and treasure it. The Past was a very different world.
    1 point
  34. It's actually a .250-3000 necked down to .223.
    1 point
  35. I have been wanting one of these S&W Model 29-10 44 Magnum's ever since I saw my first Dirty Harry movie. This gun has been at Guns and Ammo in Memphis for sometime. Every time I come into the store I take a look at it. Yesterday I bit the bullet and picked it up. Once I get it to the range I will give an update on how it shoots.
    1 point
  36. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2020/aug/07/bear-attack-advice-sacrificing-friends Don't push down your slow friends, even if the friendship is coming to an end
    0 points
  37. Reminds of the couple going on a hike in bear country. She insisted on taking a pocket .22 for protection from a bear attack. He laughed at her. When a bear attacked she pulled out her .22 and shot her male friend in the knee and said see I told you it would save me from a bear attack and took off on a run.
    0 points
  38. 0 points
  39. 0 points
  40. Top is kinda blurry but looks like a rattlesnake to me. I would chop it in half again to make sure it’s dead.
    0 points
  41. Sounds like they need some civil or structural engineers to look at that alley.
    0 points
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