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This little girl has several videos out and this is a very short one. I'm surprised her Dad hasn't been charged with something Check out the look on her face at the end7 points
I have not been able to get out and shoot in quite a while. Finally had some free time and decided to take out a couple of new to me guns that I have not shot yet. Loaded up the truck and grabbed my Marlin 336 in .44 mag, Marlin 375 in .375 winchester and my Ruger Redhawk. I was mainly just trying too get the iron sights to hit point of aim at 50 yards. I was pleasantly surprised to find out that the 336 in .44 mag is quite accurate. Had a lot fun ringing the steel at varying yardage, mainly from 40-60 yards. I didn't have my shooting glasses so iron sights can be a bit of problem if I am much farther than 50 yards. The Marlin 375 I think is going to be a great deer gun. I was shooting Buffalo Bore .38-55 from a rest and keeping 3" groups with iron sights was a breeze. I will be a good walking in the woods gun where you need quick shots and medium distances. I might put a low power scope on it and see what it can do at longer distances but have not decided yet. Shooting the Redhawk in single action was great for ringing the steel. Lets just say I need a lot of practice shooting it double action. lol5 points
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Looking from the first post up to where we are at this point, I think we have a clear nominee for Thread Drift of the Year.3 points
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Die manufacturer doesn’t matter for the press itself. I prefer Redding competition for precision things, but any will work. If you have other general reloading supplies you shohld be good. I do hand prime all of my rounds as it is just faster.2 points
I used to carry the same with my 642 and was told, on here I believe, I was the ultimate optimist thinking I would stay in the fight long enough to require two reloads with a snubby Currently carry a P365 about 95% of the time now. (13) in the gun and (15) in a spare mag.2 points
Nah, I have enough. I was pretty much just seeing the lay of the land as I killed some time on both trips. If I can pick up some at a decent price, I go ahead. That way I can pass some to family and friends if they get in a tight spot without tapping into my cache. Same thing I did back in the .22lr drought. If I could find it decent, I always knew someone asking about it. Just doing my civic duty to help citizens stay armed. I had been seriously looking at picking up a reloading set up, but that has been tabled. I will wait until supplies and gear get back to where I can choose how I want to do it, not just take what I can get.2 points
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https://www.sgammo.com/catalog/shotgun-ammunition/20-gauge-ammo Good company, I have picked up a good bit of ammo from them.1 point
I carry a semi auto and one extra mag. Never heard anyone who was in a gun fight say they wished they had less ammo!1 point
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I love seeing our heritage passed on to the younger generation. I went to the range for a little while Thursday afternoon. The only other people on the handgun line was a father and his daughter who I guess was about 12 or so shooting .22 pistols. The girl was really enjoying herself.1 point
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Look at the new G3C, the new compact model. Glock style sights, better finish, better trigger and overall a better pistol.1 point
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Not always. She bought my Rossi M92 .357 for my birthday and when I told her I was buying the Tisas Fatih .380, she didn’t bat an eye. But it’s best to not poke the bear too many times, so close together. Of course, I could go see Harvey and put one in lay-a-way...1 point
King Wayne got too caught up in playing politics. Instead of fighting the crooked politicians, he became one.1 point
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I envy whoever has all the answers, but I do know that there is an immensely strong correlation to single motherhood and criminal behavior later in life. right now single motherhood is at an all time high. Kids are also doped up at the first sign of difficulty, if your kid wont pay attention the solution is to sterilize their personality, and make them a zombie by feeding them speed and other medications making them little sociopaths. Most mass shootings in schools are also gang related, they don't report on them, but often kids will try to shoot up their class mates because they are involved with a gang. Kids also have the ideas of being an outcast turn punisher romanticized through media, and when it does happen they get a months worth of news slots. A lot of these mass shooters were on the FBI's and local law enforcement's radars but they don't act for whatever reason. Some mass shootings I've seen evidence of in the past few years to look "non-organic" in nature. take that for what you will.1 point
Same where I grew up, and it wasn't even very rural in parts of Middle Tn. Of course there was a lot of farming and many wooded areas to hunt and fish in. But I was never afraid of seeing a rifle or a shotgun hanging in the rear cab window of a truck. It was so normal that not having one there was out of place. The only second looks they got was when a new(er) one appeared.1 point
I got my Holosun507c today. It looks great! Now waiting on the magnifier for the 510 and I can do some assembly. lol I'd like to get another set of all three, but not quite got enough left in the toy fun for it. Maybe in the next few days. Got a few lines in the water for some sales\, and I hope to put it into more equipment.1 point
I think a lot of people are fed up. That's why the US has had three "change" candidates the past 4 election cycles (including the one coming in November). I'm guessing a lot of people sense that there is something rotten in DC but they just can't place what it is, how deep it goes, but know that it's there. It may be a distanced inconvenience, and I am grateful every day to be living in TN instead of a hell-hole like Portland, Oregon but it troubles me to see the national narrative set by clearly biased "news" sources that Antifa ins't much a problem, continuing to call these things protests even after they've become violent, not sharing videos that clearly show the violence coming from Antifa/BLM (I've watched it with my own two eyes) and politicians pretending that Antifa doesn't exist, or isn't organized, and instead talk of right-wing groups that are obviously keeping their heads down, and don't exist in numbers that would support the attention they get from them. Everything is upside down from that perspective given everything I have researched on my own. There are certainly tons of people that have real grievances and we should do what we can to help out, when we can, where we can. I think however, seeing how many of these protests are made up what appears to be urban white kids, several of whom I've seen on video brag about how educated they are (check twitter, youtube), that these protests are largely engineered by they indoctrination they received while getting their "job-ticket" at college. That to me is sick because there are people who need to be heard, causes that need to be marched for but it has been hijacked and slandered because of the actions of Antifa flying the BLM flag. As I have tried to say before, people are being taken advantage of over differences between groups, races, sex, etc.1 point
I don’t think it’s an insurrection. People are fed up, and a lot of Americans can’t relate to their plight. Most people on TGO are working or retired. Our biggest inconvenience is watching the protest on television. I know the protest caused some issues in Nashville, but surprisingly Memphis kept things pretty much under control. With the exception of what I embarrassingly call normal Memphis crime, the city has been relatively quiet for weeks. No major protest. Now we have federal agents coming to “help” the police. I believe that this action is a solution looking for a problem. There is no one rioting in the streets of Memphis now, but I believe the arrival of the feds will change that.1 point
I could have picked out at least 10 cars and trucks in the high school parking lot that had at least a single shot shotgun in them. Especially during deer season. Some guys hunted before or after school. Heck I never even saw anyone pull a knife in a fight even if it was way lopsided. If you couldn't settle it with fists you got beat or ran away.1 point
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I have astigmatism, so I prefer prism scopes and dots. I use green CT lasers on a few pistols. At last count I have six RMRs. After reading David’s Holosun thread I have purchased three Holosun products. I can say without a doubt so far the green circle and dot reticle is a game changer for me.1 point
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Why do all of you Form 1 junkies feel it necessary to crap on other people? You don't know his situation or setup. Maybe he doesn't have a trust and doesn't trust some fly by night internet lawyers to give solid legal counsel. Maybe he got a better deal on the YHM Mite than he could have possibly gotten on a Form 1 can. Just be happy for the man and move on. Go preach to someone else.1 point
Here's a perfect example of why I believe nothing the media produces. So far, I've heard at least 3 explanations...a fireworks factory, ammonium nitrate from Russia, and a terrorist bombing. I doubt any of them are correct. It was a quite impressive sight, however!1 point
As Clint Smith has said, a revolver speed loader is nearly as big and bulky as another revolver. New York reload actually does have merit.1 point
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I feel like this is a point where I should throw out the primary reason for carrying a single spare mag isn’t for a lengthy gun fight, but to fix malfunctions.1 point
Well, it finally happened and hit somewhat close to home for me. A colleague at work came down with COVID about a week and a half ago and succumbed to it last night via related complications. Their family was having to make the awful decision today to remove them from life support. I sucks that this virus seems so laughable until it strikes someone in the .0001% for which it is fatal. I suppose the exact same thing can be said of the flu, but I can't tell you the last time I heard of a person who was walking around healthy one week and dead the next because of the flu.1 point
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RCBS. Rockchucker. Slow but dependable and.....bulletproof. I have several for each step in the process. They'll outlive me and they make bullets the way you want them.1 point
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Recently Picked up a Mossberg 20 ga shockwave and need to find some home defense shells for it. I was interested in Winchester PDX or similar, but seems all the local stores I checked were out of stock. Anyone know anywhere around the greater nashville area that has those? Or even a mail order place would work. DOnt need but a box or two. Or also interested in recommendations for other shells for this gun, only for in home defense.0 points
I realize that this was a tragedy and many people died or were hurt but sometimes I just can't help myself.0 points
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Sounds like they need some civil or structural engineers to look at that alley.0 points
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