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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/07/2020 in all areas

  1. I don't disagree with you necessarily, but this, i think is a strong oversimplification. the problem is that the people that are rioting are advocating for the complete overhaul of the american way of life which includes abolishing the second amendment to the constitution. These people see free speech as double speak for "Hate speech". They want a Stalin to become president, abolish private property, disarm the american public and institute a totalitarian regime that will enact violence on the public based on what they deem to be "fair and lawful". If you want a view of how they will treat minorities then look at how china treats minorities and you are looking into their vision for america. Right now its all about "equality", but it's really not, and the movers and shakers see those people that espouse those ideas as the useful idiots. They have the purpose of crippling and demoralizing american western society, but as soon as it is done they will be placed in the same body pit as everyone else. In fact probably sooner, because a lot of them have very few useful skills, people that can work for the party will at least be given the option by the party to put those skills to use for them; they however, wont be. I don'ft want to see this happen to anyone; therefore, I don't support ANTIFA, BLM, or any other group that espouses the idea that we should destroy what little bit of a free market we have and move closer to socialist/communist government and a command economy. Would you have them get their way? you speak often of people's experiences, experience guides you, but if you're not careful it can allow you to be lead by people who understand how to manipulate you if you're blind to what you're really following. If the media says something that outrages you go and look for other sources, go and dig. you might find that what you've been advertised is not what you have.
    7 points
  2. I could have picked out at least 10 cars and trucks in the high school parking lot that had at least a single shot shotgun in them. Especially during deer season. Some guys hunted before or after school. Heck I never even saw anyone pull a knife in a fight even if it was way lopsided. If you couldn't settle it with fists you got beat or ran away.
    4 points
  3. I was thinking exactly the same thing, as there were those that seemed okay with what he did. Was he a nutcase? Of course he was. Did no one listen to the tapes he made? He said he was driven by God. He then committed the ultimate sin. And during his rampage he tried to kill innocent people, even children at a library. Was he justified in being mad? Of course! was he justified in the violent action he took? Of course not. Maybe I’m reading your responses wrong, if I am please forgive me, but you seem to be saying that the violence today is okay because it will force people to listen and force change. I don’t believe either of those things will happen. The divide will get worse, and only the weak will take a knee to the violence. The leaders of these liberal cities that stand by and allow this are the weak. At some point the strong will have had enough and will take these cities back and put these criminals in prison where they belong.
    4 points
  4. Today is National Purple Heart Day August 7. This is my Grandfathers Purple Heart from World War I. PURPLE HEART DAY Purple Heart Day, on August 7th, commemorates the creation of the oldest American military decoration for military merit. The Purple Heart honors the men and women who are of the Military Order of the Purple Heart. During the American Revolutionary War, the Badge for Military Merit decorated six known soldiers. General George Washington created the Badge of Merit in 1782. Washington intended the honor to be presented to soldiers for “any singularly meritorious action.” Its design included a purple, heart-shaped piece of silk bound with a thin edge of silver. Across the face, the word Merit was embroidered in silver. While the badge symbolized the courage and devotion of an American Patriot, no one knows who designed the award. Until Washington’s 200th birthday, the Purple Heart persisted as a Revolutionary War footnote. Through the efforts of General Douglas MacArthur, the U.S. War Department created the Order of the Purple Heart. Today the medal bears a bust of George Washington and his coat of arms. While an accurate and complete list of names no longer exists, National Geographic recently estimated that nearly 1.9 million service members have earned Purple Hearts since its creation. It is the oldest U.S. military honor still bestowed upon service members today. Until 1944, the Purple Heart recognized service members’ commendable actions as well. Then in 1944, the requirements limited the award to only those wounded or killed in combat. Purple Heart Firsts William Brown and Elijah Churchill received the Badge of Military Merit during the Revolutionary War when the award first replaced the Fidelity Medallion. Army General Douglas MacArthur received the first modern-day Purple Heart. Army Lt. Annie G. Fox received the Purple Heart during World War II for her actions during the attack on Pearl Harbor.
    3 points
  5. https://pinearts.smugmug.com/T...ach-2014/i-vPVMh5F/A
    3 points
  6. Thanks for sharing that comment since I've never thought of it in that light. I guess that's the same issue that occurs with children take over "Daddy's family business". No matter how qualified they are to be running the company, the employees usually have that negative attitude towards the kids.
    3 points
  7. I think a lot of people are fed up. That's why the US has had three "change" candidates the past 4 election cycles (including the one coming in November). I'm guessing a lot of people sense that there is something rotten in DC but they just can't place what it is, how deep it goes, but know that it's there. It may be a distanced inconvenience, and I am grateful every day to be living in TN instead of a hell-hole like Portland, Oregon but it troubles me to see the national narrative set by clearly biased "news" sources that Antifa ins't much a problem, continuing to call these things protests even after they've become violent, not sharing videos that clearly show the violence coming from Antifa/BLM (I've watched it with my own two eyes) and politicians pretending that Antifa doesn't exist, or isn't organized, and instead talk of right-wing groups that are obviously keeping their heads down, and don't exist in numbers that would support the attention they get from them. Everything is upside down from that perspective given everything I have researched on my own. There are certainly tons of people that have real grievances and we should do what we can to help out, when we can, where we can. I think however, seeing how many of these protests are made up what appears to be urban white kids, several of whom I've seen on video brag about how educated they are (check twitter, youtube), that these protests are largely engineered by they indoctrination they received while getting their "job-ticket" at college. That to me is sick because there are people who need to be heard, causes that need to be marched for but it has been hijacked and slandered because of the actions of Antifa flying the BLM flag. As I have tried to say before, people are being taken advantage of over differences between groups, races, sex, etc.
    3 points
  8. I think I said something similar in an earlier post. I’m going to be careful with my wording, because I don’t want you assuming I’m coming at you. I can’t stand the fact that you are insulted by everything I post. Based upon what you’ve written, I assume you are a smart man. That being said, I think our opposition in beliefs is simply a matter of you not understanding that our experiences are vastly different. Your opinions are fine, they are what you know as relates to you, but you can’t box other people’s experiences in the same box as yours. There are far too many variables you would have to relate to without having experienced a walk in my shoes. Please stop taking this stuff personally. We’ve argued on TGO for twelve years, and we’ve yet to solve racism or world peace. Engage and share your opinions. If we differ, it doesn’t make us enemies. Hell I’ve been called the socialist commie for years. Had many disagreements, but we still come back and engage one another. We are here first and foremost because we support the second amendment and love guns.
    3 points
  9. I put 200 rounds through the Tisas 1911 this morning. I used 230 grain Winchester FMJ in the white box and didn't have any malfunctions. I had four 8 round magazines, the one Tisas supplied, and three Promag 1911 ACP mags. I thought the Promags didn't fit at first because they were really tight. I cycled them about 20 times apiece and they developed wear marks on the to corners of the mag and loosened up quickly. I really like the gun -- as I said, its my first 1911 and the trigger is better than any of my striker fired 9's. The trigger breaks consistently just over 5 lbs and has a very crisp break. It was so good, the first few magazines I fired with my Springfield XDS 9 was all over the place. Here are the first three targets I shot from 7 yards. There are 16 shot at each bullseye. I'm a competent shooter, but I wouldn't consider myself an expert by any means. Here's the first two magazines with the XDS9, also 8 round mags. Here's the sixth magazine for comparison. It was a 7 round magazine and I'm sure the flyer is my fault. It too me that long to get used to the Springfield trigger after the Tisas. I'll shoot the other way around next time.
    3 points
  10. I bought my wife a M&P9 EZ for a car gun because she couldn't rake the slide on a regular M&P. I just bought a Taurus G3 for me just for giggles. Guess what? She can rack it as good as a M&P9 EZ. To go along with that the G3 double actions on the second shot if the first one fails to fire.The trigger is super and the magazines that come with the gun are 15 and 17 rounds. I've always been a M&P fan but that could change. You people have got to check it out.
    2 points
  11. If this atty gen wants to actually do some good, she should investigate the clinton foundation.
    2 points
  12. If anything, that timing is likely to help the GOP more than it will the DNC. I think this gives weight to “they’ll take your guns” and some folks might vote Republican who might otherwise be kind of blasé this cycle.
    2 points
  13. Yes. The stories of corruption and malfeasance have been leaking out for decades. I want them fixed, not dead.
    2 points
  14. Their corruption was detrimental to the needs of the membership. Regardless if they were the big dog, it’s not good to be stealing funds that people send to you with the expectation that you will use those funds to lobby on their behalf.
    2 points
  15. Good old Wayne "Lopeared" and his advertising buddies should have been run out and tarred and feathered a long time ago. I am a Benefactor member but will never give another penny until old Wayne and his cronies are gone.
    2 points
  16. I stopped to get my tires rotated and balanced this morning at discount tire and thought I’d walk to Academy Sports to pick up some ammo if they had any. It was shortly after the 9 A.M. opening and boy were folks sprinting to the ammo isle. I swear one guy cut through the clothes section trying to beat another guy. Nothing really to say about it. Just though it was funny. People on there cell phones taking orders. Calling all there buddies with a panicked warning. I was able to pickup up 300 rounds of .45ACP and 200 9mm to play around with this weekend. I’ve been needing a good range day.
    1 point
  17. thanks, just scored the 407c v2 . OP backordered until who knows when. Good price.
    1 point
  18. You guys are still playing ammo roulette? Short attention spans?
    1 point
  19. I have 2 and both are great pistols. One is a black slide and the other is the stainless slide. Over 4,500 rounds thru the black one and around 2,800 thru the stainless.
    1 point
  20. DVOR is OpticsPlanet.... had to get away from them. They drove me nuts too. Lot of their stuff took quite a bit of time to get during their sale periods or whatever they called it. Bought a few things and didn't feel like waiting anymore. Waaaayyyyy too aggressive.
    1 point
  21. You make some good points, and it gives me something to think about.
    1 point
  22. I do agree about E-Bay deals. I did have some knowledge of this seller, and checked him out again before my orders. But...you never can tell. lol I do get guarantees from seller and E-bay for product and my satisfaction. I have used E-bay's dispute resolution twice now, and have gotten satisfaction both times. Oh...I am on the OP mailing list. I get far more from them than I care for at times. lol Almost, but not quite, as bad as D'Vor. They drive me crazy with their mailings.
    1 point
  23. Still should get on mailing list if you are not. I saved a lot over the years with them. Only thing with places like ebay and such, you really have to watch out for counterfeit stuff... good luck and keep us informed.
    1 point
  24. Same where I grew up, and it wasn't even very rural in parts of Middle Tn. Of course there was a lot of farming and many wooded areas to hunt and fish in. But I was never afraid of seeing a rifle or a shotgun hanging in the rear cab window of a truck. It was so normal that not having one there was out of place. The only second looks they got was when a new(er) one appeared.
    1 point
  25. I don’t think it’s an insurrection. People are fed up, and a lot of Americans can’t relate to their plight. Most people on TGO are working or retired. Our biggest inconvenience is watching the protest on television. I know the protest caused some issues in Nashville, but surprisingly Memphis kept things pretty much under control. With the exception of what I embarrassingly call normal Memphis crime, the city has been relatively quiet for weeks. No major protest. Now we have federal agents coming to “help” the police. I believe that this action is a solution looking for a problem. There is no one rioting in the streets of Memphis now, but I believe the arrival of the feds will change that.
    1 point
  26. Maybe someone could explain Asian Americans and Indians (from India) in the US?
    1 point
  27. I'm curious how the law and order crowd will react. I'm seeing mixed responses online. If that AG can prove everything in that lawsuit then every one of them need to be in prison. My guess is that they will get a slap on the wrist. Hopefully the NRA will survive and end up better as a result but I have my doubts.
    1 point
  28. There's no question this suit was brought for political motives by an attorney general who ran for office on a platform of attacking the NRA. She was going to charge them with something even if she had to make it up. And it's certainly no accident that the charges were brought in the same week that the NRA announced it would be spending "tens of millions" in the coming election. That said, Wayne LaPierre and his co-conspirators gave her the opening for bringing these charges by committing crimes.
    1 point
  29. Oh yeah, kids today will try and kill other kids just because they get their feelings hurt a little. They can't take other kids messing with them some. It is awful that kids can't buy what kids did years ago. My father died when I was little but, my mother tried her best to teach me right from wrong. I think at least some of it stuck.
    1 point
  30. You are correct 2 wrongs don't make a right, but 3 lefts do!!
    1 point
  31. How true Ronald. I remember a few things my dad told me and 1 was not to tarnish your good name, because that was basically all you had going for you. He said you screw up and lie or steal or whatever and you could move to California and that bad rep would follow you. It certainly isn't the same world we grew up in. At age 9 I would buy a box of .22 shorts for plinking and squirrel hunting for $0.39, now kids can't buy knives, spray paint or glue for model cars. What a sad state of affairs!!! And ponder on this for a minute or two, we all had our own guns or access to them and no-one that I know even thought about taking a gun to school to shoot anyone. What went wrong? It isn't the fact of easy access to guns, it is some societal problem. Possible a parental problem??
    1 point
  32. It's discriminatory when anyone or group of people are not allowed to be involved with, participate in, apply for, bid on, or to be passed over strictly because of the color of their skin. I'm not saying minority owned businesses haven't gotten the shaft in certain situations, but by trying to "right" a "wrong" by reverse discrimination isn't right either. Age old saying, two wrongs don't make it right.
    1 point
  33. I'm afraid that this constant hounding is going to create greater animosity. I would say most people don't think about the race of the people they live with and work around, but if you keep pointing it out eventually its gonna be something people notice and if the hounding keeps happening then animosity will be generated. I think we're on the verge of having a couple of generations out there that don't concern themselves with concepts of race and racism, but then here we are again. I worked retail in a hardware store many years in high-school and college and plenty of white people treated me like an ass. There were a few black people who came in, mostly elderly, who treated me really well. Some not so well. I had a black lady claim I was racist because I didn't help her quickly, truth told, we were busy and she didn't ask. Now I'm just and equal opportunity asshole
    1 point
  34. Got a new toy today. Sometimes it's really good to know people who know people. Thanks again @willis68!
    1 point
  35. I haven't cut myself (yet)... This one will definitely make the carry rotation. It's a great size carry knife for me. I'm more than happy with this ProTech.
    1 point
  36. It seems a bit unusual to me to "dissolve" the NRA when there are allegations of corruption. The normal course is to prosecute/punish the people involved with/in the corruption first and then the organization is fined to some extent. Thinking of the Pilot Oil issue a few years back. Pilot Oil still exists, but some of those involved in the illegal acts are behind bars or trying to avoid jail sentences. Trying to dissolve the NRA is purely a political move IMO. Punish the one's who did wrong and bring in new leaders to correct this issues.
    1 point
  37. The only thing that I would say she was wrong about was the “baseless” part. That’s the worst part about it. We’re here because WLP and his friends put us here.
    1 point
  38. Since the leadership won't even admit there is a problem, the only way this ends is with them crashing and burning.
    1 point
  39. I thought it was presented in such a way that you could make up your own mind. I saw him as a bit odd, but not a nut job. He had plenty of reasons to be angry; both real and perceived.
    1 point
  40. There are targeting laws and policies that cut both ways. Two examples are affirmative action laws, and contracts for minority owned businesses only. While these are designed to give a helping hand and "level the playing field" to a certain group of people, they are still discriminatory to other groups of people.
    1 point
  41. I recently picked up a little LCPII .22 just because and I was pleasantly surprised by the accuracy.
    1 point
  42. Nope. And the death toll isn't high enough given the amount of damage. Terror attack just doesn't add up. Government negligence and ineptitude makes all of the sense in the world.
    1 point
  43. Very different, just not in buying the gun. Sounds like Mr. Curry enjoyed seeing someone your age take responsibility and follow through. Very possibly why he tossed in the bird-shot. Today most people are too worried about letting their kids "be kids" or just too busy to pay attention to them that most kids think loading the dishwasher is hard work. They also do not understand the value of the house they live in, food they eat, or electricity that lights and heats/cools the house, Money is just something they "have" without knowing how to get it beyond a hand out. It is hard to break through all the fake Instagram and Facebook images to teach my kids this. I try though because my parents never let us go hungry or know how tight things were, but we were expected to work when asked and rewarded for good work. I remember helping my Dad on some side job. Maybe it was hanging a ceiling fan in some guy's garage. I was more the age for "hand me a tool" than "climb up on the ladder and do that", but I remember the candy bar, RC Cola, and comic book we picked up at the gas station on the way home. It was a big deal to me. That meant when Dad got me a temp job for a few day with a neighbor that built houses just after I graduated high school, I worked my butt off unload trucks, cleaning up scrap, and whatever I was asked to do. No way was I reflecting bad on Dad.
    1 point
  44. I had a similar situation. In about 1965 or '66 I went into Mr. Curry's Western Auto. I was always in there ogling his guns & knives displays. He let me put a 16 g. H&R Single barrel on layaway (he may have called my Father about it, but I don't know for certain). As I had a full-time job, I paid it off in just 6 weeks. iirc it was around $30.00. He gave me a box of birdshot at no extra charge when I picked it up. I was either 11 or 12. I still have that shotgun and treasure it. The Past was a very different world.
    1 point
  45. Note to self: Don't piss off a guy who owns a muffler shop!
    1 point
  46. Which section of the Duck? In Coffee County, below the dam at Normandy & through the town, around Cortner's mill, it's excellent stocked trout fishing year round. The Elk is better though, around Farris Creek right up to Tim's Ford dam. Im told it's also excellent down steam, but I have no personal experience. The Smallmouth & trout fishing is excellent in both rivers though.
    1 point
  47. Just call the man at the gun store and tell him you’re on the way. That’s all you have to do.
    0 points
  48. https://twitter.com/igorvolsky/status/1291537690635239425?s=19 The guy writing the tweets in the thread I linked above is not an ally of gun owners, but he's basically parsing the juicy details of the lawsuit. The avarice of WLP and friends is just amazing.
    0 points
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