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Here is an update. I had taken my Safety Course on 7/27, DMV visit on 7/29, and fingerprint on 7/30. This is an Enhanced Permit as well. I have been checking the DMV's online services daily, and today it states: "Your application was approved 06-Aug-2020. You should receive the card in the mail between 20-Aug-2020 and 27-Aug-2020." Sounds like I am good to go.6 points
Nope. And the death toll isn't high enough given the amount of damage. Terror attack just doesn't add up. Government negligence and ineptitude makes all of the sense in the world.6 points
I think I said something similar in an earlier post. I’m going to be careful with my wording, because I don’t want you assuming I’m coming at you. I can’t stand the fact that you are insulted by everything I post. Based upon what you’ve written, I assume you are a smart man. That being said, I think our opposition in beliefs is simply a matter of you not understanding that our experiences are vastly different. Your opinions are fine, they are what you know as relates to you, but you can’t box other people’s experiences in the same box as yours. There are far too many variables you would have to relate to without having experienced a walk in my shoes. Please stop taking this stuff personally. We’ve argued on TGO for twelve years, and we’ve yet to solve racism or world peace. Engage and share your opinions. If we differ, it doesn’t make us enemies. Hell I’ve been called the socialist commie for years. Had many disagreements, but we still come back and engage one another. We are here first and foremost because we support the second amendment and love guns.5 points
Good old Wayne "Lopeared" and his advertising buddies should have been run out and tarred and feathered a long time ago. I am a Benefactor member but will never give another penny until old Wayne and his cronies are gone.5 points
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4 points
Their corruption was detrimental to the needs of the membership. Regardless if they were the big dog, it’s not good to be stealing funds that people send to you with the expectation that you will use those funds to lobby on their behalf.4 points
There are targeting laws and policies that cut both ways. Two examples are affirmative action laws, and contracts for minority owned businesses only. While these are designed to give a helping hand and "level the playing field" to a certain group of people, they are still discriminatory to other groups of people.4 points
It's discriminatory when anyone or group of people are not allowed to be involved with, participate in, apply for, bid on, or to be passed over strictly because of the color of their skin. I'm not saying minority owned businesses haven't gotten the shaft in certain situations, but by trying to "right" a "wrong" by reverse discrimination isn't right either. Age old saying, two wrongs don't make it right.3 points
If anything, that timing is likely to help the GOP more than it will the DNC. I think this gives weight to “they’ll take your guns” and some folks might vote Republican who might otherwise be kind of blasé this cycle.3 points
I'm afraid that this constant hounding is going to create greater animosity. I would say most people don't think about the race of the people they live with and work around, but if you keep pointing it out eventually its gonna be something people notice and if the hounding keeps happening then animosity will be generated. I think we're on the verge of having a couple of generations out there that don't concern themselves with concepts of race and racism, but then here we are again. I worked retail in a hardware store many years in high-school and college and plenty of white people treated me like an ass. There were a few black people who came in, mostly elderly, who treated me really well. Some not so well. I had a black lady claim I was racist because I didn't help her quickly, truth told, we were busy and she didn't ask. Now I'm just and equal opportunity asshole3 points
3 points
I agree. I believe we’ve had this discussion before. Most blacks that I know are conservative by nature. If there wasn’t the perception of exclusion and hatred coming from Republicans, mainly politicians, democrats would never get black votes. The democrats are smart enough to lie and give unfulfilled promises, while the republicans don’t even try.3 points
I've tried many products of a similar nature. As much as I love Trij and I still do, Holo's red or green dots where the only ones that I didn't have to put my glasses on to see the dot clearer.er.er.er..... lol. But seriously. I've tried them all. What Holo does differently is beyond me. My astigmatism screws with my eyes vs dots... If you have astigmatism, try one before you buy. See if you feel the same way. BTW, nobody else throws a solar panel on top. Can't believe Trij would crab about any of this other than Holo is stealing some of their profits. Oh well. Competition is a biotch.3 points
I put 200 rounds through the Tisas 1911 this morning. I used 230 grain Winchester FMJ in the white box and didn't have any malfunctions. I had four 8 round magazines, the one Tisas supplied, and three Promag 1911 ACP mags. I thought the Promags didn't fit at first because they were really tight. I cycled them about 20 times apiece and they developed wear marks on the to corners of the mag and loosened up quickly. I really like the gun -- as I said, its my first 1911 and the trigger is better than any of my striker fired 9's. The trigger breaks consistently just over 5 lbs and has a very crisp break. It was so good, the first few magazines I fired with my Springfield XDS 9 was all over the place. Here are the first three targets I shot from 7 yards. There are 16 shot at each bullseye. I'm a competent shooter, but I wouldn't consider myself an expert by any means. Here's the first two magazines with the XDS9, also 8 round mags. Here's the sixth magazine for comparison. It was a 7 round magazine and I'm sure the flyer is my fault. It too me that long to get used to the Springfield trigger after the Tisas. I'll shoot the other way around next time.3 points
They still haven’t sent me my free knife from when I renewed my membership years ago.3 points
The problem was not nearly eliminated. Prior to Obama most of society had decided that regardless of your feelings towards other ethnicities, it was in poor taste to be openly racist. Again, I say most. There were several times when taking my kid back to school in Tuscaloosa where I blew my horn and waved at the KKK standing on the corner in the middle of the day. Then you can add the birth certificate conspiracy from a man who won’t release his taxes and the only leadership skills he has is hatred, throwing people under the bus and lying.3 points
Well it does happen to black people. It happened recently and a kid ended up dead because of it. He was black and walking down the street. His blackness was so terrifying that a woman called the cops on him. Look up Elijah McClain. That's not an isolated incident. Laws and policies have been put into place in this country that target certain groups of people. If you want to draw a line and say that they target those below the poverty line, fine. But look at the demographics of who is below the poverty line. Black people may be 13 percent of the overall population but they make up 21% (the greatest percentage) of Americans living below the poverty line. Mandatory sentencing laws and plea bargains are examples of these.3 points
What are you sorry for? NOW we are supposed to listen and care about the opinions of celebrities because it aligns with your point of view? Come on now. Either we listen to celebrities all the time, or none of the time. You can't have both.3 points
3 points
The documentary instead paints as him a nut job. And since Marvin isn't with us to dispute anything that they say, they get away with it.3 points
I had a similar situation. In about 1965 or '66 I went into Mr. Curry's Western Auto. I was always in there ogling his guns & knives displays. He let me put a 16 g. H&R Single barrel on layaway (he may have called my Father about it, but I don't know for certain). As I had a full-time job, I paid it off in just 6 weeks. iirc it was around $30.00. He gave me a box of birdshot at no extra charge when I picked it up. I was either 11 or 12. I still have that shotgun and treasure it. The Past was a very different world.3 points
Things are not getting easier for the NRA. Air your dirty laundry in public - turns out somebody might notice. https://www.npr.org/2020/08/06/899712823/new-york-attorney-general-moves-to-dissolve-the-nra-after-fraud-investigation Regardless of what you feel about the suit on its face - the NRA kind of walked into this with their lavish spending.2 points
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2 points
I have astigmatism, so I prefer prism scopes and dots. I use green CT lasers on a few pistols. At last count I have six RMRs. After reading David’s Holosun thread I have purchased three Holosun products. I can say without a doubt so far the green circle and dot reticle is a game changer for me.2 points
Got a new toy today. Sometimes it's really good to know people who know people. Thanks again @willis68!2 points
Pilot is a private company based in TN. The NRA is a non-profit chartered in NY, a State that has vast powers over “charitable” organizations. Not really comparable at all. Not only does NY want to dissolve the NRA, they want all the remaining assets forfeited to be given to other “charitable” organizations.2 points
Exactly. But then black folks overwhelmingly vote for the very people who enact these laws.2 points
The only thing that I would say she was wrong about was the “baseless” part. That’s the worst part about it. We’re here because WLP and his friends put us here.2 points
This was very well stated. I don’t feel like arguing today, so I’ll just add one thing and leave this alone. So many people equate privilege with wealth and prosperity, therefore if one is not financially well off they do not feel privileged. Unless you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth, most people regardless of color who have achieved a certain level of comfort in this world did so because they worked their butts off. That does away with the argument that because you’re poor and hard working you’re not privileged. I like how @Capbyrd described what we are experiencing as systemic bias, systemic racism puts too many people on the defensive.2 points
I'll probably be castigated for saying this, but I honestly feel like we had just about eliminated this problem until Obama became president. ANd I'm not talking about because he was black. I could name half a dozen other black people I would have liked to see become President instead.2 points
I agree; “white privilege” is preposterous in 2020. But of course it’s something that can’t be proven; so it will be argued from now to eternity. People are going to believe what they want. Money privilege absolutely exists. Money not only gives you power, but it allows you to hire the best when you need them. Poor people, regardless of race don’t have that power.2 points
Did anyone ever call the cops on you for simply existing? Did anyone ever pass laws that targeted your subculture with harsher penalties than another? White privilege exists but privilege might be a misnomer. I'd hesitate to call it systemic racism but our country definitely still suffers from systemic bias. And that bias makes it sometimes harder for certain groups of people to rise to the same levels as other groups of people.2 points
I've had a couple Beretta 21As in 22LR. They are teeny, well made little buggers, and handy as all get out. However, the sights only seem to have a very casual relationship, at best, with the point of impact.2 points
I haven't seen any credible news source with information that it was a terrorist attack. It wasn't a fireworks factory but the warehouse that burned could have easily had fireworks in it. A fire started in warehouse 9 of the port area. It spread to warehouse 12 where the ammonium nitrate from an abandoned ship had been stored since 2014. I posted a pretty detailed account of that debacle a few posts back.2 points
IMO,, it's a civil argument at this point in time, subject to change in the not too distant future. Enjoy your conversation/discussion, etc. etc..1 point
As absolutely terrible as the NRA is, until we have a stronger GOA or other substitute, we need them. NRA President Carolyn Meadows released a statement. She isn't completely wrong.1 point
Didn’t these stories start leaking out a couple of years ago when it became public knowledge that the NRA was struggling financially?1 point
This is an example of the worst, most insulting, most blatant form of racism I can imagine; the soft bigotry of low expectations. Let’s pretend your kid and my kid apply for the same college. They are equal in every way. Same clubs in high school, same ACT scores, everything. There is only one spot available. Guess who’s going to that school. Why? Affirmative action. To me this implies that the government thinks your kid is somehow inferior to mine, so he needs a helping hand. I do not agree with that assessment. I don’t expect you do either.1 point
I'd bet they weren't left out because of racial discrimination, they were left out because their bids were not adequately low. Possibly because that sort of system is kinda geared for the big boys who can afford to bid lower or have a smaller profit margin. Fair? Maybe, maybe not, but not racist at all.1 point
How is this discriminatory when small and minority businesses were being left out of working on large projects because the same large companies were repeatedly getting the contracts? My cousin was a small business owner prior to the Memphis Pyramid project, and because the city was forced to allow small companies to bid and work on the project, they now have a nice sized business that routinely gets larger contracts and affords them a very good lifestyle. It’s repeatedly shown that many in this country will only do the right thing only if they are forced to do so.1 point
I guess maybe it is because I have never actually sat down and thought about this problem until recently but I must agree we do have a serious problem that needs to be addressed. I don't feel that all the protests and rioting and looting is not going to solve what is going on! If anything it is going to make everything worse.(opinion) Marin Luther King said it best when he said if we are to be accepted as equals, Violence is not the answer. I know I am not a smart man but not a dumb one either. I guess I have not paid enough attention to this problem because I never considered being white as a privilege and was just part of life. I am beginning to learn more as people explain things in ways I can understand better. I will pay much more attention in what little future I have left.1 point
Not having a lot of Red dot/RMR experience, I can't say a great deal intelligently on this forthcoming debate/debacle. But having looked at/thru some of them over the last month or so...I came to the conclusion that the Holosun products were where I was going with my purchase. I have, in the last 7 days ordered 3 Holosun products. An HE510c GR-V2, an HE507c GR-V2, and the HM 3X magnifier. Now for full disclosure, I did order the 510c by mistake. In all the looking, I thought it was the pistol use model. Since it was scheduled for delivery next day, it was too late to cancel. After this was pointed out to me, I ordered the 507c. I was deliberating on whether to keep it or send it back. Well, thanks to a little trigger time with Cojo87, and the use of several of his Holosun equipped firearms; I feel very comfortable with my purchases. I'm keeping the 510 for an AR, or maybe a Scorpion mount. That's yet to be determined. And since I'm going to keep the 510c, I ordered the HM 3X to go along with it. For me, I found the magnifier to be an absolute joy to use. It helped me see much better, and seemed to remove what little flare I saw from the sight on a DAMN fine rifle of Cojo's that I got to shoot. But that's another story. Clarity was fantastic with it, not like a few budget magnifiers I have seen. So, "infringement" or just glorified copy of another manufacturer's product...I made the choice that was right for me. Using the standard of economic feasibility( what I could afford) and what I liked...Holosun was for me. After reading the comments on the above linked article, I haven't changed my mind. The back and forth over who actually owns Holosun, and where it's roots lie got to be sort of fun to read though.1 point
I do believe it's an advantage to be white in this country. It probably isn't in Namibia or Thailand, but it is here. In any country where there's a dominant majority of any sort (ethnic, religious, political, whatever) there is discrimination against minorities. Being a member of the majority group helps avoid that discrimination and is thus advantageous.1 point
They're around. I've seen two (that I can remember...) on my local guns for sale website in the last month or so.1 point
Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit on his hands, hoist theblack flag, and begin to slit throats. H. L. Mencken1 point
These are fantastic. The small size will pick up everything from 380 and up https://d2y5sgsy8bbmb8.cloudfront.net/v2/552efdac-f34e-5efb-872c-61334e892aef/ShortForm-Generic-480p-16-9-1409173089793-rpcbe5.mp41 point
Ah, thanks man. I appreciate the kind words. I'm just trying to share what I've learned to make it easier for others. If I were wanting a lighter weight, affordable, hammer fired gun with an RMR these days, I think I'd probably pick up a CZ P-07 and have someone like Cajun Gun Works, JaegerWerks, Primary Machine, etc. mill the slide for me and cook up something like this...1 point
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