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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/31/2020 in all areas

  1. While on the road in Alabama, I stopped in at Hoover Tactical... I had just started my research into the world of semi auto .308 rifles, so was just looking. Ended up with walking out with an HK91 When I saw it, I assumed it was a PTR91 or Century C308; both of which I've handled at Bud's and wasn't a fan. Salesman says, "it's a real one." "A real one what?" "Not a clone or kit, it's nice, here, check it out." I agonized over the decision and justified through, "they ain't making them anymore, they are desirable, it should appreciate, and I know a guy who would probably sell one of his damaged kidneys if I had to sell in a pinch." It's LNIB, except for some marring around the election port. Round count has to be low, there is still finish on the tip of the firing pin and breech face shows no wear. There is little noticeable wear on the metal on metal bits that slide. Came with the test fire docs, dated 10 Nov 1980, unused cleaning kit, manual, shell deflector (? - it's the part in the pic below the stock) sling and 6 mags. Spent way more than I had budgeted, I thought a Springfield M1A variant was iny future. I think I need a bipod.
    9 points
  2. My idea of a survival gun is surely something belt fed. I do, however have a good example of a more traditional idea of a survival gun. It is an H&R 058 Topper youth model with two barrels. One is 30-30 Winchester, and the other is 20 gauge with modified choke. My father bought his for me new when I was 10 years old. He paid $100 for it at D&D Ace Hardware in Lafayette. Although it has seen a lot of use, it is still in good condition. I still have the box, paperwork, and receipt. I should dig it out of the back of the safe and make some pictures sometime. It is responsible for the demise of untold numbers of deer, coyote, turtles, snakes, dove, quail, rabbit, and squirrel. Probably not worth a lot to a collector, but it holds many fond memories for me. It will keep a man fed if he does his part.
    4 points
  3. Now as for me on the mask issue. I will be going off this property on Saturday for the first time since March. I have to go to the bank and get a new debit card as my has been blocked by my bank. My Bank blocked a purchase when a guy in New Jersey attempted to use a debit card that had been made on a computer. They were able to actually catch the guy trying to use it when store security took him into custody right at the check out counter. My banker called me at 9:05 AM to ask me if I was in New Jersey at the present time and I told Stacy at the present time I am 5 miles from you here in Gordonsville. She said thank you and told me what had happened and that the bank electronic department was the ones that blocked the purchase and alerted the store to the bogus card. The bank was later notified that he had several other bogus cards from a few other people in Tennessee. I am very thankful knowing my banks electronics division is so very efficient in their job. Anyway back to the mask issue. I will be wearing a Mask when I go to the bank that I got from a member here. Stacy at the bank said all of the bank employees are required to wear them but customers are not but I will be wearing mine. I'm 72 years old and have several other health issues that make me a prime target for that CRUD so no sense in tempting fate any more than I have too and being macho or stupid. I will also have a small pocket size bottle of hand sanitizer and once I leave the bank I will be using it also.
    4 points
  4. Get an optic that doesn't eat batteries. The Trijicon RMR is proven and built for battle. I have four of them. I change their batteries on my birthday and Christmas day. I certainly don't need to change them that often but batteries are cheap and this is cheap insurance. My Holosun 508T-v1 has even better battery life but I change it once a year as well. The solar panel on top of it helps keep it running longer than optics with battery only. I haven't had to change the battery in the Sig Romeo-1 Pro yet but I'll do it the same as the RMR. Twice a year, for insurance. Would I really own this many red dots on handguns and have switched to exclusively carrying handguns with red dots if they weren't proven and reliable and offered a significant advantage? Stick to reputable brands with good track records and you will be fine. Trijicon and Holosun, yes. Sig Romeo, only if it's the Pro series. Not a fan of the Leupold Delta Point Pro, Swamp Fox, or Vortex. Go watch any of the Sage Dynamics video reviews of red dot optics on YouTube. Buy the ones that he beats the living hell out of and still work at the end. (Pretty much the list I just posted.) https://www.youtube.com/user/SageDynamics
    4 points
  5. I hope you don't mind someone from Texas commenting on your Tennessee forum. I found this old thread while looking for reviews on the Tisas products. Despite the angst expressed by the OP, I went ahead and ordered a 1911 Duty model in 45 ACP from SDS Imports for $449. Its my first 1911 and I'm hoping it works as good as it looks. I just didn't want to spend $800 on what is really an impulse purchase. I think there have been improvements to the lineup since SDS took over and the guns have received pretty good reviews over the last 2-3 years. Got my fingers crossed. BTW, this thread is still pretty high up on the web search results, it was number 5 on my google search.
    2 points
  6. Please let us know when it arrives and share your thoughts. That’s still a lot of pounds but y’all drug up an old obsession.
    2 points
  7. Well, it finally happened and hit somewhat close to home for me. A colleague at work came down with COVID about a week and a half ago and succumbed to it last night via related complications. Their family was having to make the awful decision today to remove them from life support. I sucks that this virus seems so laughable until it strikes someone in the .0001% for which it is fatal. I suppose the exact same thing can be said of the flu, but I can't tell you the last time I heard of a person who was walking around healthy one week and dead the next because of the flu.
    2 points
  8. Ah, thanks man. I appreciate the kind words. I'm just trying to share what I've learned to make it easier for others. If I were wanting a lighter weight, affordable, hammer fired gun with an RMR these days, I think I'd probably pick up a CZ P-07 and have someone like Cajun Gun Works, JaegerWerks, Primary Machine, etc. mill the slide for me and cook up something like this...
    2 points
  9. Well it's time to update!! My 1 small hummer got another after about 2 weeks and now I have about 20-25 birds fighting over 5 feeders!! My daughter came back to see it and she said she couldn't believe that I have so many birds of all sizes and she brought her feeder back here and added it to my 5 and now have birds fighting over 6 feeders...……..LOL She said she didn't think I would get any since they have lived here 18 years and seldom got any birds on her feeder. Next year GOD willing I will be adding a few more feeders and I am looking at planting a vine that will grow up the posts from the ground to the railing and along my wooden deck that has a horn type flower that blooms in late spring and keeps blooming all summer and the Hummingbirds are suppose to love the nectar the flowers produce. Then the birds will have options on what to eat. I have a friend that lives in Castilian Springs and he has the vines and 10 feeders and he told me the other day that he has about 40 to 50 birds and him and his wife can sit out on their deck and have birds buzzing passed them all evening. He said it's funny when one will stop right up in front of him and hover and just look him over with no sign of fear at all. My birds are getting use to seeing me on the deck when I am filling the feeders and they will even hover near me till I hang the feeder back up and then they will go directly to it and start feeding. It is amazing how something so small can give me so much pleasure just watching them!!!
    2 points
  10. I'm obviously a Swiss Army knife fan. But, I love some of the classic slip joints that Great Eastern Cutlery has been issuing over the last few years. One of my current favorites is their #62 pocket carver: https://www.dlttrading.com/great-eastern-62-farm-field-pocket-carver-natural-linen-micarta-526 My all time favorite of theirs is a reworked sodbuster that Smith and Sons regularly puts out and calls the mudbug: https://smithandsonsknives.wazala.com/category/available-now/ Those are both 1095 carbon steel - so they're pretty easy to get blisteringly sharp.
    2 points
  11. At those prices, you could actually buy one of each and have $40.00 nearly leftover.
    2 points
  12. I thought this would be a good addition to my knife collection. While I’m not willing to invest in an original there are a couple of quality reproductions. Sheffield Cutlery offers a reproduction in both a polished blade or black. https://www.amazon.com/sheffieldcutleryshop-GENUINE-COMMANDO-SHEFFIELD-FAIRBAIRN/dp/B07CV21YG3/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=sheffieldcutleryshop&qid=1595509787&sr=8-2 Gerber makes a spin off of this knife called the Mark II. It was used quite a bit in Vietnam. I don’t care for a serrated blade, and that appears to be the only way they make it. But I’ve been very happy with the quality of everything I’ve had from Gerber. https://www.amazon.com/Gerber-Mark-II-Knife-22-01874/dp/B0017KXAGS/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2U67LTZBTLTCJ&dchild=1&keywords=gerber+mark+2&qid=1595511159&sprefix=Gerber+Mark%2Caps%2C178&sr=8-1 Please posts comments or pics of your fighting knifes.
    1 point
  13. Bang on, Sir. Having just eyeballed(sorry for the terrible pun) them and having a couple of green lasers, I'm definitely in it for the added visibility. Red dots just seem to all blur out on me, and I find them harder to find the dot. Now that might be just my inexperience with them, but I do favor the green. Couple with the side access for battery, and the shake awake feature...I believe I've made my decision.
    1 point
  14. Green dots have some distinct advantages. A lot of folks find the green dots / reticles a lot easier to see and faster to recognize. The human eye sees green something like 30% easier than it does red, so as a result a green reticle or dot seems far brighter than a red dot or reticle at the same illumination level. This means you can dial down the illumination on a green dot and get better battery life. The one thing I've heard "against" green dots, and it's a very nit-picky sort of thing, is that they can be harder to see when the field of view has a lot of greens or brightly lit foliage. It seems that just bumping the power up in those situations would be an easy fix. I am also hearing that older eyes pick up the green dots easier too. That's not a slight on you, Hipower. My eyes aren't near as young as they used to be either. The 507C and 508T do both use the same mounting footprint as the Trijicon RMR and SRO. Generally, they will be compatible with any mounting system made for the RMR. The only exception might be a gun that was precision milled for an RMR. My M&P 2.0 Compact is like that. It was milled specifically for an RMR and the Holosun 508T that I have is just different enough around the leading edge radius that it won't fit that gun. Really aggrivating. But mass produced stuff? Should work just fine!
    1 point
  15. Fundamentally I agree. There are few things that the Holosun 507C an 508T bring to the table that I'd like to see Trijicon do, proving that Holosun really is out there innovating and not just following. 1. The Ring-Dot reticle can be very useful and is a nice option 2. The larger window of the 507 and 508 as compared to the RMR makes for quicker, easier dot acquisition without being as large as, and being more robust than, the Trijicon SRO. 3. The solar panel is a heck of a nice feature. 4. The V2 variants of those two from Holosun have that "FINALLY!!!" side-loading battery door that keep you from having to remove the optic from the gun just to change batteries. I bought another RMR RM07 a few days ago to put a dot back on one of my M&Ps. I wanted to do a Holosun HE508T-V2 but Holosun keeps dragging their butts on releasing it in any sort of quantity that effectively makes it available.
    1 point
  16. Ten pounds. Just a little over thirteen dollars.
    1 point
  17. I’ve had one good friend and several acquaintances pass from it, and I know dozens who had it with no issues. I also know one lady who had a rough go of it but recovered. Who knows?
    1 point
  18. That is close David, keep your chin up and all. We had a young man get it from another office, he snapped out of it in 4 days. We have another man down with it now, in the hospital for a week now, have not heard any word yet.
    1 point
  19. Nice buy!!! We have a clone, works flawless, ever with steel case ammo. Forgot to add, ours slings a spent case better than 30 feet, set up a tarp to catch the spent cases if you want to keep them.
    1 point
  20. For a blade under 2", I might go with a Kershaw Scallion or Chive. Those are both assisted opening - and can be had for under $40 out the door.
    1 point
  21. 14C28N hasn't been universally well received. It was developed for Kershaw who wanted something with corrosion resistance. It doesn't have the best edge retention qualities. Honestly, if I were going to go with an automatic - I'd probably stick to one of the known brands to avoid disappointment.
    1 point
  22. Sweet! I have rifles of all types for all applications. But If I could only have one it would be a magazine fed .308 Semi-Auto. They can do anything. (Well, they aren’t great for killing squirrels if you want to eat them, but you know what I mean. )
    1 point
  23. Thanks for the heads up. I just purchased one. I watched a movie on Prime a few days ago about the six men who earned these daggers or similar prior to going on secret mission to steal German radar secrets.
    1 point
  24. I did ask all of those questions when I was discussing the mask issue and she said they don't require an appointment because they are located in a small town and never have more than 1 or 2 people in the bank at 1 time so social distancing is not a problem at the present time. The tellers now have glass shields up in front of them also when you do business inside the bank. They have 2 people working the drive up now cause many people have started using drive up a lot more. I was always using drive up before the pandemic and would again except I have to go inside and get my new card and sign some papers. I am adding a second checking account also and will be getting a second Debit card. I have never felt comfortable putting my only checking account debit card number on line for regular monthly withdrawals for things like St. Jude's, ASPCA and Wounded Warriors and have been mailing them checks every month. With this new account I will just transfer funds into the account to cover the withdraws of those 3 accounts and there will be a $100.00 remaining n the account to keep it open and active. My banker (Stacy) told me they have several people that also do that so it is a good plan. That's why I have to go inside this time.
    1 point
  25. I've got a few small Boker folders. They don't get used hard but have been perfectly serviceable.
    1 point
  26. You might want to call the bank first before you go. My bank requires you to have an appointment to enter the building.
    1 point
  27. Agreed. To further this point, if you have never owned an Alox SAK, you have been missing out. Depending on which size, a Pioneer or Cadet would potentially be perfect.
    1 point
  28. Can't go wrong with a swiss army knife, many models to choose from.
    1 point
  29. https://www.buckknives.com/product/505-knight-knife/0505RWS-B/
    1 point
  30. Ocassionally see MarkII and MarkI knives on ebay but they are expensive.
    1 point
  31. I used to work at Schrade Ellenville back in the 70's oiling leather sheaths by the thousands. I grew up in that area. And Yes, the old Walden Schrades are very collectable. Great blade steel in those knives for sure. A buddy of mine opened up the Napanoch Knife museum. Hes a walking taking encyclopedia of collector knive info. Schrade being a favorite of his. Come to think of it, I worked in Walden also! They have a super max state prison there. I Officered in that S**T hole.
    1 point
  32. My safes have manually operated locks.
    1 point
  33. Not according to Marine Artillery in the 80's. I've been on howitzers and guns. Found this to explain: https://zittara.com/2018/08/07/difference-artillery-howitzer-mortar-gun/
    1 point
  34. There are thousands of coffee mugs, cans, and bottles full of coins in homes. When banks try to charge people who bring bulk coins in, they quit doing it. That and credit cards means circulation has dropped drastically in the last 6 months.
    1 point
  35. Never have been fan of dirty money and much less so now. Debit card for me...
    1 point
  36. I have seen front sights come off, fiber optics break as well. Have experienced front and rear sights loosening and shifting as well. Murphey's Law alive and well.
    1 point
  37. ...and the most ardent Glock fans change the sights within hours of buying the gun.
    1 point
  38. I liked your post and am quoting it so I can say again how much I like it. Cuck Fheaper Than Dirt.
    1 point
  39. Thank you to dwhorton37013! I enjoyed meeting you this afternoon and the ammo is appreciated!
    1 point
  40. FYI, The newer Gerber brand knives are not what they use to be...
    1 point
  41. The Fairbairn-Sykes has always been a favorite of mine but originals were crazy expensive even when I was a kid, so I got this Gerber Mark II in 1981.
    1 point
  42. Since the masks most of us have access to aren't capable of protecting is from others, but rather are intended to protect others from us, this really seems to me a lot like a thumb in the eye from you to all your nearby coworkers. Has anyone called you on it yet?
    1 point
  43. The average battery life of the optics designed for a handgun measure in the tens of thousands of hours. So you’re changing a battery every 1-3 years, if even that often. Something else that’s common is a “shake awake” feature where quick movement causes the RDS to turn itself on. So when deciding whether or not to use a RDS on a handgun, the question of battery life has been asked and answered and it’s not a concern.
    1 point
  44. get your mind out of the gutter Quav and you won't have any problems with it...…….
    0 points
  45. Use your belt to rack a Glock with oem sights a few times and you’ll find out.
    0 points
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