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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/30/2020 in all areas
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Actually, the bank has to pay the armored car service to deliver the coin in bulk (bags or rolled), so it actually reduces the CU's overall operating expenses by a small amount, which is returned to the CU's customers.2 points
Yeah I guess you're right. For some reason I was thinking you'd posted new cases had dropped recently. Looking at the data it seems to fluctuate.2 points
The Monarch's is made in Japan but got the good steel. Dont really see many of them much anymore. I really like the old Schrade knife's with the carbon steel. I'll buy any I can get if the price is right.2 points
Interesting to see cases go down a few weeks after the mask mandate. Obviously we can't prove the masks are helping but it certainly hasn't made things worse.2 points
I have seen front sights come off, fiber optics break as well. Have experienced front and rear sights loosening and shifting as well. Murphey's Law alive and well.2 points
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On paper, for sure. It's more of a goodwill effort towards with the local business community.1 point
The trend has been rising. I suspect that this is an blimp and expect the cases to go back up tomorrow.1 point
Same here. That and the fact that the goon checking guns slammed my mint model 70 Winchester onto the table top ensures I won’t be back.1 point
I have a Shrade similar to that, but am not familiar with a Monarch. It is a good looking knife. I.’did say you did quite well.1 point
There are thousands of coffee mugs, cans, and bottles full of coins in homes. When banks try to charge people who bring bulk coins in, they quit doing it. That and credit cards means circulation has dropped drastically in the last 6 months.1 point
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"Krylon® Fusion All-In-One™ is a best-in-class product that bonds to difficult surfaces such as plastics and ready-to-assemble furniture without sanding or priming."1 point
Something must have changed, I was tested two weeks ago and it wasn't unpleasant at all.1 point
Not exactly. Mortar, howitzer and guns refer to the common trajectory classification. Motars shoot high trajectory, guns shoot low trajectory, with howitzers being in the middle range.1 point
It's not a production shortage but rather a distribution shortage from people spending less with paper money and coins. A lot of folks went electronic.1 point
We want to see the fugly one!!! I carry my little LCP a lot. In fact I might or might not have it in my pocket now.1 point
Only 108 new cases reported in Knox County this morning, but 4 more deaths. That brings the total to 31. To add some perspective to that, we went from sometime in April til July 2 with only 5 deaths. Since July 2, we've had 26 deaths or almost a death a day in Knox County. I believe today's count of 4 is the highest one day total. Age Breakdowns for Deaths are as follows. 0-17______ 0 18-44_____ 3 45-64_____ 8 65-74_____ 3 75+ ______ 17 You old geezers need to stay home and wear your damn masks! https://covid.knoxcountytn.gov/case-count.html1 point
Having gone through the test and being able to testify what an unpleasant experience it was, there's no way kids are going to come back for another test after having one. (If it's being done correctly)1 point
"Come on man" Put a few pictures of the ugly little piece of art up!! Some folks like "UGLY"1 point
I've had a "mouser" since that fateful day many years back when I walked into Specialty Arms II and found an LCP with a laser attached. Paid entirely too darn much for it, but it was just after the craze hit. Lightweght, snappy, and dependable. Expect to own it until I leave here. I do have a funky greenish yellow keltec one that is so ugly I'm embarrassed to mention though.1 point
@Handsome Rob, you know those cheesey teenage coming-of-age movies where a popular character takes the ugly ducking character under their wing, gives them a makeover, and all of a sudden they're an attractive person? (Though anyone with a brain and eyes could see all along what was underneath the glasses, bad haircut, and lack of style...) I fully expect to see a makeover video montage of the makeover when this rifle is finished.1 point
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From what I can tell, rifles (bolt action) aren’t registered in NY State; they do require a permit in NYC. There is a “disposition form” she will have to fill out, although I couldn’t find it. To transfer that rifle she has to use a New York FFL. If your Mother gave you that rifle when you were living in NY, it appears to me you could bring that rifle to Tennessee, without an FFL transfer, and without violating any Federal, NY State or Tennessee laws. However, the unknown here is the NYC laws. Since I can’t find the “disposition form” its hard to tell how she is legally required to transfer it. If she is required to use a NY FFL (I would guess that is the case), They will need to transfer it to a TN FFL. You might do better asking this question on a NYC gun forum.1 point
...and the most ardent Glock fans change the sights within hours of buying the gun.1 point
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Rick Moranis and Ellen Greene might have sent them. They were last known to have plants in their yard.1 point
I liked your post and am quoting it so I can say again how much I like it. Cuck Fheaper Than Dirt.1 point
Fyi..... I moved here from England. Believe me brother, I feel your pain..... However, shipping a rifle TO TN from NY, even from NYC is as simple as I posted.1 point
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The Adirondacks and New York City are like two different countries, not even remotely related. For instance, New York State handgun licensees are banned from carrying in NYC, though the license is fine for the rest of the State. All firearms have to be registered in NYC, and you must have a license to even keep long guns in your home, and the home premises licenses are very difficult to obtain. I'm originally from the Adirondacks. and my wife was a NYC resident. If I made the 6 hour trip to NYC, I had to completely disarm, even pocket knife sizes are regulated. Needless to say, it was rare indeed when I visited the Big Apple. Folks in Tennessee don't realize how fortunate they are, and I love the 2nd Amendment freedom that we have here in Tennessee.1 point
I think the “and” is going to get you. It doesn’t seem you have met the 10 year part. Just my thought.1 point
This year made my 2nd year ever fishing for Crappie and my best year of fishing for them. I might catch bigger later on but for Watts Bar these are dang good fish and my personal best. Dont know the weight just got the measurements. The black went 16 1/4in and 12.5in Girth. The white went 15in with a 12in girth. All I know is they sure are good to look at so the $310 was well spent. I used a old piece of barn wood and stained the edges with Minwax Red Mahogany 225 to get that burnt look on the outer edges. And used Cocunut Oil for the rest to keep the color lighter.1 point
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Last one of those I went to was not worth the price of admittance so have not been to another one. I would not go again even if there was no pandemic!!1 point
I have a couple of buddies that reload, and I thought I'd buy me the Dillon equipment to start reloading myself during the two year Obamazation shortage. Along with no one being able to obtain ammo, no one could find powder or primers for reloading, so everyone was still in the same boat. It's more expensive but, it's just easier for me to stock up on ammo rather than everything needed to reload. And at my age, I only have so many bend overs to pick up casings, maybe 4 or five?1 point
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And if you add to that those who randomly spread a deadly virus because their too stupid to follow safe practices you've you have a nice little deadly package.1 point
Zombies are not real, Zambies are another thing, you know the ones that car jack, B&E, push drugs, you know the kind.1 point
Use your belt to rack a Glock with oem sights a few times and you’ll find out.0 points
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I suffer from the same contagious condition; it's more contagious than the current virus. However; I've found some relief in combating the symptoms and effects of carrying something home, and you sure don't want to 'give' it to another. Just carry small quantities of cash, leave debit and credit cards at home [or better yet, cut them up] and most importantly... Make sure when it runs across you, you're over a 1/2 days trip from from there. This gives you pause because you can not return on the same day to take it home and gives you time to ensure the adoption is legitimate. It gets tiring and hurts just being a foster guardian in many examples of this contagion. Also before you leave home, it doesn't hurt to show the wife the massive gun collection you already have in your safe and your possible intention of adding another orphan to it. Personally speaking; this normally delays your departure by 1-3 hours, listening to the abusive language and reasoning of how that money could be better spent or saved Please take two aspirin and call me in the morning if this problem persists. I'm here to help...0 points
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