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I never underestimate the ignorance of the general public. I hope you are right for all of our sakes.4 points
Baseball lost me in the strike years. The other sports lost me with the kneeling and taking sides on the flag. These clowns, so called pro athletes, are overpaid. Yes they are good at what they do, but not worth millions. Just my $0.023 points
Just picked these two beauty's up today and got them for a great deal. Payed $40 for both, the Buck didn't have a sheath and the Schrade dont have the right one. But for the years both knives is in great shape.3 points
2 points
Why anyone follows pro sports I’ll never understand but I’m horrified to see what college football brings this year. As far as Fauci throwing a baseball who gives a ####?2 points
2 points
If I was in your situation, I wouldn't even hesitate. Very good reviews https://www.midwayusa.com/product/10206935722 points
Want to bet that they are all 'Felons in Possession'? Kind of makes other points moot.2 points
That doesn’t look like a brace, it looks like a stock to me. I don’t pretend to know all the NFA laws, but I don’t think you can legally put a hand stop on a pistol?? But, will any of that matter? I doubt it, they were shooting at a Police station. My guess is that will be okay with Metro Prosecutors and the Mayor.2 points
Wear em if it makes you feel good about yourself! Don’t tell me to wear one and I won’t tell you not to. We sure have a lot of commies here for a gun forum.2 points
2 points
Great topic and thread! Thank you @Grayfox54! @Moped started a thread on this a few years back remembering Marshall St.John's Mousegunner site. Here's a link to that thread and his site. http://www.mouseguns.com/index.htm I've owned a Raven in 25 acp and it was indeed stupid reliable for such a cheap, and cheaply made, little handgun. Oh yeah, and a Jennings in .22! And I actually carried an AMT .380 BU that was incredibly reliable with ball ammo. But that was back in the 1980's and I no longer have them. I obviously need want an LCP! Claude Werner, the esteemed "Tactical Professor", has some interesting and very positive things to say regarding Pocket Pistols and their role in civilian defensive shooting use in this Lucky Gunner/Chris Baker interview from 2018. Great discussion on Context! https://tacticalprofessor.wordpress.com/2018/10/02/conversation-about-pocket-pistols/2 points
Ok, I admit to a strange fascination with the so-called "Mouse Guns". There's just something about these little, small caliber guns that appeals to me and over the years I've acquired several of them. Yeah, I know all the arguments against them. "If the bad guy realizes he's been shot...yadda,yadda,yadda." However, these small guns do have their place. I think everybody should have a gun for those times when they can't carry a gun. The first thing you need to understand is that with these tiny, small caliber pistols is that you have to change tactics. Forget center mass. These guns are meant to be used at bad breath distances. Instead, stick the gun right in the bad guys face and pull the trigger. Several times. If you're lucky, the bullet may enter through an eye socket or sinus cavity and go directly into the brain resulting in immediate incapacitation. However, don't count on it. Instead, while the bad guy is distracted by this sudden pain and blood, you run like Hell! Remember, the primary purpose of a self defense gun is to save your life. What happens to the bad guy is unimportant as long as you survive. .22 vs .25? Personally, I prefer the .25acp. The .22LR may have a slight power advantage, but the .25 is a center fire cartridge. We've all had rimfires that misfired. And frankly, in recent years, misfires with .22s seem to be more and more frequent. The center fire .25 acp is much more reliable. However, in recent years several very small pistols have emerged in .32 acp caliber. Not long ago I acquired a Beretta 3032 Tomcat. Its pretty much the same size as Beretta's .22 and .25 DA/SA offerings in a better caliber. I'm still working with it, but so far, I've grown to like it. Do i recommend a mouse gun as a primary carry? No, of course not. However, there are times when discretion is called for due to dress or social circumstances. That's where these tiny pistols really shine. Then again, they also serve extremely well as a non-intrusive back-up. Here's my mouse collection. Sorry, I'm not much of a photographer. Left to right, top to bottom: 1. Raven 25 Auto: don't laugh. While they are the epitome of the cheap, saturday night special, the darn things work and are totally reliable. 2. PSP-25 (now called the PSA-25): An extremely well made licensed copy of the classic Browning Baby. I think it may be better as mine has a much better trigger. 3. Browning Baby: A true classic which many Police Officers carried as a back-up. 4. Colt Model 1908 Vest Pocket: another classic. 5. Beretta 950B Jetfire: Yet another well known pocket pistol. 6. Beretta 3032 Tomcat: already mentioned 7. Walther TPH: my only .22 as the .25 versions are extremely rare in the country often costing $1000 or more. 8. Taurus PT-25: a DAO copy of the Beretta design. Well, there you have it. My collection of Mouse Guns. Unlike Mr. Jinks, I love meeces to pieces! Show us yours!1 point
1 point
9mm is .355 inches, .38/.357 is well, .357. Use that knowledge however you like but I would not be pushing .357 jacketed bullets through a 9mm. Then again, I’m not desperate.1 point
I went to the link-these are for the EMP 40 but the 4 inch barrel-are a bit too long for the 3 inch model.1 point
Thanks for the link-although I had found Midwest Gun Works had 2 that were really reasonable.Wasn't too long after that they were out also.1 point
1 point
They claim to hold a top BBB rating but the BBB website says: We’re sorry, we found no results for for "onlinegunsshop.com" in"Lafayette, LA" Caveat emptor, Whisper1 point
Might as well get over it and forget about it for a good 5 months minimum. Just put a reminder on your phone for Jan or Feb, and then extend that for another 2 months at that time.1 point
1 point
Well that's the whole point of a mouse gun. Its the gun you carry for those times when you can't carry a gun. Truthfully, the only one I ever actually carry is the PSP-25. Its also the only one I bought new. This was back in the 1990s. At the time I had a need for a very discrete pistol. Its proven to be accurate and completely reliable and can fit in a shirt pocket if need be.1 point
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The Fairbairn-Sykes has always been a favorite of mine but originals were crazy expensive even when I was a kid, so I got this Gerber Mark II in 1981.1 point
I have a P3AT and LCP. Neither are especially fun to shoot, but the LCP is definitely nicer. Both are plenty accurate. I pocket carry them when I feel deep concealment is necessary or I just don't feel like wearing a belt holster, much more common in hot weather.1 point
They are in great shape. I would have jumped on that deal too. Great score!1 point
I remeber John being a member here, back in the day. He was a great man and a great resource. Sad that we lost him. I think the Tactical Professor really has some interesting points in this video. A lot of people think their gearing up for the OK Corral, type of gunfight, where you are standing and fighting it out to the death. In some cases that might be true, but I agree with him that from a self defense stand point, out on the street, most of the time, all we really want to do is break contact with the attacker. Smaller handguns have a definite place in every person's aresenal. And I also especially like the .32ACP, even though I currently sport a LCP in .380. I'm actually faster and more accurate with the Keltec P32. One of these days I will get another one.1 point
I use the blink cameras and have no complaints. Long battery life uses wifi no cables to run. Best part is no storage fee.1 point
Stating we should is quite a jaunt from a mandate. The mandates are what piss me off. That and the mask nazis we have here on the forum. Contrary to what you believe, Erik, you all are not going to die if I choose to not wear a mask.1 point
You ever find your way to Memphis I have a craftsman from the 50s ish that I would let go of. I have zero experience with Wen products. But Ive seen a lot of them popping up lately. They seem to come out of the same Chinese factories as harbor freight and other cheap china stuff but are getting some pretty good reviews. I'd give them a chance if I had to. He talks about it in the history of Grizzly video. Good watch.1 point
1 point
Don’t forget the NAA minis. They might be tiny - and reloads are out - but they’re well made pistols.1 point
1 point
Several years ago I made a homemade bullet trap for use with my air rifle in the backyard. I was not making videos at the time. Now that I am, figured I would make one of the trap and share the info.1 point
Over the last decade we've all experienced and witnessed events and periods of ammunition shortages. The two year shortages during the Obama reign taught me a lesson and I had to restrict my match and practice activities to continue on. It was suggested to me by several people, I need to start reloading. Sounds good on the surface until you ask where they're getting their powder and primers from. The point is; if there's an ammo shortage for whatever reason, reloading supplies closely follow. The way I see it; with the political and social climate these days along with civil unrest, unforeseen events, production, circumstances and socialist political agendas, one of these days the 'perfect storm' will arrive. Think that will never happen? I never thought in my lifetime I'd see a small minority of radicals dictate the course and laws of the country, and be treated with 'kid gloves' and get their way and support by the liberal news media and Congress. Cities and states opting to disband and de-fund their only source of protection between civilization and anarchy. I won't mention tearing down statues or renaming military bases and much other nonsense; much less the continued and intensifying 2nd Amendment attacks. How much of the population of Canada, Australia, Mexico, etc. can sit down at their keyboards and order bulk pistol and AR ammunition whenever they wish? Why can't they and how did it get that way? We are in a war for our national identity and survival, government tyranny, radical civil rebellion and the freedoms hard earned by millions of patriots [and families] sweat, blood and tears. We are squandering it away piece by piece and losing the battle one step at a time. How many more times will we be afforded the opportunity to stock up on "things" at reasonable prices and availability??? I suggest next Novembers elections will determine the major concerns we share. We're no longer Unified States of America, much less the 'United States of America'. We're a house divided and the republicans, conservative's and patriots are always playing defense and never going on the offense. As a nation, we're sheep being willingly lead to the slaughter. We vote with our feet, and they're trying to dismember even our feet at the polls with their antics such as; ridding us of the electoral college, voter fraud, illegal alien voting, eliminating in person one day voting and so much more. Shew wee, what a long rant... It's OK, I just swallowed a handful of chill pills.1 point
Everything is application driven so it depends on what we are surviving. “Survival” to me implies some form of civil unrest. If “Survival” means traipsing around out in the wild, disregard my response; I will not be doing that. But none of those, an AR10 and a full-size M&P would be my choice. Rifle: The AR10 because it can do it all. From close quarter combat to 1000-yard shots. Handgun: The full-size M&P in either 40S&W or 9mm for quality and capacity. (.40S&W for me )1 point
https://hotair.com/archives/ed-morrissey/2020/07/23/great-news-minneapolis-city-council-decides-not-pay-armed-vigilantes-replace-police/0 points
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