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4 points
Wear em if it makes you feel good about yourself! Don’t tell me to wear one and I won’t tell you not to. We sure have a lot of commies here for a gun forum.3 points
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Got my lights today. The quality is way better than I expected. I'm going to use the M2R Pro Warrior to land some planes headed to HSV in my backyard. The i5T EOS is tiny. I can't imagine how they get so much light out of a AAA battery. Both lights have multiple modes so you can maximize your battery life until you need to blind someone or signal the spacestation. Kudos to willis68 as usual. Great price and I can't believe how quickly he got the lights to Alabama.2 points
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I'm sure it is a far better machine than most you find today. I haven't been to/through Memphis in ten years or more. I don't expect I will be. I do appreciate the offer though.2 points
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Great topic and thread! Thank you @Grayfox54! @Moped started a thread on this a few years back remembering Marshall St.John's Mousegunner site. Here's a link to that thread and his site. http://www.mouseguns.com/index.htm I've owned a Raven in 25 acp and it was indeed stupid reliable for such a cheap, and cheaply made, little handgun. Oh yeah, and a Jennings in .22! And I actually carried an AMT .380 BU that was incredibly reliable with ball ammo. But that was back in the 1980's and I no longer have them. I obviously need want an LCP! Claude Werner, the esteemed "Tactical Professor", has some interesting and very positive things to say regarding Pocket Pistols and their role in civilian defensive shooting use in this Lucky Gunner/Chris Baker interview from 2018. Great discussion on Context! https://tacticalprofessor.wordpress.com/2018/10/02/conversation-about-pocket-pistols/2 points
If you don't mind it saying Bushmaster Empty $3.99 https://www.cdnnsports.com/bushmaster-ar15-accessory-pouch-embroidered.html#.XxeKcxgpAwA Full Rifle $8.99 https://www.cdnnsports.com/bushmaster-cleaning-kit-squeege-16-piece-rifle.html?___SID=U#.XxeLGhgpAwA Full Shotgun $ 8.99 https://www.cdnnsports.com/bushmaster-cleaning-kit-squeege-15-piece-shotgun.html?___SID=U#.XxeLVRgpAwA Either full one coukd easily have pistol stuff added or put in place of other stuff.2 points
NRL22 Tennessee Sorts Foundation Jackson, Tennessee Every 1st Saturday of the month. $20.00 9:00am sight in. 9:45 Mandatory Safety Meeting, 10:00am Begin --------- We will be hosting the official NRL22 monthly courses of fire which consist of 5 stages plus the possibility of a couple additional side stages. If you would like to see the official NRL22 stages for this month’s match, visit https://nrl22.org/downloads/ New shooters are welcome and encouraged to attend. The goal of the NRL22 is to make Precision Rifle shooting more available to every community. 22LR is the only rimfire caliber allowed to compete in NRL22 so bring what you have, or try out a match with a loaner rifle first to see how you’d like to setup your rifle for future matches. Have you ever wanted to get into long range rifle shooting or learn how to accurately engage targets at longer distances? NRL22 is a great opportunity to learn what tools and knowledge it takes to do exactly that. All the skills you use in a NRL22 match can be carried over to centerfire rifles and help you confidently jump into those longer distances. NRL22 is designed to be fun and rewarding for youth shooters, new shooters, and also challenging enough for seasoned precision rifle shooters. NRL22 monthly matches consist of 5 stages that are all shot from 100 yards or closer. Typically ranging between 25-100 yards. There is a good mix between prone stages, barricade stages, and positional stages. Steel target sizes from 1/4” to 6”. There will be the possibility of Bonus Stages out to 400 yards There are 6 classes (divisions). 1. Open Class 2. Base Class (MSRP of rifle + MSRP of scope = $1050 or less) 3. Ladies Class 4. Young Guns (16 & younger) 5. Air Rifle 6. Old Guns (60+) https://nrl22.org/about/rules/ https://nrl22.org/faq/ NRL22 memberships are not required to shoot this match but come with many perks including prizes, drawings, swag bag, discounts etc. You can look at the FAQ link for more info or visit with us about it at the match! Email us if you have any additional questions or if you’d like us to find a loaner rifle for you to use in this month’s match! Match Director: Bill Micke mickeraceprep@gmail.com1 point
Ok, let’s look at this another way, have you purchased a weapon from a dealer and were approved for the purchase..... If so and you were approved there should be no problem.. If denied you have a problem.1 point
If I understand your post correctly you are in search of magazines for a Springfield Armory EMP in caliber .40 S&W. This outfit shows them in stock...https://gunmagwarehouse.com/springfield-armory-1911-emp-ccc-40-s-w-8-round-factory-magazine-blued.html1 point
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As long as it wasn’t a felony your ok. Misdemeanor is ok! Good luck.1 point
I seriously doubt it unless you committed some heinous felony, and even then you were a juvenile. If you can pass a background check to buy a firearm, it is highly unlikely there’ll be a problem. Guess you’ll find out soon enough.1 point
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.223 Wylde is a hybrid chamber capable of consuming .223 Rem or 5.56 ammo without any major issues. Sounds to me like this is their way for saying this is what we plan to use but be prepared to receive whatever you get.1 point
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I understand the function of these face coverings, but as shown, and uninfected person has a much higher risk of contracting this China Virus by wearing a mask, than the protection it gives others. They would be much better served by preaching constant hand washing and surface sanitation than mandating we wear virus collection points on our face. I know I don't want to risk giving myself a higher risk of contracting any virus just to make others feel good about violating my space in a store, because these mask wearers now feel the distance can now be shortened because of the mask.1 point
Does said wearer get tested weekly and check his temp daily to confirm no infection? The idea is to protect everyone else from the typhoid Mary's (or covid Greg's ) of the world. A related anecdote.... my brother in laws kids (twins) constantly had strep when they were little. I started calling them the toxic twins because it seemed like one of them was always sick. Every time my kids would spend time with their cousins, they'd end up sick too. This went on for several years until the twins doctor suggest the parents get tested. The test revealed that their dad was an asymptomatic strep carrier. He had his tonsils removed and none of them have had it since.1 point
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I've seen mask packaging after mask packaging say it is not for covid protection. N95 masks, properly worn, give you a bit of protection, for a short period of time. But with all the touching of objects, like shopping, adjusting masks, pulling them down to talk, or get a bit of fresh air, make ALL masks ineffective, and as a matter of fact, I feel it makes it worse.1 point
https://forums.brianenos.com/topic/79191-38-caliber-357-bullets-out-of-a-9mm/1 point
Woops! https://www.foxnews.com/us/these-n95-masks-arent-likely-stop-coronavirus “Given that most of the value of these masks is not to protect the wearer but to protect others from a potentially contagious asymptomatic wearer, those one-way valves make the masks practically useless for protecting others....”1 point
If you’re talking lead bullets, then I’d say they’d work. I’d be more leery of jacketed bullets.1 point
People shoot 147 gr bullets in 9mm so yeah the 357 dia 125 gr bullets should interchange between 38 spl,357 mag,9mm,38 auto,,some of the lighter bullets, 95 gr can also be used in all of the above plus the 380 acp . Now I am referring to cast powder coated lead boolits that I use, not some solid brass bullets. As always start on the low end and work your way up with powder charges.1 point
I use a clinch pick for that role. Affixed to a front belt loop, it’s well located and can be utilized quite well even if an assailant has control of the wrist holding the blade. https://shivworkspg.com/product/shivworks-clinch-pick/1 point
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Seen this on another site I peruse http://castboolits.gunloads.com/showthread.php?276414-9MM-Herco-Load-Data&p=3229590&viewfull=1#post32295901 point
I will only add this one additional post. I have been involved in healthcare for almost 50 years. I know people who have personally been on the front lines watching people die of Covid in NY. It is not pleasant, and it is real. I do get a lot of medical journals and updates daily. This is all a new virus and is a learning experience for the brightest and best medical minds in the world. Buying time to fight the enemy is a positive.......hence wear a mask. Being ignorant is everyone choice to make. Not being scared has doing to do with catching the virus or not. I have read of many cases of healthy individuals dying. My owning firearms, or any of my politcal beliefs have nothing to do with this virus as well; the virus is scared of neither.1 point
If you die of COVID it will not be quick. It will be a slow and painful process as you struggle to breath. It's not a death you would want.1 point
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As a PA who sees patients everyday, I believe I will trust the science and articles I receive daily to guide my safety and practice. You may rely on whatever you feel gives you the best chance for your safety.1 point
folks, nothing is 100%, but if it decreases your odds of catching Covid, then, IMO it's worth it, especially combined with social distancing, hand washing, hand sanitizer, etc.1 point
Oh I firmly believe that if he had actually worn one from the start that the number of people against it would be substantially smaller. Trump is a very influential guy. There have been many, many times where he has said or tweeted something and within a few days I've seen those same words get repeated on this forum. People don't seem to realize just how much of an impact he has.1 point
Was at Food City today, mask wearers about 60/40, some employees had their masks pulled down around their neck. No one said anything to non mask wearers, ran to another aisle, held a cross up at them or exposed a necklace of garlic. The only complaint I heard was that one brought their own bags for their groceries... Went a few other places, mask participation was 50/50, no one being barred from entering anywhere. I'm sure getting groceries won't be a problem for many, if one is scared, stay home have someone do their shopping or do the pickup thing. Personally, I want to pick out my own groceries, there's probably more "danger" in having a stranger handling my food.1 point
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I know a good bit about straight razors. Golden Rule Cutlery-Chicago I would guess a US branded German Razor. A popular thing to do during the straight razor hay day. You can even find them with hardware store names on them..lol F.W.Engels-Solingen-Seems to be the nicest of the three. Looks to be in good shape nothing super fancy but nothing bad either Wade & Butcher-Sheffield-Has engraving on the blade. Nice old Sheffield blade. I would guess it to be around 1860's-1880's.. somewhere around in there. Looks like horn scales as well. Really nice razor. the most valuable of the group. A nice little set1 point
I recently took a two day knife making class with Burt Foster up in Bristol. He is a highly regarded knife maker, and he also offers classes for up to 3 people. We made a kitchen chopping knife from start to finish, and it was fun, plus I learned a ton. Highly recommend!1 point
Sorry for the thread derail, I’ll bring it back to topic for you with a pic of mine. It’s a custom job from @Grand Torino and a sheath made by @1911alltheway . It might be a bit for your needs, but it works for me.1 point
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