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...Long story short, I get these two jewels for my birthday. I need some display ideas for them. I intend to make leather sheaths for them as they are built for service and razor sharp. One handle is walnut, and I am unsure of the other handle material.6 points
4 points
I have been watching TGO classifieds for the east end of the state ads trying to find something on my short list to no avail. I started hitting shops in a wide area over the last two weeks and today ran across a Springfield XD Mod 2 4" 9mm with an exceptional trigger on it. It came home with me. I was looking for a Sig P365XL and will continue to look for one at a decent price until one of those comes home with me. I did find that after groping many makes and models there were several that appealed to me and my short list grew longer. One thing I would like to mention is that yesterday I was in Knoxville Tactical. They had more inventory than most and which is part of why my list of wants expanded. Yet they did not have what I needed at this time. A young man in his mid 20s came in and wandered about for a bit and was approached by the store worker, another young man in his mid 20s who asked if he could help. The customer stuttered and stammered at length and the more he spoke the more obvious it was that he knew absolutely nothing about firearms. He openly stated that he was ignorant to firearms, never fired one, never owned one, and had always been anti gun. He stated that he had come to realize that it was time he acquired one and become educated as to safe operation. All of these statements were made in a stammered voice lacking confidence. I tip my hat to the employee who was very understanding and took all the time in the world to question as to intended use in order to provide some suggestions for consideration. I also listened as the employee stressed the importance of training and education being completed in preparation for ownership and offered means for such. The customer became much more comfortable and inquisitive. The young man was still in the store when I left and I feel confident that he was guided appropriately. Never once did the employee display an air of superior knowledge or speak down to the customer, it was more like a "welcome to the fold brother" encounter. This was only the third time I have been in that shop because it is quite a distance from my place. I will return though. I was impressed. So, if anyone on the east end of this great State needs to re-home a Sig P365XL I promise to feed it well.3 points
3 points
I don't know how much revenue US tourism represents to the Bahamas...but it has to be of some significance. To their government, our risk of being COVID carriers outweighs the economic benefits of our pumping local money into the economy, and that's an embarrassment. https://www.miamiherald.com/news/nation-world/world/americas/article244340147.html1 point
1 point
I'll sort it out. I need to figure out how to minimize the repeats and having them in two places for posting makes that harder. For now I have made enough space for a few days.1 point
1 point
1 point
those are very sweet my dude. Kudos to your brother on that craftsmanship.1 point
1 point
You have chosen well and you will love it. This is the finest small 9mm available, I believe. Hope one comes your way soon.1 point
Image hosting takes up a lot of space and adds up fast. Server space gets very expensive, very quickly. For that reason the amount of space allotted to each member must be limited. The solution is third party hosting sites. @DaveTN put together a wonderful how to explaining how to use what I think is the easiest of these sites, Imgur. Do this and you’ll never run out of space again. https://www.tngunowners.com/forums/topic/105981-how-to-post-a-picture-with-imgur/1 point
My favorite small game gun is a .22lr target pistol. And they're great for learning/ checking/ brushing up/ reinforcing your fundamentals. When shooting a .22 I generally know if and what I've done wrong before the gun goes off.1 point
Aw heck, don't worry about it. This thread has been around the world at least twice. What were we talking about anyway?1 point
I think masks are going to be around for a while since the big boys (Hanes and Fruit of the Loom) started making them. Manufacturers with money attract Politicians.1 point
Similar feelings as @Chucktshoes My opinion, the NRA has been less than faithful with our money, so I with held support. Being the only act in town, I recently renewed my membership.1 point
It's amazing how fact situations are almost always vastly different. Years ago, in ILLannoy, I got caught up in a stock certificate counterfeiting sting operation with the FBI, and some real bad guys that were running that operation out of about a dozen cities. When the bad guys found out I was involved, they started hanging out around my house, among other things. Time after time, I would call the local cops and they would show up and the bad guys would leave. It was a regular thing. Then one time they showed up , and the cops were not available, for a long time. The bad guys called my phone (which new number I had gotten only that day, but somehow they had it) and they said "Whatcha gonna do now?" And I yelled, "Watch your 6 a**holes" and charged around the house and up behind that car with my 12 gauge, screaming like a maniac. They got the hell outta there at warp speed. No, that wasn't the last of them, but I did get their license # , and the FBI paid them a visit and told them to NEVER show up around our house again, and they didn't. There were other crazy repercussions, phone threats against my kids, even my dog! ---but they never showed up at my house again. The local cops and the FBI agents were spectacular in the way they handled this months-long investigation. Eventually It was a major multi-city bust. When I was asked for my sentencing recommendation, I said, "Death penalty, maybe?" Yeah, maybe it was nuts to charge out there that night, but I was ready to blast them. It's amazing what adrenalin can do. Would I advise anyone to do that? NO! But I was young and stupid. Now I'm just old and stupid! So that's my self-defense encounter story.1 point
Happy 4th to everyone!! I have been doing a little digging on some trivia concerning the Declaration Of Independence and found this from the History channel. I hope everyone realizes these signers were putting their lives and wealth on the line. It wasn't a mere formality, they were telling King George III to go take a hike. Enjoy your holiday with your friends and family!! https://www.history.com/news/9-things-you-may-not-know-about-the-declaration-of-independence1 point
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