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If she's in the market for a female instructor who shoots shotguns from the shoulder, I volunteer! We'd love to have her train with us over in Murfreesboro. Happy to work with her on handguns too if that's her preference.9 points
Haha, his "handling" of a coordinated rigged political/media assassination was an impossible task. As Rahm Emanuel said, "never waste a good crisis." They failed with Russia, Kavanuagh, Media, CIA, FBI, etc. If it takes a pseudo pandemic, mixed with outright civil unrest/rebellion in Democrat cities just to make his reelection questionable ... I have some optimism. The Dems have gone completely over the edge just to get to close to even. That says a lot. I could be wrong and I have no idea how it will play out in these uncharted waters or how far the dems will go to completely break a system they can't "win", but I heard this stuff before about Trump's possibilities and the naysayers (even the loud ones here) weren't just slightly wrong, they ended up being incredibly wrong. Hang on, it will be interesting if nothing else.7 points
If anyone has any doubts about the intentions of the democratic party or if anyone is still holding on to the notions that the party today resembles ANYTHING at all the party that their grandparents voted for then it is time for a reality check. The election this fall largely is a referendum on the America that we grew up in and whether people want to continue to live in the most prosperous country in the history of mankind or whether you want to blow it all up and try a form of government (socialism/communism) that has failed and led to misery and genocide everywhere it has been instituted. The choice is yours.7 points
5 points
As the title asks, what is on your legislative wish list? For me, I think top of my list is preemption. I would like to see the State be the sole legislative authority for the State so as to prevent municipalities from making their own laws. That would apply to everything from prohibited locations to what is allowed for a private recreational shooting range.2 points
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2 points
That's just grossly innacurate. Percentage of test to positive had remained neutral if not negative, death rate continues to drop to less than .05%. In over three months of reopening levels stayed dormant until the heat hit. NY, NJ, Boston have huge death numbers that the current numbers of FL, TX, and GA don't even combine to come close to, even with a "surge". Total numbers in every group with the exception of 20-29 year old continue the steady decline. As to reopening, less heat hit states like Colorado (opened with Georgia) are at a -43% increase even with more testing. Children and young adults still have a death rate so low it doesn't even show. There are two ways this ends. Vaccine, we still don't even have one for the flu, or herd immunity. The latter is most likely and realistic. The objective with flattening a curve is not to eradicate it but to manage the herd immunity through the natural spread. Context and numbers have to be looked at together.2 points
President’s are not doctors, nor pandemic specialist. They follow advice from those who are. Both Fucci and Birx are big democrat donors and I don’t trust any democrats. Especially those two based on their known history. Heaven knows what their unknown history is. My Opinion anyway.2 points
2 points
Hence my previous statements about not wanting any Federal intervention on our carry laws. Normally I would say this has no chance of passing and its just so the left can say they are trying. Or that it’s a violation of States Rights and would not make it through the SCOTUS. But with what we are seeing now I’m pretty sure it would pass if the Democrats get control.2 points
Sorry for the delay in replying, but things happened. We thought a trip to see my brother-in-law was about to happen, so I delayed opening the Tullamore. Thought to sample it with him. Sadly he passed away before we could do that. So Sunday afternoon, a neighbor friend of ours was having his big 30 Birthday. So I invited him to sample and have a couple of toasts with it. My impression, from a very uneducated palate for alcohol, was favorable. The 43% alcohol brew, aged for a short(presumably)time in Jamacian wooden casks, was pretty smooth. A very short sweet almost fruity flavor that settled out and was very mellow to drink. We had a couple over lots of crushed ice, which disappeared quickly, and decided to call it a day. Not big drinkers. lol I'm saving the rest for a short toast after the memorial gathering this weekend.2 points
2 points
Stock or not is irrelevant. If she shoots it from the hip don’t stand behind her or you might be 3D printing something for yourself. A permit “trainer” suggesting someone fire a shotgun from the hip is about the stupidest thing I’ve heard in a...today.2 points
Take her to a range and have her try both ways and see which works for her.2 points
Good luck with trying to win that argument, only way is to let your girl friend shoot from the hip and see what happens!!!2 points
Seen this posted on another site, so some of the points have not been checked out by me, but I do not feel it is wrong.2 points
It's amazing how fact situations are almost always vastly different. Years ago, in ILLannoy, I got caught up in a stock certificate counterfeiting sting operation with the FBI, and some real bad guys that were running that operation out of about a dozen cities. When the bad guys found out I was involved, they started hanging out around my house, among other things. Time after time, I would call the local cops and they would show up and the bad guys would leave. It was a regular thing. Then one time they showed up , and the cops were not available, for a long time. The bad guys called my phone (which new number I had gotten only that day, but somehow they had it) and they said "Whatcha gonna do now?" And I yelled, "Watch your 6 a**holes" and charged around the house and up behind that car with my 12 gauge, screaming like a maniac. They got the hell outta there at warp speed. No, that wasn't the last of them, but I did get their license # , and the FBI paid them a visit and told them to NEVER show up around our house again, and they didn't. There were other crazy repercussions, phone threats against my kids, even my dog! ---but they never showed up at my house again. The local cops and the FBI agents were spectacular in the way they handled this months-long investigation. Eventually It was a major multi-city bust. When I was asked for my sentencing recommendation, I said, "Death penalty, maybe?" Yeah, maybe it was nuts to charge out there that night, but I was ready to blast them. It's amazing what adrenalin can do. Would I advise anyone to do that? NO! But I was young and stupid. Now I'm just old and stupid! So that's my self-defense encounter story.1 point
1 point
We almost always use these holographic spinners from Walmart that come in a 5 pack. It’s the only place I’ve ever seen them. But they work.1 point
We’ve had some good luck trout fishing in the Harpeth this season on rooster tails. I’ve even caught a few in the creeks off the Cumberland of all places. Just be careful in the high water. We lost a prominent local business leader here in Nashville last weekend when he lost his footing fishing the Duck and got pinned under a tree.1 point
You guy's keep bringing this dead bill up-it only has 18 co-sponsors and the last action was in March-every month I see this coming back up-obviously it's getting passed around like a cheap date.1 point
Up, up and away. Considering tax and shipping, two bangs for a buck. Someone once recently said, "Sure glad I'm not hunting ammo right now". Same here! But I will resupply when and if things return to a semblance of normalcy. With my matches and practice, I'm going through about 500 rounds a month. At that rate I have one years worth...1 point
I taught my girlfriend to shoot my bedside shotgun (mossberg 500 persuader) and she's always hated it for the kick, which I get, shes pretty small so it's understandable. Shes able to hit a silhouette at 15 yards pretty quick and consistently which is my main concern, so I always leave it loaded in the same corner by the bed especially when i'm not home. She took a women's CCP course in seveirville this weekend (july 12) and she came home with new novel advice, "the instructor said that its easier for women to just shoot a shotgun from the hip than it is to try and aim it because they are too weak for the kick". The instructor was a ~65ish year old woman, whom i assume teaches at this range often and I haven't met her so I can't say anything about her background, but this has to be some pretty dumb advice regardless. I spent maybe 30 minutes (in a near rant) trying to explain how that's not going to work out for her quite as well as she thinks it is and how point shooting only seems to work if your name is Taran Butler. She took the class with her mom and sister so at the next dinner night im gonna have to get some clarification, but she swears that the instructor said that women should shoot a shotgun from the hip with the reasoning that it will help you avoid the "kick". I'm not even gonna go into how that makes 0.00 sense, but either way, that's my rant.1 point
The federal government says that pot is illegal and yet I have never heard of anyone getting arrested in states where pot is legal. Gun laws should be treated the same way. Pot gives us a legal precedent.1 point
1 point
Is that where you just mix it in your mouth ? Shake you head like a boxer bulldog with a itching ear ?1 point
Easy for you to say. You don't have 30,000 NASCAR fans fixing to descend on you......lol1 point
Lol, glad someone other than me remembers the " he doesn't have a chance in hell " to " well I voted 3 party anyway"1 point
In the past I've had home made ones that used an alcohol laced cherry cordial.1 point
Well ####### and #########! That is a turd in the making! We, as gun owners, private citizens, and any other catagory affect by changes in the 2nd Amendment need to stand a scream loudly to their Representatives and Senators. If the Democrats win...we will required to be turning in firearms rather quickly. I don't see many of us passing the new protocols. Not because of any laws broken. Just because I don't see anything but massive denials coming. Ok, not well written, but I'm positively pissed by this. But you all know what I trying to say here.1 point
1 point
According to my last 2 distillery tours chocolate seems to be a good mate with whiskey. And these were centuries old distilleries1 point
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1 point
Thanks Tiffany! If you PM me your information I'll float the idea by her. We live quite a ways a way so we would have to make it a trip.1 point
1 point
Slightly off topic, but I wouldn't want a small woman's primary home defense weapon to be a 12 ga shotgun. It's just too much to think about to get off a second shot unless you practice, practice, practice, and if you hate the recoil, you're not going to practice. A better choice for a small woman would be a short carbine in 9mm or 40 cal. My bedside long gun is a Kel Tec Sub 2000 that takes Glock 40 cal mags.1 point
Other questions that come to mind: What other advice did this instructor give? Was the rest of it better than the advice in question, or worse? Might be worth your girlfriend and the others taking a class from a different instructor...1 point
1 point
Midway doesn’t have as many sets in stock, but they do have some. They have a Lee 3 die set in stock. I believe this consists of a sizer, a powder-thru-expander, and a seater. You would need to add a crimp die. You may or may not need the powder-thru-expander, depending on what press you have. On the other hand, you can forget the set and buy whatever dies you need individually. Midway has plenty individual dies in stock. ETA: I would get a separate seat and crimp die if your press has the space.1 point
I remember when someone here wanted to know why dispatchers send Officers when someone calls in about a man with a gun. They do it because it is there job to go find out why someone is calling. Our Chief would have fired a dispatcher for that. I’ve heard several times when an Officer was quizzing the dispatcher about why one of our frequent flyers was calling, and a Command Officer get on the air and Say “Go find out!”. Some people, sometimes have to be reminded what their job is.1 point
Their plan is coming together. Their plan is coming together until the owners of firearms have had a enough and decide it might be time to come out of the closet and let the anti-gunners see what they are really up against and see if they still have to stomach to push the envelope!!!.....JMHO1 point
Were going to try put handguns at point blank actually. She wants to shoot handguns right now so we're gonna go to shoot point blank and try a bunch out.1 point
1 point
That is ridiculous I completely agree with @DaveTN that it’s the wrong gun if you can’t use the sights. This is coming from an active female shooter who has had to put down 20+ different guns cause they don’t work for one reason or another. If she can confidently shoot the gun from the shoulder and even if the recoil is a lot but she can handle it I don’t see a problem. But if she thinks it is that big of a problem then there are other guns... To win this debate rather than print out our comments and give a PowerPoint at a family dinner I would buy them a training session with a younger female instructor who will set the record straight.1 point
I was pretty sure you had played with Charlie at some point in your career. Like I've said before, I'd love to sit and listen to you talk about your musical adventures and escapades. lol Have you considered writing about it? Really, I'm sure a bunch of us would buy copies. But back on track...I think I've made posts about Charlie Daniels here already, and I can't tell you how many on FB. But Charlie deserves every single one. A good Christian man, a true America loving patriot, a great musician, and a true southern gentleman. Just a good ol' boy in all regards. I got to enjoy his music since his early days I think. First heard him at a Chili Cookoff. I think he may have gotten paid in chili. lol But got to see I think 3 live shows. He never disappointed, except maybe not playing long enough at the last Jam I saw. But didn't matter. He was, is, and always will be great in my eyes. Miss ya' Charlie. Now take a break, and Rest in Peace.1 point
Wow. 40 cents a round and looks like still rising. Sure glad I'm not hunting ammo right now!1 point
Yikes! I paid $89.00 each for both of these hex receiver Tula's a few years back. And both came with bayonets and all of the accessories. In all but perfect condition.1 point
Welcome. I don’t have answers to your questions, I’m not from that area. But what did you do in the Navy? Chief Opticalman would be my guess? I was an MR onboard the USS PONCE LPD-15 and the USS HOLLAND AS-32, both decommissioned now.1 point
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