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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/10/2020 in all areas

  1. Trump is an idiot just like everyone else who is supposed to be in charge of us.
    4 points
  2. I just got home and opened up the package I received from 1911alltheway. He made me sheath for my latest knife purchase from GrandTrino. Here is a picture of both. I'll give some more details later on. Let me know what you think about them.
    3 points
  3. Just a suggestion if you are trying to decide what red dot is right for you. There's this pistol instructor guy on Youtube under "Sage Dynamics". He's really experienced and knowledgeable, and has some great videos covering and testing many red dot brands, the pros and cons. You can tell he doesn't have a horse in the race and he tells it like it is.
    3 points
  4. I always keep a pen and pad of paper handy. If they start fast talking or I can’t keep I ask them to confirm or repeat what I heard. Quaint and old-fashioned I know, but it’s worked since the beginning of time.
    3 points
  5. While I don’t believe everything he has said, early on he said that not him or anybody else really knows much about this virus. Everybody is just learning as they go. As time goes on and they get more data, what they thought initially, may not be true anymore. I know he has straight up lied to us (concerning masks specifically), but some things they are just learning as time goes on. And when they say they really don’t know, I believe them on that.
    2 points
  6. Electronics Also gives that “super” hearing / tactical advantage
    2 points
  7. In honor of this news I just ordered The Complete Far Side in hardcover. I hope my kids will fall in love with the weirdness as much as I did.
    2 points
  8. I'd venture to say the percentage of folks that put 35,000+ rounds on one gun in its lifetime is very small. Basically the average Joe shouldn't worry about the round count life of their .40 pistols. I know I'm not.
    2 points
  9. No. Counting total cases makes sense. And as a result of that method the lethality rate should also be low. It's a bad bug no doubt. And it likes to pick on oldsters and health impared individuals, just like every flu bug that's ever been around. The problem here is that every politician from every party is trying to use this to their advantage. Hang em all I say.....
    2 points
  10. This year made my 2nd year ever fishing for Crappie and my best year of fishing for them. I might catch bigger later on but for Watts Bar these are dang good fish and my personal best. Dont know the weight just got the measurements. The black went 16 1/4in and 12.5in Girth. The white went 15in with a 12in girth. All I know is they sure are good to look at so the $310 was well spent. I used a old piece of barn wood and stained the edges with Minwax Red Mahogany 225 to get that burnt look on the outer edges. And used Cocunut Oil for the rest to keep the color lighter.
    1 point
  11. Statistically speaking, it should be a rare thing when a person needs to grab a firearm for personal defense. The odds should even be reduced if one maintains some situational awareness and doesn't go to stupid places, associate with stupid people or go somewhere unnecessarily at stupid times. I've heard the old adage said many times, "a handgun should be comforting, not comfortable". A victim of a crime or attack is usually unaware, it's not expected, at their most vulnerable, not prepared and has no though about a plan or effective response. I'd be interested in hearing when you were thankful you were carrying or had quick access to a firearm? With the accumulation of all my birthday candles, came torn muscles, arthritis, fatigue slowness, etc. In other words, I'm no longer young, strong and fit; I'm incapable of physically fighting to defend myself and family anymore. I have to depend on what Sam Colt stated, or in modern terminology, a force multiplier. In the last decade I've had two experiences when I was grateful I had a firearm really close by. The first was when my bugler alarm went off in the middle of the night and the indoor siren blasting away. The control pad was at the opposite end of the bedroom in the kitchen to silence it. Couldn't hear the phone ringing to answer ADT'S call to respond to them. It took the county Sheriff's Department :45 minutes to find my house, there were only two of them on duty and were at the other end of the county. That one turned out to be a false alarm. Something [mouse, bug, shift] tripped the motion sensor in the basement. The second instance was the real deal. The wife and I had just gone to bed and were not even drowsy yet, and started to hear loud metallic banging and tapping from somewhere that seemed in the house? One of those sounds that can't be associated with something mechanical such as an appliance acting up. With pistol in hand, what to do, call 9-1-1 or not, what if it's something stupid and I wasted their time and look stupid. After I carefully check and clear the inside of my home for what that mechanical rapping is, do I want to go outside and see if it's the air conditioner? What if it's what I suspect it is, someone trying to break into the house? Perhaps I'm like many men with testosterone and doesn't want to appear weak and scared in front of their wife. The noises and banging had stopped when I got out of bed. With Adrenalin along with some fear and anger building, I wanted to go outside and confront whom may still be there; or ease my mind if it was something else. Then common sense, reasoning and the potential of avoidable legal and moral issues kicked in. No Dennis, the potential dangers, uncertainties and following legal matters are not worth 'going hunting'. It was a long rest of the night until dawn, when I could see well enough outside from inside my home to go out and see if I could find anything. Long story short; sure enough, someone(s) tried prying my basement dead bolt / locked door handle open and damaged the door and door frame. I didn't even bother to report it because it's just that, a report, and I didn't want to waste anymore of my time much less the time of the police. In retrospect, I believe my decision not to try and confront and catch what at the time I believed to be home invader(s) was a good one. I don't want to think about "what if's", like the potential legal and civil charges, hiring an attorney, sleepless nights that could have been avoided, or even physically losing a confrontation that I initiated by going 'hunting'. I've since beefed up my home security to make it much more difficult to gain entry. What's your story?
    1 point
  12. AU aka Jim to his friends is a great guy to deal with.
    1 point
  13. Again you have no Idea what you're talking about! Work in this crap everyday and see what I see. Go ahead make it politics, Doesn't surprise me when you think this.
    1 point
  14. I rarely see a private individual want to buy a .40. When ammo dries up .40 is still around for a while. Honestly I think the only reason for the Gen 5 Glocks in .40 is there is still a number of police departments using it nationwide that haven’t switched yet. I bet in the coming years 40 will be just like 45 for departments. Only the stubborn one will use it over 9mm. My local sheriffs office still uses 45 but most departments across the country are now running 9mm
    1 point
  15. Just picked up a Benchmade Adamas 275 and I’m really liking it so far. Very beefy knife. One I have now is black, thinking of picking up the tan auto version.
    1 point
  16. Sometimes it’s the simple little things in life that clear your mind. Like driving downtown to pick up a delicious pizza then going back home and they play one of the most overplayed songs from the greatest rock band ever. All windows down and the radio blaring for everyone to hear.
    1 point
  17. Those are no-fun zones. I avoid places like that.
    1 point
  18. https://www.amazon.com/Cold-Steel-Frenzy-Lockback-Black/dp/B07F7QD116 Someone I know recommended this to me.
    1 point
  19. https://www.olightstore.com/ I will give you as good of a price as I can, no list as it changes all the time for me
    1 point
  20. I ordered a set of Hogue rubber grips for the 29. I will let you know how they work with the speed loaders when I get them on the gun.
    1 point
  21. Physics being physics, you should probably reasonably expect a .40 caliber pistol to wear faster than a 9mm. That said, if you put 35-40K rounds through one to accomplish that you've probably earned a new one.
    1 point
  22. I absolutely love the Spyderco Sharpmaker. Up until I purchased this sharpener, I generally hated knives with S30V. They'd come very nicely sharp from the factory. I'd dull them up but never be able to sharpen them again. With the Sharpmaker, several times a month I just set it up (takes like 30 seconds), run the blade down between each of the stones for about five minutes. Keeps it nice and sharp. Then I spend a few moments running the blade over this cheap but great leather strop. I personally don't get into whether or not my blades can slice a hair into multiple pieces longways, etc etc. For me, if it will slice through a piece of copier paper like butter that's good enough for me. I generally use my carry knife for boxes, tape, maybe envelopes, and the occasional rope or string. Using the above sharpening method, it excels at all of these as long as I keep up maintenance regularly. I know many people are fans of the systems such as Lansky or even fancier, but to me they take too much time to setup and use. I suppose if you are going for the absolute sharpest edge available, they are great. But I like to put them into perspective. How many of our grandfathers ever used such a system? For them, whetstones and strops were enough to keep their blades sharp.
    1 point
  23. I don’t use Glocks. But I know we kid a lot about the .40S&W going extinct. That’s ridiculous. Many PD’s use it and a lot of us use it as our primary semi-auto carry round. 40,000 rounds would be a respectable number for any handgun. As pointed out, few will get anywhere close to that number. The cost of 40,000 rounds of ammo, even at range ammo prices would be approaching $20,000. People doing that can afford a new gun, or their agency will give them a new gun. But of course, the mighty .40S&W will wear out a gun faster than those weak little 9mm’s, how could it not?
    1 point
  24. Note especially the durability section and which red dots they report with "no failures."
    1 point
  25. I'm a relatively new red dot shooter with the same problem most have starting out; picking up the dot. I understand it takes time, patience and practice and is a perishable skill. Now having two red dots, one on my Canik TP9-SFX and on a Walther, I've noticed a difference in acquisition time between the two. The Canik has the Vortex Venom and Walther the Trijicon RMR. I pickup the Vortex dot faster for some reason, I attributed it to the sight itself. Watching a Youtube video not long ago, I discovered a guy with the same conclusion and observations, but it doesn't have much to do with the optic. There's something about the grip angle that's more natural in an accurate push out presentation? Like most things I thought it was just me? I wasn't crazy about buying a Turkish gun but I wanted an affordable dedicated match gun for competition. I think I paid $450.00 total for the Canik TP9-SFX and I was pleasantly surprised in its construction and performance. Not one problem with it, save ammunition related problems with a bad batch. I blew my $1,200.00 government stimulus check stimulating Walther, for the tune of about $1,900.00. I found out what a crappy trigger feels like zeroing in both the Walther and Canik at the range at the same time. I never really notice differences just playing around manually feeling it. With a bench supported rest zeroing them in, the Canik trigger was smooth and crisp. The expensive Walther Q5 Pro Match is rough, scratchy and a hard pull. The Canik came with three optic plates and a bunch of goodies. During my diligent research, the Walther also comes with three optic plates in the box, or so I thought. When I got my Walther it had no optic plates in the slots in the box and I was disappointed to say the least. I asked my LGS what's the deal on that and he said he would find out why. Long story short: We both checked it out and had difficulty finding an answer until much later when I finally got a response from Walther; that they stopped including them last May so as not to increase the cost of the gun. I could go to their website and order one free. It's buried so deep in their website I couldn't find it so emailed again. A few weeks later I finally got my one free optic plate. Shooting them both after zeroing the red dots, I was shooting the Canik much better. It was 92 degrees, high humidity and my hands were extremely sweaty. I have the Talon aggressive texture wraps on the Canik and I had a good solid non slip grip. The Walther I could feel it slipping around in my hand like a wet bar of soap. So, I'll be shooting my Canik at the USPSA match Saturday for a better score because my hands will be wet from the heat. Wow, this turned out to be a doctorial thesis.
    1 point
  26. They have these really neat things called "maps" now too ...
    1 point
  27. Midway has sold knives, flashlights, tents, camping gear and all manner of what nots for many years. I'm kinda surprised it took 'em this long to get into fishing.
    1 point
  28. Hearing protectors by the bed. That's good. It will make it easier to take that 12 gauge blast.
    1 point
  29. I'm having an outpatient procedure done tomorrow at the hospital so they had me go in Tuesday for a covid test. All I can say is "damn!!!". They put that swab in my nose so far I was expecting to see brain tissue on it when they pulled it out. BTW, it came back negative, so at least I didn't have it when they did the test
    1 point
  30. Diversification = survival during fluctuating markets.
    1 point
  31. A friend of mine in a rural county of West Virginia was telling me about the Friday headlines in the liberal local paper. Covid-19 Cases TRIPLE in county. Buried deep in the story was the actual number of cases, 3.
    1 point
  32. Was there a price list and item description posted somewhere?
    1 point
  33. Nope. I'm a bloody boyscout. I have a fondness for Obummer. He taught me a very valuable lesson.
    1 point
  34. And you think I don't? We are so focused on trying to protect everyone, when it's really just a small amount that truly needs protection. People in this country think very short term in response to things. The cry is always, "we have to do SOMETHING!" They never consider if the something is actually the best thing long term, or really even short term. Every one is quick to mask up but very few have asked, is this good for our bodies long term? Is this putting us at risk of other health issues (which I've already seen come up with my sister due to wearing a mask.) Is people wearing mask causing people who shouldn't be out taking risk to be out because now they feel "safe"? We have become too "clean" of a society and people are afraid to get any germs and that's now coming back to haunt us. Is there a middle ground, yes. Are we way past that middle ground, yes. Again, I have no issue with anyone wearing a mask if they desire to. I really don't. But people do not have the right to force health decisions, like wearing a mask, on other people. I care about people's right to chose for themselves how they take care of their own health. I may disagree with it sometimes, but I respect their right to chose.
    1 point
  35. 1911alltheway just Shipped my knife and sheath out today along with a holster he made me for my Wilson CQBE, can't wait to see how it turned out, between his leather work and GrandTrino's knife making skills they really just amaze me by the way I can describe what I would like made and they both nail it every time. Thanks guys I'll post some more pics of the knife and sheath plus an honest review of the holster he made when I receive them.
    1 point
  36. Slacker! lol 17 I think. Can't get to them all on my bookshelves. That's just what I can seen Someday...I'll be featured on "Hoarders" Shelves everywhere, stacks here and there, and a wife who hasn't read a full book since her nursing school days. She didn't know this about me the first few years...or things might have turned out differently.
    0 points
  37. Yep, it’ll still feed and not jam even with mags loaded like that. Slide definitely won’t get all jacked up like the OP. And it makes you an operator.
    0 points
  38. TN average daily deaths: March (over last 11 days of month starting 3/21 with first death) 2.0 April 5.8 May 5.3 June 8.0 July (over first 9 days) 11.7 - OS
    0 points
  39. Uh... the backwards bullets folks?
    0 points
  40. So its against the law to wear a mask while mandating that people wear a mask. That explains why those making these proclamations generally aren't wearing masks.
    0 points
  41. Well, on the bright side, this whole mask thing is gonna wreak havoc on all the facial recognition data collection programs.
    0 points
  42. 0 points
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