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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/22/2020 in all areas

  1. With all the doom and gloom going on around us I thought folks could use a "feel good" smile so............................................ ................................................. Smile upload anonymous pictures
    5 points
  2. Congratulations to you sir and to your beautiful bride. Marriage is joining a man and woman and is sanctified by GOD. As long as you both shall live, enjoy and love each other and cherish your time together. Your bride was born for you and you were born for her. Do not doubt that truth nor forget that truth not even for one eye blink. For GOD, IN his infinite wisdom has a plan, and it might be that HE calls one of you home early. What I am saying to you is tell your bride that you love her and cherish her constantly each day and prove that to her by your unselfish actions constantly each day. By so doing, you bring honor on yourself and you give praise and thanks to GOD for it was HIS plan that you and your bride are together. I know of what I say to you. I had sixty years, six months, 20 days and 18hours and 20 minutes with my love before she was called home to be with GOD. That lovely, wonderful woman chose me from among all the other men in the world. You Sir and I are the blessed ones among all other men. Again Sir, my congratulations. Follow Me aka Col C (ret)
    3 points
  3. For the past couple of months I have been fortunate enough to use a Meopta MeoStar 1-6 scope. Meopta's MeoStar spotting scope is highly regarded but their rifle scopes do not get much fanfare. I can't speak to other Meopta scopes but the MeoStar 1-6 is nice.
    2 points
  4. Cool. I’d stock up - because who knows how long they’ll make it. Plus, if you ever decide to sell, I bet it would fetch a higher price with ammo when it’s something rare like that.
    2 points
  5. So I know this is an old post but I finally scored some ammo. I know there wasn't much interest but if anybody is looking Aguila is making it now.
    2 points
  6. Thanks to all the helpful information. Old eyes and progressive lenses make seeing small dot sights a chore. We moved two months ago and just passed my CWP class here in South Carolina yesterday with a perfect score. I can still shoot decently with my lousy vision, but would like to improve my performance. Big dot sights may be just what I need.
    2 points
  7. Congratulations my wife and I just had our 11th in May and this past February we adopted 2 boys a 2 and 3 year old. Well technically we got guarding ship the adoption will be finalized on Monday.
    2 points
  8. A lot depends whether you are solo, have an abled body friend with you, or wife, kids , elderly family member. If possible, turn around and leave even if this means driving against traffic or crossing a median or other boundary. Unfasten seatbelt and stay in car. Roll down window less that 1/2", makes it harder to break with impact. Rolling down anymore and one can grab the top and simply pull until it breaks. If car breached, only choice is to protect your life and/or others. If solo, you may be able to exit your car and make a run for it. For me, I've will always travel with a long gun just for this occasion. Very fluid and difficult situation. Some decisions will be based on what you see happening to other vehicles and occupants.
    2 points
  9. RFTH Scenario Discussion Series: "In Your Vehicle, Surrounded By An Angry Mob" I am going to start a series of scenario discussions using events ripped from the news headlines. These will come as events warrant and justify, and the purpose of them will be to help us think through situations while we have the luxury of time and without the pressure that comes from being in the moment. The intent is to prepare us for things that might actually happen by evulating real-world occurances, dissecting them, and thinking critically about strategies and tactics. As with any structured conversation, there will be some parameters. Guidelines for Participating Discussing the actual event(s) that inspired the topic are fine so long as the discussion is germane to evaluating what went right, what went wrong, and learning from it. Comments should be meant to ask serious questions or provide serious answers. Humor should be used sparingly and appropriately. Comments should pe productive and not solely meant to entertain. We strongly recommend that you remember that the Internet has a long and very indelible memory. Don't make comments here that you would not want your lawyer to have to defend in court before a jury of people carefully selected by the prosecution to maximize the odds of sending you to prison, or worse. Be open to criticism and be able to support your statements with historical evidence or real data. If you are simply offering an opinion, please state such but, again, be open to criticism. The point of this is to make us all smarter and better prepared. Recognize that profiling is a legitimate tool if used appropriately to compare people, the environment, and activities to a baseline of what is normal or conventional for a given place or time. I would refer you to the concepts of the US Marine Corps Combat Hunter program or to the excellent book Left of Bang for more details on this. Profiling deemed to be driven by racism, bigotry, or ignorance will not be allowed, however. In the case of ignorance we willt try to educate, but racism and bigotry will not be allowed. All other TGO rules apply. The Scenario: Recent civil unrest following the death of George Floyd while in the custody of Minneapolis, MN police and even more recently the death of Rayshard Brooks after being shot by police in Atlanta, GA has proven that mobs of angry people can assemble quickly. These uprisings might catch the unware completely off guard. These uprisings have closed down public roadways and included the destruction of private and public property, as well as assaults on law enforcement officers and the general public. On Saturday, June 13, 2020, rioters said to be protesting the Brooks killing set fire to the Wendy's restaurant that owns the parking lot where Brooks was shot by police. In another part of Atlanta a major interstate highway was shut down when protestors marched onto the roadway. [source: https://www.foxcarolina.com/atlanta-protesters-block-interstate-set-fire-to-cars-at-fast-food-restaurant-where-police-killed/article_e45c6e96-3aef-5cdf-9c8a-f0b2f5fabc51.html] While some reconnaisance ahead of time of an area through which you might be traveling or participating in other activities could spare you from being sucked into some protests, others -- such as these -- can spawn rather unexpectedly and without much forewarning. For this discussion, you are asked to consider that you are driving through an area not necessarily prone to violent demonstrations when suddenly a group of people march into the roadway blocking you, the motorists ahead of you, and the motorists behind you. You are effectively "swarmed" by a mass of very angry individuals who appear to be engaged in a protest of some sort. How would you respond? What would your order of options be and how would you work through them to determine the best option given increasingly escalating hostility around you?
    1 point
  10. It’s so worth it with the MPX.
    1 point
  11. I’m not planning to at the moment, but if I do I’m considering the Troy micro or Magpul Pro I’ll probably be getting over to Arms-Fair this week to start the long process of purchasing a couple of silencers.
    1 point
  12. This might be your only other option right now. 150rds for $128 https://www.natchezss.com/hornady-frontier-rifle-ammunition-300-blackout-125-gr-fmj-2175-fps-150-ct.html
    1 point
  13. Ammoseek.com shows about 30 or more places that have it in stock. But as Shorty said, it ain't cheap. Prices run from $0.75 to $1.63 per round.
    1 point
  14. Installed these night sights on my G30SF many years ago....tritium still going strong. Great for CC, not so great for range fine-accuracy but that's not their purpose. No regrets here.
    1 point
  15. I like this one. UTG ABC Sling pack. $63 Doesn't scream gun, comes in 2 sizes. You can actually set it up for quick deploy of the gun. I think there is a gif of how that works on amazon. I bought the larger one first. It was huge. Smaller can actually carry 2 guns or you could set up the other side for mags and such. This can be a car bag or a range bag. I actually have a duffel as my dedicated range bag because I carry WAY to much to the range, but then I gave to load the hard cases too. So I grab this if just running the AR. https://amzn.to/315pe79
    1 point
  16. What a POS, "I am a combat veteran", I hate when these self entitled MFs use that. Well guess what, many of us Combat Vets out there, and that does not give us the right to illegally block a highway. Your rights stop right where mine begin, remember that. As to the confrontation, I have to say I commend him for not taking a shot at that guy that punched him. If he stopped on his own, he should have gone all the way to some place where the police could have intervened sooner.
    1 point
  17. I don't spend a lot on range bags. I generally find the stuff in the $30-50 range is plenty good enough. To me the important thing is that it has enough mag and storage pockets for all the junk I want to go with the gun. Just measure your rifles overall length and pick one to fit.
    1 point
  18. Dave... RE... “...But since I’ve retired, I’ve still kicked around the idea of doing it. It looks like for about $1000 for a Dillion press and the other required accessories. I wouldn’t live long enough to see a savings, but when I die someone would get a very nice set-up for free. ...” I bought a thousand dollar Dillon 650 setup with a pile of dies from an old boy who had retired and wuz moving from a house to an apartment... The cost, 400 smacks... If ya load one caliber n one recipe, ya can’t beat a Dillon... Mine is set up for 44 special now... We shoot lots of it... Or, more correctly, once did... More than one recipe, different calibers; we can quibble about the Dillon. Mine hasn’t been used In several years, as I tend to have “ manias “... 45 Colt, 45 Schofield, 38 Special Hi-Speed, Heavy 357... Ya get the picture... In my opinion, a Dillon setup is for folks that shoot thousands of rounds with very little spare time... If ya shoot one caliber n one recipe, ya can’t beat em... I tend to load all my “ mania “ loads on an ancient RCBS Rock Chucker single stage press. I load about 100 to 200 loads per session that is generally a couple of hours long... I prep brass and re prime as the spirit moves me... It ain’t a big deal, but it takes time n tools to do, as well as plenty of brass. If ya shoot 9mm or 40 S&W, ya just as well buy ammo for the convince n cost alone. Good bullets are probably half the cost of reloading alone... Cast bullets are dramatically cheaper... As for 45ACP, ya are at the break even point for reloading auto stuff, I’m thinkin.. In short, if ya like exotic pistol loads or big bores n ya have the time, reloading is the way to go; but buy a 300 smack single stage setup, not a Dillon, unless ya can steal it... Reloading is as much a hobby as it is a way to get cheap ammo. It does save a bundle on any rifle ammo that ain’t 223... Hope this helps a bit. leroy...
    1 point
  19. R2D2’s Grandpa & Grandma
    1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. What is it? Have you seen the F4? it will defently transfer out on a F5 at some point. https://www.atf.gov/firearms/docs/form/form-5-application-tax-exempt-transfer-and-registration-firearm-atf-form-53205
    1 point
  22. Interesting thread. I think I'd try to do things in this order: 1. Avoid if at all possible. Call 911 2. Leave if possible. 3. If non-violent. Try to wait for the crowd to move on or police come. 4. If violent, use the vehicle as a battering ram to make room to escape. 5. Fire only if absolutely necessary. I've never really thought about a dash cam. But now, I do believe I'll look into it.
    1 point
  23. Depends on WHERE you are in the traffic. the first thing is to call 911 if for no other reason than to get it on record what is happening. If you are the first car then keep moving if you can. I'm not talking about "drive through the crowd in Charlottesville " style, I'm talking about just rolling through slowly enough not to do any undue harm if possible. But again this depends on the mood of the crowd. People chanting and waving signs and people throwing bricks are two different things. And if someone kicks your car or hits it with a bat that is still not necessarily justification to shoot them (yet). If it is obvious that they are "out for blood" then proceed as necessary. Drive around, through or over them if need be. If that is not possible and you have the option to "safely" wait it out then that might be the best option but again, once the crowd gets violent it is a LETHAL situation and the "disparity of force" is through the roof. Respond as necessary. This is not the time for "well I only carry my gun every now and then". And if a J-frame and the 5 rounds in the cylinder is all you carry you might want to reconsider that. Is there a time to get out of the vehicle? Yes. If you are stuck in the middle of the traffic and they are setting cars on fire then you are going to have to do SOMETHING. That something might be get out and run , get out and try to help others get out of their cars (think elderly folks who might need help) or get out, grab your rifle and make things very loud. Obviously that is a last resort but I'd rather have that option and not need to use it than not have that as an option. If you have a passenger (passengers) this might change things. Who is the passenger? Your wife? Your wife and small children? Your teenage age daughters? Your SF friend who just got back from a deployment to Syria and you are coming home from the range? All of these details matter and will color what you do and frankly what you are able to do. The best place to be is NOT THERE. So if you can avoid it then avoid it, if you can drive around it, then drive around it if not and you can drive through it do that. Worst case is having to get out and solve this on foot. I was in Raymond Mississippi at the Rangemaster Master Instructor class when the widespread nationwide rioting kicked off on the night of May 28. We all were aware of the news as the class progressed from Fri-Sun. Virtually all of us were visitors to the area and would all have to make our ways home Sunday night after class. My plan was to fill the car up before I left (I could make it all the way home on 1 tank of gas) , to simply stay on the interstate if possible, check in with friends along the way for a local reports of what was going on in their areas (I drove essentially diagonally through Alabama on 59 ) and to be ready to drive around or through any problems, and keep the AUG on the front seat for any potential problems that I could not drive around or through. People think you are crazy carrying a rifle and 7 mags with you until the rioting starts. Then you are a prophet.
    1 point
  24. Figure something else out. You can’t find a safe that holds both. If you do, you’re doing something wrong. Either not enough guns or ammo. Safes fill up real fast.
    1 point
  25. This is a scenario where I'm glad I have dash cams in both vehicles. If they are just blocking the road and not threatening me I'm going to wait before just ramming a bunch of people. I'm not going to be the next Reginald Denny though. If it looks like they are going to do me harm then I'll do what I have to. I'm not going to get into specifics.
    1 point
  26. The one you are comfortable with and will carry. I learned the right belt and holster is way more important than the gun for comfort.
    1 point
  27. whichever one you will carry and are proficient with
    1 point
  28. It does take some time to get use to living in a free state.
    1 point
  29. Wow !! I guess this falls into that "damned if you do and damned if you don't" category The Food and Drug Administration is warning consumers not to purchase hand sanitizer manufactured from Eskbiochem SA de CV due to the potential presence of toxic chemicals. Nine products manufactured by the Mexico-based company, which are still on the market, may contain methanol, which can be poisonous if absorbed through the skin or ingested, the FDA said in a letter. https://www.foxbusiness.com/lifestyle/fda-warning-hand-sanitizers-methanol
    0 points
  30. Is that Steph Curry and Benedict Cumberbatch?
    0 points
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