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I'm locking this thread because we've already talked about this. Your permit coupled with your exuberance doesn't give you ground to go defend anything. And, I'd argue if you go there - you're putting even personal defense in jeopardy because you went and sought it out. But besides that - "Antifa" the conservative media's favorite new boogeyman now that Hillary has gone away isn't coming to Murfreesboro or Brentwood or Lebanon or Smyrna or anywhere else. You know why? Because this "Antifa is coming to the suburbs" is an organized disinformation campaign being perpetrated by some known actors on social media.7 points
Knew Buford and had many of his classes since 1990,he was one of a kind. Had buddies ask me if it would be a good HCP Class for them and wife and I would say yes,he can be crude but you will learn more than any trainers combined. He had been there and done that. Seen him a couple weeks after he shot a hole in his finger,but not off as somebody here said. It was a striker fired gun which he hated but not a Glock. Someone brought it in loaded and it malfunctioned during a class demo. Talked to him a few months ago and he had APPS up for sale and wanting to retire.2 points
If the numbers don't spike significantly in a week or two, that will demolish the entire case for the Covid Shutdown.2 points
https://fox17.com/news/local/buford-tune-tfa-member-former-metro-police-officer-dies I liked Buford and did my handgun permit training with him years ago as well as a few classes with him. He was original and one of a kind. A good man . . .1 point
Well, that leaves me out, I've not worn one yet. I was going to when I went to attempt to get a haircut, when they finally opened, but it was just for active duty at the time. Not that I don't take precautions, but wearing anything not rated for this is senseless to me, and since I'm not sick, it doesn't help others either. There is nobody in my household more susceptible than any other healthy person so not worried about that, and I don't socialize with anyone who is either. I'm not stupid, I'm not going around licking toilet seats or even shopping cart handles, but I'm also not doing more than washing my hands properly a bit more often than usual. I think it's actually worse wearing masks and gloves, with people constantly having to adjust the darn things with their potentially contaminated hands, gloved or not. I do think it's serious, but not to the level everyone seems to make it out to be. And now that the riots have once again brought out out all the masses, any progress the forced quarantine may of had, if any, is out the window.1 point
Not quite sure how to answer this. One way I'm a pessemistic, tin foil hat waiting for TEOTWAWKI. The other I'm just a plain conspiracy theorist. Maybe it's time to go have a wee sip of that Tullamore Dew I Bought.1 point
shut your dirty mouth... I also love my Sig MPX but they are not cheap.1 point
I've grown to love my overpriced Sig MPX. But there is no reason to spend that much money when the PSA equivalent does the same thing.1 point
Both. My paranoia is the fear that this situation is going to destroy this nation. I don't know...or care...now, if this is a contrived attack on this county's government or only one man. Or if this is all just one cosmic joke on humanity and it's a plague of epic proportions. Either way, the outcome is what I worry about. At best, we are going to be a vastly different county; both economically and socially. At worst...well you decide what it might be. And if you think I've read too many EOTWAWKI books...maybe I have.1 point
As I understand it, the tickle your brain nasal swab only tests for live virus. So if you've already had it and recovered (with or without symptoms) you test negative unless you've come in contact again. I'd presume a 2nd (or 3rd, or 4th,....) positive test would be asymptomatic and mean you've picked it up somewhere. The antibody test is what tests for immunity, and I dont think those results are what's being reported. If antibody test results are being included, then the data is even more cloudy. Antibodies just mean your body is prepared to fight it off before you come in contact. They don't magically make the virus disappear. It's still there its just easier for your immune system to destroy. Antibodies are like being in a fox hole with a minigun and a pallet of ammo knowing exactly where the enemy line is. The moment they charge, you pop a flare and start mowing them down. You still might break a sweat and have to duck while reloading, but the outcome is clear. No antibodies is like walking down a dark alley and the BG grabs you from behind. The fight is on, the outcome is uncertain.1 point
Not if you catch it the next day. You might even catch it where you get tested.1 point
I'm curious why folks are getting tested. Are they sick or just paranoid? My sister-in-law got tested but it turned out she had mono instead. I wish they would distinguish between those with symptoms and those without.1 point
From Goldfinger. Man How far holsters have come. Looks like my grandma made that from scraps. Interesting promo released before Goldfinger related to James Bond guns. Anybody else shoot matchsticks in their house?1 point
There was a big jump yesterday in new cases here in Knox County. 23. Still we only have one currently hospitalizatied and only 5 deaths.1 point
I also took my handgun class from Buford. He donated a free class to a Kidney Foundation charity golf tournament as an auction item that I was playing in. He was definitely a character.1 point
Like Luckyforward, I took my carry permit classes with Buford as well. Also had a lot of face time with him in the 90s when he ran security at Hickory Hollow Mall. (In those days, it actually was a very nice place.) I was running a seasonal store there for about 6 years, and we met when I had a shoplifter in the shop. We struck up a casual friendship after that. He would usually stop in just before closing and chat over a cup of coffee with me. During one of those little chats, I found that he knew my brother-in-law. That opened up a whole new avenue of conversations for us. lol He asked me one night, very casually..."Do you have a pistol with you?" I know it's against mall policy, but with the hours and leaving at night...I figure you do. Of course, he said...smiling, you really shouldn't. But just in case you're thinking about something like this. I run a carry permit class. Well, the rest is history, as they say. Took the class with him, got abused for bringing a new pistol I'd just bought to the class. Laughed at because I didn't buy a Beretta. And just generally was used as the whipping boy for the class. He used me as an example for most of the "How would you do this?" questions. But I thoroughly enjoyed the class. Bought my first safe from Buford when he had that tiny little shop on Murfreesboro Road. But sort of lost touch after my shop closed and he got busy with his own life. Yes...Buford Tune was a character. But also a man of character. It's a shame that he will be forever know as "That Guy" who shot his pinky off in front of a class. He deserves better. But I think he probably laughed it off later. Rest In Peace, Officer Tune.1 point
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This is probably the best shot that Tennessee citizens have had at permitless carry in the past ten years. If the supporters in the House are sharp, when this goes to the finance committee they will point out that the fiscal loss will be minimal because the majority of people will still pay a fee and obtain a permit to get the benefit of reciprocity in other states.1 point
Buy at PSA, much cheaper that way and they are pretty decent. They are fun to shoot, and 9mm ammo is currently cheap to buy and reload. I bought this one https://palmettostatearmory.com/psa-gen4-10-5-9mm-1-10-lightweight-m-lok-moe-sob-ept-pistol-5165449802.html Keep an eye on the daily deals, which normally makes up for shipping and transfer fees.1 point
RE... " The pistol "... The mania has passed for one... Given what's goin on, I may need ta take it back up again... leroy0 points
They hate Trump that bad. Regardless you need to cheer up HP, dont think you're going check out early and not take this sh!tride with the rest of us0 points
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