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After the Obama years it is beyond my comprehension why anyone is not at least marginally prepared.5 points
Yes, this goes in this thread. A few weeks there was a discussion here about working from home and I stated that between telehealth patients I was refinishing a Model 63 Winchester .22 rifle. Not a great picture, but here is the finished work. This rifle was created in 1952 (3 years before me!) and purchased by my Dad. I shot it all my life and it is a great rifle! Over time the forearm cracked and could not be repaired, and of course, original parts for a 1952 Winchester are long gone. A few months ago I started looking on the internet and found a walnut forend for this gun on eBay for $45!. I ordered it and a friend worked the forearm down to fitting more closely. Jeff Walle did the final fit and put a new spring that drives the action in the gun. (It only lasted 68 years!) The last task was to get the forearm color to match the stock. Despite trying different stains, nothing worked. Then I found that linseed oil darkened the forearm to the same color as the stock. By the time I finished all with TruOil you see the result. I'm pleased with the stock/forearm color match. Finally I touched up the bluing (originally done by my Dad) with Brownell's Oxpho Blue and you see the final result. A good use of my "work from home" time!5 points
Trump is cutting funding to the World Health Organization. Sounds like all of it.4 points
I finaly got around to putting sights on this fake FN Hi Power made by FEG. It has all the right FN roll stamps and proofs but the SN is not a Belgian one. I think the Israelis parkerized this one before they got imported. I put a Real FN barrel in it since the FEG had way too much head space. The sights were original from the 1927 design. Now I can see them right nice. The dots are milled in pockets so the florescent paint will stay put for the most part. The front sight is a S&W one that was way too low so I built it up with mig weld, then reformed the sight to the proper hight. The face is cut in a bit to wipe out the lower S&W white dot that was there. Also added an extended safety. If there is one fault in these guns, its the puny safety to seer contact point. Its tiny and like a number of these that I have modified by putting a dab of weld on that contact point to eliminate the poor contact there that on most guns has trigger creep on safe. I trim the weld down little by little until that safety/trigger creep is zero. Finaly my confederate FN is a pleasure to shoot. A couple months ago, I picked up an Arcus 98DAC off GB for a tad over 3 bills. I was curious about this new version of the P35 that is the Police/Military pistol of 15 countries. It uses the same Hi power magazines and a couple other things. I could even fit a Hi Power barrel to it with a little machine work. It shoots well but is just as heavy as the original pistol at 2lbs 2oz. They left ALOT of steel in the shorter slide. I was thinking about cutting all that extra off some day just to see how much lighter I could get it since it does group pretty good and that weird web hook in the grip actually feels pretty good in my hand.3 points
3 points
Another option is that you have a Sportsman's Warehouse in Chattanooga. You can search their website to see if they have one in stock anywhere. If they do you can purchase it online and ship it to your local store. My Interwebz search is slow. but it looks like you can get one by the 27th. They are advertising $649.99 but if you ore hubby are veterans they give a 10% military discount. https://www.sportsmans.com/shooting-gear-gun-supplies/handguns/ruger-57-57x28mm-494in-black-nitride-pistol-101-rounds/p/16230093 points
Since I was mentioned by name (more or less) I'll chime in.... A good habit to develop is a well developed ability to not try to interject unnecessarily yourself into other people's issues out in public when you are armed. I did NOT just say not to intervene. I said try not UNNECESSARILY interject yourself. If you have any questions read about and watch the Michael Drejka video where he appoints himself the "handicap space monitor" of the gas station , gets in a screaming match with a woman, gets knocked down by her boyfriend and then shoots him AFTER he begins backing away with his hands up. The easily predictable and proper result? Prison. Had he simply controlled himself and not instigated an argument in public while armed then he'd still be free. On the flip side lets look at the Sutherland Springs church shooting where Stephen Willeford grabbed his rifle and got involved. He responded to a clearly defined act in progress that shocks the conscience of most anyone. He is NOT in jail. Why? Because he involved himself to stop something that was clearly recognizable as something unlawful, immoral and anti social by ANY standards and he decided to get involved to save lives. So what does all this mean? It means that if you cannot clearly define and articulate that what you are witnessing is going to result in grave bodily injury or death to an innocent person then you really need to reconsider pulling your gun and shooting (or threatening to shoot) someone. If you hear gunfire on the OTHER end of the mall you might want to reconsider hauling out your pistol and "running to the sound of the guns " especially if you don't know what is going on and don't know how many of them there actually are.... When Joseph Robert Wilcox decided to pull his pistol and go hunting for Jerad Miller during Miller's attack on the Las Vegas Walmart in 2014, Wilcox left a position of relative safety to find and stop Miller and was ambushed by Amanda Miller who he did not realize as an accomplice. Also if the cops shoot you thinking YOU are the shooter it counts just as much and kills you just as dead as the bad guy shooting you. Can there be mitigating circumstances that might drive you to charge off into the unknown ? Sure. If your family is on the other end of Walmart and that is where the gunfire is coming from then I think most folks would be compelled to act....but if you and your family are together 10 feet from the door and you hear rifle fire at the other end of Walmart then exiting stage left might be the best plan. As to getting involved in a stabbing in progress? If it is that you happen upon 2 dudes fighting in a parking lot that is not as clear cut as someone stabbing 3 women in a convenience store so you might be far more likely to get involved in one situation than another. If you feel confident in your assessment of the situation, feel confident in your skills (and are COMPETENT with your skills) then step in and do something . But we need to be able to take a breath and see the big picture before we charge off into the unknown doing our best impersonation of George Custer "there's probably just a few Indians out here....the village can't be THAT big"........3 points
*Side note, I was at WrestleMania 14 when he took on The Undertaker. Great match.2 points
Update. Nice day to shoot! So this is Tula FMJ play ammo run threw the Mec Gar 15 round mag. Bottom is 10 yards off hand 10 second rapid fire while the top is shot off the bench. I don't use my bifocals shooting despite the blur of the target (lesser of the 2 evils). So for me the FEG is a nice target toy now. Having good sights as you get into your 60's is much more an item than ever! Only thing golden about these years is getting paid to breath air. LOL2 points
Do it. I have a natural gas grill plumbed directly to the house supply lines. I'll never deal with tanks again.2 points
The big differences here are that there are flu vaccines for those who wish to receive one, and this virus appears to be a lot more contagious than the flu. If this virus were to start mutating like the flu or cold does then we'd REALLY be screwed. Even if the flu vaccine that you get doesn't cover the particular strain that you get infected with it still reduces the severity of your body's response. This is not the case for COVID-19 since there is no vaccine to begin with. And the shutting down thing was so that this highly contagious virus doesn't overwhelm the health system thus causing more deaths than necessary.2 points
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2 points
@broox @Ski @joe4vol @Bnashville @Johnny Rotten @GhstFace38 @Shorty @cz75b @TN Song Dog Please hit this link ASAP and add a billing address so that I can process the membership for you. You aren't being billed, but the software needs it for me to complete the transaction. https://www.tngunowners.com/forums/clients/addresses/ You can let me know that you've done so by clicking the "THANKS" reaction (it looks like the little trophy icon) in the reactions list for this post.2 points
1 point
Exactly. I do however feel for those just getting into it due to late interest or just becoming old enough to purchase. They sure missed out on a lot of cheap and easily available ammo!1 point
Governor Northam and his cronies enact laws abridging basic civil liberties, and then celebrate. Hmm. Pop quiz, Virginians: What is your state motto?1 point
1 point
We cut a deal with major airlines. Can someone explain whey they don't have to pay back all this money? My understanding is that even the auto makers had to pay the money back during the last bailout. We're giving American $5.8B and they only have to pay back $1.7B. Similar numbers for other airlines. On a positive note, they aren't allowed to do stock buybacks but it doesn't say for how long. Why are we giving them free money? I don't understand it.1 point
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1 point
That RIA 6” 2011 is very cool, especially in 10mm. When I bought it I also bought a custom leather OWB holster for it, with a Streamlight light/ laser combo attached. I also own a Colt Delta Elite in 10mm, Springfield Armory XDM 10mm, and a Glock 20 as well.1 point
The gunsmith I use, Old South Restorations, did some work for Yeager and was featured on his channel. He suggested they start their own YT channel because their primary focus is on restoration of classic and antique firearms and folks would watch that kind of work. I tend to agree so thought I’d share their channel. They’ve only put up a single intro video so far, but I’m looking forward to seeing what they put up.1 point
Absolutely, you have to be a control freak to run a manufacturing operation. I’ve known many business owners that are control freaks. Some were azzhat control freaks and some were nice guy control freaks, but all were control freaks if they had a profitable business. Most were old, and most embraced change if it helped their business, change for change sake; not so much. But keep in mind I’m talking about a manufacturing facility, not an IT company. It’s harder to find quality people, even those that will work from home, when they have to be available to come to Shelbyville, TN on a couple hour’s notice.1 point
Another option might be to get him a gift card to a local shop for the (ordered) gun and some ammo to open as his "gift." Maybe not as fun, but you won't pay a semi-panic markup, and (as mentioned) you'll support a local shop while giving yourself some recourse in the unlikely event you need it. The gift card might not be necessary. Call your local shops to see who will order it, how much they'll charge, their delivery timeline, and how they'd like to handle the payment side of the transaction (since it's a gift).1 point
Cool. You can tell those two are focused on their trade and not internet stars. And I mean that in a good way. Looking forward to what they post. I did hear them say “Hot Blue”. So I will be waiting to see them do a high gloss, polished, Smith & Wesson revolver.1 point
The basic story is at some point Sadam Husain ticked off FN and he couldn't get them to sell him their Hi Power pistols. So, he went to FEG and paid them to make him a contract run with all FN marks and Belgian proofs. since the patent had long expired on the pistol license of manufacture, FEG could do what ever they wanted to make Sadam happy. The ring hammers were a big give away and SN's were FEG specific. One story goes that Israel ended up with a number of these and exported them with and without Israeli markings. Some were even sold threw GI PX's in Germany decades ago. Mine has no importer markings any where other than the Belgian proofs. The quality of build is not going to be Browning or FN but certainly better than some military pistols built from around the world. I think the history of these guns is pretty cool. God knows where this pistol has been since it left the factory for the Republican Guard....maybe?1 point
My guess would be that those that can work from home are a miniscule percentage of the work force, and the percentage of manufacturing workers or the service industry that could do that is zero.1 point
No. But they are new and availability is limited. That coupled with this virus stuff will keep the price up for some time. That’s not a good internet price, but probubaly less than a local retailer would charge if they have it. MSPR is $799, so its less than that. I’m not from that area, but I would check GT Distributors. If that’s a gun he wants, don’t kid yourself, he won’t be upset.1 point
61,000 people died in a 6-7 month period. We've had 24,000 die since March 25th. 338 a day versus 1,200. And that's after shutting down 42 states. Having said that, I still wonder if we've done more damage than was necessary. I have no idea what to think at this point but I know I'm not going to compare it to the flu.1 point
You didn’t hurt my feelings. I’m just pointing out that if you are trying to justify killing a bunch of old people to save the economy; that won’t work. Kids are going to die, and you have to be okay with sacrificing them too. I’m not arguing with you; I’m agreeing with what you obviously want to do. I just don’t think you are being realistic or honest about the cost.1 point
You are correct. I have thought that from the beginning. We can’t keep business shut down unless we are willing to pay the ultimate price, the collapse of our economy. I suspect that death toll would far exceed the virus. I have the feeling that is what Trump and other leaders are deciding right now. First, he said he would be making an announcement on Tuesday. Yesterday he said it would be in the next few days. I assume he is coordinating with the Governors. But I don’t expect you or I to see any numbers to decide on the impact. Your decision nor mine carries any weight. BTW… I’m 65 years old and retired, so I’m one that you have already decided is useless. But the numbers absolutely don’t show that only the old will die; best of luck to you and your family. But if they have to choose between putting my health at risk and the economy collapsing; I’m okay with opening things back up.1 point
Yes. You either bring your eye behind the gun by turning your head (in your case think touching your chin to your right shoulder so your left eye is now behind the extended gun ) or by bringing the gun across the centerline of your body in front of the dominant eye. With a pistol you can cant the gun a little to get the sights tilted toward that left eye without having to move the gun quite as far and still maintaining a locked wrist. Or you can split the difference and tilt the head a little and bring the gun across the body a little. If at all possible I want to maintain a locked wrist for better control, and to avoid "limp wrist" malfunctions. Truth be told that is what I do when I'm shooting left handed. I'm naturally right handed and right eye dominant so when I shoot with my non dominant hand (left) I cant the gun inboard about 30 degrees to the right , bring the gun in line with my sternum , and then turn my head very slightly to the left to get my right eye lined up behind the sights. (This is a lot easier to show in person than to explain...)1 point
Grab a Gun is the only place I see that has them in stock. I thought $750 was high, but after looking at that Gun broker link; it doesn’t look like it. https://grabagun.com/ruger-57-pistol-5-7x28mm-20-rounds-adjustable-fiber.html HINT: If you want help finding it at a local gun store, you might want to think about putting your location (City) in your profile.1 point
Here is a link to ones found on Gunbroker.com. Hope this helps. https://www.gunbroker.com/Guns-Firearms/search?Keywords=ruger 571 point
1 point
@Ski @joe4vol @Bnashville @GhstFace38 and @TN Song Dog ... please see the above post.1 point
I would check with these guys.(CHPWS) I have a couple of their adapters for my Glocks and they are outstanding. http://www.chpws.com/product/sig-p320-x-series-w-romeo1pro-dpp-cut-to-rmr-sro-holosun-adapter-plate1 point
Morning. If you do a quick search on TGO you will see you're not alone in this. It happens from time to time for no reason and the usual outcome is your appeal goes through and you get the gun. I know of 2 that have bought from Bud's store and both were initially denied only to have their appeal approved weeks later. 1 had never purchased a handgun through the system and the other has more than a dozen in their name. Both had clean records. Best advice is to not take it personally and remain calm. Seems more often that not to work out if your record is clean.1 point
1 point
I've got a bottle of that Jamison in the cabinet too. I can drink and enjoy the Irish, but I'm afraid I just prefer the corn. I've played around a bit with distilling and a corn rye mix is tasty too.1 point
Government never appreciates us small business types. I honestly can't recall anything the .gov has done for me in the 30 years I've had my own business.1 point
Just remember that the small print had a clause about I get right of first refusal on anything y'all decide to sell...1 point
600 cases aboard the Roosevelt Aircraft Carrier. 600 out of what 5000 to 6000 crew. A good case that being apart does work.1 point
I think (usual disclaimer about uninformed opinion...) that the low number of cases might be partly a result of the measures taken to reduce the spread of the virus. Or, if we had just gone about business as usual we might have seen many more cases than we've had so far.1 point
Next time? We haven't even finished this time. When they lift restrictions and everyone goes back out, that second wave is gonna hit HARD!1 point
I agree. I saw yesterday there are only ~48 active cases in Knox county, out of 500K people. There has to be a better way to handle this next time.1 point
1 point
One of the first classes I taught for Suarez Int back in like 2006 I had a guy who came to class at the recommendation of one of his friends. He told me at the beginning of class that he had shot his whole life (in his 40s at the time) and was not very good and that he didn't really expect to be able to get much better and he was pretty well resigned to that fate. But his friend said he should really come to this class so he did. I thought that just sounded kind of sad but I told him I'd do everything in my power to help him. I asked if he knew which was his dominant eye and he said he did not know exactly what I was referring to. I explained it and gave everyone in class the "eye test" and we determined that he was in fact right handed and left eye dominant and that is from where his problems stemmed . Once we determined that and had him get the gun in front of his dominant eye he was able to vastly improve his shooting. He had been aiming all these years with his non dominant eye and that is why up until then he was not a good shooter . At the end of class I thought he was going to cry for joy because he didn't expect it to happen but we had "fixed" his shooting and now he was shooting the way he should have been all these years. THAT is what makes an instructor's day. But it was all about what he was seeing .... not how he was applying the mechanics of shooting.1 point
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