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  1. Before I list the members who are getting a membership I want to give a shout out and thanks to two other members. @Jeb48 and @Raoul both offered to cover a couple more memberships if we had more than 10 sign up. Unfortunately we only had 9 sign but I wanted to thank both of you for the offer. Now to members receiving a 6 month membership they are: @broox @Ski @joe4vol @Bnashville @Johnny Rotten @GhstFace38 @Shorty @cz75b @TN Song Dog I will send your names to one of the admins and get them to set you up a benefactor membership. Hopefully after your membership is up you will continue to support this site financially. Congratulations!
    8 points
  2. Since I was mentioned by name (more or less) I'll chime in.... A good habit to develop is a well developed ability to not try to interject unnecessarily yourself into other people's issues out in public when you are armed. I did NOT just say not to intervene. I said try not UNNECESSARILY interject yourself. If you have any questions read about and watch the Michael Drejka video where he appoints himself the "handicap space monitor" of the gas station , gets in a screaming match with a woman, gets knocked down by her boyfriend and then shoots him AFTER he begins backing away with his hands up. The easily predictable and proper result? Prison. Had he simply controlled himself and not instigated an argument in public while armed then he'd still be free. On the flip side lets look at the Sutherland Springs church shooting where Stephen Willeford grabbed his rifle and got involved. He responded to a clearly defined act in progress that shocks the conscience of most anyone. He is NOT in jail. Why? Because he involved himself to stop something that was clearly recognizable as something unlawful, immoral and anti social by ANY standards and he decided to get involved to save lives. So what does all this mean? It means that if you cannot clearly define and articulate that what you are witnessing is going to result in grave bodily injury or death to an innocent person then you really need to reconsider pulling your gun and shooting (or threatening to shoot) someone. If you hear gunfire on the OTHER end of the mall you might want to reconsider hauling out your pistol and "running to the sound of the guns " especially if you don't know what is going on and don't know how many of them there actually are.... When Joseph Robert Wilcox decided to pull his pistol and go hunting for Jerad Miller during Miller's attack on the Las Vegas Walmart in 2014, Wilcox left a position of relative safety to find and stop Miller and was ambushed by Amanda Miller who he did not realize as an accomplice. Also if the cops shoot you thinking YOU are the shooter it counts just as much and kills you just as dead as the bad guy shooting you. Can there be mitigating circumstances that might drive you to charge off into the unknown ? Sure. If your family is on the other end of Walmart and that is where the gunfire is coming from then I think most folks would be compelled to act....but if you and your family are together 10 feet from the door and you hear rifle fire at the other end of Walmart then exiting stage left might be the best plan. As to getting involved in a stabbing in progress? If it is that you happen upon 2 dudes fighting in a parking lot that is not as clear cut as someone stabbing 3 women in a convenience store so you might be far more likely to get involved in one situation than another. If you feel confident in your assessment of the situation, feel confident in your skills (and are COMPETENT with your skills) then step in and do something . But we need to be able to take a breath and see the big picture before we charge off into the unknown doing our best impersonation of George Custer "there's probably just a few Indians out here....the village can't be THAT big"........
    5 points
  3. If they’d actually leave me alone, I might agree to it.
    4 points
  4. Any small business owner in America will tell you the economy wasn’t as rosy as everyone seemed to think it was. As to bailing out Boeing or the like - national security questions aside -$60 billion is a whole lot of money. For that same money, you could make $250,000 grants to 240,000 small businesses. I wonder which would create more sustainable value in the long run?
    4 points
  5. To far to run if caught asleep. Make the door open into the room Mine is above ground, concrete pad with rebar down into the footings up into the first run of 12" block. 12" block walls 8' high with tie wire grid every 2 runs and rebar in every hole(3 in the corner holes) down to the pad. 6x6 "I" beam with 1/2" thick webs, covered with 3/4 plywood, rebar from the block bent over the plywood to make a web of rebar for the roof. Formed a 7' thick roof pad and poured walls full and roof pad in one pour. We have a vault door that was in place when the walls were poured and is locked in by the concrete. The door opens into the room so storm debris cant block the door from being opened. 6' steel pipes with 2 90* elbows to make a 180* for vents.
    4 points
  6. @broox @Ski @joe4vol @Bnashville @Johnny Rotten @GhstFace38 @Shorty @cz75b @TN Song Dog Please hit this link ASAP and add a billing address so that I can process the membership for you. You aren't being billed, but the software needs it for me to complete the transaction. https://www.tngunowners.com/forums/clients/addresses/ You can let me know that you've done so by clicking the "THANKS" reaction (it looks like the little trophy icon) in the reactions list for this post.
    3 points
  7. I like seeing all the politicians and such dutifully running around in their face masks... with their nose fully exposed.
    3 points
  8. The gunsmith I use, Old South Restorations, did some work for Yeager and was featured on his channel. He suggested they start their own YT channel because their primary focus is on restoration of classic and antique firearms and folks would watch that kind of work. I tend to agree so thought I’d share their channel. They’ve only put up a single intro video so far, but I’m looking forward to seeing what they put up.
    2 points
  9. You would need to read all of Tennessee Code Title 39, Chapter 11, part 6 (601 through 622) you can start here. https://advance.lexis.com/container?config=014CJAA5ZGVhZjA3NS02MmMzLTRlZWQtOGJjNC00YzQ1MmZlNzc2YWYKAFBvZENhdGFsb2e9zYpNUjTRaIWVfyrur9ud&crid=486a1475-6178-4e11-ab3f-8f447ae44fce&prid=e8a7d5e1-15a8-4bb3-a382-7fa3e582a1ae That is unannotated and just gives you the text of the law. I have my own ideas on the use of deadly force that I believe will serve me in all 50 states, although I don’t know that, I have not researched all 50 states. This is my interpretation. I am not a lawyer, don’t play one on TV, and am not giving legal advice, just stating an opinion. I am justified in using deadly force if a reasonable person would believe I was facing an immediate threat of death, or great bodily harm, or if my intervention using deadly force was immediately needed to protect another. Also keep in mind all these people can impact your financial costs of trial and ultimately your freedom. The primary responding Police Officers, the Police Investigators (Detectives), The DA’s investigators, The DA, and ultimately the Judge or a Jury.
    2 points
  10. Government never appreciates us small business types. I honestly can't recall anything the .gov has done for me in the 30 years I've had my own business.
    2 points
  11. All things being equal, I'd like to see a way for companies to keep a reserve fund at some level of their revenue/earnings. For reasons in my reply to Erik, that's not plausible in the current operating environment, but it could be a first step if we change the way things are currently done. As for choosing who gets a bailout...it's not the bailouts themselves I have a problem with, it's bailouts sans strings. Boeing is the perfect example of a company that I'm very uncomfortable with right now, because their company's failures are in some level of blame right now as COVID-19. Mark Cuban hits the 10 ring in this clip telling Boeing no way should they get a bailout free and clear. If we're gonna bailout Boeing, it needs to be with some heavy conditions, or after a bankruptcy where we can put a better company to the old name. So, a huge part of the problem is we incentivize share buybacks, and debt supported balance sheets. Between the tax code and corporate culture where folks get compensated on performance of earnings to share, publicly traded companies really have no choice but to do what's best fiscally, because doing the right thing for other reasons leaves you at a competitive disadvantage, puts your job in jeopardy, or worse, makes you a takeover target for activist investors. We're getting the behavior we reward, and we shouldn't be surprised by it.
    2 points
  12. Just remember that the small print had a clause about I get right of first refusal on anything y'all decide to sell...
    2 points
  13. This is just too cool. I'm so cheap sometimes. This generosity encourages me to do likewise. thanks Kahrman!!!
    2 points
  14. I finaly got around to putting sights on this fake FN Hi Power made by FEG. It has all the right FN roll stamps and proofs but the SN is not a Belgian one. I think the Israelis parkerized this one before they got imported. I put a Real FN barrel in it since the FEG had way too much head space. The sights were original from the 1927 design. Now I can see them right nice. The dots are milled in pockets so the florescent paint will stay put for the most part. The front sight is a S&W one that was way too low so I built it up with mig weld, then reformed the sight to the proper hight. The face is cut in a bit to wipe out the lower S&W white dot that was there. Also added an extended safety. If there is one fault in these guns, its the puny safety to seer contact point. Its tiny and like a number of these that I have modified by putting a dab of weld on that contact point to eliminate the poor contact there that on most guns has trigger creep on safe. I trim the weld down little by little until that safety/trigger creep is zero. Finaly my confederate FN is a pleasure to shoot. A couple months ago, I picked up an Arcus 98DAC off GB for a tad over 3 bills. I was curious about this new version of the P35 that is the Police/Military pistol of 15 countries. It uses the same Hi power magazines and a couple other things. I could even fit a Hi Power barrel to it with a little machine work. It shoots well but is just as heavy as the original pistol at 2lbs 2oz. They left ALOT of steel in the shorter slide. I was thinking about cutting all that extra off some day just to see how much lighter I could get it since it does group pretty good and that weird web hook in the grip actually feels pretty good in my hand.
    1 point
  15. Had mine built by Floyd at tornadosaferoom.com ... it's piece of mind during these warnings we've had lately. It's basically a 950 lb steel box with a gazillion bolts holding it into concrete. It's awesome.
    1 point
  16. I bought a Rock Island Armory double stack 2011 in 10mm last year. It’s got the 6” barrel and it’s all steel. It’s supposed to be an entry level “competition” gun. It’s ok. It’s very heavy. The mags hold 16 or 17 rounds I believe. I took it to the range once so far. I bought it thinking it’d be a cool sidearm to wear out in the woods. Then I found the Springfield XDM in 10 mm. The 2011 is still cool though. It has its place in the fun factor.
    1 point
  17. Since you got my interest going, I found this site with a downloadable build list so maybe you can get a cost idea. https://buildblock.com/icfs/safety/safe-rooms/ This article also lists several other options and links to them: https://www.ottawalife.com/article/building-at-home-tornado-shelters?c=9
    1 point
  18. Exactly. People freak out about job loses due to business failures, but it happens every day. If there's opportunity for a profitable business, smart people will make it happen. Dumb people need to learn hard lessons or find something else to do.
    1 point
  19. If its all concrete, make sure you have a blade that can actually cut the concrete. I'm not sure a wood chain will. Don't forget hearing protection since it would be crazy loud in that small room. Maybe store a heavy sledgehammer in there too.
    1 point
  20. Being fairly intelligent animals, I would guess once they are in the area frequently enough to know there is a consistent food source, timing them shouldn't take too long. They may even be trained to just the sound of the feeder. Think Pavlov
    1 point
  21. Well, remember when they caned that punk kid for vandalism back in the 90s? They don’t screw around in Singapore.
    1 point
  22. Education was probably the most important thing that could have happened. The problem there is that no one seemed to know the truth. Or at least those that did weren't sharing. I think what we know now is that we were probably better off not shutting down but instead asking high risk individuals and those in contact with them to take extra precautions and everyone else carry on as usual.
    1 point
  23. It is obvious or economy wasn't nearly as strong as they made it seem. I feel like we've just told all these corporations that they can do whatever the hell they want and big mamma fed and the American people will bail them out. Companies like Boeing were already struggling horribly. They should not be bailed out. Airlines have had record years leading up to this and used all their money for stock buy backs. This money should at least come with stipulations that they can't do buy backs for a decade. It really seems like we care more about corporations than working class families. I don't get it.
    1 point
  24. Next time? We haven't even finished this time. When they lift restrictions and everyone goes back out, that second wave is gonna hit HARD!
    1 point
  25. I agree. I saw yesterday there are only ~48 active cases in Knox county, out of 500K people. There has to be a better way to handle this next time.
    1 point
  26. I assume you’ve bought and tried Tullamore DEW by now, but if you haven’t, I definitely prefer it over regular Jameson.
    1 point
  27. Well, yes and no. They are 100% a 1911 except for magazine, magazine release, trigger, and a couple of other parts... but you could certainly take a 1911 and put most all the parts on a 2011 frame. The main difference between a one-piece doublestack frame like the Para Ordnance and the 2-piece 2011 is that the grip frame bolts onto the railed metal part of the frame and the trigger is sandwiched between them. The first 2011s used a molded polymer grip frame but STI was the only one with the mold. They had an agreement to sell their frames to Infinity for years, and when that expired, Infinity began cutting their grip frames out of metal. Now there are at least half a dozen companies doing the same.
    1 point
  28. The bottom half of a 2011 is (until recently) polymer. The "grip" is a one piece item that consists of the grip and trigger guard and a separate mainspring housing. This part mates to a chassis (aka frame), which together form what we would think of as the frame of a 1911. I say until recently because people have started making metal grips. A 2011 is a completely different animal than simply being a double stack 1911. Below is an example of a 2011 frame: https://www.midwestgunworks.com/page/mgwi/prod/190-750020111-00
    1 point
  29. I can see that take away. From my perspective, I watch the Fed a lot. What they do is mostly wonky, but it's without interference from Congress or the President, so they tend to be more proactive, and in larger force. What they're doing is telling me we're not going to be as good as we hope when CoronaMania passes as people think. Our economy had some serious warts that easy money was covering up...now we're seeing just how restrictive cash flow has been for businesses, along with how easy it's been for Uncle Sugar to come to the rescue. If this is sustainable, someone needs to show me the reasoning, because I don't see it. It's a bit of a stark contrast to 2008. At least then we had conversations about which businesses should be allowed to fold completely, which ones we'd let fall than raise up, and which ones would get support before bankruptcy. That debate was completely absent this time, and most folks in government are seemingly fine with it because the arguments over the bailouts were not focused on market ethics or moral hazard.
    1 point
  30. I've got almost 2 acres of alfalfa. I'm thinking let him pick up the tab on 1.5 ish acres of soybean seed and I'll also 1.5 acres plant peas with sunflowers. The sunflowers will help him out also.
    1 point
  31. Plant pot. It will cross pollinate with his hemp and make it more desirable.
    1 point
  32. I had a neighbor that grew a bunch of hemp once. I believe he served 36 months. Of course it was in the early 80's and the buzz was pretty awesome.....
    1 point
  33. Keep this in mind, if it’s a legal issue that would keep you from intervening, then that should not be an issue. You have a right to defend yourself, family member or an innocent bystander. If your carrying a firearm and innocent lives are being taken right infront of you and you do not help then that’s a decision you will have to live with. I personally would not hesitate to eliminate the threat. Be a good witness, yes if that’s what’s needed, but when lives are being taken, it’s time to step up and take the threat down with over powering force with the quickness.
    1 point
  34. I think you have come to the wrong conclusion. The goal of social distancing is to slow the spread of the illness. By itself, it will not halt the spread of the illness. Now, as to how this could occur, there are multiple possibilities. Coronavirus is a large family of viruses. Although most common colds are rhinovirus; coronavirus, parainfluenza, and rsv are all fairly common agents as well. It isn’t clear if he has covid-19 or one of the other coronaviruses. Any test will have a false positive and false negative rate. Recently, the cdc has said perhaps as much as 20% of our current tests are falsely negative. I have not seen any of the labs quote their false positive rates. It is not clear if the covid-19 virus has a transmission vector other than humans. If it has an animal vector, this may be the mode of transmission. Recent MIT research suggests a much greater distance of spread than the 6 feet that we use when discussing influenza. Lastly, there are many things that I known that have been proven totally wrong. Therefore, absolutely nothing I have said may, in the end, be correct. In a handgun class I took a few years ago, the instructor kept talking about time and distance. That seems to be good advice here, also. Spend as little time with crowds as possible and stay as far away from crowds as possible. May you all stay safe.
    1 point
  35. What an FFL correctly or incorrectly marks on a 4473 does not ultimately determine the legal classification of a firearm, nor the legality of any given future configuration of it. - OS
    1 point
  36. Commerce in the age of social distancing is getting wild. https://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/breaking-atf-authorizes-drive-through-gun-sales-to-maintain-social-distancing/
    1 point
  37. LOL.@ Greg!! There is no real secret to catching fish Greg. A lot depends on the species of fish you are after. Then a lot depends on the lake you are fishing on? there are many variables to catching fish this time of year and as crazy as the weather has been It would be hard to pattern them as they change when the weather changes. If I was going to go fishing and had a boat I would buy a bucket of big or medium Shiner Minnows and if I had a lake with Small mouths I would put them on a bobber rig with one split shot to keep the shiner in the strike zone longer. If I was on a lake with catfish and wanted some eating fish I would put a shrimp on a bobber rig and fish out on a flat on the main river channel of what ever lake I was on. Put the boat on the flat close to the river drop but fish the flat and if a cat comes up to feed on the flat out of the deep your bait will be the first thing it will find. That is what I would do if I was going fishing with the weather we have had. Good luck if you go Bersaguy aka Doug
    1 point
  38. That .410 with TSS will flat out crush them.
    1 point
  39. Look for transition areas, animals often like them. Moving to still or fast to slow water, big water depth changes, aquatic vegetation edges or holes, terrestrial vegetation into the water, even a really big rock (like half a car) in a pond where it doesn't really belong will sometimes hold fish. Partly a commercial, but some decent advice: https://deepersonar.com/us/en_us/blog/finding-hotspots A lot of guys up here have the Navionics app on their phones. That has the ability to share marked spots, so you might be able to see some places others are willing to give up. (Or do accidently.) Is guiding something people do down there? If you can swing it, hiring a guide for a half or full day can be a decent way to get a foothold in a new area. (Even if *every* area is a new area...)
    1 point
  40. Fauci comes across as more a Clinton era political hack than a medical expert.
    1 point
  41. One of the first classes I taught for Suarez Int back in like 2006 I had a guy who came to class at the recommendation of one of his friends. He told me at the beginning of class that he had shot his whole life (in his 40s at the time) and was not very good and that he didn't really expect to be able to get much better and he was pretty well resigned to that fate. But his friend said he should really come to this class so he did. I thought that just sounded kind of sad but I told him I'd do everything in my power to help him. I asked if he knew which was his dominant eye and he said he did not know exactly what I was referring to. I explained it and gave everyone in class the "eye test" and we determined that he was in fact right handed and left eye dominant and that is from where his problems stemmed . Once we determined that and had him get the gun in front of his dominant eye he was able to vastly improve his shooting. He had been aiming all these years with his non dominant eye and that is why up until then he was not a good shooter . At the end of class I thought he was going to cry for joy because he didn't expect it to happen but we had "fixed" his shooting and now he was shooting the way he should have been all these years. THAT is what makes an instructor's day. But it was all about what he was seeing .... not how he was applying the mechanics of shooting.
    1 point
  42. I've been using this basic recipe for cured hams for ages & I've yet to have it yields anything but sweet, pink perfection.... https://www.smokingmeatforums.com/threads/cured-and-smoked-deer-ham.129141/ These 2 I brined for 16 days, washed & dried for 3, vaccuum marinated in pineapple, brown sugar, garlic & paprika for 3 days, then smoked for 3 hours. Finished in the oven for another 4 with a glaze made with a reduction from the marinade. Without a doubt, the best ham I've ever eaten. I have one to a buddy to take to a Utah hunting camp, to split with 6 others. Those 6 deny having even tried it because my bud ate the entire freaking thing on the drive!
    1 point
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