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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/10/2020 in all areas

  1. Something to consider . . .
    7 points
  2. Does anyone really know until presented with the decision?
    6 points
  3. Indeed. The thing is, there is no “one” .22 rifle. There is also nothing more fun to shoot. There is no shortage of them in all flavors. Semi, bolt, pump, lever, tube fed, mag fed, etc., and endless sources to acquire them. You might be able to find some 70 year old beater for less than two bills that will outshoot anything made today.
    5 points
  4. Honestly, when it comes to AOC and others like her, I find that it's best just to ignore her. This air time is exactly what she wants and it's the opposite of what she deserves. She exists solely to stir the pot and make conservatives get worked up. I typically just read her comments with a shake of the head and move on.
    5 points
  5. Gawd, I used to buy my coffee from the old lady that got it at that Pilot... Can't fathom, can't even get my head around what it would be like standing in line. I've stopped at that Pilot a couple hundred times in the last couple years, no exaggeration... What would I do? Probably freeze in dis-belief? I honestly don't know if I would react to the perp, I suspect my initial reaction (after Holy #(!&^!! ) would be aid to the wounded? Can you prepare for something like that? I mean, training... Obviously some of our military veterans and emergency response people have had exposure to such situations, but as a normal person, how do you know how you will react? Blood, guts, and gore tend to produce visceral reflex response, not reasoned thoughtfulness. How do you prepare (training, aka @CruelHandLuke's class)? I often game idea's in my head about how I would do this, or that, or.... But I do the same thing AFTER a fight (verbal disagreement) with my wife, or a co-worker, peer, etc. Yeah, sure, after the fact I always come up with a killer come-back to end the conversation with. In the heat of the moment, there's a roaring in my ears and I can't think for nothing... So there I am twiddling my phone while waiting for my turn in line, and all of a sudden the guy in front of me starts popping off on the old bird for taking too long with the rewards card? Whips out a knife and climbs over the counter....? I dunno man, I honestly just don't know how I would react, or what I would do? I would hope that the Chivalry gene would kick in and make my brain react, but I don't think anyone will truly KNOW how they'll react unless they've been there. All the dry fire and scenario game-playing in the world isn't going to prepare you for that first spray of red. Crazy times.... - K
    5 points
  6. In fairness it wasn't only blacks....
    3 points
  7. The really annoying thing about AOC is she as often as not identifies a real problem. It's the solutions she proposes that go off the rails. Of course minorities are at higher risk and infection rates for COVID-19. As a demographic, they're more likely to be in jobs that can't be done from home which increases their exposure to the virus. They also as a group have lesser health overall from lack of access to quality healthcare because they may or may not have benefits; often having to defer medical treatment that isn't an emergency anyway because of cost whether even when they have insurance. I'm not trying to start a big thing, but I think we can all realize that by whatever reasons, minorities are at greater risk, and not belittle that fact, even if it came from an imperfect messenger.
    3 points
  8. If you ignore people like her, they influence policy behind the scenes or outright get new laws passed. Never ignore them. NEVER.
    3 points
  9. I think all of us would hope we would step up and do what is needed. But as has been mentioned we can't say with 100% certainty until presented with the situation. Having training such as @TripleGGG took with @Cruel Hand Luke can help provide realistic context for when & how, and allow you to start running the mental scenarios...again in proper context. Timing is a critically important aspect that could much better be addressed by Randy ( Cruel Hand Luke) than I. I would recommend viewing Active Self Protection videos to gain some insight and perspective on how some events actually unfold. They sometimes, unfortunately, have negative outcomes, fortunately sometimes positive. Proper training and practice, and mental preparation, will aid greatly in moving toward the positive outcome side of the equation. In the end it's a decision that each of us would have to make, but having thought it through should help. I personally would hope I'd do the right thing. I think I would. I hope I don't have to find out. Great idea for a thread @TripleGGG, This vid is food for thought and a decent analysis by John Correia
    3 points
  10. While we may never know, I'm guessing few of us could watch women get knifed to death and do nothing. Assuming we have a safe backstop I bet most would take the shot.
    3 points
  11. There's more than a few unanswered details to consider, but generally speaking, I don't think I could stand by and watch helpless people be murdered.
    3 points
  12. I am not of the tin foil hat brigade but...things are going to be different from now on and I’m not talking socially.
    3 points
  13. https://www.chicagotribune.com/suburbs/arlington-heights/ct-ahp-video-home-invastion-tl-20200409-wbj72d6rkndvjcy4nufumyjr4u-story.html?__twitter_impression=true One intruder killed and the other beaten before running away.
    2 points
  14. Bingo. Take ol "black face" Northam and the 5 laws he just signed in for instance. If you become complacent that's when they blindside you.
    2 points
  15. Yeah, 22's may have as large of range of not only type, but cost as any caliber out there. This is my latest. A bit overkill for most I personally would also recommend a CZ as the best quality/fit/finish to cost 22. It's the only current production rifle under $500 I think one could realistically think of as something to pass down if that is something to consider. Most of the modern manufacturers (Savage, Marlin, CZ) will be fairly decent (1 MOA or less) in the accuracy dept. Ruger can be hit or miss ( They all can, but I think you have better odds with CZ and Savage). There are lots of options. I would pick the one that calls out to me in the price range I wanted to spend and not worry too much. For plinking, any of them will do fine.
    2 points
  16. In your price range, it's difficult to beat the BLF A6 at $16.99. As I said last year, I've had five; four are still working fine after maybe 5 years of use. The tailcap went out on one and I replaced the switch. It was... IIRC... maybe $4. I would suggest the 1A (6500k) bulb. I bought one 5A bulb and it's too yellow and too dim compared to the 1A. It is highly programmable. I set mine at in 5 mode increasing brightness with no strobe modes. So I have firefly, low, med, high, and turbo. I can long click and it will open in firefly or I can quick click and it will open in the last mode it was in when it was turned off. The instructions for programming are on Budget Light Forum. By the way, if you have any old laptops, you can break open the battery pack. It will have 4 or 6 18650 batteries. https://www.banggood.com/BLF-A6-XPL-1600Lumens-74modes-EDC-LED-Flashlight-18650-p-991823.html?rmmds=search&ID=518106&cur_warehouse=CN
    2 points
  17. LOL.@ Greg!! There is no real secret to catching fish Greg. A lot depends on the species of fish you are after. Then a lot depends on the lake you are fishing on? there are many variables to catching fish this time of year and as crazy as the weather has been It would be hard to pattern them as they change when the weather changes. If I was going to go fishing and had a boat I would buy a bucket of big or medium Shiner Minnows and if I had a lake with Small mouths I would put them on a bobber rig with one split shot to keep the shiner in the strike zone longer. If I was on a lake with catfish and wanted some eating fish I would put a shrimp on a bobber rig and fish out on a flat on the main river channel of what ever lake I was on. Put the boat on the flat close to the river drop but fish the flat and if a cat comes up to feed on the flat out of the deep your bait will be the first thing it will find. That is what I would do if I was going fishing with the weather we have had. Good luck if you go Bersaguy aka Doug
    2 points
  18. I hope they keep a camera and microphone in front of her face until November.
    2 points
  19. I read that crap a few days ago and take what she says the very same way. I say we start calling them what thy are, PINKO COMMIES!!!
    2 points
  20. I might have missed him being referenced here before, but that's the first I've run across. Love and support WPS. Looking forward to June 1st for the kickoff of the new network.
    2 points
  21. I don't think any of us realize how economically devastated many are going to be after this all rinses out.
    2 points
  22. Absolutely, and I wouldn’t care if I had an escape route; I wouldn’t need to go anywhere. This question came up before about a guy that stabbed his girlfriend to death in a car at a gas station. I was surprised how many said they would watch and be a good witness. I would have given him an opportunity to surrender and if he didn’t; I would have killed him. I hope someone else that would do the same would be around if that happened to my wife or daughter. I understand the laws governing the use of deadly force and I do not fear the government, therefore I have no reason not to act.
    2 points
  23. Daughter got one opening day of Juvenile season. Me and my buddy got one each hunting together opening day. Got a double beard today and called up one for another buddy. So far I've called in or helped call in 5 birds to the flop.
    1 point
  24. I haven’t committed to it yet but I think I’m going to.
    1 point
  25. 1 point
  26. I don't know what I would have done. I would imagine freeze at first and then try to get the others out of the building. After that, I don't know. I don't carry so blowing the guy away would not have been a option for me. For those that want to go all "dirty Harry" on the guy, I'm going to leave this right here for you. vigilante a person who tries in an unofficial way to prevent crime, or to catch and punish someone who has committed a crime, especially because they do not think that official organizations, such as the police, are controlling crime effectively. Vigilantes usually join together to form groups. Good luck with the outcome of your trial for those that would.
    1 point
  27. I'd suggest a bolt gun, it'll make you slow down. I find I tend to just bang away with a semi-auto and don't really focus on the fundamentals.
    1 point
  28. Just checked my status a couple days ago and it said my application was "APPROVED AND LICENSE WILL SHIP APRIL 20th TO APRIL 27th".. Hurray!! I am very happy! That is progress! Yes, it may take a couple months to get it, but considering we are in a Worldwide Pandemic, that is acceptable to me. Even if TN was Constitutional Carry, having a permit for your own state, especially in a time of crisis is always a good idea if you have to travel for some reason. I know it is sad, but I may have delayed getting my permit for sometime due to those 7hr wait times at the DMV.. I sure hope TN does go Constitutional Carry and allow their Sheriff Dept to handle processing like most other states to unload the burden of an already overworked DMV . Anyhow, that is about the only good thing that came out of this Pandemic for me is not having to wait more than 30 minutes on a Wednesday afternoon at the DMV. I am excited when I actually see this thing in my hand..
    1 point
  29. I put carry insurance in the same category as the weapon you choose to use, the ammunition you choose to use, etc. The question first and foremost for criminal charges will be “Was the use of deadly force justified?” if the answer is “Yes” none of those things matter. If you find yourself charged criminally the state is contending that the use of deadly force was not justified….period. You have screwed up. Could the DA charge you when you haven’t screwed up? Sure, but the bottom line is still justification. He still would need to have cause. Insurance, ammo, or the gun you used won’t be it. But back to the original topic… I answered quickly because I knew what was being reported about those murders. I don’t hunt because I can’t kill animals for sport, but I could kill a criminal and go eat lunch. This has been talked about many times here. You need to think through scenarios you might run into. Scenarios where justification might be clear cut, but the safety of others are at risk, or you don’t know where other bad actors are. Or maybe you find yourself with a gun stuck in your face. Look at all possibilities, go through them in your mind, it will help you. Am I justified in what I am about to do? That was all I remember about my thoughts in the first shooting I was in. Not drawing my gun, not shot placement, those were automatic, based on how I was trained, I don’t remember thinking about them. I do remember thinking “Am I justified in what I am about to do?” And I had about one second to react. I saw the suspect pulling something from his waistband, I thought it was a gun, but wasn’t 100% sure. It was a gun, and had I hesitated I could have very well been killed. I’ll also add this… I don’t have a problem discussing scenarios on an open forum. As I said, I know the law. I would never shoot someone that wasn’t trying to kill me or some other innocent person in an attack I had not provoked. That means if my big mouth gets me in a situation where I’m threatened with an azz whipping, I’ll take the azz whipping. Even in my home, I can’t see shooting a burglar unless I see a weapon; even though I am justified in doing that. Too many people fear the unknown, and when you are carrying a gun that can cost you or someone in your family their life. Know the law. Don’t try to work around it or bend it to meet your needs.
    1 point
  30. I will state if you carry you definitely need carry insurance. It will be $50-$100k at a minimum to defend a good shooting, can be 10Xs that if you kill someone.
    1 point
  31. I agree shes like a whiny brat that needs to be ignored however, if not for skelewhore Pelosi we'd be hearing a lot more from her and "the squad". I feel certain shes pulled the youngster into a corner of the house and threatened her with harm is she didn't shut her hole while she attended to more important matters. Besides that I see AOC as that loud obnoxious drunk biotch at the party that won't STFU until someone takes one for the team and takes her home
    1 point
  32. You are 100% correct @RED333..... What's upsetting, is the stooges in the goobermint offices (for decades...) take our money claiming they're fixing these problems, modernizing the government, lean-sizing the operation... And whoops, turns out you haven't updated your payroll computer since the Kennedy Administration? I want a refund. Ditto for half my school taxes this year - little bastards are home, schools closed, teachers aren't teaching... you'd think I'd get my money back that paid for all that, wouldn't you? It's broken folks, completely, utterly, irretrievably, broken. Time to start over. Get the short ropes, tar and feathers, it's time for some boogaloo! - K (sorry.. Wow, where did that come from?)
    1 point
  33. You just don't understand the national security implications of the snack cake industry.
    1 point
  34. I saw that happen on several occasions during Marine Corps boot camp.
    1 point
  35. I don't know. That's the honest answer. The situation would dictate what I might, or might not, do. I pray I never have to find out. That being said, with there we live, there's always a possibility I might have to find the answer within myself someday. Kharman, if you don't mind, when did you take Buford's class? As near as my feeble mind can remember around 1998 for me. And I just ran across the completion certificate a couple weeks ago. But didn't really pay attention to the date.
    1 point
  36. Glad to hear from you, Doug. Check in with us once in a while when you get a chance. Oh yeah....tell us the secret to catching fish please.
    1 point
  37. Not sure what is going on but it looks like they are having a good time.
    1 point
  38. It used to be a bunch of old men that don’t have anything to do, sitting around BSing all day. Today they call them gun forums.
    1 point
  39. I think I want one of these.
    1 point
  40. My 18650 Thrunight is five years old, and still going strong. I have an inexpensive Surefire made of (plastic?) that gives good light at 800 lm that cost just over $25 on ebay. It uses 2 CR123s. CR123s and AA, AAA may be easier find in a SHTF scenario? Your 18650 should also use 2 CR123s (in case cross application was your goal.) I have a 500 lm CR123 Baton, and a 200 lm (1) AAA Olight. The AAA has no tailcap, so can't be carried in a pocket without accidental switching, but great on the tv table. There is a great resource at http://goinggear.com/. Sounds like you have found the flashlight forums, already. Don't know about others, but I much prefer neutral temp lights.
    1 point
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