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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/08/2020 in all areas

  1. I'm going to point out that it's possible for it to be a combination of all of those things (Mental health, racial angst, misogynistic view of women, religious extremism) and any one those factors is capable of exacerbating the others and becoming a catalyst. I hope William Aprill does a review of this one after the facts become known. His "They Are Not You" segments on social media are excellent. Carry your gun and keep your head on a swivel, people. The world isn't getting any nicer. Exactly the opposite.
    4 points
  2. To my knowledge we don’t really have an official policy. Typically up to buyer and seller in negotiations.
    4 points
  3. I did the two-hour private instruction with both the 9mm and the shotgun. With the ruger, the instructor helped me figure out that I do better shooting with the isosceles stance vs. weaver cuz I'm left eye dominant. Shotgun I shot from the hip and did good, too.
    4 points
  4. PayPal has a list of things you may not use their service to pay for. TGO's expectation is that our members follow their rules and use another means of payment for anything that falls into those categories. Cash, cashier's check, money order, etc. When you buy a Benefactor membership, you're paying for a media service (TGO) similar to paying for a magazine subscription. You aren't buying the right to buy/sell anything on TGO. We merely make those areas available to you as a Thank You for helping us provide this forum to the public. Access to the Trading Post forums are just one of the perks Benefactors get. It's not the only perk. This is why anyone who abuses the Trading Post can have their privileges to that area yanked without expecting a refund, since a member didn't "buy" that access. It's a gift that we generally give in thanks, but we reserve the right to retract it if it's abused. The same as we reserve the right to gift it on occasion to people who don't support TGO's mission financially.
    3 points
  5. “Join the discussion” You’ll see that there are few replies. This has been the norm for the past decade or more. You’re either prepared or not. If the latter, too bad. Fanning the flames of paranoia only serves to empty shelves, drive up prices, and keep the perpetual wheel running.
    3 points
  6. "It suggested he may not be mentally well." Is that code for “He was a terrorist, but we don’t want to call him a terrorist, or call this a hate crime just because he killed three innocent women and seriously injured a fourth.”?
    3 points
  7. Up to you. We only allow you the luxury o f posting it here. Think of it as a public service for benefactors. Speaking of which, we all depend on this website for a variety of information. If you're not a benefactor you should be. Chip in and keep things running here. Kudos to David and those who keep us up and running. Show your appreciation by spending a few bucks.
    3 points
  8. I’m a Firefighter/EMS so thankfully it’s been business as usual. We were originally bracing for lots of overtime, but if anything we have been a lot slower than usual. Just goes to show how much non-emergency stuff we deal with on a regular basis. Now that everyone thinks we are all waist deep in the virus they aren’t calling us out to their homes for petty issues. It’s been great, and let’s us focus on the real emergencies and truly sick people. What has been interesting is keeping up with the constantly changing PPE and sanitation protocols. It’s been something different almost every shift for the past month. My wife is a Nurse that has been furloughed because the pre/post op section of the hospital she works in has been shut down for all but emergent surgeries. Which begs the question, why are the majority of the surgeries that normally go on there not emergent? The hospital told her she shouldn’t file for unemployment because there are other areas of the hospital she could work in, which is theoretically true if the waiting list for shifts wasn’t a mile long due to all the out of work nurses. The virus might be real somewhere, but it’s not very real here. I try not to be too much of a conspiracy theorist, but I think we’ve been had. I just don’t know by whom and for what purpose. Meanwhile we have been absolutely loving the extra time with our kids. With them out of school and baseball season cancelled we have been having a blast everyday after their homework gets done. Lots of fishing, hiking, shooting, and video games.
    3 points
  9. Based on the killer's name, he sounds like he might be yet another ambassador of the Religion of Peace. I may be wrong, but stereotypes can be a real time-saver.
    3 points
  10. Hi all, I’m new to gun ownership, having bought my first 9mm last month. My older kids also pitched in and bought me a shotgun for home defense. I’ve been able to practice with the 9mm a few times, but have still not tried the shotgun. I look forward to learning more about guns in general and also in getting my conceal carry permit in the near future.
    2 points
  11. At about 9 mins is what you are looking for.
    2 points
  12. I inserted the word at between murdered & Knoxville. Hope this helps the confused.
    2 points
  13. Surprisingly, the story was picked up by USA Today. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2020/04/08/pilot-stabbing-three-killed-one-injured-tennessee-truck-stop/5119529002/
    2 points
  14. Here is his first review, written by Roger Ebert who left an awful movie and wandered into a JP show in 1970. https://www.rogerebert.com/features/john-prine-american-legend
    2 points
  15. Listen to JP here all day long: http://backlandradio.com/listen-live/
    2 points
  16. That's asking for someone to write a lot about something that has mountains of information already available. The most pertinent question for these folks is probably what motivated them to get their license and become a HAM. A site that has a lot of the other stuff, in very down to earth modern style is here: https://myoffroadradio.com/ham-radio-stuff/ham-radio-reviews-information/
    2 points
  17. That's not the reason that the national news will squash this one.
    2 points
  18. @Grayfox54 and @Jamie Jackson, thanks for the warm welcome! I’m not sure what I can contribute to the other discussions, but I’ll take a look around and if a woman’s point of view is in order, I could offer that.
    2 points
  19. When I die let my ashes float down the Green River. Let my soul roll on up to the Rochester dam. I'll be halfway to Heaven with Paradise waitin' Just five miles away from wherever I am. Godspeed, John.
    2 points
  20. Good advice! I actually signed up for a 2-hour private lesson with one of the instructors at Shoot Point Blank. Tomorrow he’ll walk me through firing the shotgun. I figured that if my kids gifted it to me and I have it in the house, I need to learn how to use it properly.
    2 points
  21. Got it done Saturday morning. We got in all on film.
    2 points
  22. KO4CYX Been wanting to do this for a couple of years. Finally got it done. Plan on getting General and Extra knocked out over the next couple of weeks.
    1 point
  23. Has your work status changed since the Virus started? Names won't be public, you can post in your answer if you want to. I am retired from my full time job, and working part time as self employed from home. I don’t have any work now, and I don’t know if it will return or not.
    1 point
  24. I would hope as CoronaMania eventually starts to pass, people can realize their pantry is still full of all the just in case stuff they bought. From there, should be easy to donate at least some of it to organizations that will be doing what they can to help those who need some time to let a job market come back so that can get a new pair of bootstraps to pull themselves up by.
    1 point
  25. "Can You Find the Pug in the Picture"
    1 point
  26. Definitely a good sense of humor on that driver....
    1 point
  27. Welcome! Sounds and looks like you're doing great so far. I'll echo what others have said on the importance of continued practice and training. On a slightly different subject, if you don't already have one, be sure to get a good flashlight, for all kinds of good reasons beyond self-defense. You can get all kinds of good suggestions here if you need, and you don't have to spend a fortune on a top teir like Surefire if you don't want. The Streamlight brand is much more affordable but good quality. Good luck in your journey!
    1 point
  28. I've been thinking about this for years. http://hamradioprep.com is offering a "Corona Special." The tech and general courses are normally $25 each. They are now $10 each. Better yet, you can do the "bundle" and get both for $15. Looks like some very good material. I did the bundle. Seem to have some time on my hands these days...... Thanks OP and all you guys for the inspiration!
    1 point
  29. Born and raised in Memphis back when it was a great city. But it has changed a lot since those days. Got out about 28 years ago and have never regretted it. Just moved right next door, but its like a whole 'nother world. I'll readily admit that Memphis does have some truly wonderful people. Its the other 99% that give it a bad name.
    1 point
  30. Me too, but I don't know why I cared about iron sights back then and wasn't even considering an optic :)
    1 point
  31. Welcome, Miss Brenda. As an old Tn redneck, I'm always glad to see a woman interested in firearms...whether it be for protection or for recreation. In either case, as the above guys have said, practice and familiarity is the key to safe and responsible firearms use and ownership.
    1 point
  32. I was in Shoot Point Blank last week, ammo back in the shelves. Huge lot of their store brand reloads If I recall correctly, their 9mm price was $.22 / round and up
    1 point
  33. Welcome! The good news is you can learn lots from YouTube. A good instructor is hard to beat but once you get some basics you can always get on YouTube for more tips. Just be sure to use discernment. There are some idiots on there as well. Dryfire is basically just going through the motions of drawing and/or shooting along with manipulations of the gun. Make sure you have no ammo in the room or near you as an extra level of safety. I usually choose an external wall in the house facing away from anyone. You won’t gain any recoil control practice from this but if you focus on proper draw, grip and a smooth trigger pull it WILL help you over time.
    1 point
  34. Welcome Brenda! My wife has the same Ruger. Lots of good advice, great idea to get some training! The more you can shoot, the better. There are also dry-training techniques worth inquiring about with your trainer, especially if you don't have a location to shoot. - K
    1 point
  35. Greetings from another Knoxville local. My wife & I are members at SPB, Good folks there. And welcome to the responsible gun culture family. Sounds like you're making a positive entry.
    1 point
  36. Don't shoot strings. Make sure the barrel is cold between shots. That's....... that's pretty much it for prolonging throat life. Other than that, watch your accuracy. If you're 'average hunting' accurate you'll probably never notice throat erosion. If you can legitimately shoot benchrest, 1/4moa groups, you'll notice your groups start to open within probably 1000rnds in a RUM. However, I can't imagine shooting 1000+ rounds from a .300 ultra mag in a lifetime. Outside of a Weatherby mag & .300PRC, I don't think the are many common calibers that hurt more to shoot than a RUM in a standard stock.
    1 point
  37. My dad used to love Polish jokes. My mother was into genealogy and found some Prussians on his side. At times, Prussia overlapped eastern Germany and western Poland. He slowed down on the Polish jokes, but my mother started telling them.
    1 point
  38. I started working after 11 years as a stay at home parent on 3/23. I applied long before this got bad. As a .gov employee I am working full time and in the “elements”. It’s been different for sure. My wife has worked from home for 6 years anyways so that wasn’t a transition for her. What shook up the house is that she does operate out of the home and I’m out full time and my two elementary kids are here with her now all the time. My 10 year old has grown up quick since being home with his little sister. He keeps himself and her in check and out of mom’s hair.
    1 point
  39. I'm waiting for CNN to tell me that those three women jumped him in the parking lot, beat him within an inch of his life, and he had to resort to deadly force to defend himself.
    1 point
  40. Howdy. Welcome to the madhouse. Just remember, we 're mostly harmless.
    1 point
  41. Good for you! Welcome to the forum. I would suggest you get an Enhanced Handgun Carry Permit if you can swing it, instead of a conceal carry permit. More training, less hassle carrying, possibly more reciprocity with other states. A shotgun requires more training than a handgun for home protection. Specifically, a plan to “clear” your house should you ever need to do that with a shotgun. Walking around your house with a shotgun looking for someone is a bad idea, in general.
    1 point
  42. One is "Hi yo Silver" and the other is Black Beauty?
    1 point
  43. My job is always "open" . Everyday , 365 a year until the good Lord comes back.
    1 point
  44. Not just my first, but my only AR. S&W M&P-15 with only minor mods. I did recently install a LaRue trigger, but didn't get to the range before they closed it down. Honestly, I'm not a fan. I only bought this one because at the time the "BAN 'EM" crowd was all worked up again. I got one just to piss 'em off.
    1 point
  45. I really like my Ruger sr9c. 17round mag for home and 10 round mag to conceal with. the new pc carbine can shoot the same mags.
    1 point
  46. Nice! post the video I'd love to see it if you're willing to share
    1 point
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