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Think what you will of Memphis but this kind of thing is why I will never be ashamed to be from there: https://www.cnn.com/2020/04/07/us/coronavirus-memphis-n95-mask-repair-trnd/index.html7 points
6 points
Hi all, I’m new to gun ownership, having bought my first 9mm last month. My older kids also pitched in and bought me a shotgun for home defense. I’ve been able to practice with the 9mm a few times, but have still not tried the shotgun. I look forward to learning more about guns in general and also in getting my conceal carry permit in the near future.5 points
Another ban-era Bushmaster Dissipator here. I don't know why it seemed like such a good idea at the time, but they were popular then. I think this was after I had gotten a set of green furniture somewhere. Eventually I sold the upper and put a V-match 20" upper on the lower; I still have it, but it has been upgraded with a railed handguard and collapsible stock (we couldn't have those either, during the AWB).4 points
My job is always "open" . Everyday , 365 a year until the good Lord comes back.4 points
When I die let my ashes float down the Green River. Let my soul roll on up to the Rochester dam. I'll be halfway to Heaven with Paradise waitin' Just five miles away from wherever I am. Godspeed, John.3 points
I dont think a person should ever be ashamed to be where they are from. If anything its who you are and who you have become inspite of being from a certain place or situation.3 points
3 points
I shot it at about 8 yards and cut one ragged hole. I thought I was missing until I moved over! Lol. I have been known to miss every once in a while.3 points
Has your work status changed since the Virus started? Names won't be public, you can post in your answer if you want to. I am retired from my full time job, and working part time as self employed from home. I don’t have any work now, and I don’t know if it will return or not.2 points
Based on the killer's name, he sounds like he might be yet another ambassador of the Religion of Peace. I may be wrong, but stereotypes can be a real time-saver.2 points
Reading the title, I thought the victim flew planes and was killed by three women.2 points
I have only used moon clips from TK Customs. They are a quality product. I don’t see any listing for the Speed Six, but I think those for the Security Six would be the same. You would need to verify that though. https://tkcustom.com/products/ruger-security-6-9mm-032-ss You will probably also want a loading tool.2 points
Oh, I’ve never felt that way at all, was just being a bit dramatic. As a matter of fact my feeling Is quite the opposite...and always has been. But that’s for another thread, lol.2 points
I stop in this pilot a lot. And people wonder why I never ever go out without at least one concealed most of the time two. Have a good friend drives for Tyson Chicken. We were just messaging about this very thing. I know he goes to Chicago twice a week. He's doesn't go alone.2 points
2 points
The deceased suspect was identified as 33-year-old Idris Abdus-Salaam You don't say.2 points
Pull the shotgun tight against your shoulder before firing, and kudos to you for learning to provide your own protection. Welcome to the forum.2 points
Good advice! I actually signed up for a 2-hour private lesson with one of the instructors at Shoot Point Blank. Tomorrow he’ll walk me through firing the shotgun. I figured that if my kids gifted it to me and I have it in the house, I need to learn how to use it properly.2 points
2 points
No, it doesn’t take 12-18 months to develop one. It takes that long after its developed to make sure it won’t kill you. There are several in trials right now. Yes, I would take one in testing. But only if it was one that had been given to people and they didn’t die in the first two weeks. (I'm a little bit of a candy azz, but not a full blown candy azz.) And I definitely will take one when there is one that is safe. Our economy won’t recover until there is either a vaccine or a cure available to everyone.2 points
I would. I have more than one very high risk/immunocompromised immediate family member. My kids miss their grandparents and until either we have confirmed infection & recovery, or a vaccine, contact is necessarily limited. That’s a situation where all are suffering.2 points
I had my barrel threaded as soon as the AWB sunset simply because it didn't look right without one LOL.2 points
2 points
2 points
Photos? We always like to see photos, especially of guns that are all steel except for the grips. I have a stainless Security Six that I've had from '85. Don't expect I'll ever sell it.1 point
Does anyone know any charities or other organizations that are especially in need right now? I heard 2nd Harvest was seeing record demand right now.1 point
Will have to try the pic end cap. I emailed Ruger and they only said they did not make them anymore. I will call.1 point
1 point
https://www.speedbeez.com/product/speed-beez-full-moon-clips-ruger-security-six-service-six-speed-six-9mm-package-10/ "Ruger still has the half moons for about $10-$12 for a dozen. I recently bought 2 dozen. They are not listed, you'll have to call."1 point
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1 point
Welcome to the group from a fellow East Tennessean! I would suggest you use the 9mm for home defense until you have some time to practice with the shotgun. Also depending on the model I would look for some "low recoil" home defense ammo for it and start with that first depending on if its a 12 or 20 gauge model.1 point
CZ’s are great I have one too but they were a lot greater when they weren’t hipster and the prices were still low. For what most of them cost now I personally prefer other makes/models...I have a cz p10 compact...it’s very much Glock 19 like and it’s cajunized ...it’s fun at the range but for carrying I much prefer the very much lighter and still extremely shootable P365 I own or my tried and true to hell and back reliable HK USP 45 “compact”.1 point
Maybe someone needs to contact them and recommend they make the stronger spring their "standard"...1 point
I've joked we'll be getting back to normal when people argue over whether or not to get a COVID-19 vaccine for them and their kids. I'm taking the shot as soon as the FDA says it's safe and folks more at risk have had a chance for it first (assuming supply will need some time to catch up for population en masse).1 point
I’m in a situation where I’m pretty “safe” going to work with minimal contact to others. We also have a decent amount of supplies and go to a small town grocery store to resupply. All that said, I’d like to wait and see on any vaccine released. I’m guessing they won’t follow the normal trial period timeline and I don’t care to be a guinea pig.1 point
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1 point
Got my 2 in. Hard to load at first but after loading and leaving loaded they have eased some. Have not had a chance to shoot yet but running rounds thru the pistol/mags by hand they seem fine. Went ahead and ordered the Shield Arms magazine release that they recommend should be here today.1 point
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1 point
My fav 9MM pistols are all CZs...... I would suggest a P07 or CZ75 compact over a RAMI which is not really a big seller Keep in mind ammo is 50% more today than just a month ago due to panic buying1 point
1 point
Just buy the Upper, I have a 43 lower now and a 48 Upper can make 4 variants... Although honestly the 43x is the only one that gets any time. (its the goldilocks model).1 point
1 point
There might be a couple laying around here. (Actually, two of these aren't revolvers. It'll take a true gun nut to figure out which two.)1 point
Well hell! If we're gonna turn this into a picture thread, Then hang on to your butts! .22s .44s .45s Modern masterpieces: .22LR, .32H&R and .38 Special A few Colts. .22 & .38 Diamondbacks Trooper Mark III Let's throw in a Ruger! Where are all the wheel guns? Hell, I've got 'em!1 point
I have used that OpSol accessory in my Mossberg 590A1 with excellent results. Never a single malfunction with the Aguila as well as off brand mini shells. That led me to getting a Mossberg Shockwave. I bought the tax stamp and made that a SBS. I train regularly with that SBS with the mini shell adapter in place. That SBS is dedicated now for mini shells. I cannot recall a single malfunction. The 590A1 now runs the full size shells, the SBS the mini shells. I have read and then proved it to myself by alternating between my full size 12 gauge and the Mossberg 20 gauge I purchased for my son that the recoil is not lighter, in my opinion, on a 20 gauge. The gun is lighter and was easier for my young son to handle and hold on target, but that lighter mass translated to the same recoil I felt in my heavier 12 gauge.1 point
Thanks @xtriggerman. By "forgiving" I meant more likely to still be reliable even if undersized or located too close to the muzzle. Not likely to happen, I know, but I was curious. I guess, thinking about shortening a shotgun's barrel, it would be smart to not go any shorter than the shortest length offered by the factory until you do some math...1 point
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