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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/28/2020 in all areas
4 points
Joined today and stopping in to introduce myself. Although I like to read forums, I am not a big poster, so will let you know a little bit about me here in the intro. I live in Wilson County but have a place in Van Buren County too. As the username implies I have 2 main hobbies - I am active in the Sons of Confederate Veterans AND I am a huge outdoorsman. Love to deer hunt, fish for crappie, walleye, and muskies, and shoot at my little range every chance I get, and since I am retired that is pretty often. My wife of 37 years is a big hiker so we try to do that once a week or so too, and this time of year the waterfall hikes on the plateau are really pretty. We also like to do a little gardening too, along with some fruit trees. I am an NRA Life member. Well, anyway, thats me. Still trying to figure out how this works so please be patient if I mess something up.2 points
That's pretty much whats being discussed now. Of course if he suggests it; he murdering war vets.2 points
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Wow! I take a few days away from this doom & gloom thread and y'all have added over 5 pages to it! Think y'all have beaten this horse enough? OK, this is just my opinion. Take it for what its worth. Look, aside from the numbers and actual hard facts, everything else is nothing more than theory, supposition, conjecture and plain old guessing. Sure, they had contingency plans in place just in case something like this was to happen. But it was all based on those faulty computer models already mentioned. They were also based on budget needs at the time they were written, So following up got pushed to the side. In short, we got caught with our pants down. As they say, no battle plan survives first contact with the enemy. Well, we're well past first contact and now the battle has turned into a grade A cluster ****. This is new ground. None of us were even born yet the last time this happened (1918). Its a learn as you go situation. The lessons here are really hard. We have a bunch of politicians in charge. We've all known for many years that ALL politicians are thieves, liars, lazy and generally don't have a clue. Besides, they don't play well with others. Especially the other side of the aisle. Now, all of a sudden, you expect them to actually do their jobs? Hell, most of them are still looking out for themselves. CYA is the order of the day. Sure, lots of big talk in front of the cameras. That's what they do best. But privately, I'm betting many of them are pooping their pants. I've said before, mistakes have been made. And they will continue to be made on a daily basis. But at least they're trying. So far, I think the powers that be are doing a fairly decent job considering what they're up against. Trump is far from the best president we ever had. But I believe that he and his administration actually do care about the American people and are doing the best they can. As for me, there isn't much I can do about the situation. So instead of moanin' and groanin', I'm just gonna take precautions, hunker down at home and ride it out as best I can. How do you eat a sh!t sandwich? One bite at a time.1 point
Dude be a shark. Keep moving forward. That's the only good advice I have. Chinese curse... "May you live interesting times.1 point
Just about any lake/pond you go to, your chances of catching something are going to be within a couple of feet of any structure, as in docks, fallen trees, brush piles and trees hanging low to the water. (bass and bream). Grasses and lily pads are good too for bass. If you can find any of that near a running spring or creek that dumps into body of water, even better. Expect to get hung up on something occasionally, it's part of fishing. Right now.may be a bit tough with all the rain we've had.lately, but water temps should be going up soon and the spawn won't be far behind. Look up your local fishing reports before you go to see where and what the fish are biting on.1 point
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UPDATE: My friend tested on Friday 0830 March 20. Today is March 28 and still no results back yet. All I can guess is that hospital admissions and ER testing is getting priority over walk-in clinics. My friend is almost back to normal... an occasional cough and a slight feeling of shortness of breath.1 point
Raoul, I hope I can make some friends eventually in Tennessee. Even before the "Quarantine"-ish situation , I was locked up in my house for last 2 years struggling, night and day to save my software career and business. Now, I am working on overdrive , trying to help the family biz dying an even earlier death and wondering if I will even have a roof over my head in the next year. Having to work and study full time, like 70-80 hrs/week. I was hoping to get out and meet some people here in Tennessee, as I haven't met even one person after 6 months of living here. Now that we are being forced into a quarantine like /social distancing situation, I doubt I am going to be making any new reloading buddies anytime soon. I definitely would not start reloading on my own. I had a bad experience once at a cowboy shoot shooting a guy's reloads and definitely know you gotta watch yourself with them. He just had eye surgery (and failed to tell me) and I ended up shooting a squib load and he messed up his measurements or something. I was lucky that gun didn't explode in my face. I thought them being a bunch of experienced shooters and lending me a gun to use for cowboy shoot I would not have such risks. Haaa!! The old saying never shoot another person's reload is now adopted by me religiously! I have a S&W 460 I would love to shoot one of these days.. I was planning on doing trips up to Alaska and liked how gentle it could fire off those .454 rounds.. The .460 rounds were grizzly though, ouch. Mostly stick to my Ruger Redhawk , as I got no cash to shoot a .454 or .460 round now. Was a gun I bought just because I Love collecting revolvers.. Hoping one day to get my hands on a Colt Anaconda, tried begging a guy once (when I had the cash) and he refused to sell it to me. Hoping to get a nice single stage reloading setup one of these days and reload .460, 9mm and 5.56 rounds to save costs and get some nice custom loads. To be honest, I have been so busy and struggling financially I haven't done much shooting in years. I've really wanted to get back into it, but now I am worried about even staying alive, I guess I have other priorities. It's kind of a lonely time for me, but I got lots of software material I will be learning and was planning on being locked up another year anyway. My life is just continuing on the same way, even though I was all looking forward to getting out and meeting folks. I am banking on getting this loan and hoping coronavirus will reduce the interest rates.1 point
This might help. https://www.knoxnews.com/story/entertainment/outdoors/2018/07/05/east-tennessee-fishing-spots-fort-loudoun-lake-cherokee-lake-watauga-reservoir/686928002/ http://www.outdoorknoxville.com/play/fishing/local-fishing-spots https://www.visitknoxville.com/blog/post/top-spots-around-knoxville-for-prime-bass-fishing/1 point
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I agree and have been in agreement! We don't have to like it but again Capitalism is one of the pillar's of this fine country so to say it shouldn't be allowed or whatever is kinda like smacking Lady Liberty in the face. Like most things people like to conveniently forget you gotta take the good and the bad even if it does apply to guns and ammo.1 point
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I thought that was the whole idea with memes...1 point
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Hahaha aww come on now you know me always glass half full in East TN...usually half full of bourbon...1 point
Can’t believe I didn’t think of these guys earlier. https://store.flyfishfood.com/default.asp1 point
Plus they are mighty tasty. I had a co-worker some years ago that had a side business cooking chicken on a stick and such at craft shows and such. Well another co-worker provided the turkey breasts, Tommy the cook cut them into chunks about the size of a hickory nut and fried them puppies up. Just like Andy Griffith said, mmm,mmm GOOOOOD!!1 point
well those urban trees probably don't account for enough carbon to really contribute. What we are seeing though is a reforestation of acres across most landscapes. Agriculture becoming much more efficient has relinquished many acres back to forests. Another notable factor is that with increased C02 levels we see increased growth rates of not just trees but most plants. So if the globe is warming, we'll be better equipped to feed folks. Anyways back to pandemic1 point
We are as a general rule. The truck stops have all closed their lounges and the restaurants are all takeout only now. They’ve prohibited the used of the refillable mugs. The roller grills and self serve foods have either been shut down completely or roped off and manned by an employee using the enhanced food service rules in place now. Everywhere I go (not just the truck stops, shippers and receivers as well) I see more wet surfaces from being freshly wiped down with disinfectant than I ever have before. The whole industry is taking this very seriously.1 point
I recommend a reloading partner. My shooting partner and I reload everything except .22. Funny aside...O'bummer was the best thing that ever happened to me with regards to shooting. My reloading buddy and I picked up all the brass we could and sold it by the thousand. It's possible that at my age we might still have enough components to keep us shooting until my children sell the guns after I pass....lol1 point
Well we knew that was coming regardless. Tell people to stay home, total calamity is reduce, people say "see it wasn't that big of a deal". Its the same concept. News outlets only get to be "right" so rarely they're gonna shout from the rooftops when they get the chance1 point
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Dang man, I hate it that it took a pandemic to make that obvious. I have been preaching that since way before Donald Trump was ever a consideration. I doubt you will be alone in coming to that realization, but I bet you are one of the few to openly admit it.1 point
No matter how much he is hated; it does matter what the President of the United States says. If he has the support of Medical professionals; people will go along with what he says. Will asking people to go back to work cause the economy to recover? Not completely, people won’t be vacationing, traveling, or flying; but they may have an income. I’m a 65 year old former smoker. So I’m high risk. I am retired and work part time from home. Would I be willing to go to work and risk getting a virus that kills ~1% of those infected, if it would help keep our economy from collapsing? Absolutely. My wife woks for a food company and their employees are “essential” and are working. My wife is putting herself at risk to help. I couldn’t ask that of her and me not be willing to do it.1 point
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Conspiracy Theories, Coronavirus, TGO and YOU For as long as I can remember, TGO has never really provided "safe waters" for people who want to preach conspiracy theories and rile-up the masses. There are plenty of places for that sort of thing on the Internet and yes sometimes the conspiracy enthusiasts (or nuts, if you so prefer) are proven right in the end. But since there are so many other places for it and since we feel that the ravings of fringe believers tends to bring down the property value, we prefer that our members engage in discussions based in reality. Lately the moderators have begun removing posts fanning the flames of conspiracy around the COVID-19 novel coronavirus pandemic. Generally speaking, I am supportive of their actions. Here's why: Priorities First and foremost, we have a present problem to deal with so let's start by putting our focus there. We have members who are and have been personally affected by COVID-19 and chances are this is just the beginning. If we are going to invest our mental and emotional energies into something, let's invest them in encouraging, supporting and helping our own community. Respect Again, we know that we already have members of TGO affected by this pandemic. So far they (and we) have been fortunate and it's turned out well. That could change. We don't want that to happen, but the statistical projections indicate that by the time the dust settles none of us will have many degrees of separation from someone that died as a result of the virus. I just think maybe it's a little disrespectful to the people currently fighting this virus and eventually to those who lose the battle for us to sit around and imagineer boogeymen behind a virus that science currently says evolved naturally. Stay In Your Lane, Bro Following right in behind the matter of respect is the simple fact that unless you're an educated, degreed, certified ass-kicking virologist, geneticist, research scientist, or have data from a respected source that is... you should probably stay in your lane. Remember the Great Toilet Paper Shortage of 2020? That happened because social media said there was a shortage of toilet paper. So the people believed it, reacted like scared sheep, and ran right over the edge of the cliff with arms full of Charmin. There's no reason for us to allow the next big social media fear-fest to start with or take root on TGO. We can control what happens here, so our intent is to manage it so that there's at least one place you can visit online that doesn't feel like the lunatics are running the asylum. You're welcome for that. Even if you don't appreciate it right now. And So What If That Conspiracy Theory Is Accurate? The President, love him or hate him, has already said that there are going to be consequences on the other side of this current situation for the way that China mishandled this. Even if they didn't bio-engineer it, their government hid the outbreak from the world until it was busting out of their borders. So far the Prez has done everything he's said he would do... right or wrong... so we can be pretty confident that the US isn't going to just let this slide. So, even if the latest conspiracy theory is accurate... you and I can't do a thing about it. Establishing and maintaining a military to preserve our sovereignty, the strength of our borders, and the security of our interests is the one thing that the government should be doing. It's maybe the only reason the government should exist if you ask some. But they are equipped to do something about it. Not us. Not even Chuck Norris. Let's let the government handle the boogeyman. And if they need our input on that, there will be an appropriate time to tell our elected representatives what we'd like to see done. And I'm sure that our actual scientists will be following up on all credible leads that help them expedite a treatment or vaccine for COVID-19. So if that takes them back to a secret lair somewhere in Communist China where they're having unprotected sex with bats while eating live frogs... so be it. In the meantime, let's stay grounded in reality here. It's scary enough and it requires our full attention.1 point
Well, as an example, Tula 9mm steel case was typical 8.99 or less a box of 50. Sometimes even 7.99 per box. CTD has it currently at 11.60/box. However, the Tuesday before last (March17) when everyone was freaking out, CTD had it listed for $34/box.0 points
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Yeah, the whole time I was writing that I understood that I was starting to sound like you.0 points
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