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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/25/2020 in all areas
As my usual custom of drinking my morning coffee and perusing the news, I looked out my window and noticed this. There were blue birds, blue jays, wrens, cardinals and squirrels and they had no clue nor were they concerned that there is a world wide pandemic. As the whole world is in turmoil among humans, the animal world is continuing on, never for a moment missing a meal. So I though this verse from the Bible was in order. Matthew 6:26 NLT Look at the birds. They don't plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren't you far more valuable to him than they are?9 points
The math is the truth. Here it is: • Jan. 14 — 0 • Jan. 21 — 1 • Jan. 28 — 5 • Feb. 4 — 11 • Feb. 11 — 14 • Feb. 18 — 25 • Feb. 25 — 59 • Mar. 3 — 125 • Mar. 10 — 1,004 • Mar. 17 — 5,902 • Mar. 24 — 53,478 These are confirmed cases as of each Tuesday here in America. Notice a pattern? There are still a bunch of unknowns. We don’t know if mortality here will rival Italy’s. There are a lot of variables. People smoke there a lot more than here. They have more ICU beds per capita than we do. Who knows? We won’t until we have time to look back. But, on the track we’re on - unless you see those numbers start to go the other way - I expect that by the end of next month - this will rival a war we’ve not seen in a few generations in terms of casualties. Everyone is likely to know someone who has died. We’re still screwing around playing partisan games and trying to assign blame instead of focusing on scaling testing. That’s the only thing that’s going that is going to let us start fighting effectively.4 points
I’ve got an older cousin who will get out of the hospital today. She contracted it early through an unknown source. She’s been in the hospital for 9 days.4 points
appreciate prayers for my wife, she's pregnant and reports to the hospital every day for work. I know they say she is in the reduced risk category for age and gender but being pregnant adds a level of fear that she is struggling with.4 points
It’s legal for a Doctor to prescribe those drugs for “off Label” use. I would guess the Governor is putting his state at great liability, and residents at risk with that order. Like so many other things, this should be between a Doctor and patient, the state should not be involved.4 points
On the flip side it might put an end to a lot of the insane SJW BS. It’s kinda hard to make up 47 new genders when you have real problems, like needing to eat.3 points
It’s first time buyers that are flooding the shops. Most of the guntubers I follow have been releasing videos for new gun owners over the last few days. On that front, be a good face for us, y’all. Reach out to help and educate the new folks. There’s a lot of folks out there who were anti-gun, or at least ambivalent who just learned that nobody is coming to save them. Now is the time to help them become cognizant of how to be a responsible and safe gun owner and bring them over to our side regarding gun rights. Stay non-partisan when teaching and even when explaining the threats to their gun rights. We want to bring them over to our side, not chase them back with even more commitment than before.3 points
I would like to go on record to say that I am in the "this is total BS" camp. I don't know why this has been spun so out of proportion, and all over the world at that. Sure, I know this is a dangerous virus, and that it has been killing folks, but it is still not rising to the Flu numbers or the H1N1, and this happens every dang year. There is NEVER a rush to get TP or other supplies each year, so what makes this one so special? My guess is that the MSM, worldwide apparently, and TPTB have decided a crisis was due, and this was as good as any. I am not saying that you should not take precautions, especially if you are in one of the high risk categories, but nothing more than your standard precautions should be more than adequate. Flu: https://www.cdc.gov/flu/about/burden/preliminary-in-season-estimates.htm 2019-2020 390,000 – 710,000 Hospitalizations 23,000 – 59,000 Deaths in the US H1N1: https://www.cdc.gov/flu/pandemic-resources/2009-h1n1-pandemic.html Since they found it in 09' (2009 through 2018) https://www.cdc.gov/flu/pandemic-resources/burden-of-h1n1.html 936,000 Hospitalizations 75,000 Deaths in the US COVID-19 (as of 4pm Yesterday) https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/cases-updates/cases-in-us.html Total cases: 44,183 Total deaths: 544 Jurisdictions reporting cases: 54 (50 states, District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, and US Virgin Islands)3 points
Nearly 2800 CV patients in Italy have died in the last four days. If it gets that bad in the US, that’s the equivalent of about 15,000 US deaths after extrapolating the numbers of deaths to the US population. That would be a bigger deal than the flu.2 points
Chill. Nothing is moving quickly because everyone is as jiggy as you are. None of us can begin to guess how the system will work right now. You would be better off in gathering 30 to 60 days of items so you could shelter in place. Just my .02.2 points
I am not disagreeing with everything you wrote, but the mortality rate is almost 10% in Italy and approaching that in Spain. In England it is 5% and Germany is very likely hiding their mortality rates and labeling the deaths according to whatever pre-existing conditions people had. And, if America runs out of life saving equipment the mortality rate the mortality rate will go up. New York City is going to exhausted of all needed equipment and I think we will see a surge in the mortality rate and even infection rate as our hospital workers will be forced to be unprotected. My brother is working as a medical assistant/CNA in Portland, OR at OHSU that has less cases than places like Seattle and New York and he has told me even there he sometimes does not get all the protective equipment he needs due to shortages and that the staff are highly stressed. Also there are a shortage of nurses, as now many have to quit their jobs to stay home and take care of their children. Others are getting sick as well and no longer can treat patients. How many diseases have sent our 45 year old politicians to the hospital to be put on breathing equipment? Your average flu doesn't do that. That being said, the interview with Dr. Michael Osterholm (one of most intelligent disease specialists I have yet to hear speak) with Joe Rogan was a very sobering and yes, fearsome, in some ways of the potential reality of this epidemic. I do think that we need an adequate testing system that is easily available, inexpensive and can be distributed to almost everyone in the country before we open up our economy. If we open up our economy it should be in little steps and very limited. Major cities like Seattle, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and most certainly New York must certainly avoid any situation where large numbers of people are grouped togehter. Our country wasn't prepared for this epidemic and we can deny it all we want, but we just never thought any tragedy of this level could ever hit our secure borders. And, now we have to reap the results of it and we should only be thankful this is not a worse disease that could have crippled us for generations. At least we will have different priorities in the future now and be prepared for our next pandemic, especially if an Open Borders type of leader gets elected who wants unchecked borders and more illegal immigrants with very little in the way of monitoring. In our world that is overpopulated, open borders, where people travel everywhere and where people still have poor dietary and hygiene habits, these diseases will only become more prevalent not less. I don't think our death rate will be as high as Italy. Contrary to media propaganda, their health system is not better than ours, they do not have as many ICUs as the USA has , as well they have much limited number of highly trained medical staff , as well as a much older population and a significant larger amount of smokers. But, I still think we will definitely be seeing higher mortality rates than we are now once we have equipment and staff shortages, which will be inevitable in the current state.2 points
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Reports I've seen the www (gotta be true right) indicate 1st time buyers are going wild with the desire to protect their hordes of TP and hand sanitizer.2 points
While I'm glad to see that they will be allowed open, I'm having a hard time understanding why someone would risk their health over a box or two of ammunition or a firearm at this point. Should we receive a lockdown order here in Tennessee, I plan to only go out for food and medical supplies. But of course, I have the guns and ammo covered, being the Liberal's Favorite Boogyman, a true Tennessee Redneck.2 points
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It says a whole lot more than that. You might want start reading at the link Dave posted. There is a complete list of guns we would be allowed to own, by name.2 points
What's sneaky about it? They introduce this kind of crap frequently. It has no chance passing the Senate, and they are doing it to show their constituents that they tried.2 points
Just read an article that Scott & Webley had done a reboot in India. Article date 2-25-20 on Guns.com site. A new line of top breaks in 32 cal, even a 1911. Any interest in these old top breaks here? I have an Enfield 38 S & W. Have a mould to cast the 200 gr bullet for it but haven't gotten around to loading for it yet. Always liked the ugly rugged look of them. Like the short barrel tanker model also.2 points
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Four of us got together last Saturday and recorded our service in an empty church building. Prayers, readings, sermon, communion meditation, even announcements at the end. We take communion every week, so we got families communion stuff on Saturday if they needed it. Our family sat in the living room and listened and took communion together. Would I have rather been at church? Yes. But, it worked okay. We’ll celebrate when we’re together as a church again. But until then we’ll do the best we can. If anyone needs help trying to pull this off, give me a shout. Happy to help.2 points
We finally got good news today. The missus tested negative for CV. She still has has that pesky mid range fever that comes and goes though. The doctor prescribed a ZPAK and something else that I picked up this morning. She already says she is feeling better.2 points
Morality aside - it doesn’t matter what Trump says. The economy isn’t going to open back up until this is under control. It’s not like the economy is just some magic machine - it takes people. And if the people get sick and are dying - they’re not going to work. And, it’s a demand shock that our economy can’t really handle regardless. 80% of American GDP is consumer spending. Well, what happens when no one is buying? I get it that Trump is upset that six of his hotels are closed. I get it that the airlines are upset that no one is flying. I get it that the cruise companies (that are largely foreign flagged to bypass labor laws) are upset no one is taking their vacations. But, if I told you that right now you could fly to New York, take a chartered bus across the city, stay in a nice hotel, have dinner in a fancy restaurant, then get on a cruise the next day and spend the next two weeks touring all the ports in Italy - and you can do it for $20/person. Would you do it? That’s the heart of our problem right now. When you can’t sell at any price - it doesn’t matter what the political class says. People aren’t buying. And, they’re not going to change that behavior until this pandemic is under control.2 points
If I am out of line starting this thread, or if it offends anyone, that is not my intention and I apologize. If it it taken down, I understand. However, with the number of texts and calls I have received since it went public that my wife is positive and we are quarantined offering support and prayers, I thought a spot for members to post requests for prayers for friends and loved ones was in order. No names are required (I don’t want anyone breaking HIPAA laws) just prayer requests. I believe in the power of prayer.1 point
Picked up these two beauties for my personal collection. the steel match weight (11oz) adds a nice balance to the full frame pistol1 point
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I have a few camerons and other fancy putters than any sane person should own. I play all of them, I played this one for a couple of years. It has a welded neck and I just don't see the welded necks on the tour or other camerons. 20200325_200805 20200325_200907 20200325_200934 20200325_201006 Link to where you can find it on the SC website. https://www.scottycameron.com/authentication/registry/Details.aspx?rn=A019381®istry-submit=search1 point
For the past few months I have been using The Last Stand target stand and holder. I generally use it for pistol at distance and rifle beyond 100 yards. It is a very lightweight and portable system. You can purchase the components individually or in kits. I got a couple kits and multiple hangers from Action Target for use at work. The system has been around for years but I never gave it any attention thinking it would not be very durable. I was wrong and glad I gave it a try.1 point
I would love it if the media would put % deaths of our population in US instead of straight numbers. It would help put things in perspective and stop so much of the fear. Also by State and compare percents with Italy, Spain etc. Media hype is creating more fear than need be. So far the death rate per capita in the US is miniscule. I understand the need to keep the Hospitals from being over-run from a spike in the bigger Cities of seriously ill but now that the info is out about elderly and high risk, I think the focus should be to quarantine the hell out of that population until we have a vaccine or this dies down naturally, Then get the Economy back in gear ASAP. I agree with the Prez on this one. The cure is getting to be worse than the virus itself. Another great depression like the 30s with this generation? I cant imagine the spike in suicides, violence, riots etc.1 point
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Man, I was thinking about you guys earlier today. Prayers for sure.1 point
Man. I forget about ammo, even mags, but I have yet to forget about a gun i own. I need to step up my game.1 point
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Did you explain to her that her parents lied to her when they told her everyone is equal?1 point
Nothing, other than he wrote the story that’s in that link and is trying to get clicks. It appears to me everything he’s posted is spamming the site.1 point
Had no idea TGO had become the new immigration melting pot. Pretty cool1 point
Picture a third of GDP. Or maybe you’d rather picture roughly 9 Bush/Obama era TARP programs put together?1 point
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Somebody better call Bill Lee then - he just closed schools through the 24th. No church wants to be like the one here in Nashville with 15 cases and counting. I’ll be the first to admit that I dearly miss our people - but pastorally don’t see how we can put them at risk. We’re having to get creative - and it’s less than ideal - but it’s the right thing to do.1 point
Politicians gotta be politicking. Very little will change until we start to see the downslope of the virus curve. We're definitely not there yet. I hope that comes as soon as Easter, but I doubt it.1 point
No one will know if someone does it on GB. But they will know if they do it here and won’t want to buy anything from them anymore.1 point
And...I don’t think someone that is 100% honest all the time could be elected, or reelected.1 point
Fair point. Coach was an easy albeit perhaps flawed analogy. CEO would probably have been a better term and equally applicable to the comparison I was drawing. As an aside, I think you simply must have a huge (yuuuuge) ego you be in politics at that level in the modern era anyway. His predecessors just hid it better. Perhaps sociopathically better. Gone are the days of “I regret that I have but one life to give for my country” statesmanship.1 point
You know, the coach doesn't win ball games. The coach manages the show and puts the right players in at the right time, and pulls out the players who aren't needed, aren't performing, or aren't right for the scenario. What Trump has been pretty good at so far is assembling good teams of experts to address situations. What people aren't comfortable with, as relates to the government, is seeing a President treat those teams the way smart business leaders treat appointments to teams in companies. Namely, as pieces to be used, moved, removed and replaced as needed to accomplish the goal. We're so used to appointments to public office as being damn near eternal that it freaks us out when Trump fires an appointee and then replaces them with someone else. I love it, to be honest. Imagine how much better life would be in our country if politicians weren't practically elected until death do us part. It would almost be a return to the Founding Fathers' intent of there not being career politicians.1 point
When they have idiots grandstanding like that reporter or the one whining about “Chinese virus”; they should be kicked out of there and some with new blood that have reasonable questions we care about, allowed in. The azzhat worded the question so there was no way Trump could addresses it without acknowledging there are people that don’t trust him. We all know that there are people that do not like, or trust Trump. Anyone who’s IQ is higher than their age won’t be needing to hear a discussion of that in a press conference. I would have fired my reporters if they pulled a stunt like that. Pence was doing an okay job, but Trump was being criticized for not being out there. So now he’s out there. You don’t trust the government. We all know that. But this discussion isn’t about your hatred for Trump.1 point
Conspiracy Theories, Coronavirus, TGO and YOU For as long as I can remember, TGO has never really provided "safe waters" for people who want to preach conspiracy theories and rile-up the masses. There are plenty of places for that sort of thing on the Internet and yes sometimes the conspiracy enthusiasts (or nuts, if you so prefer) are proven right in the end. But since there are so many other places for it and since we feel that the ravings of fringe believers tends to bring down the property value, we prefer that our members engage in discussions based in reality. Lately the moderators have begun removing posts fanning the flames of conspiracy around the COVID-19 novel coronavirus pandemic. Generally speaking, I am supportive of their actions. Here's why: Priorities First and foremost, we have a present problem to deal with so let's start by putting our focus there. We have members who are and have been personally affected by COVID-19 and chances are this is just the beginning. If we are going to invest our mental and emotional energies into something, let's invest them in encouraging, supporting and helping our own community. Respect Again, we know that we already have members of TGO affected by this pandemic. So far they (and we) have been fortunate and it's turned out well. That could change. We don't want that to happen, but the statistical projections indicate that by the time the dust settles none of us will have many degrees of separation from someone that died as a result of the virus. I just think maybe it's a little disrespectful to the people currently fighting this virus and eventually to those who lose the battle for us to sit around and imagineer boogeymen behind a virus that science currently says evolved naturally. Stay In Your Lane, Bro Following right in behind the matter of respect is the simple fact that unless you're an educated, degreed, certified ass-kicking virologist, geneticist, research scientist, or have data from a respected source that is... you should probably stay in your lane. Remember the Great Toilet Paper Shortage of 2020? That happened because social media said there was a shortage of toilet paper. So the people believed it, reacted like scared sheep, and ran right over the edge of the cliff with arms full of Charmin. There's no reason for us to allow the next big social media fear-fest to start with or take root on TGO. We can control what happens here, so our intent is to manage it so that there's at least one place you can visit online that doesn't feel like the lunatics are running the asylum. You're welcome for that. Even if you don't appreciate it right now. And So What If That Conspiracy Theory Is Accurate? The President, love him or hate him, has already said that there are going to be consequences on the other side of this current situation for the way that China mishandled this. Even if they didn't bio-engineer it, their government hid the outbreak from the world until it was busting out of their borders. So far the Prez has done everything he's said he would do... right or wrong... so we can be pretty confident that the US isn't going to just let this slide. So, even if the latest conspiracy theory is accurate... you and I can't do a thing about it. Establishing and maintaining a military to preserve our sovereignty, the strength of our borders, and the security of our interests is the one thing that the government should be doing. It's maybe the only reason the government should exist if you ask some. But they are equipped to do something about it. Not us. Not even Chuck Norris. Let's let the government handle the boogeyman. And if they need our input on that, there will be an appropriate time to tell our elected representatives what we'd like to see done. And I'm sure that our actual scientists will be following up on all credible leads that help them expedite a treatment or vaccine for COVID-19. So if that takes them back to a secret lair somewhere in Communist China where they're having unprotected sex with bats while eating live frogs... so be it. In the meantime, let's stay grounded in reality here. It's scary enough and it requires our full attention.1 point
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