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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/22/2020 in all areas

  1. What if I set it up as a Benefactor Only forum?
    6 points
  2. This is way different than 2008 already. We’re not seeing the economy slow. We’re watching it hit a wall and throw us through the windshield. It’s literally disintegrating in front of our eyes. As a small business owner where most of my clients are small and midsize businesses - we’re all seeing the same thing. We’re hoping our businesses are still here when this is done.
    5 points
  3. Took 79 hours to get my results. (Tested Wednesday at 17:00 and received results today at 0:37) Positive (yea). I am not totally surprised I am positive. My wife was tested Positive back on March 11. I have had even less symptoms than she did. Basically last Wednesday I cut the yard and afterward had that blah feeling you get when you know you are coming down with a cold or a mild flu. My temp was slightly elevated. With the situation of our household, I went in to the Vanderbilt Walk-in to be tested. That took 4.5 hours of waiting during which I slept in the car. By the time they called me, my temp was normal. Since Thursday morning I have felt fine. Such an odd virus that makes some Folks so sick and some barely notice (fingers crossed nothing changes for me). Demographically, I am 50 (51 this coming Saturday ) in decent health. I was treated for Hodgkins Lymphoma back in 2001-2002 but I feel I am fully immune system recovered. I hope your friend is doing well and continues to do well. Remind them to set up their Myhealthatvanderbilt account to get their results.
    5 points
  4. He goes back further than that. He was at NIH during Reagan and Bush. Bush actually praises him for his work on AIDS in an ‘88 debate with Dukakis. He’s 79. He’s very much a pro. He takes some of Trump’s spotlight though - so I doubt he’ll last very long.
    5 points
  5. Conspiracy Theories, Coronavirus, TGO and YOU For as long as I can remember, TGO has never really provided "safe waters" for people who want to preach conspiracy theories and rile-up the masses. There are plenty of places for that sort of thing on the Internet and yes sometimes the conspiracy enthusiasts (or nuts, if you so prefer) are proven right in the end. But since there are so many other places for it and since we feel that the ravings of fringe believers tends to bring down the property value, we prefer that our members engage in discussions based in reality. Lately the moderators have begun removing posts fanning the flames of conspiracy around the COVID-19 novel coronavirus pandemic. Generally speaking, I am supportive of their actions. Here's why: Priorities First and foremost, we have a present problem to deal with so let's start by putting our focus there. We have members who are and have been personally affected by COVID-19 and chances are this is just the beginning. If we are going to invest our mental and emotional energies into something, let's invest them in encouraging, supporting and helping our own community. Respect Again, we know that we already have members of TGO affected by this pandemic. So far they (and we) have been fortunate and it's turned out well. That could change. We don't want that to happen, but the statistical projections indicate that by the time the dust settles none of us will have many degrees of separation from someone that died as a result of the virus. I just think maybe it's a little disrespectful to the people currently fighting this virus and eventually to those who lose the battle for us to sit around and imagineer boogeymen behind a virus that science currently says evolved naturally. Stay In Your Lane, Bro Following right in behind the matter of respect is the simple fact that unless you're an educated, degreed, certified ass-kicking virologist, geneticist, research scientist, or have data from a respected source that is... you should probably stay in your lane. Remember the Great Toilet Paper Shortage of 2020? That happened because social media said there was a shortage of toilet paper. So the people believed it, reacted like scared sheep, and ran right over the edge of the cliff with arms full of Charmin. There's no reason for us to allow the next big social media fear-fest to start with or take root on TGO. We can control what happens here, so our intent is to manage it so that there's at least one place you can visit online that doesn't feel like the lunatics are running the asylum. You're welcome for that. Even if you don't appreciate it right now. And So What If That Conspiracy Theory Is Accurate? The President, love him or hate him, has already said that there are going to be consequences on the other side of this current situation for the way that China mishandled this. Even if they didn't bio-engineer it, their government hid the outbreak from the world until it was busting out of their borders. So far the Prez has done everything he's said he would do... right or wrong... so we can be pretty confident that the US isn't going to just let this slide. So, even if the latest conspiracy theory is accurate... you and I can't do a thing about it. Establishing and maintaining a military to preserve our sovereignty, the strength of our borders, and the security of our interests is the one thing that the government should be doing. It's maybe the only reason the government should exist if you ask some. But they are equipped to do something about it. Not us. Not even Chuck Norris. Let's let the government handle the boogeyman. And if they need our input on that, there will be an appropriate time to tell our elected representatives what we'd like to see done. And I'm sure that our actual scientists will be following up on all credible leads that help them expedite a treatment or vaccine for COVID-19. So if that takes them back to a secret lair somewhere in Communist China where they're having unprotected sex with bats while eating live frogs... so be it. In the meantime, let's stay grounded in reality here. It's scary enough and it requires our full attention.
    5 points
  6. Maybe, maybe not, but the guy's comment was a slap in the face to Trump. No president is going to stand there and take a bunch of snark from a smartass reporter, especially the current president.
    4 points
  7. This! Do not make any changes based on emotion, especially fear and panic!
    4 points
  8. This is just my advice, so you're free to discard it. Take a bit of time to look at the DJIA, NASDAQ, & S&P 500 over the course of different economic plunges, and see how they recovered back to where they were before the drops. Don't panic, and don't let your guy sell you on any opportunities until your head is clear. I question your need to even have "a guy" when a total stock market index fund, and total bond market index fund can be more than enough for both a retirement and taxable portfolio. Index funds are your friend, and can be had without undue fees, or sales tactics along the way. You're 52. Unless you wanted to retire in the next five years, you're still in good position like you were a month and a half ago, even if all you can think about are stocks being where they were three years ago.
    4 points
  9. Apparently he wasn't even showing symptoms but got tested "out of an abundance of caution". This is exactly what Pence said not to do yesterday. It's interesting how all these celebrities/athletes/politicians have no issues getting the tests. He's one of the few Senators that gets it right more than he gets it wrong though. I hope he continues to be symptom free. It makes me wonder how many of us have it without realizing it.
    4 points
  10. I really hope that practice comes to an end. It would be great if this event causes a seismic shift in our policy about sending a lot of different sectors of business overseas.
    4 points
  11. Spirited thread for sure! I'm sure we could find similar responses to the scumbag resellers during the Obama scare. If the consumer is willing to pay triple retail, so be it. For CTD, I boycotted them during Obama, they jacked KCI M1 carbine mags three fold overnight. Have never looked back. Like many, I don't have enough ammo, but enough to keep me safe for a while. More than enough to go house-to-house capturing toilet paper.
    4 points
  12. And not just a Dem, but one in Illinois. I would definitely have lost money betting on this one...
    4 points
  13. One things for sure, even if the world wasn't going to end, people are hell bent on talking it into existence. Go outside and get some fresh air. People need to put down their phones and computers and focus on something other than doom and gloom. I would love to see a 14 day internet ban so people can stop being crazed idiots.
    3 points
  14. This observation shared by many people all over the country.
    3 points
  15. I have a good friend in the Crossville area. As I do from time to time I called in a favor and he was bed ridden with something whoopin the bejesus out of him. This was back around Christmas when all love up on family , party, etc. He was passing it off as a bad flu or cold , etc. After this stuff showed up hes convinced this was it.
    3 points
  16. I have heard this from many many people in the medical field.
    3 points
  17. This could be bad as he'd be one of the more reliable votes against and trying to stop letting DOJ have those enhanced authorities they're reported to be asking for.
    3 points
  18. You know, the coach doesn't win ball games. The coach manages the show and puts the right players in at the right time, and pulls out the players who aren't needed, aren't performing, or aren't right for the scenario. What Trump has been pretty good at so far is assembling good teams of experts to address situations. What people aren't comfortable with, as relates to the government, is seeing a President treat those teams the way smart business leaders treat appointments to teams in companies. Namely, as pieces to be used, moved, removed and replaced as needed to accomplish the goal. We're so used to appointments to public office as being damn near eternal that it freaks us out when Trump fires an appointee and then replaces them with someone else. I love it, to be honest. Imagine how much better life would be in our country if politicians weren't practically elected until death do us part. It would almost be a return to the Founding Fathers' intent of there not being career politicians.
    3 points
  19. The only thing more hyperbolic than Cuomo's praise for Trump this past week has been Trump's praise for Cuomo praising Trump. The daily White House briefings have been pretty interesting. If only Trump would stop using Wall Street as his personal report card, stop mentioning the Market, and start holding his press briefings after the Market closes. Every time the guy talks on camera during trading hours, the market reacts. Mostly negatively. I don't see a better alternative to Trump for 2020's elections, so the guy better start figuring out a new sales pitch. Because hitching his PR game to the whims of Wall Street while fair-weather investors are skittish sure doesn't seem like a winning strategy.
    3 points
  20. When they have idiots grandstanding like that reporter or the one whining about “Chinese virus”; they should be kicked out of there and some with new blood that have reasonable questions we care about, allowed in. The azzhat worded the question so there was no way Trump could addresses it without acknowledging there are people that don’t trust him. We all know that there are people that do not like, or trust Trump. Anyone who’s IQ is higher than their age won’t be needing to hear a discussion of that in a press conference. I would have fired my reporters if they pulled a stunt like that. Pence was doing an okay job, but Trump was being criticized for not being out there. So now he’s out there. You don’t trust the government. We all know that. But this discussion isn’t about your hatred for Trump.
    3 points
  21. This is the big thing that’s sticking in my head. There are a lot of economic problems we are going to be facing On the back end of this because we don’t have control over our supply chains and logistics.
    3 points
  22. Cooper just announced that Metro Nashville/Davidson County will shut down all “nonessential business” for 14 days. Shelter in place and social distancing are to be practiced. Hope everyone is prepared for what comes next.
    3 points
  23. CTD? I remember buying from them before they decided to gouge their customers several years ago. If they sold ammo at 1 cent a round I could never bring myself to order from them again.
    3 points
  24. How did this escape notice? New from Ruger, the 9mm PC Charger pistol: https://ruger.com/products/pcCharger/models.html
    2 points
  25. for safety & security during stay home declaration. Even a prog/soc/dem gets it right once in awhile. https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/03/21/illinois-governor-lists-gun-stores-as-essential-exempts-them-from-forced-shutdown/
    2 points
  26. Cuomo was ranting on the news tonight because New Yorkers were disobeying his orders and strolling around parks in NYC...said more drastic measures may be necessary to get these people to obey. The Shepard doesn’t like it when the sheep don’t follow orders.
    2 points
  27. THIS sums it up for me 10000x over. I don't apologize for the steps and measures I've taken all my life to insure and protect what is mine nor do I say sorry for maintaining a promise and obligation to those that rely on me for protection and standing up for those close to me that cannot.
    2 points
  28. As a business owner many times over the years I've had to divulge bad information to employees in steps to control the crash. Can you imagine if Trump had come out day one and throwed it all out there about what they knew was going to need to happen? You think the run on TP and ammo has been bad. This is unprecedented territory and there is no playbook. I don't envy any of the people trying to run towns, counties, states or countries. I'll do my best to protect family and friends. I don't expect the government to bail me out or protect me. That's how I was raised.
    2 points
  29. A friend's wife is an ER nurse. Since they have nothing to do at work these days, they got to thinking. A very nasty version of the crud passed through here in January. Mild fever, cough, congestion, all the usual stuff. So they convinced themselves they've already had it. Time will tell if they're right or wrong.
    2 points
  30. He's the perpetual salesman. It's fairly annoying but once you learn to process what he says through that filter, it gets easier to filter the outright BS from the hype.
    2 points
  31. And...I don’t think someone that is 100% honest all the time could be elected, or reelected.
    2 points
  32. No worries, everyone. Trump will save us. He is the most smart president ever. He has this under control. Fake news that it is bad. Fake news.
    2 points
  33. That's a damn lie. It was a reasonable question and Trump looked like a weak narcissist as a result. Pence answered it like a leader is supposed to. And I would guess the majority of this forum doesn't trust the governemnt. You realize I'm not the only person to criticize Trump in this thread, including the owner of the site? It seems you just like to argue with me and you don't have the balls to call out anyone else on here. I go out of my way to not engage with you. I wish you'd do the same.
    2 points
  34. We did this to ourselves. But I doubt most of those who supported it will change their minds; hopefully I’m wrong.
    2 points
  35. Yeah I was just thinking of it being a reward for the folks who help keep TGO going. But I'm cool with it being either way.
    2 points
  36. She's doing great now. Driving us all crazy.
    2 points
  37. This may make some realize that some states want them banned from owning firearms that would allow them to protect themselves and their families during an emergency and won’t have the ability to respond in time to their needs.
    2 points
  38. My BIL was in a panic and needed a gun. I told him I have one you can use or buy, your choice. He stays at my house and takes care of my dog when I travel. So, it was priced really cheap, and he said he wanted to buy it. He has been out going to restaurants, bars, etc. So, my wife, his sister, said he can’t come in the house. I gave him the gun at the back fence, and he dropped the money in a plastic shopping bag I had. I told the wife the money was in a bag in the entryway, just let it lay there for a couple of days. When I got up today, my wife had laundered the money (that’s right laundered), used hand sanitizer on it, and dried it. So if you need any money laundered; my wife is working from home. I just thought I would share that story, that I thought was humorous.
    2 points
  39. Fauci comes across as more a Clinton era political hack than a medical expert.
    2 points
  40. Sorry to hear this. I hope she's fine today. It's probably just the flu, but you should take comfort in the reports that Covid 19 appears to cause only mild problems for those under age 20 and almost no problems for under age 10.
    2 points
  41. I really thought Obama had taught us to be self sufficient. If you're not prepared I have no sympathy.
    2 points
  42. Peter Alexander has been in the business long enough to know how to bait Trump as many reporters do. Trump has sparred with his fair share over the years. It was bad timing for them both, period. You never saw this when black jesus was on the podium because the powers that be would have made sure you lost press privileges.
    1 point
  43. Hundreds of thousands. A 3rd grader at a nearby school tested positive 10 days ago and it's just now hit the news. Given what we know about where and how the virus spreads, that means thousands of local people have been exposed. Yet we're not seeing much in the way of sickness at this point. https://www.wbir.com/mobile/article/news/mother-of-vonore-child-with-covid-19-wants-others-to-take-it-seriously/51-d413f197-e1f0-4ae8-b4e2-1ae79267cc93
    1 point
  44. The economy can’t last until august; no matter who does the press conferences. They need to go to plan B. However, if Trump wasn’t in there it probably would have crashed already. It’s not right to blame him for small market fluctuations; they are going to happen. (During or after press conferences) No one was complaining when the markets were soaring and setting record results; due to Trumps announcements. The biggest problem I see is; why are all those people up there? All the medical experts are all saying the same thing. So we only need one. Based on the agency names, I would say we only need to be hearing from the CDC on the virus. As I said; he’s out there because he was being criticized for not being out there, implying he was not taking this seriously.
    1 point
  45. 1 point
  46. But we will add when deals appear.
    1 point
  47. Gee, all ti took was a world wide pandemic to make them understand they're responsible for their own safety. As for me, I could arm a small army if it came to it. I learned from the Obama years.
    1 point
  48. There are a lot of people at home, pizzed off and armed. Probably not a good time to start a new career as a burglar or home invader. But then, criminals have never been accused of being smart.
    1 point
  49. With all due respect to HiPoint - I don't know that anybody makes ugly pistols quite as reliably as Ruger. Nice to see another 5.7 option, though.
    1 point
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