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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/18/2020 in all areas
8 points
I have some sympathy but I've also accepted that people young and old just don't know how, or won't save. I had a conversation with a friend of mine last year because he got a big raise and cut his rent in half. I mentioned how he should try to stash some of that away. He looked at me dead serious and said he would rather spend the money now than save it for emergencies. I'm having a hard time having sympathy for those people right now. We also have so many safety nets in place that I feel like people don't think there is any need. We enable this. Now we're talking about sending everyone $1,000. It's insanity. And I'm not talking about the single mom making $30K a year. I'm talking about middle class Americans with good salaries that spend every cent they make. At some point in my lifetime this runaway government spending will come back to bite us in the ass. There is no way we can sustain this.4 points
We all say it , "the last gun I'll buy" , but this is the last "new" gun I think I'll buy. I'm tired of striker guns and newer stuff. The older ones seem to work better. Plus hammer fired guns are getting more interesting to me than strikers. Got me a new P-07 in 9mm. Man it's sweet. I've never been a Glock 19 fan but always a Glock 17 fan. This P-07 is G19 size and is nice. I like the light weight and the simplified hammer fired action. If there is a hard primer , I can strike it again with the hammer instead of having to rack the slide like you would on most striker guns. I owned the original P-07 when it came out in 2009 and it had teething problems but now it's better than ever. Front and rear sights are metal , front serrations , accurate as can be , hammer fired , large trigger guard , the ability to change from decocker to safety/cocked and locked , the pistol comes with 15 rd magazines and it also comes with magazines base pads from the factory that are +2 making the mags 17 rds each , the front and rear edges are now rounded off , and of course the low bore axis , and I cant think of much else except that this P-07 is nice.3 points
If anyone is needing 9mm ammo I just left Shoot Point Blank in Knoxville and they had maybe 100 or so 1000 round cases of Magtech and CCI/Blazer. $219,99. Not a great price but if you were caught with your mag out and didn't prepare it is there. It won't last the day I am sure.3 points
We really don’t need to hear anymore about the economic catastrophe this version of the flu has turned into. That is well established. The groundwork for the economic and social ramifications of this hysteria have already been laid...over a period of weeks and now day to day, by governments desperate to control mayhem and a global populace incapable of calming down. One this is sure, there are going to be serious socio-economic ramifications. We already seeing that. Society as we know it likely to be very different in a few months.3 points
I got the same email yesterday, now if the weather would cooperate. I'm really tired of being inside the house, we've had crappy weather for the most part in 2020.3 points
They're doing what politicians do best. Throwing money at the problem. But consider how many people in this country live paycheck to paycheck. Many of them are now out of work. Many of them will be low on groceries soon. If, and that's a big IF these folks take that money and use it to care for their families, this will be a good thing. Honestly, I can see crime going way up in the near future with people doing bad things to support their families. This isn't just a health crisis Its a major economic crisis. Never underestimate the power of desperation.3 points
3 points
If I am out of line starting this thread, or if it offends anyone, that is not my intention and I apologize. If it it taken down, I understand. However, with the number of texts and calls I have received since it went public that my wife is positive and we are quarantined offering support and prayers, I thought a spot for members to post requests for prayers for friends and loved ones was in order. No names are required (I don’t want anyone breaking HIPAA laws) just prayer requests. I believe in the power of prayer.2 points
Thanks for the add. I’m a retired master sergeant from the Army, originally from Illinois, and now living outside Milan, TN.2 points
Gotta agree with Handsome Rob. If you’re just looking at the 1k+/- range, 6.5cr is a great caliber to work with. There’s no need to jump into the headache and expense of the ELR guns and calibers if you’re not actually shooting ELR.2 points
6 or 6.5x47 lapua. My daughter shot a 6mm brx for her first 1000 yard gun at 10 years old. The only reason to get a big gun is if you need to kill something at 1k right now. A steel plate has no idea how much energy it's getting hit with.2 points
I picked up 1000 rounds of S&B 124gr last Friday. Paid 12.99/50, but wanted the 124 Can confirm the previous posted pricing. I'm an not a fan of their in-house brand.2 points
There are just way too many unknowns right now. But, the numbers are going to get a lot worse before they get better. That's for sure.2 points
I'm making a point not to check mine. I don't need the stress, and the big boys say to focus on the long term.2 points
My son and his girlfriend both work at local restaurants here in Knoxville. He has his realty license and is trying to break into that market, but works as a waiter to make ends meet and she is a student. He's restaurant closed down yesterday and she's had her hours cut drastically amd their apartment rent is due at the end of the month. So that $1000 they might each get will be very welcome, both by them and by my wife and I!2 points
He said they had been very busy selling guns but they still had cabinets pretty full. I counted 5 at the counters looking at guns and know 2 were in process of buying. Told me any "self defense" ammo was the hottest commodity. Didn't matter brand or what. They thought they were sitting good on total ammo but all the employees were able to buy 1000 rounds as it looks like they will be out today. Range time dropped drastically. Said yesterday had maybe 20 shooters on the range all day. They normally have that many every couple of hours.2 points
At Fort Polk I frequently heard my DI say "smoke'em if you've got'em". Same applies to ammo today.2 points
The airlines need a bailout? Sure, critical infrastructure, essential for wartime scenarios to move troops...of course we'll make sure they're operational. But management and shareholders shouldn't get anything resembling a reward out of it. We should squeeze them through strings attached just as hard as they've squeezed travelers with baggage fees, preferred seating fees, shrinking seat sizes, overbooking, having to transfer planes at LaGuardia and Atlanta...all while spending 96% of their free cash flow on stock buybacks over the last decade. Maybe I'm wrong here, but I'm punitive when business tries to socialize loss when gains were quite privatized. Oh, on the COVID-19 front, my work from home adventure starts tomorrow...would have been sooner, but I was part of the rearguard getting others set up for remote work. Guess it's time to start eating some of this food I've been accumulating over the last few weeks.2 points
Jeez man, I'm sorry. But like I said, I'm pretty sure it wasn't actually for you... ETA: I think I heard once that .338 LM can be reloaded in a standard size press, while .50 BMG is too big. Which I think is what COUGHcough...Rob was getting at.1 point
I did this investment gig professionally for 40+ years. The Dow is not going to 12k. If you're waiting for that (AND you wouldn't pull the trigger there anyway!) then get real excited if you see 15 or 16 or 17, with excitement levels in inverse order. Meaning if you see 15, back up the truck and load up. Load up in stages if the decline continues. Everyone wants to buy when the market is at a peak. That's why it gets to a peak. Duh! Buy when blood is running in the gutter. Buy when you can't stand to do it. Buy SLV and OIL. Those are ETFs on silver metal and crude oil. SLV closed today at 11.21 and OIL closed at 4.67. Desperate men do desperate things. Bold men do desperate things, and bold things, but they do smarter things on both. ETA: You should be buying some US stocks NOW, such as an S&P 500 ETF.1 point
1 point
1 point
I hope your wrong. However I have changed my carry weapon from uber concealable to high capacity.1 point
1 point
What do you consider long range? I regularly shoot 1250 with a 6.5x55 Swede, chambered in a modern Savage. 50bmg, 416, 375 cheytac & similar 'long range' chamberings are fun, but essentially useless. If you just want to clonk steel at 800+, and I hate myself for saying this, the 6.5cm is kinda hard to beat, value for money wise. It's not the best, but it's a damn good start. If I had to start again right now, I'd be looking reeeeal hard at a 6.5prc1 point
Sure, any place can be defended, just need more hands and more firearms to put into them hands. While not always easy, but it can be done.1 point
When you can't sell a seat at any price - you've got a demand shock - and that means there's still a lot of downside for an industry that is built on servicing that demand as close to the edge as they possibly can get. And, illness numbers are going to spike a bunch in the next few weeks. For the average American that doesn't really keep up with everything all the time - this is going to look like things are out of control. Which they kind of will be for a bit. One thing that I really worry about in the weeks ahead is the lack of scaling up the ladder of care. We're going to see more issues like the lack of reagents for test kits as more people get sick. I'm pleased to see Trump potentially invoking the Defense Production Act - but industry doesn't turn in a day - and it's going to take a bit. We're nowhere near the bottom in terms of financial markets. I'm not really a prediction person - but I wouldn't be surprised to see the Dow at 12K.1 point
1 point
obamma reminded us of the need to acquire more guns as well as ammo. However, more guns without more ammo don't work.1 point
https://www.amazon.com/Discreet-Carbine-Barreled-Platform-Shoulder/dp/B00BSXQEBW/ref=sr_1_7?crid=1ACIC4AWXCV8R&dchild=1&keywords=discreet%2Brifle%2Bcases%2Bfor%2Bar15&qid=1584536360&sprefix=discreet%2Brif%2Caps%2C213&sr=8-7&th=11 point
I use to use this, looks like a laptop bag 2017-12-03_07-12-20 by Johnny Rotten, on Flickr1 point
Its perplexing seeing people in some of my social media circles get so excited about getting $1000 of their own money back, and realizing that most of them have given little to no thought to how the Govt can keep on going after giving back all this money that was theoretically budgeted for something necessary. I would have just preferred to keep the $1000 to begin with.1 point
1 point
I recommend procuring three seashells if is within budget.1 point
1 point
Not quite the same ideas. Trump is pushing a one-time payment (possibly more), basically an individual bailout in an unprecedented scenario. Yang wants a permanent allowance from gov-daddy. They both smell, but one out-stinks the other one.1 point
If you just now started prepping now you’re too late.1 point
Just got this email from TWRA about 30 minutes ago.1 point
I still can't wrap my head around the people carrying out cases and cases of bottled water...I mean if the commies were invading or aliens had come down...or the Russians/China EMP'd our powergrid ….we really are our own worst enemy.1 point
1 point
I get it I had a person request that I do this run, so even if just 4 sell Ill still do just for that request1 point
I have been praying for the folks affected by the tornado and the COVID-19 virus. A time for all of us to come together for each other.1 point
1 point
Well, the long awaited range report. Took the new Henry 45/70 out to play today. Pics below.... Top pic was with my reloads, Starline brass, Hornady 300 gr HP, IMR 4198 powder 41 grs. At 25 yds. Bottom pic is Federal Fusion 300gr. HP factory at 25 yds. I was a bit disappointed in the Federals, supposed to be great, maybe in another rifle, not so much in this one. The shot on the bottom I pulled I think. I was surprised the reloads did that well, had no idea how they would work. I took the middle ground from the Hornady manual @ 41grs. Think I'll keep it.1 point
I’m more worried about the coming election when it comes to ammo. It makes me evaluate what my “enough” ammo qty is haha. I have plenty for any plausible scenario I’d see coming. I still never attain that feeling of satisfaction though.1 point
We’re (truck drivers) still out and about on the road, the stores are still getting restocked. So no need to sweat it too much right now.1 point
I don't believe a couple incompetent, butt-hurt foreign leaders will train wreck our economic recovery. But I do wish Trump would forget his Twitter password.1 point
1 point
1 point
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