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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/16/2020 in all areas

  1. I really thought Obama had taught us to be self sufficient. If you're not prepared I have no sympathy.
    8 points
  2. I did my part to warn folks.
    6 points
  3. If I am out of line starting this thread, or if it offends anyone, that is not my intention and I apologize. If it it taken down, I understand. However, with the number of texts and calls I have received since it went public that my wife is positive and we are quarantined offering support and prayers, I thought a spot for members to post requests for prayers for friends and loved ones was in order. No names are required (I don’t want anyone breaking HIPAA laws) just prayer requests. I believe in the power of prayer.
    5 points
  4. Irony: A Jewish fellow driving a German car.
    5 points
  5. This woman has a good point. It is both frustrating and concerning to me that corporations with billions of dollars in revenue are already demanding a bailout. Just a month ago we supposedly had one of the strongest economies in many years. Did no one learn from 08?
    4 points
  6. Some of us it did. For others it taught them to suck teet and whine while holding their hand out. We are seeing the results from both play out now.
    4 points
  7. 4 points
  8. I think it's actually already bloomed, seeded out, resprouted and spreading!
    4 points
  9. There are a lot of people at home, pizzed off and armed. Probably not a good time to start a new career as a burglar or home invader. But then, criminals have never been accused of being smart.
    4 points
  10. Time or not, none of the admins or moderators should take BS from a newbie.
    4 points
  11. Thanks to our MODS !
    3 points
  12. Well, the long awaited range report. Took the new Henry 45/70 out to play today. Pics below.... Top pic was with my reloads, Starline brass, Hornady 300 gr HP, IMR 4198 powder 41 grs. At 25 yds. Bottom pic is Federal Fusion 300gr. HP factory at 25 yds. I was a bit disappointed in the Federals, supposed to be great, maybe in another rifle, not so much in this one. The shot on the bottom I pulled I think. I was surprised the reloads did that well, had no idea how they would work. I took the middle ground from the Hornady manual @ 41grs. Think I'll keep it.
    3 points
  13. I don't drive a Mercedes, but learned a lot of adjectives describing MacGyver. So had to bring out the
    3 points
  14. Most of TGO community may not affected yet, but I feel we all will be, either directly or indirectly, in the next few weeks. I have not been on this group nearly as long as many of you, but in short time I have been here I have met some great folks and feel I have gotten to know more just from reading posts. Everyone take care of yourselves and loved ones.
    3 points
  15. I think they were “pushed” into doing something like that by a power person who has NO CLUE as to how fiscal policy works and is only concerned with how he looks to the world.
    3 points
  16. Well, he managed to meet the same fate, just waaaay faster.
    3 points
  17. Going to do an inscription with there names birthday and adoption date. Also going to get them there lifetime sportsman.
    2 points
  18. bought some mags and ammo from Natchez a few weeks ago. Shipped fast.
    2 points
  19. I don’t care if I ever buy any ammo again. But for those still buying, I checked Midsouth Shooters. They still had most of the popular calibers.
    2 points
  20. Our entire consumption based economy is in for a rude awakening. It’s gonna hurt, a lot.
    2 points
  21. I wouldn't go so far as to say I'm head and shoulders above anyone in any category, at all. Ever. I try really hard to be the dumbest guy in the room. That said, the "room" I sit in every Monday through Friday (and a lot of Saturdays and a few Sundays lately) is full of some incredibly smart minds when it comes to medical knowledge. I really am not allowed to say anything that could conceivably be construed as being anything other than my own thoughts and opinions only and absolutely not the official position of my employer. So, this is just me saying: I have no reason to believe that this epidemic is being overblown and every reason to believe that it's not. I also believe that we really have no appreciation yet for how bad it could get here. As a country we got a really good advance warning from Asia and Europe. The travel restrictions that Trump administration put in place early bought us a lot of time compared to what the rest of the world got. The people who have opted to self-quarantine have likely helped slow the roll of COVID-19, but I think that's really all we can do. We're not going to stop it but we can slow it down and keep the outbreak from crushing our hospitals and forcing doctors here to make the sort of life and death decisions as they are in Italy. Our inherent belligerence as a nation is part of why we are a nation but it's also really unhelpful when the time comes for the people to acquiesce when the government asks us to not indulge in certain freedoms -- like partying on lower Broadway in Nashville during a worldwide pandemic. So, I think it is very likely that the government will soon change its posture from "asking" to "telling" and we will see a lot of restrictions on life as a result. All because some folks aren't going to have it suggested that they should limit their lifestyle until this blows over. I hope I'm wrong.
    2 points
  22. 2 points
  23. Airlines are considered critical infrastructure. Passengers aside, they’re filled with cargo. They’re also in tenuous financial positions (as always) - so they’re probably a week or so away from needing to be bailed out.
    2 points
  24. Since I used to be in CA I have a few friends that keep me up to date. Gun store are swamped with people buying their first gun , because of the virus . Lots and lots of liberal democrats suddenly felt the need to own a gun . They have also purchased all the ammo they can find , there isn't any 22 rf to be found , but part of it is the threat of the no-lead ammo ban . In case you haven't heard , they are trying to ban all lead ammo , not just hunting ammo , EVERY BIT OF LEAD AMMO . They started with the Condors for getting non lead hunting , now all of it . Could be that a lot of it is being purchased on line , but you still have to go through an FFL , pay the Dros ( yes) background check on every ammo purchase . That can cost between $1 and $19 depending on if you have a gun registered in AFIS system or not . And some stores are charging up to $55 for receiving and holding it for 24 hours before you pick it up . I feel sorry for them , that's why I started reloading years ago , and moved here to Free America . Hope it stays free .
    2 points
  25. I bet hotels are a strong contender considering...
    2 points
  26. Glad I ordered 1000 rounds on Saturday, and confirmed the order today. That and had my pistol buying binge the last 3 months.
    2 points
  27. That’s because precious metals that aren’t a part of a larger, well balanced portfolio has always been a kind of dumb investment. Its not to say there’s not a place for them - but they’re not going to perform as some sort of panacea when everything else heads south.
    2 points
  28. Because every time someone coughs, 100 people poop their pants.
    2 points
  29. It’s just not what we want to lead with in the forum. I don’t really care how people put themselves out there in their personal lives - we would rather just not make your supposed ethnicity their main identifier here. i suspected this was leading from the get go. His IP didn’t match his supposed location. So, I asked him to pick another username - he sent me some blistering PM’s in return. I don’t have the time this week for any of that.
    2 points
  30. It's the panic of crowds that you're seeing in the stores and on the Tee Vee today. There's a concept called "The Golden Horde" among survivalist circles, but can be easily imagined in a variety of shapes and sizes. Google it for some ideas? If this stuff going on gets really bad.... how bad will people behave? Will it reach the point where people load up in cars and commit violence to feed their family (or prey on those less fortunate)? Hungry people will do remarkable things, and frankly I have a pretty low opinion of us humans in general. So use your imagination, browse a few Hollywood plot-lines, and.... yeah, I'll admit it: I started carrying with the extended magazine instead of the compact one last week. It's less easily concealed because it sticks out further, but frankly, I look at that as a benefit today!
    2 points
  31. I saw! He might not have brought the typical New Yorker voting pattern with him, but he sure brought the New Yorker attitude.
    2 points
  32. It won’t, but it will kill my 87 year old Mother and 89 year old Father. You and your kids probably wouldn’t die if infected. But you could, and they could; and that’s the point of all the precautions.
    2 points
  33. I fully believe this will spread by non-symptomatic people who are still contagious. The person who was contagious at the event we attend is knowledgeable enough on contagious diseases that I don’t think he would have attended if he had any symptoms or thought he was contagious. Even so, many folks were infected. Another issue is people who don’t think they are sick with Covid-19 when they are. My wife only had a very minor cough, and a low grade fever for a couple days. But she was positive. She has no cough now and only an off and on low grade fever. If her supervisor had not asked her to be tested, she would not have been. My niece had the exact same symptoms last week. Her pediatrician was not concerned. I wonder if she was positive and is spreading the virus. Long story short, we need large scale testing of anyone who thinks they could have Covid-19.
    2 points
  34. I picked a hell of a weekend to go and shoot up about 500 rounds of 9mm..... I love my new CZ Scorpion Evo though. I'm a healthcare worker, I am around things that can kill me pretty much daily. This one concerns me because we are not really very well prepared from a supply stand point, and thats mostly no fault of the healthcare system several things behind the scenes have screwed some things up. Namely there was a huge shortage of supplies early on before this was a thing due to a couple of companies (I'm looking at you Cardinal Health and Civco..) that had some serious sterilization plant issues. Factor that in with the fact everything other than American babies are made in China and you have a massive shortage. The kicker of all this is early on this was a must have an N95 respirator type of isolation and now due to the shortage its an N95 only on patients with aerosol treatments and now a surgical mask is fine....... yeah that about face makes me uncomfortable... and reminds me to tell everyone who hoarded up N95's and or resold for profit they can shampoo my crotch. If you are elderly or have a co-morbidity stay inside just watch tv dont go out in crowds, dont eat out, WASH your hands and dont touch your face, let this just blow past.
    2 points
  35. So in an earlier post to this thread, I mentioned that I know someone who tested positive for the virus. My wife and I attended an event last Saturday evening where there was an attendee who was unknowingly positive for Covid-19. This is the person I was referring to. He tested positive just after the event as did his wife. There have now been numerous parents who tested positive after attending this event including my wife. We have been quarantined since Wednesday when we heard about the exposure. My wife had minor symptoms leading up to getting tested and only did so at the request of her supervisor. Otherwise, the symptoms were so mild we would have discounted them completely. Up to this point and I have not had any symptoms. I believe most who attend and are positive are doing well, but I do know of at least one person who is in the hospital. if I understand correctly, there could be 16 positive cases from this one event. That close to doubles the number in the State as of earlier this week. This was a relatively small event with maybe 100-150 people. As easily as it was transmitted there, I expect to see the number of cases jump significantly in Tennessee and the US over the next week. Demographically, we are both 50 with a 14.5yo daughter. We are doing well, have food and TP. Just not looking forward to another week+ in the house. (Especially with an upset 14.5yo moody daughter who did not get to go to the beach for Spring Break, and who is mad that Billie Eilish postponed her concert here at Bridgestone.
    2 points
  36. I believe it actually all started when the factories in China started shutting down. There was a rumor that went around that most of the toilet paper in this country was made in China. Folks started buying extra, and well, lemmings gotta lemming.
    1 point
  37. 1 point
  38. Obviously a slow learner ... It's why they pay you guys the big bucks ...
    1 point
  39. If we hadn’t been running on so many years of almost free money and loose monetary policy, it would have a much bigger effect.
    1 point
  40. Illinois Governor Pritzker is ordering all bars and restaurants closed until March 30th.
    1 point
  41. Lower Broadway is being closed immediately: All bars and restaurants in Ohio are being closed.
    1 point
  42. Not sure. I don’t think my wife or I had any contact at the event. I think a number of those who caught it were with them in a group and shared a table. My wife had contact with his wife outside of the event so that field be the transmission point. or it is all a coincidence and we all picked it up separately.
    1 point
  43. Binge watch Netflix and post to the TGO like me. Day #4 in the house and counting.
    1 point
  44. This site shows a good graphic for tracking the virus. https://gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6
    1 point
  45. I don't mean this towards anyone here but I have to say it. I feel like we've entered a parallel universe when it comes to the response. My more conservative friends think this is being blown out of proportion by the media. These are the friends that would normally be in favor of self reliance and prepardness. Now they are doing nothing and largely dismissing it. Meanwhile, my liberal friends that years ago made fun of the doomsday preppers, and would largely just depend on the government to save them, are taking this very seriously. They are stocking up on everything(minus ammo of course). I never thought I'd see a pandemic have the opposite impact on being prepared. When it's all said and done I think the thing people will need the most is an emergency fund. This is sadly what most are lacking. I feel bad for all the hospitality and service industry workers. There are a lot of kids paying their rent from tip money that are going to be in a world of hurt soon. Have sympathy for them if nothing else. The economic impact is going to be disastrous. I know you've seen me bitch about our debt deficit for many years. Now that we actually need urgent action it's scary to think how few levers they have left to pull. Rates are already so low and our deficit so high. Imagine them trying to spend their way out if this continues.
    1 point
  46. Our own website mentioned the number of tests are only in the hundreds. That means there is very little correlation between confirmed and actual cases, the number of infected are likely orders of magnitude higher. Given what we know about the potential for pre-symptomatic transmission along with how little the media or official announcements are emphasizing that potential risk, we are about to see a significant rise in cases that didn’t have to happen.
    1 point
  47. Martial Law is the only way a dictatorship can begin
    1 point
  48. I really wish for once he could have admitted that he’s not the smartest guy in the room and deferred to those best equipped to handle this. What really kills me is that there was a golden opportunity to not only do good, but reinforce his goals of moving industry back to the US under the auspices of national security and general public welfare. If he could have come out with an honest “this is gonna suck for a while, but we will listen to the experts like Dr. Fauci and get through this together as Americans” and then pivoted to bringing back supply chains for things like pharmaceutical production back to the US as a national security necessity, he would have greatly helped the nation and also mitigated fallout from the economic downturn caused by COVID-19.
    1 point
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