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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/15/2020 in all areas

  1. I was initially on the “what’s the big deal” train like you. The more I read and the more I listened to folks that actually have years of background in the field of communicable disease and virology, the better my understanding became. Most of the other communicable diseases you’re comparing COVID-19 to are either low morbidity and moderate communicability, or low communicability and moderate morbidly. COVID-19 has a moderate morbidity and moderate (moving into high the more we learn) communicability. That a whole new ballgame by orders of magnitude. All of the other similar illnesses out there combined aren’t sending enough folks to the hospital to outstrip available resources like respirators and oxygen machines like this one is. For example, folks with diabetes generally have a lower immune system strength making them high risk for severe symptoms. Way more than they normally would with normal flu. So this is a big deal. I do agree there’s a lot of media induced panic going on, but it’s not all in everyone’s heads. It is a serious event and folks do need to take the advice of the folks at the CDC and WHO regarding reducing transmission. It isn’t just about us individually not getting sick, it’s also our moral responsibility to do what we can to not get others sick. Others who might not survive it like those of us that are younger or healthier might.
    7 points
  2. I don't mean this towards anyone here but I have to say it. I feel like we've entered a parallel universe when it comes to the response. My more conservative friends think this is being blown out of proportion by the media. These are the friends that would normally be in favor of self reliance and prepardness. Now they are doing nothing and largely dismissing it. Meanwhile, my liberal friends that years ago made fun of the doomsday preppers, and would largely just depend on the government to save them, are taking this very seriously. They are stocking up on everything(minus ammo of course). I never thought I'd see a pandemic have the opposite impact on being prepared. When it's all said and done I think the thing people will need the most is an emergency fund. This is sadly what most are lacking. I feel bad for all the hospitality and service industry workers. There are a lot of kids paying their rent from tip money that are going to be in a world of hurt soon. Have sympathy for them if nothing else. The economic impact is going to be disastrous. I know you've seen me bitch about our debt deficit for many years. Now that we actually need urgent action it's scary to think how few levers they have left to pull. Rates are already so low and our deficit so high. Imagine them trying to spend their way out if this continues.
    7 points
  3. I don’t consume a lot of traditional media. I can’t remember the last time a TV was on in my house tuned to anything of the sort. But I’ve got friends with terminal degrees in public health and pandemic response who are really worried right now. These are folks who were on the ground in Africa during the Ebola crisis and who worked SARS and H1N1. I’d trust them with my life - and these are folks who are used to parsing everything through the lens of risk. There are a lot of folks on here who are more politically conservative than me. That’s great. I love debating big ideas. But, your media is purposefully misleading you right now. For whatever the reason. You need to take this seriously - if for no other reason than the country is going to get more liberal if you die. And, it’s worth noting that here in Tennessee alone - we’ve lost so much capacity in terms of rural hospitals. Where are you going to go when you need treatment? Even in my 40-49 age bracket - this has 20x the mortality rate of a bad flu year. Take it seriously y’all.
    6 points
  4. Another year (a wild one at that), another renewal. This site has been a joy to be a part of the last six years, and I hope for many more.
    5 points
  5. Yeah, that means the Fed’s magazines are pretty well empty at this point.
    4 points
  6. But don't watch the news stations all day long. You will be so mad you could have a heart attack.
    4 points
  7. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/03/he-did-it-again-trump-takes-out-top-iranian-revolutionary-guards-commander-in-iraq-general-siamand-mashhadani-killed-in-us-strike/
    3 points
  8. I don’t trust the government to distribute the supplies effectively. Now these guys are assholes but the fact remains the stores and local governments could have implemented limits on those items, but they didn't. So when CV devolves society further will the government come rob everyone that prepared next for the greater good? I’m sorry, I thought this was America. Besides...If you bought hand sanitizer for 70$ you deserve to be gouged. This is wrong on so many levels: fear buying in desperation, cut-throat exploitation during a pandemic and government theft of private property.
    3 points
  9. Prayers for y’all. Summertown isn’t that far. If y’all need something, give me a shout.
    3 points
  10. Lower Broadway is being closed immediately: All bars and restaurants in Ohio are being closed.
    3 points
  11. I'm ordering a CMMG banshee Monday. I've got three 5 gal buckets of 9mm brass, a 9mm suppressor I don't use on my handgun, and a need to protect my toilet paper.
    3 points
  12. All of us firearms folks need to calm down a bit and remember that we are not the " firearms police "... We are armed citizens with an interest in firearms for protection and sport... The " firearms police " and the likes of some elements of the TFA are filling that role quite well in my view... We need this bill to pass... Stop the quibbling about the details. This is the first sensible forward move we've seen Tennessee legislature toward true constitutional carry since the civil war. Finally, Remember this:... "... You are responsible for you... Not the police, not the gubt, not your neighbor, not your language parsing political bill nitpickers and wannabes, not the firearms training subculture and its denizens... You..."... That is all... leroy.
    3 points
  13. 45LC Yellowboy and Cattleman...
    3 points
  14. Only got two, all I really need
    3 points
  15. We just adopted 2 boys age 2 and 3 plane on getting them 22 golden boys and ordering the engraved receivers with personal inscriptions for both of them.
    3 points
  16. There might be a couple laying around here. (Actually, two of these aren't revolvers. It'll take a true gun nut to figure out which two.)
    3 points
  17. Well hell! If we're gonna turn this into a picture thread, Then hang on to your butts! .22s .44s .45s Modern masterpieces: .22LR, .32H&R and .38 Special A few Colts. .22 & .38 Diamondbacks Trooper Mark III Let's throw in a Ruger! Where are all the wheel guns? Hell, I've got 'em!
    3 points
  18. My younger son is 35 years old and works for the Geek Squad at the local Best Buy. Having heard so much about how younger people aren't taking this seriously, I wanted to see where he stands. I worry about him being out there in the retail world with this stuff going around. Turns out that both he and the store are taking this very seriously. Lots of hand sanitizer readily available to all employees. They're told if you feel sick at all, stay home. Sick leave available to all. Don't take chances. He also told me the store is doing a booming business. What with so many people working from home, they're selling lap tops right and left. Along with all the stuff that goes with them. Folks are buying lots of stuff and preparing for a quarantined life on the internet. He also told me that if the store should have to close, he will still be working. It seems that they have a lot of customer equipment in for repair and those folks would completely freak out if they couldn't get their stuff back. So Geek Squad will keep working even if the store is closed. The plan is that when a repair is done, they'll call the customer and have them meet at the door to pick up the item. That's pretty good planning to me. We further discussed the virus and I'm happy to say my son has his head screwed on straight. He knows how bad this could get. He's taking proper precautions but not panicking. But as we wrapped it up, he looked and me and said "You keep your butt in the house! If you need anything, I'll bring it to you." My boy does me proud. So anybody else know of businesses with back-up plans in motion? Tell us about it. I'm wondering who else has a backup plan.
    2 points
  19. Obviously a slow learner ... It's why they pay you guys the big bucks ...
    2 points
  20. I saw! He might not have brought the typical New Yorker voting pattern with him, but he sure brought the New Yorker attitude.
    2 points
  21. Come on. He could have been the new Rabbi.
    2 points
  22. I was cleaning some weeds off of last years tater patch and uncovered a few taters that were sprouting. So I went to the barn and gathered a bucket of taters with eyes and did my first planting in 4 raised beds. I may start tomato, pepper and onion seeds in a few days. FYI, for the last 2 years I have planted and had good harvest of bush green beans. When the first batch slows, pull them out and replant or start another raised bed. We have carrots, bell peppers, yellow squash in the freezer from last years garden plus potatoes in the barn. I am even considering building about 4 more raised beds. If this covid-19 hangs around for 6 months, those delicious veggies may help our family and the neighbors. Ya'll stay safe and happy gardening.
    2 points
  23. If we hadn’t been running on so many years of almost free money and loose monetary policy, it would have a much bigger effect.
    2 points
  24. I don't think this link mentioned yet in thread? TN state stats, updated daily at 2PM: https://www.tn.gov/health/cedep/ncov.html - OS
    2 points
  25. Bout damn time. I hate it for those business owners and their workers, but it needed to happen. The amount of people that party on Broadway, then go back home miles away within our state, and to other areas all over the country as well, is contagion defined.
    2 points
  26. Praying for both of y’all.
    2 points
  27. This is where I am. This will most likely be a small event if the healthcare systems don't overload. Now, if I can just find some groceries
    2 points
  28. It’s not. But my wife is healthy and it has to this point not progressed further. One parent is in the hospital. He is a triathlete. The issue is not that for a vast majority it will be innocuous. It is that it is highly transmissible, and is being spread by people who don’t know they are infected and it can make people very sick.
    2 points
  29. I fully believe this will spread by non-symptomatic people who are still contagious. The person who was contagious at the event we attend is knowledgeable enough on contagious diseases that I don’t think he would have attended if he had any symptoms or thought he was contagious. Even so, many folks were infected. Another issue is people who don’t think they are sick with Covid-19 when they are. My wife only had a very minor cough, and a low grade fever for a couple days. But she was positive. She has no cough now and only an off and on low grade fever. If her supervisor had not asked her to be tested, she would not have been. My niece had the exact same symptoms last week. Her pediatrician was not concerned. I wonder if she was positive and is spreading the virus. Long story short, we need large scale testing of anyone who thinks they could have Covid-19.
    2 points
  30. I picked a hell of a weekend to go and shoot up about 500 rounds of 9mm..... I love my new CZ Scorpion Evo though. I'm a healthcare worker, I am around things that can kill me pretty much daily. This one concerns me because we are not really very well prepared from a supply stand point, and thats mostly no fault of the healthcare system several things behind the scenes have screwed some things up. Namely there was a huge shortage of supplies early on before this was a thing due to a couple of companies (I'm looking at you Cardinal Health and Civco..) that had some serious sterilization plant issues. Factor that in with the fact everything other than American babies are made in China and you have a massive shortage. The kicker of all this is early on this was a must have an N95 respirator type of isolation and now due to the shortage its an N95 only on patients with aerosol treatments and now a surgical mask is fine....... yeah that about face makes me uncomfortable... and reminds me to tell everyone who hoarded up N95's and or resold for profit they can shampoo my crotch. If you are elderly or have a co-morbidity stay inside just watch tv dont go out in crowds, dont eat out, WASH your hands and dont touch your face, let this just blow past.
    2 points
  31. Several reasons. The CDC failed to leverage the work others had done and developed their own test. That test was later found to have problems with reliability after shipping. So it set us back a couple of weeks. The administration does share a lot of blame for failing to treat this with the seriousness it deserved up until earlier this week. Now, tests are being severely rationed because while we've got plenty of actual tests at this point- we don't have the reagents to operationalize them at anywhere near full capacity. Specifically, we don't have enough RNA isolation and RT-PCR kits. So, we're starting way behind the curve. We don't actually know how far behind the curve we are. We'll know in the next few days. You made the right decision staying home. You don't want to be stuck 2000 miles from home.
    2 points
  32. While this bill is not perfect, in my opinion to oppose it because it lacks this or that is idiotic. You take this win and you build on it and get it the way you want it. It's like offering a kid $10 and he says he dont want any because he wants $15. Opposing something because it isnt exactly the way you want it is a recipe for never getting anything done. States all around us have constitutional carry they didnt turn into Dodge City... I'm sure TN will be fine. Luckily I didnt have to take a course to exercise my freedom of speech to write this...
    2 points
  33. I expect you’ll see national restrictions and flights grounded in the next few days. Even with as little testing as we’re doing, you’re still seeing cases double every three days. This is the exponential doubling we’re worried about - and lack of testing likely means we’re a few days closer to Italy than we think. We may be too late - but on our current path, estimates suggest we could have 9.4 million sick and 1 million dead at the same time. Note that we have 95,000 ICU beds in the US - and this load would suggest we’d need 460,000. This isn’t a guess or some worst case scenario. This is math coupled with what we’ve seen in Italy - another first world country. Seriously. If you can hole up for a couple weeks - consider it your civic duty.
    2 points
  34. Oh my do I love revolvers. Here are just a few of my stainless when I started trying to figure out how I wanted to display.
    2 points
  35. Took delivery of my first Henry rifle today. Had this on my bucket list for awhile. Model H010, cal. 45/70, 19.3" bbl. Be glad when this crazy weather clears, so & can go shooting. Comes with open sights; brass bead front, semi-buckhorn rear, adjustable for windage & elevation.
    1 point
  36. Yeah, but will it keep beer cold?
    1 point
  37. I would have liked to have gone but I was in Florida adopting 2 boys
    1 point
  38. Had a fair crowd, 120+, Speaker of the House came and talked to the group, members met with their representatives. Good day overall, would have loved to had a lot more, but there was not the impetus that Virginia had.
    1 point
  39. I don’t have a single decent word for those two jackasses but I do know where they can stick a couple dozen of those bottles before giving the rest away.
    1 point
  40. This is a very sobering podcast interview of Michael Osterholm, an international infectious disease expert, by Joe Rogan. If you're too busy to listen, he expects this to last another 3 to 6 months. http://podcasts.joerogan.net/podcasts/michael-osterholm
    1 point
  41. The description sounds like wire twist barrels. You should be able to determine that via visual inspection. If so, I would recommend black powder loads only unless/until someone more knowledgeable than me tells you otherwise. I have no idea as to the history or timeline of the gun or the manufacturer. For curiosity’s sake, I’d enjoy pictures.
    1 point
  42. So in an earlier post to this thread, I mentioned that I know someone who tested positive for the virus. My wife and I attended an event last Saturday evening where there was an attendee who was unknowingly positive for Covid-19. This is the person I was referring to. He tested positive just after the event as did his wife. There have now been numerous parents who tested positive after attending this event including my wife. We have been quarantined since Wednesday when we heard about the exposure. My wife had minor symptoms leading up to getting tested and only did so at the request of her supervisor. Otherwise, the symptoms were so mild we would have discounted them completely. Up to this point and I have not had any symptoms. I believe most who attend and are positive are doing well, but I do know of at least one person who is in the hospital. if I understand correctly, there could be 16 positive cases from this one event. That close to doubles the number in the State as of earlier this week. This was a relatively small event with maybe 100-150 people. As easily as it was transmitted there, I expect to see the number of cases jump significantly in Tennessee and the US over the next week. Demographically, we are both 50 with a 14.5yo daughter. We are doing well, have food and TP. Just not looking forward to another week+ in the house. (Especially with an upset 14.5yo moody daughter who did not get to go to the beach for Spring Break, and who is mad that Billie Eilish postponed her concert here at Bridgestone.
    1 point
  43. I don’t think training will influence school carry. Many parents won’t stand for it, and I think that’s what the problem is now. Many of them are blinded by their hate of guns. They don’t want anyone, including trained people around their kids with a gun. That is until there is a shooting and their kid was one of the ones that died during the wait for the 2nd gun to show up. They just can’t grasp the fact that signs and laws don’t stop killers.
    1 point
  44. We’re (truck drivers) still out and about on the road, the stores are still getting restocked. So no need to sweat it too much right now.
    1 point
  45. Sure. Here are some pics. Because revolvers threads are just worthless without pics. I just picked up a new Blackhawk Convertible but don’t have any pics yet. I still need a 6” 686 Post-Lock that’s tapped, but I haven’t found one yet for less than new price. I want to take that scope off the 617 and put on a 686.
    1 point
  46. Morning Grunt, RP here, have ya made it to the range with it yet? As to their multiplying in the safe I'm up to three. RP
    1 point
  47. I was at Sam's in Hendersonville today, just to see how people were reacting, and actually to pick up a few staples. Here are my Observations... NO TP, Paper towels, a very few boxes of facial tissues. Almost out of bar soaps and liquid soaps. Strangely, I thought, detergents for washing clothes were not gone. Meats seemed to be the hottest item. Little left, but I did pick up a package of steaks. Just to blend in with the crowd you know. Of course canned goods getting low. I actually forgot what I went after while watching people though. Not going back. Speaking of "People," It seemed to me that the crowd was very heavy on older people. Maybe 75%. A few that looked 30/40ish. Almost no really young or children. Take what you will from this. Just what I saw. Now a bit of positivity on my very young neighbors(30ish with 2 kids). The young wife called my wife and asked if they could shop for us, instead of me going out. They knew I did all the shopping and didn't want me to go and risk any exposure. That was so darn nice I just got misty. Really...I did.
    1 point
  48. The world is an awfully small place You might have thought we would have learned that on September 11th. In America, we’ve largely been conditioned to be pandemic voyeurs - maybe noticing as somewhere else suffers. That’s about to change. Look out for yourselves - but check in on that elderly neighbor. Maybe the older couple down the street whose kids have moved away. The single parent who’s just trying to make ends meet. We’re in this together - that has always been - and always will be America’s greatest strength.
    1 point
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