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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/19/2020 in all areas

  1. So if you left $20 on a table at work, it's your fault if I steal it? I'm not following this line of thinking that criminals stealing things that aren't locked up or nailed down is the owner's fault.
    6 points
  2. What happened to each person is responsible for THEIR actions? I lock my vehicle religiously but I feel even if unlocked and someone robs me anything further is on them. So if I lock or dont lock my doors at home and someone comes in and steals a gun that's on me? If we blame the innocent and the victims, we are starting down an extreme slippery slope. Heck it's all but open season on police officers. And yes there are bad apples everywhere, but condoning what I see happening against police officers sickens me. Lawmakers (politicians) have made a joke of our judicial system. My brother is a warden of a prison in NC. You just might be amazed at the laws and rules that are forced on them every year to protect the rights of the convicts. I'm sorry but once you commit a crime you changed the rules for yourself and the penalties should be stiff. God Bless the police and district attorneys navigating such a mess. Just my humble opinion.
    6 points
  3. I believe the following gives you a glimpse of the future. I am sure this is happening nationally because of the laws in place to "protect dem poor chillens" but I'm sure it rarely makes national headlines. I only know of this one because it's been ongoing for years and I've had several people I know work there and quit as the story narrates . My fathers former neighbor was beaten with a metal school type chair to the point of losing consciousness and was rushed to the ER with head injuries. The attacker went back to his playstation and porn. My point of posting this is the GUN IS NOT THE PROBLEM as it is has and always will be an inanimate object. Its humans and how we are devolving as a society. We are not only NOT rearing at home or broken home but we are conditioning adolescents to emerge from "kiddie jail" ready to be full time thugs and thieves and already jumped into and rising in a local gang. https://www.wbir.com/article/news/investigations/records-more-than-40-incidents-of-violence-unrest-at-mountain-view-since-2016/51-11ce8847-2108-47aa-bec9-46fc961a05f3
    4 points
  4. I usually have great interest in reading your posts. I don’t always agree with you, but you make me think. That’s a good thing. That being said, you are off the rails on this one. There’s no logical reason you or I should be liable for the criminal actions of someone who violated us.
    4 points
  5. I’m sorry (not really sorry) but the irresponsible actions of one, do not excuse, nor are they equivalent to, the malicious actions of another. Is it irresponsible to leave a firearm in an unlocked vehicle? No doubt. But in no way is it acceptable to criminalize a victim of a crime because they didn’t “take sufficient measures” to prevent the criminal actions of others. It’s just damn ridiculous to view making the victim of a crime a criminal as an acceptable solution to the problem of criminal behavior from folks acting with true criminal intent.
    4 points
  6. Manners are such a huge emphasis in our household. Nothing gets me into my children's asses faster in public than rude behavior and lack of manners. Il-mannered people in general drive me up the ####ing wall. HUGE pet peeve of mine.
    4 points
  7. Thanks Mac for sorting my account...:)
    3 points
  8. I’m amazed at what I’m reading here, because of who it is coming from. That any gun owner would think I should be arrested because my car was burglarized. Or that I am irresponsible because I put my gun out of sight and lock my vehicle. But those of you concerned about your homes may be right. If they think it’s your responsibility to make your car a fortress, the next logical step is your house. According to at least one that is especially true if you happen to live in an area with a lot of burglaries.
    3 points
  9. It’s a failure by the parents and it’s a failure by the community. We need to not only take the cuffs off the Police, but we need prosecutors that will get convictions and jail/prison time. That means building more/bigger jails and prisons. The taxpayers don’t want to pay for that. But keep in mind that burglary is not seen as a violent crime as was years ago. When I was a cop you could shoot a fleeing burglar. We didn’t have many burglars run when we caught them in the commission of a burglary, now everyone runs; they have no reason not to. Until they pull a weapon; some don’t think they are an immediate threat. When they do pull a weapon; sometimes its too late. A Metro Police Officer is going to trial charged with murder for killing a suspect that was running with a gun in his hand. What was going to happen when he got to the corner and had cover and the Officer didn’t? But Oh, that’s not important. Does anyone think that when they are willing to charge cops with murder for shooting violent criminals; they won’t charge a civilian when they kill an intruder? Certainly, they will. I know that Metro, like many Departments, probably doesn’t have the Officers for proactive Policing. And they go from one call to the next. But as you can see, even some gun owners here are okay with charging me with a crime if I simply lock my car doors when I go in somewhere that requires me to leave my gun in the car. If I was a liberal gun hating DA, I would much rather let the criminal go, that has no money for attorney fees and fines, in exchange for their testimony against a law abiding gun owner that may have the money to have to pay out attorney fees to my fellow attorneys and fines to the government. I am not a criminal hugger and I do not believe in second chances for criminals that commit violent crimes. Their second chance is after they do their prison time. Burglary of a car is a crime that deserves jail time the first time. Burglary of a house or business is a violent crime that should require mandatory prison time.
    3 points
  10. “Be excellent to each other” Wise worlds from an unlikely source, lol.
    2 points
  11. I don’t know anything about them, but this is in Tennessee. https://www.oldsouthrestoration.com/luger-g-date OSR 305 Hwy 51 Bypass North Dyersburg TN 38024 oldsouthrestoration411@yahoo.com 731-589-4867
    2 points
  12. Glad to have you back around!
    2 points
  13. Yes, it's irritating to say thank you to someone and they don't say you're welcome, and how "My bad" has replaced "I'm sorry."
    2 points
  14. "The Gunsmith Shop has built and shipped out 2,700 GAU-5As to Air Force units worldwide, at a total cost of $2.7 million." ($1000/copy) Not bad for Government "work."
    2 points
  15. Neither of you are wrong. Thought I'd throw this in, as it may she's some light on part of this problem. My buddy has a camera on his driveway that alerts him when motion is detected. He gets an alert at 2am one morning, checks the camera and there is a guy trying to break into his truck. Once the guy starts beating on his window he goes outside and the guy runs away. My buddy calls the police and they come out and take a report, the video was clear enough that they recognized the guy. Cop said that even though they knew who the perp was they couldn't do anything because he hadn't actually broken into the vehicle. Apparently these people are free to walk neighborhoods checking to see if vehicles are locked without fear of charges unless they forcibly enter.
    2 points
  16. The real problem starts when you ask people to do their job. Put them punks in big boy jail and make them pay restitution for loss and damages. Don't wait until they kill somebody. If their Mammy don't like it let her pay for it and keep them in at night and in school.
    2 points
  17. If you leave a firearm in your vehicle, which is an extension of your property "home". Will that carry over to the stealing a fire arm from your home also? Maybe we need to just let everbody steal or do what ever they want to do with no consciences. Sounds like what the democrats are advocating for illegals. Makes perfect sense to me. Vote democrat and keep supporting the lunatics.
    2 points
  18. Why should one whose personal property is stolen be subject to any liability? While leaving firearms unsecured is generally not an entirely acceptable thing, you are indicating that even though the gun is no longer in one’s possession or control they should bear some responsibility for the act of a criminal after the theft of said property. The idea is ludicrous and such inane laws are already becoming the norm in many states and municipalities. Here’s just one of a thousand hypotheticals: What If I run run out to the store and forget to lock the door of my house. Someone invites themselves in, gets into the liquor cabinet, falls down the steps and breaks their neck, am I responsible for that? What If they take an axe from the garage and kills someone with it? Is that my fault?
    2 points
  19. As a former Police Officer, I get mad every time I see this topic come up. You can’t make a person a criminal because they are a victim of a burglary. Metro PD needs to get off their lazy azz and go do the job they get paid to do. The Chief of Police where I was would have laughed at this and the told those planning it “You can’t be serious”. I keep a handgun in my car and am planning on having a rifle. My vehicle is always locked; even when parked inside, in my garage. If a gun is stolen from my vehicle in a burglary and then discovered on a criminal that has just committed a crime, what do you think the criminal is going to say when asked if the vehicle was locked? Then a DA can make a name for himself by going after the terrible citizen that left his car “unlocked” with a gun in it. This is BS. Rant off.
    2 points
  20. Christian family, 250 years of Southern heritage, stuck in a state (GA) likely going blue soon. So we are getting the house ready to sell and eastern TN is very, very high on the list of landing spots. We are looking around Cleveland, to the south and slightly east. Might consider north GA (family not far from there) but TN has many things going for it. We homeschool 3 kids, also. In the hunt for church, land, community...
    1 point
  21. I too had all green marks but now the background check changed back to pending. I turned in my application on the 29th of Jan and on 7th of Feb all check marks were green. I actually thought I was going to get the permit at the most, a week later. I'm guessing it going back to pending is part of the process? Maybe?
    1 point
  22. Very nice review!!! Thanks for taking the time to share. Which model/color did you buy?
    1 point
  23. Yessir absolutely like new. I took a brass brush to it with a smear of Hoppes & she's like new.
    1 point
  24. We have a responsibility to not be criminally reckless. You are trying to go down a path painted with careless gun owners leaving their guns laying on the seat, or in the console with the windows rolled down. Is that how these guns are being stolen? My WAG guess here is No, never. They are being stolen in auto burglaries where vehicles are being entered, probably by force, but at least illegally (keys, slim Jims, etc). When I put my gun out of sight and lock my doors; that’s all the responsibility I have. And in your scenario where someone has a gun sitting in a place where it can be seen and it gets stolen then used in a crime, who is going to testify? Are you going to put the person that burglarized the car and then committed another crime on the witness stand? I’m not saying you couldn’t find a gun hating DA to try that; but without a confession that isn’t going anywhere. Its bad enough that our state refuses to recognize our 2nd amendment right and we have to deal with it as a privilege we buy from the state, but now you want to charge us criminally.
    1 point
  25. Yep Yes sir and no sir go a long long way at my house. Same as Yes Ma'am and No Ma'am. I can't stand to hear a kid say nope or no.
    1 point
  26. Never left the window down, but gone are the days of a gun rack in the back window of a pick-up.
    1 point
  27. That sure looks like a lot a lead being deposited. I wonder if everything is perfectly lined up. But then again there sure is a lot a crap in and on various types of .22 ammo.
    1 point
  28. Agree that there is a line where the victim of a burglary can be charged criminally because of the criminal acts committed by another??? No we can’t agree. Not only can we not agree, but the courts will never uphold it. I don’t doubt that this sounds good to the liberals in the Metro Government, or that they may even get something like this passed; but it defies common sense. Because there are people that would try to make them believe that gun owners will leave them lying on the seat or dash with the windows rolled down. Is that how these guns are being stolen, plain view with the windows down?? Has even one gun been stolen because it was in plain view with the windows down?
    1 point
  29. you have to treat it like money. How would you leave money? Leave it visible, laying on the dash or seat with the window rolled down, or even visible with the car locked? A little common sense, but we all know how rare that is.
    1 point
  30. All this talk about responsible gun owners means what exactly? No where in the United States Constitution or in any of the Amendments is anything about responsible gun owners. The Second Amendment tells us who can own a firearm and nothing about responsible ownership, and this ownership or possession shall not be infringed by government. This political crap is totally out of control and will probably result in a civil war 2 at some point in time. The public ,"government" education system has been broken for years and the reason no one is held responsible anymore. You are taught from pre-school forward that it is always some one else's fault. Don't believe this just happened by chance, took a lot of planning to get to this point. The lunatics are in charge of the asylum, God help us all.
    1 point
  31. Just to clarify my earlier post, I fully agree with btq96r that many gun owners need to be more responsible, However, I am in no way advocating that they be held responsible for the acts of a criminal. Many of these kid criminals are the result of failed parenting. I've personally witnessed a 13 year old tell a LEO straight to his face that he would kill another kid. But when Momma showed up, she absolutely denied that her little angel would ever do anything wrong. Just wouldn't hear it and said the Police and several witnesses were all liars. That's what we're dealing with.
    1 point
  32. Well, and I don’t see why that would cost more than my Winchester Super Grade or My Remington 700 VLS, but I’m sure it will.
    1 point
  33. Thanks for posting. The auction is on the 7th not the 5th. The problem with online bidding is the buyers premium. In person it is 10%, online is 15% and you have to add another 3% if you pay by credit card. They do have a nice catalog of guns. I might have to head over to Martin on that Saturday.
    1 point
  34. I saw that earlier this morning. Looks cool and would make an awesome truck gun, lol. Speaking of which, I wish I could come up with an affordable, unobtrusive method of securing a small ar in my SUV, without making it uber obvious or uber expensive, lol. Ive got a small lockbox, secured by a steel cable that i use in emergencies for my pistol, but it wont really fit anywhere up front, at least accessibly, so its secured in the back storage area.
    1 point
  35. Prosecute the thief's. We have a real problem in my area and it's generally the same small group that are arrested and turned back out in the judicial process. There are three teens that have stolen and wrecked over 5 vehicles in this small area in the last 6-7 months and have never seen jail time. Not to mention the dozens of property thefts from cars. Confirmed from the officers patrolling. They're known, roam openly and freely, on numerous security cams, and nothing. This is the real problem.
    1 point
  36. 1 point
  37. Good manners and common courtesy cost you nothing. But it sure makes life more pleasant.
    1 point
  38. Virtually everything said and far more is in the book of Proverbs. Read the book of Proverbs at least once a year and really think about what it says. It is only 31 chapters and they are usually short so you can easily read one chapter a day, completing the book in one month.
    1 point
  39. Believe me Dave, I agree with you 100% when it comes to metro not doing anywhere near enough to curb the gun thefts in Metro considering the 700 plus guns are just in Nashville area according to the news. They know they have a problem and have done nothing to address the issue. They know what areas are targeted the most so place some unmarked cars with officers in those areas and catch these kids checking vehicles doors to see if they are unlocked would be a good start. If you catch them before they can steal a gun good but if you catch them with a gun then put them in jail till Momma can come and bail them out which happens all to often also. If my son was caught doing that he would sit it out in jail till court day. They have made a decision that two of the kids that killed that singer will be tried in adult court. I think all of them involved should be tried in Adult court. They need to quit treating these kids with a slap on the wrist for committing adult crimes. They say that the kids are not really aware of what they are doing is wrong. That is a crock!! They know right from wrong long before they reach teenagers and many of them have been caught several times so they know its wrong but the slap on the wrist doesn't teach them anything except if that is all I'm going to get I will do it again......JMHO
    1 point
  40. Anybody give any thought to doing something about thieves?
    1 point
  41. Have you ever forgotten anything?
    1 point
  42. No one ever told their grown kids “ I wished I had spent more time at work!”
    1 point
  43. Get some integrity back in your life. Make your word actually be your word. Be honest with yourself as well as others. Don't be feeble in your quality or character. Everyone believes in something ...whatever it is stand up for yourself....and you don't have to be an ass while doing it. Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. Think about that as you make your life decisions.
    1 point
  44. If it walks like a duck-it's probably a duck. In other words if it seems too good to be true-it probably is.
    1 point
  45. 1 point
  46. 1. Don't spend money like a sailor on shore leave, like I did. 2. If you want to attract and retain Mrs. Right, work on being Mr. Right 3. Ask God to help you with decision making
    1 point
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