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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/17/2020 in all areas
As I told Rob, if a damned Saudi Arabian terrorist that I don't know can buy a gun I can damn well do a personal sale to someone I am familiar with.4 points
3 points
To help a brother out I'd resell you mine. I've only shot a cylinder full of shot shells through it since I bought it on my birthday last August 21st. I can always get another one.3 points
No matter how tired you are spend lots of time with your kids. I lost a lot of sleep, spent a lot money supporting activities and put plenty of miles on the road, but it was all worth the time. Do these things so when you are riding in your car and you hear Jim Croce’s “Cats In The Cradle” you’ll tap your feet and sing along instead of having a breakdown at the stoplight. Unless your kids are ungrateful buttholes, you will still get calls and visits even when they are busy. The benefit to you is knowing you are loved and a peace of mind.3 points
Here's a good development. https://www.foxbusiness.com/lifestyle/virginia-lawmakers-reject-assault-weapon-ban3 points
Travel. Your perspective & opinion are no more important than anyone else's. You learn a hell of a lot more with your mouth closed.3 points
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Start putting something into a Roth, 401k, or LIRP yesterday.2 points
I see broke people finance cars that are way above their means all of the time. I'm sure that the novelty of that car wears off long before the payments do.2 points
If you need a car or some other big ticket item and you don't have the money to pay cash for it, you need a different one that you can. I paid off a car in my twenties and continued to make the payment to myself in a special account until I needed another one. Haven't financed a car in many years. Keep all that interest that would go to the bank for yourself.2 points
Most of what I would have to offer has already been said. Live below your means. Have a budget, and learn how money works. Listen closely to your parents and grandparents. There are lessons there. And ask them questions...in the words of my late grandfather, "once the library is closed, its closed baby". Never pass up a good opportunity to shut your mouth. If I had a nickel for everything I've ever said or done that I wish I hadn't, I'd have a large pile of nickels. On the flip side, if I had a nickel for everything I'd never said or done that I should have.. it would also be a large pile of nickels. As a previous poster noted, try to make the second list shorter than the first.2 points
We all get very busy with our careers so our family can be prosperous. But spend all the time you can with your kids. When you retire and have plenty of time to spend with your kids; they will be busy, and will have to try to work you into their schedules. You owe it to your kids to teach them that life is not fair. There are winners and losers. They will be judged when they enter the workplace. Teach them they don’t have to respect the person; but they will respect the rank. (“Rank” could be teachers, bosses, cops, etc.) Teach your kids to not be criminals, drunks or drug addicts. A big part of that is by example. There is a lot of good recommendations here about money. Heed them; life is easier when you have money. Don’t live beyond your means.2 points
Spend your 20s working hard, living cheaply, and save as much as you can. Don't touch what you saved. (I only did about 1/3 of this) Depending on how young the people taking this advice are: If you go to college, go with purpose and a plan. If you are going to get a degree, get one that will help you. If you don't like math, learn it anyway. The few years that you will spend taking math classes will pay off for the rest of your life.2 points
Learn more about nutrition and how the body works with food.2 points
If you want clean shoes don't step in the crap!!!! Life is hard then you die!!! Not mine but very true, "I asked God to give me happiness, God said no, I gave you blessings, happiness is up to you." The grass always looks greener on the other side, but when you get there it's all the same.2 points
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Build this gun about 3 years ago intending to shoot it in USPSA Limited division. Of course life gets in the way (new child, building house, etc.) and kept me out of the sport another couple of years. Looking forward to shooting my first match in a decade next month. STI Tactical 4.0 DS Infinity Fiber front site & 10-8 unotch rear Infinity Stainless FLGR with Wolff 12 lb and CP Buff Infinity ILS trigger with medium flat insert Brazos Custom ultra light hammer and sear 19 lb mainspring Dawson Ice Magwell1 point
My name is Eli. I am planning to move to the North-Eastern TN area (Tri-city or Greenville or thereabout) and am interested in the competitive shooting sports. I shoot USPSA, IDPA,, ICORE and 3-Gun. Where would I be able to do so in the Eastern TN area. I plan to be down in the area later this summer and would love to participate in one of the matches.1 point
I had a CZ P10 right after they came out. Mine was unsatisfactory. The mag release and slide release were both very stiff, and even after several hundred rounds, they didn't look to be getting any better. The trigger safety was actually difficult to work with, like it would take more pressure to "pop" loose than I thought it should, and the pressure had to be straight back. Accuracy was not bad but due to the smallish grip and narrow trigger guard, I had to cramp up on the grip and it tended to push my shots to the left. The aluminum sights were just another slap in the face. I'd like to shoot a P10F, I think that would be a better model for me.1 point
I feel that a dog is the very best security system known to man & several dogs are even better. I have 2 large dogs within a fenced in parameter around my house & 2 small dogs inside. Security cameras are awesome as well. I only have 6 but, plan to get 6 more eventually. Good idea to keep rooms far away from your bedroom well lit with bedrooms as dark as possible. If an intruder enters he will be silhouetted & you will be hidden in the dark. Give verbal commands & use/don't use force accordingly. Also a good idea to have kids/other family members understand plans for home invasion/fire/tornado etc. before it happens. Kids should know to stay put & hide under bed in case of home invasion & that stepping into a hallway could put them into your own field of fire.1 point
To be fair, the guy said he was a Jets fan, not an archeologist. Ooohh!!1 point
I work with a lot of millennials. It always makes me feel old when they do not get a classic movie reference.1 point
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To me, something like the M&P 2.0 Core would be the ultimate... but I haven't seen any on the street yet, and they are guaranteed to be more than $400 when they show up. I'll have one someday, though.1 point
Not hijack, but all parties need to understand the other perspective. My boss is one of the sharpest guys I've ever worked for, his example makes me want to excel and be the best I can be. He is a millennial. We should be closing a big deal, when I was confident in the progress, I expressed my excitement with the comment, "we're going to be bigger than US Steel." "Is that big?" he replied. From his life experience, any reference (if any) to US Steel during his younger years equated to failure and bankruptcy.1 point
He's been trying hard for years, it ain't going to be a good looking corpse.1 point
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Jealous. I was really thinking about getting this same pistol. I was wanting more of a combat sized and I liked that it was RDS ready. Then I “accidentally “ bid on a M&P 2.0 9 Compact and won. After moving the Crimson Trace Laser on eBay, the pistol only cost me about $200. I really like it. Because I still wanted a pistol which was built to take an RDS sight, I will be the proud owner of a P365XL tomorrow. i will post my own review once I get it to the range. Then, once I get the Romeo Zero installed ( if they ever come off back order) I will add it’s review. I will be interested in your thoughts on the Masada after you put another 500 rounds through it.1 point
I think a neighbor years ago had one. I just remember that it was a shoulder pistol and the stock was the holster/case. I warned him not to let too many know he had it because I was pretty sure it was illegal for him to own it in NY with out a CC permit. Lost track of him over 30 years ago or I would check to see if he still has it.1 point
I regularly shoot with Keegan’s brother and have seen his work. It’s top notch.1 point
No one ever told their grown kids “ I wished I had spent more time at work!”1 point
Get some integrity back in your life. Make your word actually be your word. Be honest with yourself as well as others. Don't be feeble in your quality or character. Everyone believes in something ...whatever it is stand up for yourself....and you don't have to be an ass while doing it. Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. Think about that as you make your life decisions.1 point
To be honest, I'm not a fan of stippling. I know it has a function, and agree that it serves that purpose well. I just haven't warmed up to a pistol with that done on it. That being said, this is one of the nicest stippling jobs I've seen. It has a uniformity to it that really is spectacular. It doesn't look like a quickie job on the kitchen table while having an adult beverage or three. It's quite well done as far as I'm concerned. Like the looks of your undercuts on the frame too. would love to see how it feels.1 point
I can relate on many of your points. I've been in Central East Coast Florida for the past 35 years. 2.75 years more than I can retire without penalty. I'm anxious to get up to the Cumberland Plateau area for good. Like you, I consider myself an introvert. I just want to be in the middle of nowhere, but with a few modern conveniences, and left alone. My work and hobbies often take me to South Florida. Often to Palm Beach County. A lot in Broward County. Davie in particular. Occasionally to Miami and Coral Gables. I feel like an outsider down there. I definitely do not speak the language down there. Not any of them. Interesting that my firearms insurance through East Coast Collectibles just barely covers my area. They told me that if I lived just a few miles south in St. Lucie County rather than Indian River County they would not cover me. When I asked why they simply told me "demographics and crime." They say it has been moving north for years and it's only a matter of time until they won't cover my zip code, too. I'm envious that you've been enjoying Tennessee for the past 12 years. I look forward to being there also sooner than later. Maybe we'll cross paths at a gun range or while enjoying a fermented beverage.1 point
Never let it be said that PSA let a gun issue slide by without putting it on a lower.1 point
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I wouldn't assume that someone trying to break in is unarmed or alone. Be smart and play to win1 point
As well you should, if they are breaking into your home while you are there it my understanding that the law “presumes they are there to do you harm”.1 point
You are lighting the way for them with all your lights inside and outside. The first thing to do when you realize someone's trying to gain entry is to black out your house. This might not give you an advantage but I'm betting you know your way around your house in the dark better than a stranger does. Never go outside let them come to you. Find a place you can easily defend or clear if you have too like a hallway or the top of the stairs. Sunfish1 point
Get a dog. Preferably one of those really noisy ones. Best security system there ever was.1 point
I'm known locally as the guy that will hold you at gun point until the cops get here and won't let you smoke a cigarette. The pillbillies shop elsewhere now.1 point
This is still in my want bucket. Needs bucket is nearly full. Desire bucket represents slightly more expensive items and projects.1 point
I worked with a young man that told me he was a Jets fan. I told him I didn’t think I had watched a Jets game since Broadway Joe played. He said “I don’t know who that is??”0 points
I don’t know man; he’s rocking that bald head and those 70’s Aviators. He might pull it off.0 points
Live fast, die young, and leave a good looking corpse...0 points
Rip Kirk. You were the man, will always be the man. Gotta admit though, my first thought was of Cory Booker. A boy can dream...0 points
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